Firstly, how do you say “months” in French?
To start, let’s learn how to say “months” in French, that is the word “mois”. According to the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA), “mois” is pronounced /mwa/, /mwɑ/. If you’re not familiar with the IPA, this video might be more helpful.
“Mois” has the same pronunciation as “moi”, which means “me” in French. If you’ve been learning French for a while, you probably know that this is an homophone-rich language!
Months of the year in French and English
All homophones aside, French spelling can be misleading. Enter the phonetic alphabet! When spelling lets you down, you can rely on the International Phonetic Alphabet. Use it to pronounce the months in French following the phonetic spelling guide below. And to make it easy, we’ve also included the pronunciation for native English speakers.
Months in English | Mois en français | IPA pronunciation | Pronunciation for native English speakers |
January | janvier | /ʒɑ̃vje/ | jahn-veeay |
February | février | /fevʀije/ | fay-vreeay |
March | mars | /maʀs/ | mahrs |
April | avril | /avʀil/ | ah-vreel |
May | mai | /mɛ/ | may |
June | juin | /ʒɥɛ̃/ | jwehn |
July | juillet | /ʒɥijɛ/ | jwee-ay |
August | août | /u(t)/ | ah-oot |
September | septembre | /sɛptɑ̃bʀ/ | sep-tahm-br |
October | octobre | /ɔktɔbʀ/ | oc-toe-br |
November | novembre | /nɔvɑ̃bʀ/ | no-vehm-br |
December | décembre | /desɑ̃bʀ/ | day-sehm-br |