Why should kids learn digital skills?

Thrive in a digital age

From the playground, to the classroom, to college, to work, technology is enmeshed in every aspect of your kids’ lives. Being digitally literate is now necessary to navigate and get ahead in our increasingly digitised world.

Digital skills not taught at school

Only foundational computer skills are taught in most schools, and sometimes they’re not on the agenda at all. So, it’s important to find digital classes outside of the school environment where kids can focus on the digital literacy and computer skills they need for school, work, and life.

Learn life skills

Learning digital skills gives kids more than pure tech savvy, it also empowers them with important skills for life including problem-solving, creative thinking, teamwork and collaboration, global perspective, confidence, abstract thinking, workflow management, computational thinking, resilience, attention to detail and so much more!

From consumer to creator

Turn screen time into learning time, where instead of aimlessly scrolling, your kids are using coding apps and tech to create their own content!

Jobs, Jobs, Jobs!

Demand for programmers and developers in the job market is growing exponentially. Building a strong set of digital skills from a young age will give your child a head-start in the job market.

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