Fille avec un casque jaune prenant des notes pendant un cours d'anglais pour collégiens qu'elle suit à partir d'un ordinateur portable.

Discover our English courses for teens and young learners

Our English courses for teens promote the development of self-confidence, give your children a global perspective, and provide them with future career opportunities.

The best age to learn a new language is during childhood. With fewer inhibitions, kids can easily absorb the nuances of a foreign language and they're often able to speak without an accent. Find out more about our offer on English for young learners below.

A boost for the brain

Research has found that children who learn a second language may be more creative, have better problem-solving skills, are faster learners, and find it easier to connect with different cultures.

Children also find it much easier than adults to learn a second (or third) language because the language center of their brain is still in development.

English for teens


Achieve & Lead


Teenagers between the ages of 12 and 17


Teenagers will achieve useful and real-world language skills while also learning about leadership and cultural awareness.


  • Communicate in another language spontaneously and naturally with confidence and fluency.
  • Use complex linguistic structures.
  • Talk during discussions, providing detailed and precise answers.
  • Speak about their interests and hobbies and their future academic plans.


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Benefits of our English classes for kids and teens

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Frequently Asked Questions

Learning with our immersive Berlitz Method means that the instructor will only speak to your child in English from the very first language class. This means that your kid can absorb the nuances of English and will be able to communicate in real-life situations.

In the English for kids and teens language program, we work with National Geographic Material which includes an online practice platform where the students are able to practice their English language skills.

Our program for learning English for teens in several Berlitz language centers across France for teens over 12 years:

For more flexibility, children can also learn English with Berlitz's online classes for kids and teens.

Kids can start learning English by making it part of their everyday lives. To practice English, they can:

  • Watch cartoons and TV shows for kids in English.
  • Listen to English podcasts targeted at beginner-level language learners.
  • Learn songs in English.
  • Learn the English names of everyday objects and point them out when they see them.

For a more structured way of learning, they can also take English classes for children at Berlitz France. We offer in-person and online courses in a private setting. Contact us for more details.

The instructors will provide constant feedback about the children’s performance in every class. In addition, there are 4 scheduled feedback sessions in which the parents will have the opportunity to discuss the student’s overall performance with the instructor.

Kids can attend the English language courses at Berlitz France together, as long as they are on the same language level and age.