109 vegetable names in English you’ll want to feast on
There are many different vegetables in English, and learning about them can open your world up to new flavors, cultures, and cuisines.
Whether you eat at home or in a restaurant, learning to name different vegetables in any language is a must, and English is no different.
It’s useful at the grocery store, at home, and when ordering food on the phone. The more vegetables you know in English, the higher your chances of being able to correctly identify them when they’re mentioned in the conversation!
There’s a big world of vegetables out there, and while you may not enjoy eating all of them, they’re important from a culinary standpoint because many are used in cuisines around the world.
The English language has a wide vocabulary of vegetables, and you probably don’t know them all – even if you’re a native speaker! This is why we’ve compiled this list of 109 vegetables in English. We’ve divided them by specific categories so you can easily browse through the list and find what you’re looking for.