Discover the success stories of our B2B partners who have experienced remarkable results with Berlitz. From enhancing team communication to boosting global business operations, see how our language training solutions have made a real impact. Dive into their testimonials and learn how Berlitz can elevate your organization’s language skills and cultural understanding.

The Total Immersion program helped me to get a condensed and intense learning experience which accelerated my confidence and comfort with the German language. The continuity that this experience offers is useful in maintaining focus. I would recommend this to someone who finds it difficult to maintain continuity and focus on German language learning due to work and family reasons, and needs additional confidence in speaking the language.

Riju Mukhopadhyay

Amazon Career Choice.svg
We’re pleased to have Berlitz as an Amazon Career Choice training partner offering our employees first-class language training in different countries. The Berlitz Flex language program offers the flexibility for all employees to decide for themselves when and where they want to learn and receive a learning program tailored to their level. The live coaching sessions with Berlitz trainers are an additional motivation booster for our employees.

Amazon Career Choice

Berlitz has been an important partner to us when it comes to languages – for many years now. We really appreciate its broad selection of services, its many locations, its high standards, its reliability, its professionalism, and its customer focus. We look forward to continuing our close and friendly partnership in the future.

Susanne Weissenstein
Learning & Development Germany/Solution Partner
Merck KGaA

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The international nature of our company means that our employees have already had the chance to attend language courses for many years. Communication with our contacts at the Berlitz language school is and always has been professional. Most lessons over the last three years have been online, but the technical options this brings about have also made things extremely efficient. Theindividual support provided by Berlitz and its broad portfolio of training formats enable us to offer suitable learning options to all of our employees. I’d like to thank Berlitz for the strong partnership, which has always been one of mutual trust.

Vera Fray
Communication & Hospitality/Event Manager
Henkell & Co. Sektkellerei KG

Our employees in Germany and Turkey receive face-to-face language instruction from Berlitz. Employees in our German sales organization also benefit from remote group instruction in the Virtual Classroom. In addition to the different training formats that Berlitz offers to meet our needs, as a global company we appreciate Berlitz’s international presence – it facilitates the centralized, transparent organization of all continuing education activities. Berlitz is the ideal partner and has provided us with excellent service all around.”

Jessica Linxweiler
Manager International Training & Development
edding AG

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The individual language courses have been extremely well received by our employees and we’re pleased to have so many colleagues able to communicate with each other in English, German, and Italian. Aside from the communication advantages, it’s really nice to see our colleagues interacting and building even stronger ties with one another. Also, for the first time we offered our managers intercultural coaching last year using the Cultural Navigator® tool. The coaching sessions made it possible to address and deal with personal challenges at work. Combined with the accompanying e-learning parts of the Cultural Navigator®, the coaching sessions have made a significant contribution toward improving intercultural skills, such that it will be a lot easier to deal with any future challenges. We’re looking forward to many more years of collaboration!””

Vanessa Kirberg
HR Manager
Calzedonia Germany GmbH

As a leading independent technology partner to large enterprises and public sector clients, Computacenter has operations worldwide. We rely on Berlitz’s language training and blended learning solutions to communicate with confidence in this global business environment. Whether it’s in English or German, whether it’s face-to-face lessons or a virtual classroom, the new language skills our people have acquired support them in their everyday work.
The English and German courses offered by Berlitz in different locations have been particularly beneficial because teams collaborating with colleagues in different countries and cities is part of everyday life at Computacenter. We also appreciate how uncomplicated, well versed, and constructive it was, working not just with our account handler but also with the overall team at Berlitz.

Computacenter AG & Co. OHG

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As a hotel company that’s expanding rapidly throughout Germany, it’s important for us to work with partners that not only offer a wide range of services, but also focus strongly on service quality and offer a high degree of flexibility. We have found the reliable partner we need in the Berlitz Institute, which is 100% committed to supporting our employees with all aspects of language development.

Maren Krützfeldt
Senior Learning & Development Manager Germany
Premier Inn Holding GmbH

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We opted for the Berlitz Connect e-learning platform as the perfect complement to our existing face-to-face language learning, since it allows our employees to work on their language skills independently and according to their individual needs. The Berlitz Connect learning tools are especially helpful and are used a lot – for instance to assist our employees with writing emails and letters in the foreign language. Overall, the effective coordination of face-to-face and online language instruction is a major advantage of working with Berlitz.”

Dr. Rüdiger Keller
Apollo-Optik Holding GmbH & Co. KG

We have been pleased to work with Berlitz for more than ten years in building our employees’ language skills. Thanks to the thorough preliminary discussions, the participants receive instruction that is tailored to their needs – including specialized professional language. We very much appreciate having Berlitz as a central point of contact for organizing the training.

Ilona Mettmann
Corporate Human Resources
Carl Zeiss AG

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I was allowed to organize the English courses for our company, which are provided and run by Berlitz. Personally, I derived great pleasure from working with them, not only because it was so amiable and pleasant, but also because it was also extremely professional and reflected a high level of dedication. Regarding the course participants, I regularly received highly positive feedback on how the courses were conducted, and from the progress reports I could see that the course participants made quick and good progress. I would recommend the approach to language courses to any company.

Katrin Flemming
HR Recruiting
JYSK Germany

We’re 100% happy with the quality of Berlitz – right from the personal and individual advice beforehand, which makes it much easier for us to plan and run the language courses. Thanks to the dedicated trainers, the courses have been a source of inspiration to our employees and that’s motivated them to learn. And last but not least, it’s worth highlighting the professional support when difficulties arise, which focuses on finding a solution.
Thank you so much – to everyone at Berlitz.

Judith Hörner
HR Officer/HR Development
Krombacher Brauerei Bernhard Schadeberg GmbH & Co. KG

In Berlitz, we are pleased to have a reliable and flexible partner at our side. The individual support provided by Berlitz and the broad portfolio of training formats enable us to offer the right learning concept for each of our employees. Efficiency and enjoyment of the training are guaranteed. We were also won over by the highly competent native-speaker instructors. We are looking forward to further collaboration with Berlitz and are convinced that we have found the perfect match for our WEPA language courses.

Julia Hartzsch
HR Development Business Partner
WEPA Produktion GmbH & Co. KG

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From the moment we first got in touch, to discussing the offer, the running of the courses, and of course the support during the whole process – we’re more than satisfied with Berlitz. Everything about the communication is fast, professional, and impeccable. Our employees are thrilled about the selection of courses, the coaches, and the course content.

Matthias Proft
People Management/HR Officer
Brose Sitech GmbH

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Collaboration between Berlitz and our HR development department is going extremely well. It’s about as uncomplicated, supportive, and flexible as it gets.
Our key contact is always available and 100% reliable. I couldn't imagine a better long term partner, not just for all kinds of issues relating to language courses, but also for specialist seminars and coaching topics, and I can recommend Berlitz without reservation.

Katarina Bahnsen
HR/Personnel Officer
GARBE Industrial Real Estate GmbH

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Klinikum Saarbrücken employs around 2,200 people and is one of the biggest employers in the region. Given the shortage of skilled nursing staff, we decided to lighten the burden on the existing team by recruiting nursing staff from abroad, which would also strengthen the team. To train new nursing staff from abroad, our hospital turned to Berlitz as a provider of language services. Within the space of eight months, Berlitz trained no less than 23 qualified nurses in Mexico – up to B1 level, which is required for obtaining a visa – and they were prepared on intercultural aspects affecting their future in Saarland. Berlitz has also continued to support our new nurses after arrival and is working with them in small groups in rooms at our training center to prepare them for the German B2 exam, which they need to gain full recognition as registered nurses. We and our new nursing staff have always felt very well looked after and advised by Berlitz, especially given the situation with the ongoing pandemic during the subprojects in Mexico and Germany. As an experienced service provider, Berlitz has demonstrated its international expertise and competence.”

Thomas Hesse
Human Resources Director/Authorized Officer
Klinikum Saarbrücken gGmbH

(…) It also goes without saying that we do not turn a blind eye to the prevailing shortage of skilled workers. We never lose sight of our dedicated team of around 2,000 caregivers, providing them with support and assistance, for example by regularly recruiting qualified nursing staff from Latin America.
This year alone, we have successfully brought 28 qualified caregivers to Homburg from Mexico. Before welcoming them on board, they were prepared for their future in Saarland with language and intercultural training. To do this, we decided to use Berlitz. As a global and local provider of training services, Berlitz is in a position to offer us a variety of services from a single source.
From the very beginning, our nursing staff made very quick progress and reported that they feel well looked after at all times. This was particularly important to us, since the pandemic meant that language training and all meetings and discussions with specialist staff could only take place virtually. The team at Berlitz also provides language support after our newly recruited specialists arrive at the UKS, accompanying them on the journey toward official recognition as care workers.
We have already embarked on the next project in Mexico and, based on the extremely satisfactory collaboration until now, we have again chosen Berlitz as a professional and reliable training partner.

Christian Müller
Head of Department I – Personnel
Universitätsklinikum des Saarlandes

Berlitz has allowed us to extend the languages we offer to include German as a foreign language and Dutch. One thing I’d point out in particular is the flexibility offered by Berlitz and that you have the possibility to tailor training to individual needs. There was detailed up-front discussion to ensure we set the bar at the right height so our employees are neither under-challenged nor overchallenged, and that they really enjoy taking part in the training courses. The high standards and the personal support have made it fun working with Berlitz and they can definitely be recommended to others.

Landgard Service GmbH
Thomas Keuschen
HR Development

As an international company, what we most appreciate about Berlitz is its many locations around the world. The many learning options, such as face-to-face instruction and the Berlitz Online Classroom, offer our employees a variety of solutions tailored to every individual learning need. In addition, our employees are able to use the Berlitz Connect e-learning platform to expand their personal language development outside the regular learning program. The direct support and professional advice from Berlitz helps us keep things running smoothly.

Sabrina Lüthi
HR Development Business Partner
dormakaba Deutschland GmbH

We have trusted Berlitz’s expertise since 2017 and have expanded our partnership since then. We book language instruction and intercultural training for our employees. The language classes are conducted quite flexibly, and the variety of formats, such as Live Online and blended learning, let us offer courses across sites. This also lets employees who are traveling for business, working shifts, or working from home participate without any problems. An additional advantage is that the reliable Berlitz team takes care of almost all of the organization, which has significantly reduced our administrative work.

Annika Zach
Human Resources, Manager People Development
Gerresheimer Regensburg GmbH

At first we were looking for an entirely online solution for English instruction. Because of renovations, we weren’t able to conduct face-to-face training on our premises. After looking at several service providers, we chose Berlitz. Following a pilot phase, the participants and the HR department were equally impressed with the benefits of the virtual version – functionality, flexibility, and learning progress. Today a lot of people at our company use the platform and apply their new knowledge on the job. The instruction provided by Berlitz boosts employee satisfaction, which helps contribute to employee retention.

Markus Block
Director of Human Resources
emz-Hanauer GmbH & Co. KGaA

We discovered Berlitz Blended Learning and came to value it greatly – especially Berlitz Connect and one-on-one instruction over the phone. The course set-up was excellent both for beginners and more advanced participants. Everyone who took part was able to improve their language skills, as clearly demonstrated by a comparison of the initial assessment tests and the final tests that all participants took. The phone-based instructions were excellent and adapted to the participants’ individual wishes and abilities. The great support was the icing on the cake.

Marco Nübling
Head of HRM
AVS Holding GmbH

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