Invented by our founder, Maximilian Berlitz, the Berlitz Method is the first-known immersive teaching method and has shaken up traditional language learning styles since its inception.

How the Berlitz Method developed
Inventado pelo nosso fundador, Maximilian Berlitz, o Método Berlitz é o primeiro método de ensino imersivo conhecido que abalou os estilos tradicionais de aprendizagem de novos idiomas desde o início.
Como muitas grandes descobertas, o Método Berlitz surgiu por acaso do destino, circunstâncias específicas, e uma mente criativa. Enquanto ensinava na Providência, Maximilian Berlitz contratou Joly, um jovem francês, como seu assistente. No entanto, com a chegada de Joly aos EUA, Berlitz descobriu que seu novo assistente não falava uma única palavra em inglês.
Durante esse período, Berlitz ficou muito doente e não teve escolha a não ser deixar que Joly assumisse seus deveres de professor. Berlitz instruiu Joly a usar gestos para expressar seu significado, encorajando-o a usar o vocabulário em um contexto para que seus alunos de francês pudessem começar a entender o significado.
Depois de seis semanas, Berlitz retornou à sala de aula esperando que seus alunos estivessem muito atrasados no desenvolvimento da linguagem. Em vez disso, para sua surpresa, seus alunos estavam mais envolvidos do que nunca, comunicando-se em uma animada troca de perguntas e respostas - em um francês perfeito! Ter sido forçado a aprender com um palestrante que só fala francês acelerou seu aprendizado. Como resultado, um método de ensino completamente novo e altamente eficaz foi criado.
The Berlitz Method today
The Berlitz Method is still the most effective way to learn a language and continues to be used today.
The key elements of the method are:
- Immersive. Your instructor teaches and addresses you in your target language only. Language is presented in context of real-life situations with a focus on grammar and vocabulary.
- Goal orientated. Each lesson is task-based with specific learning goals. This allows you to put your new language to use in actual situations right away.
- Present, practice and perform. To help you absorb your new language, every lesson follows this structure. New content is presented by your instructor, you take part in both guided practice and general practice, and are then encouraged to perform what you have learnt.

How learning with Berlitz works
When you inquire about building your language skills and cultural understanding with Berlitz, you’ll follow a few steps to help us define your learning path to ensure you’re matched to the correct proficiency level and can quickly progress towards your goals.
We call this the Berlitz Learning Cycle, and it’s designed to act as a quality assurance tool for you as you work through your studies.
We’ll find out your situation, your specific goals, your proficiency level and what you want to achieve out of your language and culture program.
Here’s how it works:
- Getting to know your needs
Once we understand your aims, we’ll clearly explain the training options that would suit you best and how they can help you achieve your language and cultural understanding goals. - Orientation
We’ll explain how it all works and help you get started. You’ll meet your language instructors, get to know your way around the learning center, receive your program materials, and learn about our platforms. - Reviewing your progress
We’ll check you’re on the right path to achieving your learning goals, successfully retaining what you learn and give you any extra learning support you need to embrace your new language and culture with confidence. - Testing your achievements
We’ll measure your understanding and skills so you can see how much you’ve progressed before moving to the next level. - Certifying your achievements
You’ll receive a certificate to celebrate your accomplishments! - Progressing to the next level
We’ll check you’re happy with your achievements and advance you to the next language proficiency level.
Find out more
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