A Berlitz tesztelési szolgáltatását úgy alakítottuk ki, hogy minden esetben megoldást nyújtson.  A legmodernebb technológiát használva mindig 100%-ig pontos és releváns eredmény tudunk biztosítani. 

Válasszon szolgáltatásaink közül:

SOPI (Simulated Oral Proficiency Interview)

Számítógépes, de ember által kiértékelt szóbeli szintfelmérő, amely több mint 10 nyelven elérhető.

WPE-CS (Writing Proficiency Exam for Customer Service)

Számítógépes, de ember által kiértékelt írásbeli szintfelmérő, amely több mint 10 nyelven elérhető.

BTSS (Berlitz Test of Speaking Skills)

Egy OWL alapú, de ember által kiértékelt szóbeli szintfelmérő.

BTLR (Berlitz Test of Listening and Reading)

A computer-based tool that assesses reading and listening


The Simulated Oral Proficiency Interview (SOPI) is a language proficiency testing product that measures the oral communicative ability of students, employees, and/or applicants through an online computer-based platform. SOPI presents candidates with a series of six authentic, general situations to which they must provide a response. The test can be completed in 20 minutes. Tests can be administered at any time, without scheduling. SOPI is designed for institutions that require a reliable way of evaluating the oral language ability of test-takers. This test is recommended for:

  • Institutions that wish to specifically assess the speaking skills of candidates
  • Situations that require large numbers of candidates to be assessed simultaneously or within a short period of time.

All SOPI tests are double rated by professional raters. Scores are based on the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) and range from A2 through C1 abilities. Scores are reported online within 24-72 hours of test completion.


Writing Proficiency Exam for Customer Service (WPE-CS) is a language proficiency testing product that measures the writing ability of customer service employees or applicants through an online computer-based platform. WPE-CS presents candidates with a series of three authentic situations specific to the customer service industry. This test can be completed in 60 minutes. Tests can be administered at any time, without scheduling. The WPE-CS is recommended for:

Institutions that wish to specifically assess the writing skills of candidates in customer service positions

Situations that require large numbers of candidates to be assessed simultaneously or within a short period of time

Decisions related to hiring, transfers, and promotions

All WPE-CS tests are double rated by professional raters. Scores are based on the CEFR and range from A2 through C1 abilities. Results are provided through an online portal within 24 hours of submitting the test.


The Berlitz Test of Speaking Skills is a language-proficiency testing system that accurately measures the oral communicative ability of employees or applicants in a workplace environment. Available in over 40 languages, the test uses a verbal assessment strategy in which a Berlitz-Certified Rater methodically guides the individual through a telephone conversation within a business context.

In-depth assessments lead to solid decisions 

The speaking proficiency assessment is designed for institutions that require a reliable way of evaluating the oral language ability of potential or current employees. This test is recommended for:

  • Decisions that include hiring, transfer, salary adjustments and promotions
  • Institutions that wish to test candidates using a consistent test and global scale across a wide range of languages
  • Institutions that wish to specifically assess the speaking skills of candidates

Convenient, thorough and accurate 

All Berlitz Raters are native-fluent in the target language and are experienced in leading the Berlitz Test of Speaking Skills in a professional manner. The Rater conducts an Oral Proficiency Interview that engages the examinee in dialogue covering both general topics and those related to business and the workplace. The Rater sets up a context for the conversation and asks questions that allow individuals to demonstrate their oral proficiency in the target language. Through a 20-minute series of questions, prompts and tasks, the Berlitz Rater assesses proficiency levels in four areas:

  • Fluency: As a factor that determines the functional success of the examinees, it refers to the ability to articulate a manage conversation smoothly
  • Grammatical Accuracy: May be defined as knowledge of and ability to use the grammatical structures of a language. Grammatical organization involves such styles and usages as word order, part of speech, and prepositions.
  • Linguistic Range: Refers to how well speakers express themselves using sentence patterns, forms, and idiomatic expressions appropriate in oral communication. Range also refers to the aspects of style, tone, and word choice.
  • Phonological Control: Refers to the ability to produce appropriate intonation, variation in phonological phonemes (/t/ vs. /d/; /r/ vs. /l/), correct sentence-stress placement to express finer shades of meaning, and production of clear intelligible pronunciation.


The Berlitz Test of Listening and Reading Skills is a convenient and cost-effective online tool that measures an individual’s language skills. The assessment is offered in five languages and is easily accessible from any computer with an internet connection.

In-depth assessments lead to solid decisions

This proficiency assessment is designed for institutions that require a reliable way of evaluating the listening and reading ability of potential or current employees. This test is recommended for:
  • Decisions such as entrance into training programs and skills benchmarking
  • Institutions that wish to test listening and reading skills in English, French, Italian, German or Spanish
  • Institutions that need immediate results

Valuable and precise

The Berlitz Test of Listening and Readings Skills is offered in five languages: English, Spanish, French, German and Italian. The 90-minute test measures four key areas of communication:

  • Listening Comprehension
  • Reading Comprehension
  • Grammatical Accuracy
  • Breadth of Vocabulary

Support languages: The Berlitz Test of Listening and Reading comes with instructions in the following support languages: English, Spanish, French, German, Dutch Portuguese, Polish, Hungarian, Slovak, Turkish, Korean, Japanese, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese.

Technology: This assessment is compatible with either a PC or Mac, and may be accessed using Internet Explorer, Safari or Firefox. A high-speed internet connection is needed, along with speakers or a headset. The assessment is easy to access and does not require downloading onto a server.

Administration and scoring: Berlitz recommends having the test proctored to ensure test security. Test results are computer-scored and immediately available. Scoring is based on the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR).

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