Professional development is, more than ever, a key factor in the global and digital world we work in. This is true for all areas:

  • people already in employment who need training for new tasks
  • job seekers who wish to improve their chances of finding work
  • companies investing in their future

The French government has recognized this trend and your training can be subsidized by up to 100%.

Berlitz makes it easy for you to take advantage of government funding programs by offering subsidized language courses you can access easily. Start studying in our Qualiopi-certified language centers and achieve your goals with our renowned teaching method and 145+ years of experience.

Financing solutions


What it is:

CPF (Compte Personnel de Formation) stands for Personal Training Account. This system in France allows individuals to access funds for training and professional development throughout their working life.

Who can access it:

The CPF is open to various types of professionals, including full-time and part-time employees, job seekers and young people entering the workforce.

Additional information:

The CPF account is credited in euros, with amounts varying depending on employment status and working hours. The amount credited each year depends on your employment situation (full-time or part-time) and qualification level (generally €500-€800 per year).

Since the 2nd of May 2024, an obligatory participation of 100€ is to be paid directly on your CPF account.

"Identité numérique" is required in order to use your CPF credit (

Opérateurs de Compétences (OPCO)

What it is:

OPCOs are organizations approved by the French government to assist businesses in managing skills and training. Established in April 2019, there are currently 11 OPCOs serving different sectors of the French economy.

Who can access it:

All French businesses, regardless of size, can access the services of OPCOs.

Additional information:

OPCOs aim to improve access to training for employees, promote career mobility, and achieve better financial management within the French vocational training system.

The Contrat de Sécurisation Professionnelle (CSP)

What it is:

CSP is a French government program that provides support to employees who have been laid off due to economic reasons. It aims to help them find new employment quickly and offers a range of measures to facilitate their job search.

Who can access it:

Laid-off employees who meet the following criteria: They have been employed under a permanent contract for at least 12 months in the last 24 months, are registered with France Travail, are actively seeking new employment, and are not eligible for early retirement or other benefits that would provide them with an equivalent level of income.

Additional information:

The CSP typically lasts for 12 months, but it can be extended under certain circumstances.

L'aide individualisée à la formation (AIF)

What it is:

AIF, also called Individual Training Assistance, is a financial aid program provided by France Travail to help unemployed individuals pursue training and skill development opportunities. The AIF aims to facilitate career transitions and improve employability by supporting individuals in acquiring the skills and certifications needed for in-demand jobs.

Who can access it:

The AIF is available to unemployed individuals who are registered with France Travail, are actively seeking employment, are not enrolled in another training program funded by France Travail or another public body and have a clearly defined training project aligned with their career goals and labor market needs.

Additional information:

The amount of AIF funding provided varies depending on the individual's situation, the cost of the training program, and the availability of funding.

Outplacement firms

What it is:

Outplacement firms are specialized organizations that assist employees who have been laid off or terminated in finding new jobs and transitioning smoothly back into the workforce.

Who can access it:

Outplacement services are typically offered to employees who are involuntarily leaving a company due to layoffs, downsizing, or restructuring. However, some companies may also extend these services to employees on a voluntary basis, such as during early retirement programs.

Additional information:

You can speak directly to your consultant and ask them to call Berlitz for your training.

Subsidized language courses online

Berlitz's online classes allow you to learn anywhere – at home, work, or even your favorite park or coffeehouse. You'll learn with the same powerful language-learning techniques used in our in-person courses. Live instruction with native-fluent instructors gets you speaking your new language from day one in a dynamic online environment that fosters real-time interaction.

Berlitz – the ideal partner for subsidized language courses

Languages you can learn

Steps to get started with our subsidized language courses

Step 1

Contact one of our language centers in France.

Step 2

Complete our placement test to find out your current language level.

Step 3

Fill out our needs analysis questionnaire, to make sure your course is customized to your needs and goals.

Step 4

Choose the program that fits your preferences the best.

Step 5

You could be starting your learning journey in just 48 hours.

Benefits of learning with our subsidized courses

Find out more

Fill in the form below and we’ll contact you to discuss your learning options and answer any questions you may have.

Frequently Asked Questions

Berlitz offers various funding options for language courses, available both for private individuals and companies:

  • CPF
  • OPCO
  • CSP
  • AIF

Our experts at Berlitz will help you find the right funding and training program. They'll assess your eligibility and ensure you get the perfect fit.

As a state-approved institution with a long history of subsidized continuing education, Berlitz is uniquely qualified to support you. We'll guide you every step of the way, from your initial questions to starting your training. Plus, our programs offer a powerful advantage: we combine foreign language expertise with practical business skills, giving you a valuable edge.

Once you complete our placement test and needs analysis, we can get you started with a course within 48 hours.