Conditions for purchases of products/services:

Berlitz International Sweden AB
Gamla Brogatan 23B
111 20 Stockholm
Phone: +46 10 510 23 00
Org nr 556030-4122(hereafter "Berlitz")

    1. Definitions

    2. Scope of terms and conditions

    3. Concluding a contract

    4. Right to withdraw

    5. Products provided

    6. Products on

    7. Changes

    8. Results

    9. Cancellation

    10. Refund

    11. Pricing and payment conditions

    12. Credit card - security

    13. Data Protection

    14. Rights

    15. Transfer of rights

    16. Breach of contract

    17. Court of jurisdiction

    18. Company data

    1. Definitions


    The "products " / services provided cover language courses and all the products and services offered for sale by Berlitz.


    The definition of a "User" refers to both natural as well as judicial persons who purchase or have purchased Berlitz' products with us and anyone else using these services.

    2. Scope of terms and conditions


    These terms and condition of business shall form the basis of purchase of services/products offered unless otherwise agreed in writing between Berlitz and the User.


    Berlitz' standard terms and conditions are not valid in the online business relationship between Berlitz and the User.

    3. Concluding a contract


    The User will find the products/services for sale on this website.


    From a legal point of view, the website is solely a platform to submit quotes.


    If a User wishes to purchase a product/service from Berlitz on this website, the User concludes an order and payment procedure on the website, hereby submitting a purchase offer.


    The agreement is valid only when Berlitz has accepted the offer by sending a confirmation e-mail. As to Individual Instruction, Berlitz contacts the User by phone or e-mail in order to conclude when the product / service should be delivered. Concerning Open Group Courses / Group Tuition, the User will be informed of the specific group in question.

    4. Right to withdraw


    Provided the User is a consumer, he/she may withdraw from his/her contractual declaration within 14 days from the date the User has received a confirmation e-mail of the purchase of a product/service via our website from Berlitz. Withdrawals must be sent to Berlitz International Sweden AB, Vasagatan 28

    111 20 Stockholm, e-post


    If the service has started before the right to withdraw has expired, the User, by accepting these conditions, agrees that the right to withdraw within 14 days shall not apply.

    5. Products provided


    Individual Instruction (Individual Instruction Classic, Individual Instruction Compact, Total Immersion, Individual Instruction Premium, Corporate Group Premium, Corporate Group Compact and Berlitz Blended).


    The planning of lessons, timetables and schedules relating to the product/service is agreed between the User and Berlitz.


    Each lesson is 40 minutes long, followed by a 5-minute break.


    The User has the right to change or cancel scheduled lessons by 12 noon the working day before. If the User cancels too late or does not show up, the User will be charged for the lessons scheduled.


    Private lessons in Berlitz Blended programs are scheduled at pre-set intervals and may only be rescheduled within the same week.


    Live Tuition over the internet (Berlitz Virtual Classroom Individual Instruction and Berlitz Virtual Classroom Corporate Group).


    Berlitz Virtual Classroom Individual Instruction and Berlitz Virtual Classroom Corporate Group have the same conditions as Individual Instruction, cf 5.1 and 9.1. 5.3Open Groups /Group Tuition (Semi Private, Intensive Club, Crash Course, Berlitz Class, Berlitz Virtual Class Open Groups and Berlitz Kids Groups)


    The User and Berlitz will agree on which group the User should attend.


    Each lesson is 40 minutes long, followed by a 5-minute break.


    For pedagogical reasons, Berlitz is entitled to move a User from one group to another or to change the course content.


    Berlitz' Open Groups/Group Tuition have pre-set numbers of participants. If there are not enough participants, Berlitz is, without further notice, entitled to reduce the number of lessons in a given group program in accordance with the guidelines below:

    Semi Private:

    Number of lessons with 2 participants: 42

    If only one person is enrolled, the User has the following options: 1) join the next suitable Semi Private program, 2) private lessons are scheduled instead, corresponding to the total tuition amount of the program or 3) the purchase amount is refunded.

    Intensive Club:

    Number of lessons with 3-5 participants: 48

    Number of lessons with 2 participants: 36

    If only one person is enrolled, the User has the following options: 1) join the next suitable Intensive Club program, 2) private lessons are scheduled instead, corresponding to the total tuition amount of the program or 3) the purchase amount is refunded.

    Crash Course:

    Number of lessons with 3-5 participants: 48

    Number of lessons with 2 participants: 36

    If only one person is enrolled, the User has the following options: 1) join the next suitable Crash Course program, 2) private lessons are scheduled instead, corresponding to the total tuition amount of the program or 3) the purchase amount is refunded.

    Berlitz Class:Number of lessons with 6-10 participants: 72

    If fewer than 6 participants are enrolled, the User has the following options: 1) join another program, for instance Intensive Club or a Semi Private program of the same total value, 2) private lessons corresponding to the total tuition amount of the program or 3) the purchase amount is refunded.


    Special conditions regarding "Berlitz Kids Groups".

    Berlitz has the right to bar a child from further participation in a Berlitz Kids Group, if the said child makes it impossible for lively and stimulating instruction to take place for the other members of the group. In this case, Berlitz will refund all lessons paid for but not taken.


    Berlitz Test of Listening and Reading Skills and Berlitz Test of Speaking Skills


    The booking and scheduling of Berlitz Test of Listening and Reading Skills and Berlitz Test of Speaking Skills is agreed on between the User and Berlitz.


    Berlitz Test of Listening and Reading Skills takes 60-90 minutes, while Berlitz Test of Speaking Skills takes approx. 20 minutes.

    The User is entitled to reschedule or cancel a planned Berlitz Test of Listening and Reading Skills and Berlitz Test of Speaking Skills test two working days before the scheduled appointment.


    Berlitz Online - eBerlitz Self-Study and eBerlitz Tutoring


    Berlitz Online offers flexible personal access to interactive online language learning programs. The licence is valid for 12 months and is sent to the User by e-mail when payment is received.

    6. Products on


    Berlitz reserves the right to make changes or remove products/services from this website without prior notice. This also applies to Berlitz Online - eBerlitz Self-Study and eBerlitz Tutoring. The User is not entitled to make any claims concerning these changes.

    7. Changes


    All purchases of language training products/services are subject to the availability of appropriate teaching staff. Berlitz will confirm this after the contract has been confirmed. Furthermore, there may be changes in the teaching plan due to illness, staff changes etc. Berlitz assumes no liability for the cancellation of training programs due to force majeure.


    As part of Berlitz' pedagogical approach, the User will often be taught by a team of instructors. The User is not entitled to be taught by a certain instructor during the whole program.


    Berlitz will always endeavor to find another instructor, if the desired instructor is not available. However, this may not always be possible.


    Berlitz shall offer replacement lessons for any language lessons or programs which had to be cancelled by Berlitz.


    If Berlitz cancels part of the tuition and does not offer replacement lessons within 4 weeks, the User is entitled to get a refund for the remaining part of the purchase amount, i.e. the client only pays for the lessons taught. This also applies to programs for language lessons or programs which had to be cancelled by Berlitz.


    The User is not entitled to replacement lessons or other compensation except as stipulated in 7.5.

    8. Results


    Berlitz accepts no responsibility for the non-achievement of specific course-related language goals. Guidelines published by Berlitz, regarding the number of lessons required to reach a particular level, are based on years of experience but may differ from user to user, depending on the individual's background, motivation and input.

    9. Cancellation


    Cancellation of Individual Instruction (Individual Instruction Classic, Individual Instruction Compact, Total Immersion, Individual Instruction Premium, Corporate Group Premium, Corporate Group Compact) and live tuition over the internet (Berlitz Virtual Classroom Individual Instruction and Berlitz Virtual Classroom Corporate Group).


    The User is entitled to a refund within 6 months from the confirmation of the contract. Berlitz will refund the remaining balance of the contract amount, and the User is only charged for services that have already been used.


    A language program is valid for 12 months from the date of the contract. The User may use the remaining balance for payment of other products/services at Berlitz within the 12-month period as of the confirmation of the original contract.


    Notwithstanding § 9.1.1 and 9.1.2, all tuition as regards Individual Instruction Classic and Individual Instruction Compact shall be concluded within the agreed time period. The agreed program periods are as follows: * Individual Instruction Classic - 36 lessons within 9 weeks and* Individual Instruction Compact - 36 lessons within 2 weeks. Unused lessons cannot be taken after the said period. Under special circumstances Berlitz may, however, offer the User to extend the validity of the program to 12 months as of the confirmation of the original contract.


    Cancellation of stay with a host family cf "Berlitz Study Abroad".

    9.2.1If a stay with a host is cancelled at least two weeks before the agreed arrival date, Berlitz will refund 75 % of the purchase amount. If the cancellation is received later or not at all, the User shall pay for a week's stay with the host family.


    Berlitz Test of Listening and Reading Skills & Berlitz Test of Speaking Skills


    If Berlitz Test of Listening and Reading Skills & Berlitz Test of Speaking Skills is cancelled two days before the planned test, Berlitz will refund the purchase amount.


    If cancellation is received later than stipulated in 9.3.1 or if Berlitz cannot get through to the User in connection with the actual test, the purchase amount will not be refunded.


    Group Tuition (Semi Private, Intensive Club, Crash Course, Berlitz Class and Berlitz Kids Groups) as well as Berlitz Blended cannot be cancelled.

    10. Refund


    If a User is unable to complete his/her language program and the cancellation and scheduling rules have been followed in accordance with § 5.3.4, 9.1.1, 9.2.1 or 9.3.1, and the User requests a refund in writing within 6 months from the date of contract, the unused balance may be refunded. No refunds for pre-paid lesson materials received by the User, nor registration fees, shall be granted.

    11. Pricing and payment conditions


    Prices listed on our webshop include the statutory value-added tax.


    Berlitz reserves the right to change prices without any prior notice period, which, however, will not have any bearing on contracts already agreed on. The prices prevailing for products/services are stated on our web shop.

    12. Credit card - security


    Berlitz uses an external payment provider, the SaferpayTM platform, to process payment transactions with third-party companies. Berlitz does not save credit card or bank data. The payment provider saves credit card and bank data in encrypted form. Payment shall take place by credit card or direct debit using SaferpayTM.

    13. Data protection


    Berlitz uses cookies and logs your data. User data is stored for internal processing and for Berlitz' own promotional purposes in accordance with Swedish legislation.


    In accordance with the law on storing user data, users have the right to access and delete their personal data. If users do not wish to be sent Berlitz' information material, please notify Berlitz International Sweden AB,

    Vasagatan 28, 111 20 Stockholm, Your data will then be blocked.


    Berlitz transfers registered user data to other parties only in accordance with the pertinent laws prevailing.

    14. Rights


    Berlitz has the immaterial rights to all materials/products available to the User and offered by Berlitz.


    No parts of Berlitz' materials/products may be used externally without Berlitz' prior written consent.

    15. Transfer of rights


    Under the contractual obligations; neither Berlitz nor the User is entitled to transfer their rights or obligations, wholly or partly, to third parties.


    However, notwithstanding § 15.1, other employees from the same company can utilize any remaining company-paid balance.

    16. Breach of contract


    If one of the parties does not fulfil their contractual obligations, the other party is entitled to terminate the contract with 14 days' notice, from the date the party who has fulfilled their contractual obligations has informed in writing the party who has not fulfilled their contractual obligation that the contract should be terminated and the breach of contract has not come to an end within the said time limit. The termination of the contract may only refer to the future.

    17. Court of jurisdiction


    This agreement is according to Swedish law.


    The court of jurisdiction for disputes to contracts concluded with Berlitz is "Tingsrätten", unless the case is referred to "Hovrätten" or "Högsta Domstolen" in accordance with the prevailing rules and stipulations.

    18. Company data


    Berlitz International Sweden AB
    Gamla Brogatan 23B
    111 20 Stockholm
    Phone: + 46 10 510 23 00
    Org nr 556030-4122