277 top English abbreviations from texting to acronyms to slang

Marco Monroy

Compliment your language knowledge with these incredibly useful English abbreviations & acronyms.

While focusing on acing your exams and prep courses can be a great way to learn English, there’s much more to the language than what you’ll learn in class. Indeed, many English learners find that navigating formal classes and real life can be two entirely different things. And what’s one thing that most textbooks don’t cover? Abbreviations.

Knowing some common abbreviations in English will help you acclimate better to daily life in English. Most people use abbreviations daily to save time, make their speech more casual, and be more concise. Plus, English has a few words that are so long you’ll be begging for a way to shorten them!

From texting with friends to dealing with bureaucratic government agencies, you’ll find no way to escape all the popular acronyms, initialisms, and abbreviations. So, why not start now, before you make a faux pas by misunderstanding someone’s abbreviations? Similarly to English slang, you’ll want to take some time to study some abbreviations before you run into them in the wild.

Now, before we keep you waiting even longer, let’s dive into the English abbreviations!

What are abbreviations?

Abbreviations are shortened forms of words and phrases. While some abbreviations are informal in nature and border on slang, many of them are also appropriate in formal contexts. In fact, some of the most common abbreviations are “Mr.” and “Mrs.” which are almost exclusively used in formal contexts.

These two diverse happy female students are learning about English abbreviations, slang and acronyms.

Types of abbreviations included in this article:

The words “abbreviations” and “acronyms” are often used interchangeably, although there are some important differences between the two. In fact, there are

  • Acronyms. An acronym is a word that is made up of the first letter of a group of words and is read like a single word. For example, NATO is pronounced as a single word, making it an acronym.
  • Initialisms. Initialisms are similar to acronyms, except that each letter is read individually. For example, RSVP is an initialism, as you say each letter one by one.
  • Portmanteaus. A portmanteau is a combination of two words, such as motel being a motor hotel.
  • Clipped words. Clipped words are some of the most common types of abbreviations, as they are just shortened words. For example, abbreviating January as “Jan” is an example of a clipped word.
  • Contractions. Contractions are two or three words combined with the use of apostrophes, such as won’t, should’ve or couldn’t’ve.

Although there are more types of contractions, these are by far the most common ones. And with 275 examples in this article alone, you’ll have no shortage of abbreviations to study with just these five types!

Top common English abbreviations

There are thousands of common English abbreviations out there that are worth studying. However, it’s not a good idea to try to learn too many of them at once. n fact, abbreviations are continuously changing with the trends, so you couldn’t possibly learn all of them even if you wanted to. So, just relax, and enjoy learning some fun (and fast!) new ways to say a few words and phrases that you were already familiar with.

Here are the top abbreviations and acronyms.

English What it stands for Pronunciation IPA
ASAP As soon as possible as soon as poh-see-buhl ˈæz ˈsun ˈæz ˈpɑsəbəl
RSVP Répondez s’il vous plaît are es vee pee ˈɑr ˈiz ˈvi ˈpi
FAQs Frequently asked questions eff ay cues ˈfɹikwəntli ˈæskt ˈkwɛstʃənz
TGIF Thank god it’s Friday thank god its fry-day ˈθæŋk ˈɡɑd ˈɪts ˈfɹaɪˌdeɪ
IMO In my opinion een my oh-pee-nee-ohn ˈɪn ˈmaɪ əˈpɪnjən
IMHO In my humble opinion een my hum-boll oh-pee-nee-ohn ˈɪn ˈmaɪ ˈhʌmbəl əˈpɪnjən
N/A Not available not ah-vay-luh-bull ˈnɑt əˈveɪləbəl
DIY Do-it-yourself do eet your self ˈdu ˈɪt jɚˈsɛlf
FIY For your information fore your een-fore ma-tee-on ˈfɔr ˈjɔr ˌɪnfɚˈmeɪʃən
AKA Also known as all-so known as ˈɔlˌsoʊ ˈnoʊn ˈæz
FKA Formerly known as fore-mer-lee nown as ˈfɔrmɚli ˈnoʊn ˈæz
BYOB Bring your own beverage breeng your own beh-vuh-rij ˈbɹɪŋ ˈjɔr ˈoʊn ˈbɛvɹɪdʒ
BO Body odor bo-dee oh-door ˈbɑdi ˈoʊdɚ
ETA Estimated time of arrival es-tee-ma-ted tiem of ah-ri-val ˈɛstəˌmeɪtəd ˈtaɪm əv ɚˈɹaɪvəl
LGBTQ Lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and queer les-bee-an, gay, bye-sex-oo-al, trans, and coo-eer ˈlɛzbiən | ˈɡeɪ | baɪˈsɛkʃəwəl | ˈtɹæns ənd ˈkwɪr
Q&A Questions and answers coo-es-tee-ons and an-swers ˈkwɛstʃənz ənd ˈænsɚz
ID Identification i-den-tee-fee-ca-shon aɪˌdɛntəfəˈkeɪʃən
RIP Rest in peace rest een pees ˈɹɛst ˈɪn ˈpis
VIP Very important person ve-ree eem-por-tant per-son ˈvɛri ɪmˈpɔrtn̩t ˈpɝsn̩
ATM Automatic teller machine au-toe-ma-teec te-lur ma-sheen ˌɔtəˈmætɪk ˈtɛlɚ məˈʃin
i.e. In other words een oh-thur words ˈɪn ˈʌðɚ ˈwɝdz
i.g. For example fore ex-ample ˈfɔr ɪɡˈzæmpəl
PIN Personal identification number per-soh-nall i-den-tee-fee-ca-tee-on num-bur ˈpɝsənəl aɪˌdɛntəfəˈkeɪʃən ˈnʌmbɚ
SOS Save our ship (help) sayv or sheep ˈseɪv ˈaʊɚ ˈʃɪp
SO Significant other sig-nee-fee-cant oh-ther sɪɡˈnɪfɪkənt ˈʌðɚ
TMI Too much information too much een-fore-may-shon ˈtu ˈmʌtʃ ˌɪnfɚˈmeɪʃən
POV Point of view poo-eent of vee-u ˈpɔɪnt əv ˈvju
HBD Happy birthday ha-pee buhrth-day ˈhæpi ˈbɝθˌdeɪ

Texting abbreviations

Texting is essential if you want to maintain friendships with your English-speaking friends. While this can be a great way to improve your language, it can also be difficult to follow along when every other word is a texting-specific abbreviation. Luckily, you’ve got this handy table to show you some of the most common texting abbreviations!

English What it stands for Pronunciation IPA
lol Laugh out loud laf aut laud ˈlæf ˈaʊt ˈlaʊd
lmk Let me know let me no ˈlɛt ˈmi ˈnoʊ
nvm Nevermind neh-ver-mind ˈnɛvɚˌmaɪnd
omw On my way on my way ˈɔn ˈmaɪ ˈweɪ
idk I don’t know eye don’t no ˈaɪ ˈdoʊnt ˈnoʊ
thx Thanks thanks ˈθæŋks
ty Thank you thank yoo ˈθæŋk ˈju
brb Be right back be rite bac ˈbi ˈɹaɪt ˈbæk
btw By the way by thuh way ˈbaɪ ðə ˈweɪ
omg Oh my god o my god ˈoʊ ˈmaɪ ˈɡɑd
lmao Laughing my ass off laff-ing my ass off ˈlæfɪŋ ˈmaɪ ˈæs ˈɔf
wtf What the **** what thuh **** ˈwɑt ðə ˈfʌk
wth What the hell what thuh hell ˈwɑt ðə ˈhɛl
iykyk If you know, you know If yoo no yoo no juː nəʊ
sthu Shut the hell up shut thuh hell up ʃʌt ðə hɛl ʌp
yolo You only live once yoo on-lee liv uans ˈju ˈoʊnli ˈlɪv ˈwʌns
TL;DR Too long, didn’t read too long, deedn’t reed ˈtu ˈlɔŋ | ˈdɪdn̩t ˈɹid
2day Today to-day təˈdeɪ
2moro Tomorrow to-morrow təˈmɑroʊ
atm At the moment at thu mo-ment ət ðə ˈmoʊmənt
b4 Before bee-fore bɪˈfɔr
l8r Later lay-tur ˈleɪtɚ
cu See you see yoo ˈsi ˈju
cya See ya see ya ˈsi ˈjɑ
gr8 Great grayt ˈɡɹeɪt
ily I love you I lov yoo ˈaɪ ˈlʌv ˈju
ily2 I love you too I lov yoo too ˈaɪ ˈlʌv ˈju ˈtu
pls Please plees ˈpliz
r u srs Are you serious? are yoo see-ree-us ˈɑr ˈju ˈsɪriəs ‖
y Why? why ˈwaɪ ‖
ttyl Talk to you later tak too yoo lay-tur ˈtɔk ˈtu ˈju ˈleɪtɚ
bc Because bee-cos bɪˈkɔz
DM Direct message dee-rect muh-saj dɚˈɹɛkt ˈmɛsɪdʒ
ftw For the win for thuh ween ˈfɔr ðə ˈwɪn
iirc If I remember correctly eef eye ruh-mem-bur co-rect-lee ˈɪf ˈaɪ ɹɪˈmɛmbɚ kɚˈɹɛktli
jk Just kidding just kee-deeng ˈdʒʌst ˈkɪdɪŋ
nbd No big deal no beeg deel ˈnoʊ ˈbɪɡ ˈdil
rn Right now rite now ˈɹaɪt ˈnaʊ
DAE Does anyone else? dos a-nee-wuan els ˈdʌz ˈɛniˌwʌn ˈɛls ‖
hmu Hit me up hit mee up ˈhɪt ˈmi ˈʌp
wyd What (are) you doing? what yoo doo-ing ˈwɑt | ˈɑr | ˈju ˈduɪŋ ‖
idc I don’t care I don’t care ˈaɪ ˈdoʊnt ˈkɛr
h8 Hate hayt ˈheɪt
Smiling and using texting abbreviations in English while on yoga mat in park.

Business abbreviations and acronyms

Abbreviations and acronyms are extremely important — even in the business world. This is especially important as English is one of the top languages for business, making these business acronyms extra important for anyone looking to make big business in one of the English-speaking countries.

Here are some of the most common business abbreviations and acronyms you might run into at the office.

English What it stands for Pronunciation IPA
CC Carbon copy car-bohn coh-pee ˈkɑrbən ˈkɑpi
BCC Blind carbon copy blind car-bohn coh-pee ˈblaɪnd ˈkɑrbən ˈkɑpi
FTE Full-time employment full time em-ploy-ment ˈfʊlˌtaɪm ɪmˈplɔɪmənt
EOD End-of-day end of day ˈɛndəvˈdeɪ
RE Regarding re-gar-deeng ɹɪˈɡɑrdɪŋ
P.S. Post script post screept ˈpoʊst ˈskɹɪpt
PTO Paid time off payd taim off ˈpeɪd ˈtaɪm ˈɔf
NB Nota Bene no-ta beh-nuh ˈnoʊtə ˈbɛni
OOO Out of office aut of au-fees ˈaʊt əv ˈɑfəs
OT Overtime o-ver-taim ˈoʊvɚˌtaɪm
P&C Private & confidential pri-vait and con-fee-den-shal ˈpɹaɪvət | ˌkɑnfəˈdɛnʃəl
SMART Specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, time-bound spuh-see-feec, muh-shoo-ruh-bol, ah-tain-uh-bol, re-uh-lis-tic, taim-baund spɪˈsɪfɪk | ˈmɛʒɚɹəbəl | əˈteɪnəbəl | ˌɹiəˈlɪstɪk | ˈtaɪmˈbaʊnd
TIA Thanks in advance thanks een ad-vans ˈθæŋks ˈɪn ədˈvæns
WFH Work from home work from hom ˈwɝk fɹəm ˈhoʊm

Abbreviations for time and space

You might already be familiar with some of these if you know how to tell time in English. Truthfully, many of these are used across languages, and a big chunk of them have origins in Latin. So, if you speak one of the Romance languages, you may already have a few of these in the bag!

English What it stands for Pronunciation IPA
AD Anno Domini ah-no do-me-ne ˈæn(ˌ)oʊ ˈdɑmɪni
BC Before Christ be-for cry-st bɪˈfɔr ˈkɹaɪst
CE Common Era co-mon eh-ruh ˈkɑmən ˈɛrə
BCE Before Common Era be-for co-mon eh-ruh bɪˈfɔr ˈkɑmən ˈɛrə
ETA Estimated time of arrival es-tee-may-ted taim of ah-ri-val ˈɛstəˌmeɪtəd ˈtaɪm əv ɚˈɹaɪvəl
a. m. Ante meridiem an-te me-re-dee-em ˈænti #meridiem#
p. m. Post meridiem post me-re-dee-em ˈpoʊst #meridiem#
h Hour a-woor ˈaʊɚ
min Minute me-noot ˈmɪnət
s Seconds se-conds ˈsɛkəndz
N North north ˈnɔrθ
S South sauth ˈsaʊθ
E East est ˈist
W West west ˈwɛst
NW Northwest north-west nɔrθˈwɛst
NE Northeast north-est nɔrθˈist
SW Southwest sauth-west saʊθˈwɛst
SE Southeast sauth-est saʊθˈist

English abbreviations for months

Learning the months in English is one of the first things on any English learner’s agenda. But what about abbreviations? Truthfully, you’ll see the abbreviated versions of the months much more often, especially on event invitations and Zoom call invites.

Here are the most common abbreviations for all 12 months of the year in English.

English What it stands for Pronunciation IPA
Jan January jan-oo-ary ˈdʒænjəˌwɛri
Feb February feb-oo-ary ˈfɛbjəˌwɛri
Mar March march ˈmɑrtʃ
Apr April ay-prill ˈeɪpɹəl
May May may ˈmeɪ
Jun June joon ˈdʒun
Jul July joo-ly dʒʊˈlaɪ
Aug August o-goost ɔˈɡʌst
Sept September sep-tem-bur sɛpˈtɛmbɚ
Oct October oc-to-bur ɑkˈtoʊbɚ
Nov November no-vem-bur noˈvɛmbɚ
Dec December de-sem-bur dɪˈsɛmbɚ

Abbreviations for days of the week

Another big ticket item on an English learner’s agenda is learning the days of the week in English. Unlike other abbreviations in this article, the days of the week only use one or two letters for their shortened version. In fact, most of these are initialisms, although most initialisms are reserved for phrases or groups of words.

English What it stands for Pronunciation IPA
M Monday mon-day ˈmʌnˌdeɪ
T Tuesday toos-day ˈtuzˌdeɪ
W Wednesday wens-day ˈwɛnzˌdeɪ
Th Thursday thurs-day ˈθɝzˌdeɪ
F Friday fri-day ˈfɹaɪˌdeɪ
S Saturday sat-oor-day ˈsætɚˌdeɪ
Su Sunday sun-day ˈsʌnˌdeɪ

Professions abbreviation

Abbreviating your profession is extremely common, especially for business cards and email signatures. Even if you’re not looking to do business in an English-speaking country, knowing these professions abbreviations will help you understand what those letters in people’s email signatures mean!

English What it stands for Pronunciation IPA
Acct Accountant ac-cown-tant əˈkaʊntn̩t
Asst Assistant a-sis-tant əˈsɪstənt
PA Personal assistant per-so-nal a-sis-tant ˈpɝsənəl əˈsɪstənt
VA Virtual assistant vir-too-al a-sis-tant ˈvɝtʃəwəl əˈsɪstənt
Capt Captain cap-tan ˈkæptən
Dir Director dee-rec-toor dɚˈɹɛktɚ
Exec Executive ex-eh-coo-tiv ɪɡˈzɛkjətɪv
CEO Chief Executive Officer cheef ex-eh-coo-tiv oh-fee-sehr ˈtʃif ɪɡˈzɛkjətɪv ˈɑfəsɚ
COO Chief Operation Officer cheef o-per-ay-shon oh-fee-sehr ˈtʃif ˌɑpɚˈɹeɪʃən ˈɑfəsɚ
CFO Chief Financial Officer cheef fye-nan-shal oh-fee-sehr ˈtʃif fəˈnænʃəl ˈɑfəsɚ
CMO Chief Marketing Officer cheef mar-ket-eeng oh-fee-sehr ˈtʃif ˈmɑrkətɪŋ ˈɑfəsɚ
VP Vice president vais pre-see-dent ˈvaɪs ˈpɹɛzədənt
PM Project manager pro-ject ma-na-jer ˈpɹɑˌdʒɛkt ˈmænɪdʒɚ
UX Designer User interface designer oo-ser in-ter-face de-si-ner ˈjuzɚ ˈɪntɚˌfeɪs dɪˈzaɪnɚ
UI Designer User experience designer oo-ser ex-pe-re-ens de-si-ner ˈjuzɚ ɪkˈspɪriəns dɪˈzaɪnɚ
CPA Certified Public Accountant ser-tee-faid poo-blic ac-cown-tant ˈsɝtəˌfaɪd ˈpʌblɪk əˈkaʊntn̩t
CFA Chartered Financial Analyst char-terd fye-nan-shal a-na-list ˈtʃɑrtɚd fəˈnænʃəl ˈænələst
QA Analyst Quality Assurance Analyst coo-a-lee-tee a-shoor-ans a-na-list ˈkwɑləti əˈʃʊrəns ˈænələst
RN Registered Nurse re-gist-terd noors ˈɹɛdʒəstɚd ˈnɝs
Prof Professor pro-feh-sur pɹəˈfɛsɚ

Abbreviations for education

Similar to professional abbreviations, educational abbreviations are used in business cards and email signatures. Instead of indicating a person’s current occupation, these abbreviations help people easily explain their level of education and any professional certifications they possess. These are usually initialisms and will follow a person’s full name after a comma.

English What it stands for Pronunciation IPA
EFL English as a foreign language en-gleesh as a fo-ren lan-goo-aj ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ ˈæz ə ˈfɔrən ˈlæŋɡwɪdʒ
ELT English language teaching en-gleesh lan-goo-aj tee-cheeng ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ ˈlæŋɡwɪdʒ ˈtitʃɪŋ
ESL English as a second language en-gleesh as a se-cond lan-goo-aj ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ ˈæz ə ˈsɛkənd ˈlæŋɡwɪdʒ
BA Bachelor of Arts bach-eh-lor of arts ˈbætʃəlɚ əv ˈɑrts
BS Bachelor of Science bach-eh-lor of sye-ens ˈbætʃəlɚ əv ˈsaɪəns
BFA Bachelor of Fine Arts bach-eh-lor of fain arts ˈbætʃəlɚ əv ˈfaɪn ˈɑrts
MA Master of Arts mas-ter of arts ˈmæstɚ əv ˈɑrts
MS Master of Science mas-ter of si-ens ˈmæstɚ əv ˈsaɪəns
MBA Master of Business Administration mas-ter of bis-ness ad-me-nees-tray-shon ˈmæstɚ əv ˈbɪznəs ədˌmɪnəˈstɹeɪʃən
MPhil Master of Philosophy mas-ter of fee-lo-so-fee ˈmæstɚ əv fəˈlɑsəfi
MFA Master of Fine Arts mas-ter of fain arts ˈmæstɚ əv ˈfaɪn ˈɑrts
LLM Master of Laws mas-ter of laws ˈmæstɚ əv ˈlɔz
MSW Master of Social Work mas-ter of so-shall work ˈmæstɚ əv ˈsoʊʃəl ˈwɝk
PhD Doctor of Philosophy doc-toor of fee-lo-so-fee ˈdɑktɚ əv fəˈlɑsəfi
EdD Doctor of Education doc-toor of e-doo-ca-shon ˈdɑktɚ əv ˌɛdʒəˈkeɪʃən
JD Juris Doctor yoo-rees doc-toor ˈdʒʊrɪs ˈdɑktɚ
MD Doctor of Medicine doc-toor of meh-dee-seen ˈdɑktɚ əv ˈmɛdəsən
ND Doctor of Nursing doc-toor of noor-sing ˈdɑktɚ əv ˈnɝsɪŋ
TOELF Test of English as a Foreign Language test of en-gleesh as a fo-ren lan-goo-aj ˈtɛst əv ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ ˈæz ə ˈfɔrən ˈlæŋɡwɪdʒ
IELTS International English Language Testing System een-ter-na-sho-nall en-gleesh lan-goo-aj tes-teeng sis-tem ˌɪntɚˈnæʃənl̩ ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ ˈlæŋɡwɪdʒ ˈtɛstɪŋ ˈsɪstəm

Abbreviations for measurements

The United States is one of the very few countries that still uses the Imperial measuring system, so you’ll have to get used to much more than just a new set of abbreviations if you’re not from here! Although measuring in inches and feet rather than meters and centimeters can take some getting used to, we can help you get started with the abbreviations for measurements so you at least know what people are talking about.

Family is making breakfast in the kitchen with milk, bread and vegetables, using English abbreviations for measurements..
English What it stands for Pronunciation IPA
oz. Ounce auns ˈaʊns
fl. oz. Fluid ounce floo-eed auns ˈfluəd ˈaʊns
gal. Gallon ga-lon ˈɡælən
pt. Pint pie-nt ˈpaɪnt
qt. Quart coo-art ˈkwɔrt ‖
tbsp. Tablespoon tay-ble-spoon ˈteɪbəlˌspun
tsp.  Teaspoon tee-spoon ˈtiˌspun
in. Inch eench ˈɪntʃ
ft. Foot foot ˈfʊt
mi. Mile mail ˈmaɪəl
mph Miles per hour mails per awr ˈmaɪəlz ˈpɝ ˈaʊɚ
n.m. Nautical miles naw-tee-cal mails ˈnɔtɪkəl ˈmaɪəlz
sq. Square scoo-air ˈskwɛr
yd. Yard yard ˈjɑrd
lb. Pound paund ˈpaʊnd
cm Centimeter sen-tee-mee-ter ˈsɛntəˌmitɚ
m Meter mee-ter ˈmitɚ
km Kilometer kee-lo-mee-ter kəˈlɑmətɚ
g Gram gram ˈɡɹæm
kg Kilogram kee-lo-gram ˈkɪləˌɡɹæm
T Ton ton ˈtʌn
ml Milliliter me-lee-lee-ter ˈmɪləˌlitɚ
l Liter lee-ter ˈlitɚ

English slang abbreviations

Just as in any other language, slang is a crucial part of everyday conversations in English. However, even if you’re already familiar with English slang, you might be surprised to find out that slang words and phrases can be abbreviated too! You’ll get this as you continue making friends and having conversations, but for now, here’s a list of the most common English slang abbreviations.

English What it stands for Pronunciation IPA
iktr I know that’s right I no that’s rite ˈaɪ ˈnoʊ ˈðæts ˈɹaɪt
fomo Fear of missing out feer of mee-sing aut ˈfɪr əv ˈmɪsɪŋ ˈaʊt
ikyl I know you’re lying I no yoor lie-ing ˈaɪ ˈnoʊ ˈjɔr ˈlaɪɪŋ
smh Shaking my head shay-keeng my hed ˈʃeɪkɪŋ ˈmaɪ ˈhɛd
tbh To be honest to be oh-nest ˈtu ˈbi ˈɑnəst
rofl Rolling on the floor laughing roll-ing on thuh floor laf-ing ˈɹoʊlɪŋ ˈɔn ðə ˈflɔr ˈlæfɪŋ
xoxo Hugs and kisses hugs and kee-ses ˈhʌɡz ənd ˈkɪsəz
ikr I know, right? I no, rite ˈaɪ ˈnoʊ | ˈɹaɪt ‖
ofc Of course of cors əv ˈkɔrs
tfw The feel when thuh feel wen ðə ˈfil ˈwɛn
tfti Thanks for the invite thanks for thuh een-vait ˈθæŋks ˈfɔr ði ɪnˈvaɪt
b/w Between be-tween bɪˈtwin
dl Down-low down-low ˈdaʊnˈloʊ
fr For real for reel ˈfɔr ˈɹiəl
qt Cutie cue-tee ˈkjuti
w/e Whatever what-eh-ver wɑtˈɛvɚ
w/o Without with-aut wɪˈðaʊt
ngl Not gonna lie not gon-na li ˈnɑt ˈɡʌnə ˈlaɪ
obv Obviously ob-vee-os-lee ˈɑbviəsli
grl Girl girl ˈɡɝl

English abbreviations by country

As a global language, English has many regional variations with their own distinct vocabularies. Although most English speakers can understand each other, perhaps it’d be difficult for someone with a heavy Essex accent to communicate with someone with a deep Southern accent. Not only are the accents different, but so is much of the slang.

Even if you stick to purely professional speech, there are many government agencies that don’t translate well across countries. Even within the USA, two abbreviations can mean different things depending on the context. So, let’s take a look at some local abbreviations by country.


Before we dive into the different countries, let’s take a look at some abbreviations of global importance. These are abbreviations that either encompass several countries or straight-up involve the entire world, so make sure to keep them in mind!

English What it stands for Pronunciation IPA
UN United Nations oo-ni-ted nay-shons jʊˈnaɪtəd ˈneɪʃənz
OECD Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development ore-gah-ne-say-shon for ec-con-no-mic co-o-per-ay-shon and de-vel-op-ment ˌɔrɡənəˈzeɪʃən ˈfɔr ˌɛkəˈnɑmɪk ˈkoʊˌɑpɚˈɹeɪʃən ənd dɪˈvɛləpmənt
UNESCO The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization tuh oo-ni-ted nay-shons eh-doo-cay-sho-nal, si-ehn-tee-feec and cool-too-ral or-ga-nee-say-shon ðə jʊˈnaɪtəd ˈneɪʃənz ˌɛdʒəˈkeɪʃənl̩ | ˌsaɪənˈtɪfɪk ənd ˈkʌltʃɚɹəl ˌɔrɡənəˈzeɪʃən
EU European Union u-ro-pee-an oo-nee-on ˌjʊrəˈpiən ˈjunjən
FIFA International Federation of Football Association in-ter-na-sho-nal feh-deh-ray-shon of foot-ball ah-so-see-ay-shon ˌɪntɚˈnæʃənl̩ ˌfɛdɚˈɹeɪʃən əv ˈfʊtˌbɔl əˌsoʊsiˈeɪʃən
NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration na-sho-nal air-oh-naw-teecs and spays ad-min-es-tray-shon ˈnæʃənl̩ ˌɛrəˈnɔtɪks ənd ˈspeɪs ədˌmɪnəˈstɹeɪʃən
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization north a-tlan-teec tree-tee or-ga-nee-say-shon ˈnɔrθ ətˈlæntɪk ˈtɹiti ˌɔrɡənəˈzeɪʃən
USMCA United States–Mexico–Canada Agreement oo-ni-ted states mex-e-co ca-na-da a-gree-ment jʊˈnaɪtəd ˈsteɪts | ˈmɛksɪˌkoʊ | ˈkænədə əˈɡɹimənt
WHO World Health Organization world health or-ga-nee-say-shon ˈwɝld ˈhɛlθ ˌɔrɡənəˈzeɪʃən

The United States

As a large and dynamic country, it’s very difficult to narrow down the abbreviations and acronyms used from coast to coast. Even within states, regional slang can vary significantly, as evidenced by the enormous difference between New York slang and California slang. With that said, there are a few essential acronyms and abbreviations that everyone must learn before stepping foot on U.S. soil.

English What it stands for Pronunciation IPA
IRS Internal Revenue Service in-ter-nal reh-veh-new ser-vis ɪnˈtɝnl̩ ˈɹɛvəˌnu ˈsɝvəs
DMV Department of Motor Vehicles de-part-ment of mo-tor ve-e-cls dɪˈpɑrtmənt əv ˈmoʊtɚ ˈviəkəlz
JFK John F. Kennedy john eff keh-ne-dee ˈdʒɑn ˈɛf ‖ ˈkɛnədi
MLK Martin Luther King mar-teen loo-ther keeng ˈmɑrtn̩ ˈluθɚ ˈkɪŋ
USAF United States Air Force oo-ni-ted states air fors jʊˈnaɪtəd ˈsteɪts ˈɛr ˈfɔrs
FBI Federal Bureau of Investigations feh-der-al boo-row of in-ves-tee-gay-shons ˈfɛdɚɹəl ˈbjʊroʊ əv ɪnˌvɛstəˈɡeɪʃənz
CIA Central Intelligence Agency sen-tral een-teh-lee-jens ay-jen-see ˈsɛntɹəl ɪnˈtɛlədʒəns ˈeɪdʒənsi
POTUS President of the United States pre-see-dent of the oo-ni-ted states ˈpɹɛzədənt əv ðə jʊˈnaɪtəd ˈsteɪts
SCOTUS Supreme Court of the United States soo-preem cort of the oo-ni-ted states səˈpɹim ˈkɔrt əv ðə jʊˈnaɪtəd ˈsteɪts
LA Los Angeles los an-gel-es ˈloʊz ˈɑŋɡɛˌleɪs
NYC New York City new york see-tee ˈnu ˈjɔrk ˈsɪti
SF San Francisco san fran-sees-co ˈsɑn fɹænˈsɪskoʊ
SLC Salt Lake City salt layk see-tee ˈsɔlt ˈleɪk ˈsɪti
MIA Miami my-ah-me maɪˈæmi
DMV Area Delaware-Maryland-Virginia deh-la-ware mar-e-land veer-jee-nee-ah ˈdɛləˌwɛrˈmɛrələndvɚˈdʒɪnjə
The Fed The Federal Reserve Bank thuh feh-deh-ral re-serv bank ðə ˈfɛdɚɹəl ɹɪˈzɝv ˈbæŋk
BOFA Bank of America bank of a-mer-e-ca ˈbæŋk əv əˈmɛrəkə
ASL American Sign Language ah-mer-e-can sin lan-goo-aj əˈmɛrəkən ˈsaɪn ˈlæŋɡwɪdʒ
TSA Transportation Security Administration trans-por-tay-shon se-coor-e-tee ad-me-nees-tray-shon ˌtɹænspɚˈteɪʃən sɪˈkjʊrəti ədˌmɪnəˈstɹeɪʃən
FAA Federal Aviation Administration fed-er-al ay-vee-ay-shon ad-me-nees-tray-shon ˈfɛdɚɹəl ˌeɪviˈeɪʃən ədˌmɪnəˈstɹeɪʃən
USDA United States Department of Agriculture oo-ni-ted states de-part-ment of ag-ree-cool-toor jʊˈnaɪtəd ˈsteɪts dɪˈpɑrtmənt əv ˈæɡɹɪˌkʌltʃɚ
DOD Department of Defense de-part-ment of de-fens dɪˈpɑrtmənt əv dɪˈfɛns
DHS Department of Homeland Security de-part-ment of home-land sec-oo-ree-tee dɪˈpɑrtmənt əv ˈhoʊmˌlænd sɪˈkjʊrəti
DOJ Department of Justice the de-part-ment of jus-tees dɪˈpɑrtmənt əv ˈdʒʌstəs
USPS United States Postal Service oo-ni-ted states pos-tal ser-vees jʊˈnaɪtəd ˈsteɪts ˈpoʊstl̩ ˈsɝvəs
FDA Food and Drug Administration food and drug ad-me-nees-tray-shon ˈfud ənd ˈdɹʌɡ ədˌmɪnəˈstɹeɪʃən
EPA Environmental protection Agency en-vi-ron-men-tal pro-tec-shon a-gen-see ɪnˌvaɪɹənˈmɛntl̩ pɹəˈtɛkʃən ˈeɪdʒənsi | ˌiˌpiˈeɪ |
CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention sen-ters for dee-sees con-trol and pre-ven-shon ˈsɛntɚz ˈfɔr dɪˈziz kənˈtɹoʊl ənd pɹɪˈvɛnʃən

The United Kingdom

Whether you’re just visiting the United Kingdom or planning to move there, there are a few abbreviations and acronyms you’ll want to get familiar with before you board your flight. Here are some of the most common United Kingdom abbreviations.

English What it stands for Pronunciation IPA
BBC British Broadcasting Corporation bree-tish brod-cas-teeng cor-por-ay-shon ˈbɹɪtɪʃ ˈbɹɔdˌkæstɪŋ ˌkɔrpɚˈɹeɪʃən
BA British Airways bree-tish air-ways ˈbɹɪtɪʃ ˈɛrˌweɪz
BoE Bank of England bank of en-gland ˈbæŋk əv ˈɪŋɡlənd
BR British Rail bree-tish rail ˈbɹɪtɪʃ ˈɹeɪl
innit Isn’t it? isn’t it ˈɪzn̩t ˈɪt ‖
Sammie Sandwich sand-wich ˈsændˌwɪtʃ
A cuppa A cup of tea a cup of tee ə ˈkʌp əv ˈti
Soz Sorry sor-ry ˈsɑri
Manc Manchester man-ches-ter ˈmænˌtʃɛstɚ
P’s Pounds (£) paunds ˈpaʊndz |


If you’re visiting Australia soon, you must start preparing for the sheer number of abbreviations you will hear on a daily basis. Rather than an abundance of initialisms or acronyms, most Australian abbreviations are in the form of clipped words, usually as a shortened form of the first half of a word with a cute ending. You’ll see what we mean in the table below.

English What it stands for Pronunciation IPA
Chrissie Christmas crist-mas ˈkɹɪsməs
Brekky Breakfast brek-fast ˈbɹɛkfəst
Avo Avocado a-vo-ca-do ˌɑvəˈkɑdoʊ
Servo Gas station gas stay-shon ˌɑvəˈkɑdoʊ
Maccas McDonald’s mac-doh-nalds məkˈdɑnəldz
Bevos Beverages beh-vuh-ra-jes ˈbɛvɹɪdʒəz
Sanga Sandwich sand-which ˈsændˌwɪtʃ
Aggro Aggressive ah-greh-seev əˈɡɹɛsɪv
Barbie Barbecue bar-be-cue ˈbɑrbɪˌkju
Cab Sav Cabernet Sauvignon ca-ber-neh sah-vee-nyoh ˌkæbɚˈneɪ ˌsɔˈvɪnjɑn
Devo Devastated deh-vas-tay-ted ˈdɛvəˌsteɪtəd
Mushie Mushroom mush-room ˈmʌʃrum
Ambo Ambulance am-byoo-lens æmbjələns

Other English acronyms

As we promised earlier, we’ve got English acronyms for you! While these don’t fall into any particular category, they are all extremely helpful and worth at least being aware of. We’re sure you’ll run into them in the wild at some point, and when you do, don’t forget to think about us!

English What it stands for Pronunciation IPA
DOB Date of birth dayt of burth ˈdeɪt əv ˈbɝθ
TBA To be announced too bee ah-nounsed ˈtu ˈbi əˈnaʊnst
TBD To be determined too bee de-tehr-minned ˈtu ˈbi dɪˈtɝmənd
TBC To be continued too bee con-tee-newd ˈtu ˈbi kənˈtɪnjud
VAT Value-added Tax va-lew a-ded tax ˈvæljuˈædəd ˈtæks
DOA Dead on arrival ded on ah-ri-val ˈdɛd ˈɔn ɚˈɹaɪvəl
GMO Genetically modified organisms guh-ne-tee-cuh-lee mo-dee-fyed ore-gah-neesms dʒəˈnɛtɪkli ˈmɑdəˌfaɪd ˈɔrɡəˌnɪzəmz
MIA Missing in action miss-ing in ac-tee-on ˈmɪsɪŋ ˈɪn ˈækʃən
OCD Obsessive Compulsive Disorder ob-sess-iv com-pool-siv dis-ore-der ɑbˈsɛsɪv kəmˈpʌlsɪv dɪsˈɔrdɚ
BOGO Buy one, get one bye wuhn get wuhn ˈbaɪ ˈwʌn | ˈɡɛt ˈwʌn
ICYMI In case you missed it een case yoo missd eet ˈɪn ˈkeɪs ˈju ˈmɪst ˈɪt
FWIW For what it’s worth fore wuht its worth ˈfɔr ˈwɑt ˈɪts ˈwɝθ

Skip the line and level up your English with abbreviations

Now that you know 275 different abbreviations, from texting abbreviations to acronyms don’t be shy to start using them! The more often you use these English acronyms and abbreviations, the sooner you’ll become proficient in them — and the more time you’ll save!

If you feel like you’ve already got these under control, why not try out our list of the hardest words in English? We’ve got over 250 incredibly challenging words, so you’re sure to find a few tricky new words regardless of your level! And if even that’s a piece of cake, take a look at our English language blog. We’re sure you’ll find something that will pique your interest!