At Berlitz France, we are ready to assist your employees as they prepare for their international assignments with our cross-cultural training for expatriates, which draws on country specialists from our global network of instructors. Our training is based on our proven training methods, the Cultural Navigator (our intercultural learning platform), and our intercultural online analysis tool for exploring personal cultural profiles (the Cultural Orientations Indicator, or COI). Berlitz offers you a customized blended-learning package that helps ensure that the relocation will be a success for both your company and your employees.

Cross-cultural training for expatriates

Repatriation coaching


In our seminars, we help your employees take the first steps toward intercultural competence by learning how to handle the local red tape and make new friends, as well as teaching them the most important aspects of doing business in their new region: How do you lead in the new culture? How do teams work there? How do you communicate effectively with stakeholders from different cultures in presentations and meetings? During training, we explore and answer these questions and more.

Our repatriation coaching helps your employees manage their expectations and goals. Our experienced coaches work with them to explore possible challenges, examine expectations and objectives, and draft a concrete action plan for the period following their return – so the international assignment is also a success after repatriation.


  • Getting to know your host country: business, government, religion, and society
  • Culture and intercultural competence
  • Personal perspective: the individual COI®
  • Everyday, regional, and corporate culture
  • Coping with culture shock: strategies for feeling at home in the new culture
  • Personal action plan
  • Challenges and reality of repatriation
  • Reintegration into professional and private life
  • COI® and cultural values
  • Looking back: the expat experience
  • Looking forward: applying the benefits of your international experience

Target group

  • Future expatriates
  • Couples and families
  • Individual employees returning from an assignment abroad
  • Employees and their spouses or partners returning from an assignment abroad


  • Coaching content tailored to your individual needs
  • Acquire lasting knowledge about culture and business in your host country
  • Effective analysis and comparison of your own culture using our COI® intercultural tool
  • Coaching content tailored to your individual needs
  • Define clear goals by developing a concrete action plan for your return
  • Manage your professional expectations through guided perspective change analysis
Deux employés devant un ordinateur portable discutent entre eux après leur accompagnement expatriation.

A training based on an exclusive model

The COI (cultural orientation indicator) profile is an integral part of every cross-cultural training for expatriates and we strongly recommend that you generate your profile before undertaking the expatriate training. This will enable us to assess your cultural preferences and comfort zones to build you a highly customized program. This program is focused on reducing gaps that may exist between your habitual way of functioning in terms of behavior and communication style and those you may encounter in your new host country environment.

Berlitz France supports companies with funded training programs

Benefit from funding opportunities

Homme tenant une tablette et lisant des informations sur les cours de langue subventionnés par Berlitz

The six levels of culture

All Berlitz cultural training programs address the six levels of culture that impact people’s work-style preferences:


Level 1

What many people think of as the only type of culture. National culture is the result of a country’s social, political, and economic history.

Please select a level for more info
Social Identity Group
Individual (inter and intra-personal)

Our cross-cultural training for expatriates helps participants to:

Understand their way of functioning in the workplace and become more open to the advantages of different approaches to the business environment.

Acquire key information for decoding and deciphering unfamiliar behavior and communication patterns.

Get accustomed to a new professional and home environment with their family.

Acquire and apply four fundamental intercultural skills (due diligence, styles switching, dialogue, and mentoring).

Improve their capacity to better communicate, negotiate, and collaborate on the international plane.

Other business seminars offered at Berlitz

Business communication training

Cultural awareness and cultural consulting

Find out more

Fill in the form below and we’ll contact you to discuss your learning options and answer any questions you may have.

Frequently Asked Questions

The business workshops are available in English, French, and other languages on demand.

At Berlitz France, we offer international mobility seminars:

  1. At one of our language centers in France:
  2. In other locations and cities where we don’t have a physical language center.
  3. On the company's premises.
  4. Online for more flexibility.