Students focusing on what their instructor says during a language class with Berlitz Algeria

Choose from a wide range of courses and learn a new language with Berlitz

Learn a foreign language and enjoy the many benefits it has on your life! It increases cultural awareness, brain functionality, career opportunities, and soft skills. Berlitz understands this, which is why we have developed language programs for numerous different languages. It doesn’t matter what language or why you want to learn it, our goal at Berlitz is to make it possible for you to learn. Choose from the wide range of courses we offer and learn a new language with us.

More languages

Don't see your target language listed above? Contact us below for more information on whether your preferred language is available at your local language center or online.

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Frequently Asked Questions

The best way to learn a language is to actively speak it. Your progress can be supported with a number of learning techniques that help you improve your skills naturally:

  • watching TV shows in your target language
  • reading books in your new language
  • listening to music in your target language and focusing on the lyrics

You will be able to practice your speaking and listening skills with our language courses at Berlitz Algeria, where we use the Berlitz Method. Our renowned teaching method focuses on actively speaking your target language in conversations and practicing real-life situations. You can exercise your speaking skills with our online, in-person, group, and private classes.

You can learn a new language face-to-face or online. Berlitz Algeria offers language centers locations:

If you want to save time commuting, you can also learn languages with Berlitz's online classes.

You can choose between several languages to learn based on your goals. Whether you want to learn a new language for work, traveling, or moving, you can browse Berlitz Algeria's courses in the following languages: