121 cute birds in English to earn a feather in your (vocabulary) cap
Birds are a symbol of freedom. They have a mysterious beauty, recognized by artists and poets since the dawn of time. They are also important in our lives in many ways.
They bring us joy by singing beautifully outside of our windows and help maintain the ecosystem by eating small insects.
You probably already know the names of birds you frequently encounter in your life, such as duck or pigeon in English. But even if English is your native language, you might find it a challenge to name the birds you don’t see that often. That’s because learning the names of birds is not only a question of memorizing vocabulary – it’s also about learning what they look and sound like.
Although that sounds like a job for an ornithologist, being able to recognize a bird by its name can be extremely useful. It can help you tell your friends about that beautiful bird you saw on your recent trip to the Everglades National Park in the USA or the tropical one you saw in Costa Rica.
So, in this guide, we’ll cover over 110 names of birds in English. Ready?