4. Be trustworthy
As a leader, it is important to have your subordinates’ trust. In order to establish and maintain that trust, you must be responsive and deliver on your promises. If you tell your staff that you will do something by a particular date, you need to do as you say. The more often you fail to deliver, the less your staff will be able to trust you.
5. Be consistent
Make all decisions and introduce new rules only after careful consideration. If you make decisions on the fly, and later change or overrule those decisions, you will frustrate your team. Frustrated staff members do not work productively because they spend too much of their time trying to second-guess what their manager will do.
6. Reduce red tape
If you want all team members to work well together and be as productive as possible, reduce the roadblocks in your team’s path. No one likes unnecessary red tape, and your staff’s productivity will drop immeasurably if they have to deal with too much bureaucracy. Remember that roadblocks sap energy, demotivate, and undermine teams.
7. Listen
Listening is vital. If one of your team members wants to talk to you, you must treat the issues seriously and practice active listening skills. The more you listen, the more you will learn about your team and how its members can work together effectively. Talking makes you feel better, but listening solves problems.
These principles will help you to become a better leader, increase your influence with your team, and promote more effective teamwork.
Has anyone led you in your career? Do you think that person is/was a good leader?
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- 大きな目標に焦点を当てる
- 多様な意見を歓迎する
- 個人的責任を持たせる
- 信頼される行動をし続ける
- 一貫性を保つ
- 形式的な手続きを減らす
- 耳を良く傾ける
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stifle 抑え込む 抑圧する
delegate (権限などを)委任する
on the fly 急場しのぎで
overrule 覆す 却下する
second-guess 勘ぐる 先読みする
roadblock バリケード
red tape 非効率な形式的手続き お役所仕事
sap 蝕む
demotivate やる気をそぐ
undermine 弱体化させる