A big black bug bit a big black bear. | bug = 虫bit = bite(噛む、刺す)の過去形 |
A flea and a fly flew up in a flue. | flue = 通気口、煙突 |
A happy hippo hopped and hiccupped. | hippo = カバhiccup = しゃっくりをする |
A noisy noise annoys an oyster. | oyster = 牡蠣 |
A proper copper coffee pot. | copper = 銅 |
A shapeless sash sags slowly. | sash = ベルト、帯sag = 垂れ下がる |
A synonym for cinnamon is a cinnamon synonym. | synonym = 同義語、類義語、異名 |
An ape hates grape cakes. | ape = 猿、類人猿 |
Betty Botter bought some butter, but she said the butter's bitter. If I put it in my batter, it will make my batter bitter. | batter = ケーキなどの生地 |
Betty bought butter, but the butter was bitter, so Betty bought better butter to make the bitter butter better. | |
Billy Bob blabbered boldly. | blabber = ぺちゃくちゃ喋るboldly = 堂々と、大胆に |
Black bug's blood. | |
Blue glue gun, green glue gun. | glue gun = グルーガン |
Can you can a can as a canner can can a can? | ここでの「can」は名詞、動詞、助動詞の3種類。【日本語訳】缶詰職人が缶を缶詰するように、あなたも缶を缶詰できる? |
Cooks cook cupcakes quickly. | cook = 最初のは名詞の「コック」、2番目は動詞の「料理する」 |
Double bubble gum, bubbles double. | bubble gum = 風船ガム |
Eddie edited it. | |
Eleven benevolent elephants. | benevolent = 親切な、慈悲深い |
Eleven elves licked eleven little licorice lollipops. | elves = elf(エルフ)の複数形licorice = リコリス、甘草 |
Elizabeth has eleven elves in her elm tree. | elm tree = 楡(にれ)の木 |
Four furious friends fought for the phone. | furious = 怒り狂った |
Fred fed Ted bread and Ted fed Fred bread. | fed = feed(与える、食べさせる)の過去形 |
Frivolously fanciful Fannie fried fresh fish furiously. | frivolously = 勝手気ままなfanciful = 空想好きなfuriously = 猛烈に、がむしゃらに |
Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear. Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair. Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn't very fuzzy, was he? | fuzzy = 短い毛で覆われている |
Give papa a cup of proper coffee in a copper coffee cup. | |
Good blood, bad blood. | 「bad blood」には「機嫌が悪い」という意味もある。 |
Greek grapes. | |
Green glass globes glow greenly. | globe = 玉、球体 |
He threw three balls through the tall trees. | |
How can a clam cram in a clean cream can? | clam = ハマグリcram = 詰め込む |
How many cans can a canner can if a canner can can cans? A canner can can as many cans as a canner can, if a canner can can cans. | ここでの「can」も名詞、動詞、助動詞の3種類。 |
How many yaks could a yak pack, pack if a yak pack could pack yaks? | yak = 牛の一種pack = ここでは「群れ」という名詞と「詰め込む」という動詞として使われている。 |
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood? | woodchuck = ウッドチャック(リス科の哺乳動物) chuck = 投げる |
I saw a kitten eating chicken in the kitchen. | kitten = 子猫 |
I saw Susie sitting in a shoe shine shop. | |
I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream. | |
I thought a thought, but the thought I thought wasn't the thought I thought I thought. | thought = 動詞「think」の過去形、「考え」という名詞として使われている。 |
I wish to wish the wish you wish to wish, but if you wish the wish the witch wishes, I won't wish the wish you wish to wish. | |
If practice makes perfect and perfect needs practice, I’m perfectly practiced and practically perfect. | practically = 実質的に |
If two witches were watching two watches, which witch would watch which watch? | |
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is not worth noticing. | notice =「気づく」という動詞と「案内、注意書き」という名詞として使われている。 |
Kitty caught the kitten in the kitchen. | |
One-one was a race horse. Two-two was one too. One-one won one race. Two-two won one too. | |
Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. | Peter Piper = マザー・グースの童謡の登場人物 peck = イギリスの容積単位(9.092リットル)peppers = ここでは唐辛子またはカラーピーマンを指す |
Red blood, green blood. | |
Rubber baby buggy bumpers. | baby buggy = ベビーカー |
Santa's sleigh slid on the slick snow. | sleigh = そり slid = slide(滑る)の過去形 |
Scissors sizzle, thistles sizzle. | sizzle =(高音で熱されて)シューシューと音を立てるthistle = アザミ |
Seventy-seven benevolent elephants. | |
She sees cheese. | |
She stood on the balcony, inexplicably mimicking him hiccupping and amicably welcoming him in. | inexplicably = 不可解にもmimic = 〜の真似をする amicably = 友好的に |
Sheena leads, Sheila needs. | |
Six Czech cricket critics. | Czech = チェコ人の critic = 批評家 |
Six sticky skeletons. | |
Smelly shoes and socks shock sisters. | smelly = 臭い |
Snap crackle pop. | 「パチン、ポキッ」、「パチパチ」、「ポンッ」という擬音語。この名前がついたシリアルのマスコットキャラクター3人組もいる。 |
The big black bug bit the big black bear, but the big black bear bit the big black bug back. | |
Tie twine to three tree twigs. | twine = より糸twig = 小枝 |
To begin to toboggan first buy a toboggan, but don't buy too big a toboggan. Too big a toboggan is too big a toboggan to buy to begin to toboggan. | toboggan = 主に子どもが遊ぶ小型のソリ。ここでは「ソリで遊ぶ」という動詞としても使われている。 |
Toy boat. Toy boat. Toy boat. | |
Unique New York, unique New York. | |
Zebras zig and zebras zag. | zebra = シマウマ zig, zag = どちらも「ジグザグに進む」という動詞で、対で使われることが多い。 |