

Karolina Assi






Couple with their dog holding an Australian flag on the beach.


与澳洲人闲聊时,你也许曾对诸如 “arvo”、“barbie”、“blue swimmer” 和 “a brekkie” 等词感到费解。

澳洲俚语有一个普遍的使用规则——当你不确定时,那就缩短它。这就是为什么你会听到 “arvo, mate” 而不是“good afternoon(下午好)”,以及 “g’day!” 而不是“have a good day(祝你有好的一天)”。




Arvo下午I'll see you this arvo. - 我今天下午会来见你。
Aussie salute挥手赶苍蝇He's doing the Aussie salute to keep the flies off. - 他在挥手赶苍蝇。
Barbie烧烤Let's have a barbie this weekend. - 我们这个周末去烧烤吧。
Bathers泳衣Don't forget your bathers if we're going to the pool. - 如果我们要去游泳池的话,不要忘了带泳衣。
Bikkie饼干Would you like a bikkie with your tea? - 你想要喝茶的时候来块饼干吗?
Bloody oath绝对正确,天啊Did you hear about the new job? Bloody oath! - 你听说新工作了吗?天啊!
Bludger懒人I chucked a sickie because I’m a bludger. - 我装病请假了——因为我是个懒人。
Bogan粗俗的人He's a bit of a bogan, but he's alright. - 他有点粗俗,但他人还不错。
Bogged陷在泥里或沙里The car got bogged in the sand at the beach. - 汽车陷进了海滩的沙子里。
Bonza极好的That's a bonza idea! -这真是一个好主意!
Bottle-o瓶子店(酒水商店)I'll swing by the bottle-o on the way home. - 我回家路上会经过酒水商店。
Brah兄弟/朋友/伙计How’s it going, brah? - 兄弟,最近怎么样?
Brekkie早餐I'm hungry. Let's grab some brekkie. - 我饿了,我们去吃点早餐吧。
Brekky run去买早餐I'm going on a brekky run. Do you want anything? - 我要去买早餐,你需要什么吗?
Bundy班达伯格朗姆酒Let's have some Bundy and coke. - 我们喝点班达伯格朗姆酒和可乐吧。
Bung坏了或故障The computer's bung again. - 电脑又坏了。
Bush乡村地区They live out in the bush. - 他们住在乡村。
Cark it死掉My old car finally carked it. - 我的老车终于出故障了。
Chock-a-block完全满了The parking lot was chock-a-block with cars. - 停车场里停满了汽车。
Chockers满的The cinema was chockers last night. - 昨晚电影院挤满了人。
ChookLet's roast a chook for dinner. - 我们烤一只鸡当晚餐吧。
Chrissie圣诞节We're having a big lunch on Chrissie Day. - 我们在圣诞节吃了一顿丰盛的午餐。
Chrissie pressie圣诞礼物Did you get any good Chrissie pressies this year? - 今年你收到什么好的圣诞礼物了吗?
Chuck a sickie装病请假I don't feel like going to work today. I might chuck a sickie. - 我今天不想上班,可能会装病请假。
Chuck a U-ey掉头I missed the turn. I'll have to chuck a U-ey. - 我错过了那个转弯,得掉头了。
Cobber朋友He's my old cobber from school. - 他是我上学时的老朋友。
Dag傻人He's a bit of a dag, but he's fun. - 他有点傻,但很有趣。
Daggy不时髦或古怪I know my outfit is a bit daggy, but it's comfortable. - 我知道我的衣服不太时髦,但很舒服。
Daks裤子I need to buy some new daks for work. - 我需要买些上班时穿的新裤子。
Dead horse番茄酱Pass the dead horse, please. - 请把番茄酱递过来。
Deadset绝对正确、千真万确Are you deadset about going to the concert? - 你真的决定要去听音乐会吗?
Dero破旧、废弃I feel a bit dero today because I’m hungover. - 我今天感觉有点不舒服,因为我宿醉了。
Dunny厕所Where's the dunny in this place? - 这里的厕所在哪儿?
Dunny budgie苍蝇There's a dunny budgie buzzing around in here. - 这里有只苍蝇在嗡嗡叫。
Esky便携式冷藏箱Grab some drinks from the esky before we go. - 在我们走之前从冰箱里拿些饮料。
Fair dinkum真实的Are you fair dinkum about moving to the Outback? - 你真的打算搬到内陆地区去吗?
Fairy floss棉花糖Let's get some fairy floss at the fair. - 我们去集市买些棉花糖吧。
Feral野生的或未驯服的Those feral kids are always causing trouble. - 那些野孩子总是惹麻烦。
Flick扔掉或摆脱I had to flick my old phone, it was broken. - 我的旧手机坏了,只能扔掉。
Footy澳式足球Are you going to watch the footy this weekend? - 你这周末打算去看足球比赛吗?
Full as a goog吃太饱或喝醉了He was full as a goog after the party. - 派对后他醉醺醺的。
G'day你好G'day mate, how's it going? - 你好,伙计,最近怎么样?
Garbo垃圾收集员The garbo comes every Tuesday to pick up the trash. - 垃圾收集员每周二来收垃圾。
Go walkabout离开,消失Have you seen the cat? It's gone walkabout again. - 你见到那只猫了吗?它又跑出去了。
Good onya干得好You finished the project early? Good onya! - 你提前完成了项目?干得好!
Goon bag廉价袋装酒We drank a whole goon bag last night. - 我们昨晚喝了一整袋酒。
GrogLet's grab some grog for the party. - 我们为聚会买些酒吧。
Hoon鲁莽的司机或惹麻烦的人Those hoons were speeding down the street. - 那些鲁莽的司机在街上飙车。
Loo厕所I need to use the loo.我需要上厕所。
Macca's麦当劳Let's grab some Macca's for dinner. - 晚餐我们去吃麦当劳吧。
Maccas run去麦当劳的行程Anyone up for a late-night Maccas run? - 有人想在深夜去吃麦当劳吗?
Mates rates朋友优惠价He gave me mates rates on the repair job. - 他给我修理工作打了朋友折扣。
Middy一种啤酒杯I'll have a middy of beer, thanks. - 请给我来一杯啤酒,谢谢。
MoolahThat car cost a lot of moolah. - 那辆车花了很多钱。
Paddock田地或牧场The cows are out in the paddock. - 牛在牧场里。
Pash热吻They had a pash behind the school. - 他们在学校后面热吻。
Pommy英国人He's a Pommy, just moved here from England. - 他是英国人,刚从英格兰搬过来。
Ratbag惹麻烦的人He's a bit of a ratbag, always causing trouble. - 他有点不羁,总是惹麻烦。
Reckon认为Do you reckon it'll rain tomorrow? - 你认为明天会下雨吗?
Ridgy-didge真正的、正宗的He's a ridgy-didge Aussie bloke. - 他是个典型的澳大利亚男人。
Rip snorter非常好That was a rip snorter of a party! - 那真是一个非常棒的派对!
Ripper非常好That's a ripper of a catch! - 这真是一个出色的接球手!
Robbo罗伯特I'm meeting Robbo for lunch. - 我和罗伯特共进午餐。
Rock up到达What time did you rock up to the party? - 你什么时候到派对的?
Roo袋鼠Watch out for roos on the road at night. - 晚上开车要小心路上的袋鼠。
Roo bar车上的防撞栏The kangaroo hit the roo bar and bounced off. - 袋鼠撞到防撞栏,然后弹开了。
Roughie赌注中的冷门I'm putting a bet on the roughie in the next race. - 我在下一场比赛中押了一匹冷门马。
Sanga三明治I'll make myself a sanga for lunch. - 我要给自己做个三明治当午餐。
Sanger三明治I'll grab a sanger for lunch. - 我会拿个三明治当午餐。
Servo加油站I need to fill up at the servo. - 我需要去加油站加油。
She'll be right一切都会好I forgot to bring my umbrella, but she'll be right. - 我忘记带伞了,但没问题的。
Sheila女人She's a good sheila, always fun to be around. - 她是个好女人,和她一起总是很有趣。
Sickie假病假I'm taking a sickie tomorrow to go fishing. - 明天我请假病假去钓鱼。
Smoko吸烟休息I'll meet you outside for a smoko. - 我会在外面和你一起抽烟。
Snag香肠Throw another snag on the barbie. - 给烧烤架上再放一根香肠。
Sook爱抱怨的人Stop being such a sook and get on with it. - 别再抱怨了,继续做吧。
Spit the dummy发脾气He spat the dummy when he lost the game. - 当他输掉比赛时,他发了脾气。
Spunk有吸引力的人、有魅力的人He's a bit of a spunk, isn't he? - 他有点迷人,不是吗?
Strewth表示惊讶,或不满的感叹词Strewth, did you see the size of that spider? - 天啊,你看到那只蜘蛛有多大了吗?
Stubbie矮胖的啤酒瓶I'll grab a six-pack of stubbies for the party. - 我要为派对拿一包六瓶装的啤酒。
Stubby holder啤酒罐,或瓶子的保温套Grab a stubby holder to keep your beer cold. - 拿个保温套,可以让保持啤酒冰凉。
Swag露营用的睡袋We rolled out our swags and slept under the stars. - 我们铺开睡袋,在星空下入眠。
Thongs人字拖I'm wearing my thongs to the beach. - 我穿着人字拖去海滩。
Tinny罐装啤酒,或小船Let's crack open a tinny. ! - 我们打开一罐啤酒吧。! / Let’s take the tinny out this arvo, it’s a cracker! - 真是个好天气,下午我们把小船开出去吧!
Togs泳衣Don't forget your togs if we're going to the beach. - 如果我们要去海滩,别忘了带你的泳衣。
Trackie daks运动裤I'm just going to lounge around in my trackie daks. - 我只想穿着运动裤四处闲逛。
Tradie工人The tradie fixed our plumbing yesterday. - 工人昨天修好了我们的管道。
Ute皮卡车He's got all his tools in the back of his ute. - 他把所有工具都放在了皮卡车后面。
Woop Woop偏远或遥远的地方He lives out in Woop Woop, miles from anywhere. - 他住在很远的地方,离任何地方都很远。
Yabber不停地说He can yabber on for hours about nothing. - 他可以没完没了地说几个小时无关紧要的事情。
Yobbo粗野或不守规矩的人Those yobbos were causing trouble at the pub. - 那些混混在酒吧里惹麻烦。

Roo is another word for Kangaroo in Australian slang.





All over the shop杂乱无章,混乱His presentation was all over the shop, he couldn't focus. - 他的演讲杂乱无章——他无法集中注意力。
As useful as an ashtray on a motorbike就像摩托车上的烟灰缸一样有用,形容完全无用That idea is about as useful as an ashtray on a motorbike. - 这个想法一点用都没有。
Bonkers超出正常或常规,非常热衷After hearing his plan, I thought he was bonkers. - 听了他的计划后,我觉得他疯了。
Brassed off厌烦,恼火I'm brassed off with all this rain ruining my plans. - 这场雨把我的计划全毁了,我真是气死了。
Cactus坏了,不正常工作My old computer is cactus, time for a new one. - 我的旧电脑坏了,该换新的了。
Cheese and kisses妻子或女朋友,俚语,和“missus”押韵Is it boy's night only or shall we invite the cheese and kisses? - 今晚是男生之夜吗,还是我们应该邀请女伴们?
Chuck a wobbly发脾气He chucked a wobbly when he lost the game. - 当他输掉比赛时,大发脾气。
Chunder呕吐You look like you’re going to chunder after that rollercoaster ride! - 坐完山车以后,你看起来要吐了!
Cocky as a rooster自负He's as cocky as a rooster, thinks he knows everything. - 他自负得像只公鸡,觉得自己无所不知。
Couldn't organise a piss-up in a brewery无法在啤酒厂组织一场狂欢,形容非常混乱He couldn't organise a piss-up in a brewery, even if he tried. - 他非常混乱,即使他做出了努力。
Dodgy可疑的,不可靠的I don't trust that guy, he seems a bit dodgy. - 我不信任那家伙——他看起来有点可疑。
Dog's breakfast一团糟,混乱的情况The party was a dog's breakfast, nothing went right. - 派对一团糟,一切都不顺利。
Face like a dropped pie不开心或失望He came back from the meeting with a face like a dropped pie. - 他开完会回来后,脸色很难看。
Flat out like a lizard drinking像蜥蜴喝水一样,形容非常忙碌I've been flat out like a lizard drinking all day. - 我一整天都忙得不可开交。
Flat out like a lizard drinking on a rock像蜥蜴一样趴在石头上喝水,形容非常忙碌I've been flat out like a lizard drinking on a rock all day. - 我一整天都忙得不可开交。
Fruit loop古怪的人He's a bit of a fruit loop, always talking to himself. - 他有点古怪,总是自言自语。
Full as a goog非常醉He was full as a goog after the party. - 派对结束后他烂醉如泥。
Full of beans精力充沛,活泼The kids were full of beans after the party. - 聚会结束后,孩子们都兴致勃勃。
Go spare变得非常生气If he finds out, he'll go spare. - 如果他发现了,他会非常生气的。
Gone troppo变得愤怒不理智Living in isolation for so long, he's gone troppo. - 隔离生活这么久,他已经变得很不理智。
Happy as Larry非常开心He was happy as Larry when he won the lottery. - 他中彩票后非常开心。
Hard yakka艰苦的工作It’s hard yakka raising children! - 养孩子真辛苦啊!
Hit the frog and toad开始旅途It’s nearly dinnertime. Let’s hit the frog and toad! - 快到晚饭时间了,我们出发吧!
Knackered筋疲力尽,非常疲倦After the long hike, I was absolutely knackered. - 长距离徒步后,我已经筋疲力尽。
Mad as a cut snake像一条被砍断的蛇,形容非常生气He was mad as a cut snake when he found out. - 他发现后非常生气。
Not the brightest crayon in the box不是盒子里最亮的蜡笔,形容不太聪明Let's face it, he's not the brightest crayon in the box. - 坦率地说,他不太聪明。
Not the full picnic不是完整的野餐,形容不太聪明或不理智He's not the full picnic if he thinks that'll work. - 如果他认为那会成功,那他就太不理智了。
Not the full quid不是完整的一英镑,形容不太聪明或无知He's not the full quid if he thinks that'll work. - 如果他认为那会成功,那他就太不聪明了。
Not the sharpest tool in the shed不是最锋利的工具,形容不太聪明Let's face it, he's not the sharpest tool in the shed. - 坦率地说,他不太聪明。
Pull the other one我不相信你"I found a hundred-dollar bill on the ground." "Pull the other one." - “我在地上捡到一张一百的钞票。” “别开玩笑了。”
Spit the dummy大发脾气He spat the dummy when he lost the game. - 他输掉比赛后大发脾气。
Spitting chips非常生气,或沮丧He was spitting chips after losing the game. - 他输掉比赛后非常生气。
Stickybeak爱管闲事的人Stop being such a stickybeak and mind your own business. - 别再多管闲事了,管好你自己吧。
Stink-eye不满或愤怒的眼神She gave him the stink-eye when he arrived late. - 当他迟到时,她狠狠地瞪了他一眼。
Sucked in被骗了He thought he won, but he was sucked in. - 他以为自己赢了,但他其实被骗了。
Tin arse非常幸运的人He's got a tin arse, always winning competitions. - 他总是赢得比赛,真是个幸运儿。
Two sandwiches short of a picnic野餐还差两个三明治,形容不太聪明He's two sandwiches short of a picnic if he believes that. - 如果他相信这一点的话,那他就太不聪明了。
Up a gumtree处于困境Since he lost his job, he's been up a gumtree. - 他自从失业后,就一直处于困境中。
Wombat's picnic非常不成功的活动(或郊游)The camping trip turned into a wombat's picnic. - 这次露营之行变成了一场灾难。
Wonky不稳定的或摇晃的The table leg is wonky, it needs fixing. - 桌子的腿不稳,需要修理。


澳洲人喜欢为所有东西创造有趣的俚语——从 the avo for brekkie(早餐吃的鳄梨)到美元纸币。


$5 纸币粉色
  • 粉红女士
  • 五块(A fiver)
$10 纸币蓝色
  • 花蟹(Blue Swimmer)
  • 蓝仔、布鲁伊(Bluey)
  • 十块(A tenner)
$20 纸币红色
  • 龙虾
  • 二十块(A twenny)
$50 纸币黄色
  • 菠萝
  • 五十块(A fitty)
$100 纸币绿色
  • 澳洲青苹(Granny Smith)
  • 绿色巨人
  • 一百块(A hunji)



Man wearing an Akubra hat with his wife on their farm in Western Australia.


  • 西澳大利亚州(珀斯、弗里曼特尔、布鲁姆)
  • 北领地(达尔文、爱丽丝泉)
  • 南澳大利亚州(阿德莱德)
  • 昆士兰州(布里斯班、黄金海岸)
  • 新南威尔士州(悉尼、纽卡斯尔、伍伦贡)
  • 维多利亚州(墨尔本、吉朗)
  • 塔斯马尼亚州(霍巴特)


  • 在昆士兰,泳衣叫 “ogs”;在新南威尔士,叫 “cossies”;在维多利亚,叫 “bathers”。
  • 在维多利亚,被称为 “corner shop(街角小店)”的小店在西澳大利亚叫 “deli(熟食店)”,在昆士兰叫 “milkbar(牛奶吧)”。
  • 在东部地区(即维多利亚、新南威尔士和昆士兰),下午叫 “arvo”,但在南澳大利亚叫 “aftie”。


学习澳洲俚语就像像学习一门新语言(即使面对英语母语者)——就算进度不理想,也不要气馁。最快的学习方法之一,是听当地人如何在对话中使用不同的俚语词汇,并尝试从上下文中猜测其含义。例如,如果有人在酷热的日子里提到要喝 “tinny”,人们很容易意会他们不是在说一罐金枪鱼,而是一瓶冰啤酒。

另一个快速学习的方法是,掌握澳洲俚语的常见使用模式。例如,澳大利亚人喜欢尽可能地缩短词语——早餐叫 “brekkie”,烧烤叫 “barbie”,下午叫 “arvo”。



你也许曾在某个地方听过独特的澳大利亚口音。无论你是《Crocodile Dundee(鳄鱼邓迪)》的粉丝,还是跟着《Crocodile Dundee(凯瑟与金)》笑过,或者曾听过《Men at Work(工作男孩)》,澳大利亚俚语总能悄悄给你留下印象。


  1. 休·杰克曼(Hugh Jackman)——来自新南威尔士州的悉尼,他在《X战警》中饰演金刚狼。
  2. 妮可·基德曼(Nicole Kidman)——出生于夏威夷的火奴鲁鲁,但在澳大利亚的悉尼长大。
  3. 克里斯·海姆斯沃斯(Chris Hemsworth)——来自维多利亚州的墨尔本。
  4. 玛格特·罗比(Margot Robbie)——来自昆士兰州的达尔比。她在《自杀小队》中饰演哈莉·奎因,也曾在《芭比》中饰演芭比。
  5. 雷贝尔·威尔森(Rebel Wilson)——来自新南威尔士州的悉尼。出演过《完美音调》、《难道不浪漫》和《单身指南》。


Cheers, mate! - 谢谢,伙计!





