Continuing education exactly the way you want it

At Berlitz, you will always find the right training format for your needs. Simply select from the following successful formats: face-to-face instruction at the location of your choice, virtual courses, e-learning – or the best continuing education mix with our blended-learning options.

Our seminar topics can usually be booked as face-to-face and virtual courses for your company, are available worldwide, and can be combined with other offers and conducted in many languages. Talk to us about how we can meet your requirements!

In-House Seminars and Coaching

New: Interactive Guest Lectures

Our new, interactive compact format sets new impulses for your employees with activating content. In 45 to 90 minutes, a Berlitz expert inspires with a mixture of practical knowledge, inspiration and motivation. Book your desired topic now, for example as a coffee or brown-bag lecture.

Online and Blended Trainings

Organizational Development

We firmly believe that an organization can only change when leaders and employees are also on board. This is where our concepts for organizational development and the fostering of a learning organization come into play. Organizational development is a planned, long-term development and change process that extends throughout the entire organization. We will be happy to put together a tailored action plan to advise and guide your company through the change process.


We actively research emerging trends and megatrends in adult education. Based on this research, we add a number of new, HR-relevant topics to our portfolio each year. The deciding factor here is that new seminars must be a good fit – both for our customers, where our aim is to deliver lasting results from the training, and for our instructors, who teach these topics with enthusiasm and passion. In addition, we often develop seminars based on direct suggestions from our customers, who regularly approach us with requests for specific topics.

Definitely, above all in the field of intercultural competence. Now that the COVID situation has relaxed, more employees are being sent on international assignments again. We provide them with guidance through our practice-based training. Diversity training is also increasingly in demand, as our customers recognize the opportunities and growth potential of a diverse corporate culture.

And it’s not surprising that New Work also remains a popular topic. New structures have developed, and remote and hybrid work are becoming increasingly common. For this to succeed, roles, responsibilities, and tasks must be clearly defined – and this is where we come in with our seminars. Last but not least, the topic of mental health is also attracting more attention. Our experienced trainers help participants to become more mindful in their own lives and work, giving them tools to fight stress and mental overload.

The most important aspect is that all Berlitz courses share our signature approach and are aligned with our quality standards. The common thread that runs through all our seminars is our commitment to teaching substantive content using an interactive and practice-oriented method.

In addition, in-house development means we’re not dependent on external services and can implement customer requirements precisely, promptly, and in direct consultation – and of course everything comes from a single source. We offer a wide range of topics because we have a diverse set of competencies, talents, and experience in our training development team, which we can draw on when developing our concepts. A further benefit that should not be underestimated: Even with the most specialized topics, we ensure that the training is repeatable. In other words, the training materials we develop can be used again and again by any instructor qualified in the subject – this is a huge advantage, especially for larger projects or corporate training catalogues.

Berlitz has an extensive global network. One thing that all our instructors, consultants and coaches have in common: They are experts in their fields and have extensive training and consulting experience with national and international clients. In addition to their professional expertise, they also bring solid methodical competencies, helping them provide participants with a high level of interaction and success.

How we ensure quality

  • Multi-stage selection process
  • Supervision and ongoing feedback

What sets our instructors apart

  • Extensive national and international professional experience
  • Certification in the fields of training, facilitation, coaching, agile methods, and assessment
  • Continuing education in areas relevant to fields taught
  • Certification as a Cultural Orientations Practitioner® based on the Cultural Orientations Approach™ (COA™) and the Cultural Orientations Model™ (COM™)

Contact us

Do you have questions about our offer or need more information? No problem, we are happy to help. Get in touch with us – simple and with no obligation on your part. Your Berlitz team will get back to you shortly.