What is money called in China?

Money in Chinese is called 钱 (qián). However, this is the broadest term used to refer to money, and there are several nuances you need to be aware of. In China, the official currency is called 人民币 (rén mín bì), but most people simply call it 元 (yuán) in everyday conversation. There are also colloquial words for different denominations, as well as specific ways to refer to large amounts of money and foreign currencies. Let’s take a closer look:

Chinese money words.

钱 — qián

This is the general term for money in Chinese. It’s used in everyday conversation to refer to money in any form, including coins, bills, or digital funds.

For example, when asking someone how much something costs, you might say, “这个多少钱?” (zhè ge duō shǎo qián?), which directly translates to “How much does this cost?”

The word 钱 is also commonly used when discussing wealth, savings, and financial transactions. Phrases like 赚钱 (zhuàn qián) “to make money” and 花钱 (huā qián) “to spend money” are used all the time, but more on that in our vocabulary section below!

Example sentences using 钱

English Chinese Pinyin Pronunciation
I don’t have money. 我没有 wǒ méi yǒu qián. woo mei yeou chyan.
How much is this? 这个多少 zhè ge duō shǎo qián? jeh ge duo shao chyan?
Can you lend me a little money? 你可以借我一点吗? nǐ kě yǐ jiè wǒ yì diǎn qián ma? nii kee yii jieh woo yih dean chyan mha?

元 — yuán

Now we’re getting more formal. The character 元 refers to the official currency unit in China, equivalent to the dollar in the United States. It’s used in formal and written contexts, especially in financial transactions, contracts, and official documents.

For example, a letter of a scholarship award might read “10000元” to indicate that the student has earned ¥10,000 or 10,000 CNY (Chinese Yuan). Remember, you’ll want to place the 元 character after the number in Chinese. The character 元 is also used in banking and finance, appearing in account statements, receipts, and other monetary documents. In formal business settings, 元 is preferred to the colloquial 块.

Example sentences using 元

English Chinese Pinyin Pronunciation
This book costs ten yuan. 这本书十 zhè běn shū shí yuán. jeh been shu shyr yuan.
I have fifty yuan. 我有五十 wǒ yǒu wǔ shí yuán. woo yeou wuu shyr yuan.
My bank account has five thousand yuan. 我的银行账户有五千 wǒ de yín háng zhàng hù yǒu wǔ qiān yuán. woo de yn harng janq huh yeou wuu chian yuan.

块 — kuài

This is the colloquial term, and probably the one you’ll hear most often in your everyday life. It’s somewhat like saying “buck” in English, but perhaps a bit less informal. For example, someone might say “这本书二十” meaning that the book costs 20 yuan.

You’ll use this word mostly in verbal speech in everyday conversations, such as shopping, dining, and casual conversations about money. It’s less formal than 元 and typically used among friends, family, and in informal settings. Despite its casual nature, you’ll find that 块 is universally understood and used, making it one of the most important words for anyone trying to learn Chinese.

Example sentences using 块

English Chinese Pinyin Pronunciation
This cup of coffee costs twenty kuai. 这杯咖啡二十 zhè bēi kā fēi èr shí kuài. jeh bei ka fei ell shyr kuay.
I only have ten kuai. 我只有十钱。 wǒ zhǐ yǒu shí kuài qián. woo jyy yeou shyr kuay chyan.
Can you lend me five kuai? 你能借我五吗? nǐ néng jiè wǒ wǔ kuài ma? nii neng jieh woo wuu kuay mha?

¥ — CNY

In the international context, the official currency of China: renminbi (RMB), meaning People's Currency, is represented by the sign ¥. This is the official currency sign for CNY, just like the dollar sign $ for the United States dollar or the € sign for the euro. While RMB refers to the currency itself, CNY denotes the specific unit of that currency, the yuan. Oftentimes, you might see RMB and CNY used interchangeably. 

Example sentences using ¥

English Chinese Pinyin Pronunciation
The price of this phone is ¥5000. 这部手机的价格是¥5000。 zhè bù shǒu jī de jià gé shì ¥5000. jeh buh shoou ji de jiah ger shyh ¥5000.
I spent ¥100. 我今天花了¥100。 wǒ jīn tiān huā le ¥100. woo jin tian hua lhe ¥100.
She gave me ¥50 as a gift. 她给了我¥50作为礼物。 tā gěi le wǒ ¥50 zuò wéi lǐ wù. ta geei lhe woo ¥50 tzuoh wei lii wuh.

角 — jiǎo

This character refers to jiao, a unit of currency that is one-tenth of a yuan. This character is used in more formal and written contexts. It appears on banknotes, coins, and official financial documents. For example, a price might be written as 1.5 元 and could also be expressed as 一元五角 to denote one yuan and five jiao.

Example sentences using 角

English Chinese Pinyin Pronunciation
One yuan equals ten jiao. 一元等于十 yì yuán děng yú shí jiǎo. yih yuan deeng yu shyr jeau.
The price of this notebook is three yuan five jiao. 这本笔记本的价格是三元五 zhè běn bǐ jì běn de jià gé shì sān yuán wǔ jiǎo. jeh been bii jih been de jiah ger shyh san yuan wuu jeau.
He gave me one jiao as the change. 他找给我一钱。 tā zhǎo gěi wǒ yì jiǎo qián. ta jao geei woo yih jeau chyan.

毛 — máo

This is the colloquial term for the 角, which is one-tenth of a yuan. It’s widely used in everyday language to refer to small amounts of money. For example, if an item costs 0.50 yuan, you would say it costs 五毛, or five mao. The term 毛 is particularly useful in informal settings like markets, and small shops, and when discussing minor expenses with friends and family. 

Example sentences using 毛

English Chinese Pinyin Pronunciation
This candy costs five mao. 这颗糖五 zhè kē táng wǔ máo. jeh ke tarng wuu mau.
I only need a few mao. 我只需要几钱。 wǒ zhǐ xū yào jǐ máo qián. woo jyy shiu yaw jii mau chyan.
Do you have one mao? 你有一吗? nǐ yǒu yì máo ma? nii yeou yih mau mha?

分 — fēn

This is the smallest unit of Chinese currency, equivalent to one-hundredth of a yuan. It’s used for very small amounts of money, often in pricing for items with precise costs like utilities or wholesale goods.

For example, an item priced 0.08 元 would be referred to as 八分. Although rarely used, this character is helpful in situations where expressing exact prices is important so transactions can be accurate to the last decimal. It appears on some older coins, although they’re rarely in use now.

Example sentences using 分

English Chinese Pinyin Pronunciation
The pencil costs seven jiao eight fen. 这支铅笔七角八 zhè zhī qiān bǐ qī jiǎo bā fēn. jeh jy chian bii chi jeau ba fen.
I only have five fen. 我只有五 wǒ zhǐ yǒu wǔ fēn. woo jyy yeou wuu fen.
Can you give me one fen? 你能给我一吗? nǐ néng gěi wǒ yì fēn ma? nii neng geei woo yih fen mha?

Most important Chinese words about money

Now that you’re familiar with the basic units of money in Chinese, it’s time to review some vocabulary words. Here are the 20 most important words about money in Chinese. You’ll find essential vocabulary words and phrases, as well as a few adjectives in Chinese to describe the value of things.

English Chinese Pinyin Pronunciation
Currency 货币 huò bì huoh bih
Paper money 纸币 zhǐ bì jyy bih
Coin 硬币 yìng bì yinq bih
Cash 现金 xiàn jīn shiann jin
Small change 零钱 líng qián ling chyan
How much money 多少钱 duō shǎo qián duo shao chyan
Expensive guì guey
Cheap 便宜 pián yi pyan i
Discount 折扣 zhé kòu jer kow
Price 价格 jià gé jiah ger
To spend money 花钱 huā qián hua chyan
To give money 给钱 gěi qián geei chyan
To give change 找钱 zhǎo qián jao chyan
To pay in cash 付现金 fù xiàn jīn fuh shiann jin
How much money do I need to pay? 我需要支付多少钱? wǒ xū yào zhī fù duō shǎo qián? woo shiu yaw jy fuh duo shao chyan?
To save money 省钱 shěng qián sheeng chyan
Receipt 收据 shōu jù shou jiuh
Wallet 钱包 qián bāo chyan bau

Example conversations about money

Person English Chinese Pinyin Pronunciation
A: Do you have money? 你有钱吗? nǐ yǒu qián ma? nii yeou chyan mha?
B: A little. How much do you need? 有一点。你需要多少? yǒu yì diǎn. nǐ xū yào duō shǎo? yeou yih dean. nii shiu yaw duo shao?
A: I need fifty kuai. 我需要五十块。 wǒ xū yào wǔ shí kuài. woo shiu yaw wuu shyr kuay.
B: Okay, here you go. 好的,这个给你。 hǎo de, zhè ge gěi nǐ. hao de, jeh ge geei nii.
A: Thank you. 谢谢你。 xiè xie nǐ. shieh shie nii.
B: You’re welcome. 不客气。 bú kè qì. bwu keh chih.

Person English Chinese Pinyin Pronunciation
A: Can I ask how much this is? 请问这个多少钱? qǐng wèn zhè ge duō shǎo qián? chiing wenn jeh geh duo shao chyan?
B: Twenty kuai. 二十块。 èr shí kuài. ell shyr kuay
A: Can it be cheaper? 可以便宜点吗? kě yǐ pián yi diǎn ma? kee yii pyan i dean mha?
B: Eighteen kuai, is that okay? 十八块,可以吗? shí bā kuài, kě yǐ ma? shyr ba kuay, kee yii mha?
A: Okay, I’ll buy it. 好的,我买了。 hǎo de, wǒ mǎi le. hao de, woo mae lhe.
B: Thank you, here you go. 谢谢,给你。 xiè xie, gěi nǐ. shieh shie, geei nii.

Essential Chinese financial and banking terms

Now, let’s take a closer look at some specific sectors in finance, accounting, and banking. The following sections will go deep into the vocabulary commonly used when discussing banking and finances in Chinese. If you’re looking to open a bank account, apply for a loan, study finance in China or work in China, then these sections are for you. Each section starts with a list of vocabulary words and is followed by two example conversations using some of the vocabulary words.

 discussing essential Chinese financial and banking ideas.

Basic financial concepts

If you’re here for a quick overview, then this list is for you. Below, you’ll find 40 basic words about money and finance in Chinese:

English Chinese Pinyin Pronunciation
Finance 金融 jīn róng jin rong
Economics 经济 jīng jì jing jih
Profit 利润 lì rùn lih ruenn
Profit 收益 shōu yì shou yih 
Inflation 通货膨胀 tōng huò péng zhàng tong huoh perng janq
Deflation 通货紧缩 tōng huò jǐn suō tong huoh jiin suo
Gross domestic product (GDP) 国内生产总值 guó nèi shēng chǎn zǒng zhí gwo ney sheng chaan tzoong jyr
Interest rate 利率 lì lǜ lih liuh
Revenue 收入 shōu rù shou ruh
Expenditure 支出 zhī chū jy chu
Debt 债务 zhài wù jay wuh
Equity 股本 gǔ běn guu been
Asset 资产 zī chǎn tzy chaan
Liability 负债 fù zhài fuh jay
Net worth 净值 jìng zhí jinq jyr
Balance sheet 资产负债表 zī chǎn fù zhài biǎo tzy chaan fuh jay beau
Income statement 收益表 shōu yì biǎo shou yih beau
Cash flow 现金流 xiàn jīn liú shiann jin liou
Investment 投资 tóu zī tour tzy
Stock market 股票市场 gǔ piào shì chǎng guu piaw shyh chaang
Bankruptcy 破产 pò chǎn poh chaan
Audit 审计 shěn jì sheen jih
Accounting 会计 kuài jì kuay jih
Budget 预算 yù suàn yuh suann
Subsidy 补贴 bǔ tiē buu tie
Financial statement 财务报表 cái wù bào biǎo tsair wuh baw beau
Foreign exchange 外汇 wài huì way huey
Treasury 财政部 cái zhèng bù tsair jenq buh
Market Economy 市场经济 shì chǎng jīng jì shyh chaang jing jih
Public Finance 公共财政 gōng gòng cái zhèng gong gonq tsair jenq
Monetary Policy 货币政策 huò bì zhèng cè huoh bih jenq tseh
Credit Rating 信用评级 xìn yòng píng jí shinn yonq pyng jyi
Insurance 保险 bǎo xiǎn bao shean
Pension 养老金 yǎng lǎo jīn yeang lao jin

Example conversations about basic financial concepts

Person English Chinese Pinyin Pronunciation
A: Do you understand finance? 你了解金融吗? nǐ liǎo jiě jīn róng ma? nii leau jiee jin rong mha?
B: I’ve studied it a bit. 我学过一些。 wǒ xué guò yì xiē. woo shyue guoh yih shie
A: What is a balance sheet? 什么是资产负债表? shén me shì zī chǎn fù zhài biǎo? shern me shyh tzy chaan fuh jay beau?
B: It is a financial statement that contains information about a company's assets and liabilities. 它是一种含有公司资产和负债等信息的财务报表。 tā shì yì zhǒng hán yǒu gōng sī zī chǎn hé fù zhài děng xìn xī de cái wù bào biǎo. ta shyh yih joong harn yeou gong sy tzy chaan her fuh jay deeng shinn shi de tsair wuh baw beau
A: Then, what is net worth? 那净值是什么? nà jìng zhí shì shén me? nah jinq jyr shyh shern me?
B: Net worth is assets minus liabilities. 净值是资产减去负债后的差额。 jìng zhí shì zī chǎn jiǎn qù fù zhài hòu de chā é. jinq jyr shyh tzy chaan jean chiuh fuh jay how de cha er.

Person English Chinese Pinyin Pronunciation
A: Do you invest in stocks? 你投资股票吗? nǐ tóu zī gǔ piào ma? nii tour tzy guu piaw mha?
B: I’ve bought some stocks. 我有买一些股票。 wǒ yǒu mǎi yì xiē gǔ piào. woo yeou mae yih shie guu piaw.
A: How are the profits? 收益如何? shōu yì rú hé? shou yih ru her?
B: The profits are good this year. 今年收益不错。 jīn nián shōu yì bú cuò. jin nian shou yih bwu tsuoh.
A: Do you have other investments? 你还有其他投资吗? nǐ hái yǒu qí tā tóu zī ma? nii hair yeou chyi ta tour tzy mha?
B: I’ve also invested in real estate. 我还投了房地产。 wǒ hái tóu le fáng dì chǎn. woo hair tour lhe farng dih chaan.

Accounts and banking services

If you’re moving to China to work or study, one of the first things you’ll want to do is open a bank account. Having a local bank account will be extremely helpful as you’ll be able to transfer money to your friends and acquaintances through WeChat, which you currently wouldn’t be able to do if you’ve only linked your international credit cards. Here are some of the vocabulary words you’ll want to know before heading over to the bank.

English Chinese Pinyin Pronunciation
Bank 银行 yín háng yn harng
Bank account 银行账户 yín háng zhàng hù yn harng janq huh
Savings account 储蓄账户 chǔ xù zhàng hù chuu shiuh janq huh
Checking account 支票账户 zhī piào zhàng hù jy piaw janq huh
Account number 账号 zhàng hào janq haw
ATM 自动取款机 zì dòng qǔ kuǎn jī tzyh donq cheu koan ji
Debit card 借记卡 jiè jì kǎ jieh jih kaa
Credit card 信用卡 xìn yòng kǎ shinn yonq kaa
Online banking 网上银行 wǎng shàng yín háng woang shanq yn harng
Mobile banking 手机银行 shǒu jī yín háng shoou ji yn harng
Deposit 存款 cún kuǎn tswen koan
Withdrawal 取款 qǔ kuǎn cheu koan
Transfer 转账 zhuǎn zhàng joan janq
Balance 余额 yú é yu er
Mortgage 抵押贷款 dǐ yā dài kuǎn dii ia day koan
Branch 分行 fēn háng fen harng
Customer service 客户服务/客服 kè hù fú wù/kè fú keh huh fwu wuh/keh fwu
PIN/password  密码 mì mǎ mih maa
Statement 对账单 duì zhàng dān duey janq dan
Fee 手续费 shǒu xù fèi shoou shiuh fey
Overdraft 透支 tòu zhī tow jy
Account holder 账户持有人 zhàng hù chí yǒu rén janq huh chyr yeou ren
Safety deposit box 保险箱 bǎo xiǎn xiāng bao shean shiang
Banking hours 营业时间 yíng yè shí jiān yng yeh shyr jian
Cheque 支票 zhī piào jy piaw
Bank statement 银行对账单 yín háng duì zhàng dān yn harng duey janq dan
Minimum balance 最低余额 zuì dī yú é tzuey di yu er
Deposit slip 存款单 cún kuǎn dān tswen koan dan
Withdrawal slip 取款单 qǔ kuǎn dān cheu koan dan
Foreign currency 外币 wài bì way bih
Direct deposit 直接存款 zhí jiē cún kuǎn jyr jie tswen koan
Interest-bearing account 计息账户 jì xī zhàng hù jih shi janq huh
Certificate of deposit (CD) 存单 cún dān tswen dan
Joint account 联名账户 lián míng zhàng hù lian ming janq huh

Example conversations about accounts and banking services

Person English Chinese Pinyin Pronunciation
A: Hello, I would like to open a bank account. 你好,我想开一个银行账户。 nǐ hǎo, wǒ xiǎng kāi yí gè yín háng zhàng hù. nii hao, woo sheang kai yi geh yn harng janq huh.
B: Hello, do you need a savings account or a checking account? 您好,请问您需要储蓄账户还是支票账户? nín hǎo, qǐng wèn nín xū yào chǔ xù zhàng hù hái shì zhī piào zhàng hù? nin hao, chiing wenn nin shiu yaw chuu shiuh janq huh hair shyh jy piaw janq huh?
A: A savings account, please. 储蓄账户,谢谢。 chǔ xù zhàng hù, xiè xie. chuu shiuh janq huh, shieh shie.
B: Please fill out this form and provide your ID. 请填写这张表格并提供您的身份证。 qǐng tián xiě zhè zhāng biǎo gé bìng tí gōng nín de shēn fèn zhèng. chiing tyan shiee jeh jang beau ger binq tyi gong nin de shen fenn jenq.
A: Okay. Is there a minimum balance requirement? 好的。请问有最低余额的要求吗? hǎo de. qǐng wèn yǒu zuì dī yú é de yāo qiú ma? hao de. chiing wenn yeou tzuey di yu er de iau chyou mha?
B: Yes, the minimum balance is fifty yuan. 有的,最低余额是五十元。 yǒu de, zuì dī yú é shì wǔ shí yuán. yeou de, tzuey di yu er shyh wuu shyr yuan.

Person English Chinese Pinyin Pronunciation
A: Excuse me, where is the ATM? 请问自动取款机在哪里? qǐng wèn zì dòng qǔ kuǎn jī zài nǎ lǐ? chiing wenn tzyh donq cheu koan ji tzay naa lii?
B: It’s on the right side of the bank entrance. 在银行门口右边。 zài yín háng mén kǒu yòu bian. tzay yn harng men koou yow bian.
A: Thank you. I also want to learn about online banking. 谢谢。我还想了解网上银行。 xiè xie. wǒ hái xiǎng liǎo jiě wǎng shàng yín háng. shieh shie. woo hair sheang leau jiee woang shanq yn harng.
B: You can check balances, transfer money, and pay bills online. 您可以在网上银行查看余额,转账和支付账单。 nín kě yǐ zài wǎng shàng yín háng chá kàn yú é, zhuǎn zhàng hé zhī fù zhàng dān. nin kee yii tzay woang shanq yn harng char kann yu er, joan janq her jy fuh janq dan.
A: What about mobile banking? 那手机银行呢? nà shǒu jī yín háng ne?  nah shoou ji yn harng nhe?
B: Mobile banking has the same functions as online banking but is more convenient. 手机银行功能和网上银行一样,但更方便。 shǒu jī yín háng gōng néng hé wǎng shàng yín háng yí yàng, dàn gèng fāng biàn. shoou ji yn harng gong neng her woang shanq yn harng yi yanq, dann genq fang biann.


Making payments in China is a little different than most of the world. However, you shouldn’t let language add another layer of complexity. Here are some of the most important words about payments in Chinese:

English Chinese Pinyin Pronunciation
Alipay 支付宝 zhī fù bǎo jy fuh bao
Wire transfer 电汇 diàn huì diann huey
Mobile payment 手机支付 shǒu jī zhī fù shoou ji jy fuh
Payment 支付 zhī fù jy fuh
Transaction 交易 jiāo yì jiau yih
Online payment 在线支付 zài xiàn zhī fù tzay shiann jy fuh
PayPal 贝宝 bèi bǎo bey bao
QR code payment 二维码支付 èr wéi mǎ zhī fù ell wei maa jy fuh
WeChat Pay 微信支付 wēi xìn zhī fù uei shinn jy fuh
Point of sale (POS) 销售点 xiāo shòu diǎn shiau show dean
Payment gateway 支付网关 zhī fù wǎng guān jy fuh woang guan
Recurring payment 定期支付 dìng qī zhī fù dinq chi jy fuh
One-time payment 一次性支付 yí cì xìng zhī fù yi tsyh shinq jy fuh
Installment payment 分期付款 fēn qī fù kuǎn fen chi fuh koan
Direct debit 直接借记 zhí jiē jiè jì jyr jie jieh jih
Electronic funds transfer (EFT) 电子资金转账 diàn zǐ zī jīn zhuǎn zhàng diann tzyy tzy jin joan janq
Automatic payment 自动支付 zì dòng zhī fù tzyh donq jy fuh
Invoice payment 发票支付 fā piào zhī fù fa piaw jy fuh
Contactless payment 非接触式支付 fēi jiē chù shì zhī fù fei jie chuh shyh jy fuh
Cryptocurrency payment 加密货币支付 jiā mì huò bì zhī fù jia mih huoh bih jy fuh
Apple Pay 苹果支付 píng guǒ zhī fù pyng guoo jy fuh
Google Pay 谷歌支付 gǔ gē zhī fù guu ge jy fuh
Payment confirmation 支付确认 zhī fù què rèn jy fuh chiueh renn
Payment method 支付方式 zhī fù fāng shì jy fuh fang shyh
Bank transfer 银行转账 yín háng zhuǎn zhàng yn harng joan janq
Cash on delivery 货到付款 huò dào fù kuǎn huoh daw fuh koan
Prepaid card 预付卡 yù fù kǎ yuh fuh kaa
Gift card 礼品卡 lǐ pǐn kǎ lii piin kaa
Payment receipt 支付收据 zhī fù shōu jù jy fuh shou jiuh
Payment processing 支付处理 zhī fù chǔ lǐ jy fuh chuu lii
Billing 账单 zhàng dān janq dan
Payment terms 支付条款 zhī fù tiáo kuǎn jy fuh tyau koan
Overdue payment 逾期付款 yú qī fù kuǎn yu chi fuh koan
Refund 退款 tuì kuǎn tuey koan
Secure payment 安全支付 ān quán zhī fù an chyuan jy fuh
Merchant account 商家账户 shāng jiā zhàng hù shang jia janq huh

Example conversations about payments

Person English Chinese Pinyin Pronunciation
A: Hello, can I pay with credit card? 你好,我可以用信用卡支付吗? nǐ hǎo, wǒ kě yǐ yòng xìn yòng kǎ zhī fù ma? nii hao, woo kee yii yonq shinn yonq kaa jy fuh mha?
B: Of course, we also accept debit cards and cash. 当然可以,我们也接受借记卡和现金。 dāng rán kě yǐ, wǒ men yě jiē shòu jiè jì kǎ hé xiàn jīn. dang ran kee yii, woo mhen yee jie show jieh jih kaa her shiann jin.
A: Can I use Alipay? 可以用支付宝吗? kě yǐ yòng zhī fù bǎo ma? kee yii yonq jy fuh bao mha?
B: Yes, you can also use WeChat or Alipay. 可以,您也可以用微信或支付宝支付。 kě yǐ, nín yě kě yǐ yòng wēi xìn huò zhī fù bǎo zhī fù. kee yii, nin yee kee yii yonq uei shinn huoh jy fuh bao jy fuh.
A: Is contactless payment accepted? 接受非接触式支付吗? jiē shòu fēi jiē chù shì zhī fù ma? jie show fei jie chuh shyh jy fuh mha?
B: Yes, you just need to hold the card close to the POS machine. 接受,您只需将卡靠近POS机即可。 jiē shòu, nín zhǐ xū jiāng kǎ kào jìn POS jī jí kě. jie show, nin jyy shiu jiang kaa kaw jinn POS ji jyi kee.

Person English Chinese Pinyin Pronunciation
A: Hello, I want to learn about online payments. 你好,我想了解在线支付。 nǐ hǎo, wǒ xiǎng liǎo jiě zài xiàn zhī fù. nii hao, woo sheang leau jiee tzay shiann jy fuh.
B: You can use PayPal or Apple Pay to make online payments. 您可以用贝宝或者苹果支付进行在线支付。 nín kě yǐ yòng bèi bǎo huò zhě píng guǒ zhī fù jìn xíng zài xiàn zhī fù.  nin kee yii yonq bey bao huoh jee pyng guoo jy fuh jinn shyng tzay shiann jy fuh.
A: What’s the difference between recurring payments and one-time payments? 定期支付和一次性支付有什么区别? dìng qī zhī fù hé yí cì xìng zhī fù yǒu shén me qū bié? dinq chi jy fuh her yi tsyh shinq jy fuh yeou shern me chiu bye?
B: Recurring payments are automatic regular deductions, and one-time payment is a single payment. 定期支付是定期自动扣款,一次性支付是单次支付。 dìng qī zhī fù shì dìng qī zì dòng kòu kuǎn, yí cì xìng zhī fù shì dān cì zhī fù. dinq chi jy fuh shyh dinq chi tzyh donq kow koan, yi tsyh shinq jy fuh shyh dan tsyh jy fuh.
A: Can I set up automatic bill payments? 我可以设置自动账单支付吗? wǒ kě yǐ shè zhì zì dòng zhàng dān zhī fù ma? woo kee yii sheh jyh tzyh donq janq dan jy fuh mha?
B: Yes, you can set it up through online banking or mobile banking. 可以,您可以通过网上银行或手机银行设置。 kě yǐ, nín kě yǐ tōng guò wǎng shàng yín háng huò shǒu jī yín háng shè zhì. kee yii, nin kee yii tong guoh woang shanq yn harng huoh shoou ji yn harng sheh jyh.

Loans and investments

Talking about loans and investments isn’t something only financiers and investment bankers do — it’s a part of every person’s financial planning. Whether you work in finance or want to explore your financial opportunities in China, these words have a place in everyone’s vocabulary.

English Chinese Pinyin Pronunciation
Loan 贷款 dài kuǎn day koan
Interest 利息 lì xī lih shi
Fund 基金 jī jīn ji jin
Bond 债券 zhài quàn jay chiuann
Principal 本金 běn jīn been jin
Collateral 抵押品 dǐ yā pǐn dii ia piin
Dividend 红利 hóng lì horng lih
Return on investment (ROI) 投资回报率 tóu zī huí bào lǜ tour tzy hwei baw liuh
Stock 股票 gǔ piào guu piaw
Mutual fund 共同基金 gòng tóng jī jīn gonq torng ji jin
Private equity 私募股权 sī mù gǔ quán sy muh guu chyuan
Venture capital 风险投资 fēng xiǎn tóu zī feng shean tour tzy
Hedge fund 对冲基金 duì chōng jī jīn duey chong ji jin
Portfolio 投资组合 tóu zī zǔ hé tour tzy tzuu her
Risk 风险 fēng xiǎn feng shean
Yield 收益 shōu yì shou yih
Capital gain 资本收益 zī běn shōu yì tzy been shou yih
Depreciation 折旧 zhé jiù jer jiow
Appreciation 增值 zēng zhí tzeng jyr
Repayment 还款 huán kuǎn hwan koan
Fixed interest rate 固定利率 gù dìng lì lǜ guh dinq lih liuh
Variable interest rate 浮动利率 fú dòng lì lǜ fwu donq lih liuh
Default 违约 wéi yuē wei iue
Foreclosure 丧失抵押品赎回权 sàng shī dǐ yā pǐn shú huí quán sanq shy dii ia piin shwu hwei chyuan
Credit line 信贷额度 xìn dài é dù shinn day er duh
Asset management 资产管理 zī chǎn guǎn lǐ tzy chaan goan lii
Annuity 年金 nián jīn nian jin
Pension fund 养老金基金 yǎng lǎo jīn jī jīn yeang lao jin ji jin
Real estate investment 房地产投资 fáng dì chǎn tóu zī farng dih chaan tour tzy
Savings bond 储蓄债券 chǔ xù zhài quàn chuu shiuh jay chiuann
Securities 证券 zhèng quàn jenq chiuann
Leveraged buyout 杠杆收购 gàng gǎn shōu gòu ganq gaan shou gow
Loan application 贷款申请 dài kuǎn shēn qǐng day koan shen chiing
Applicant 申请人 shēn qǐng rén shen chiing ren
Application form 申请表 shēn qǐng biǎo shen chiing beau
Credit history 信用记录 xìn yòng jì lù shinn yonq jih luh
Credit report 信用报告 xìn yòng bào gào shinn yonq baw gaw
Credit score 信用评分 xìn yòng píng fēn shinn yonq pyng fen
Proof of income  收入证明 shōu rù zhèng míng shou ruh jenq ming
Proof of employment  就业证明 jiù yè zhèng míng jiow yeh jenq ming
Proof of identity 身份证明 shēn fèn zhèng míng shen fenn jenq ming
Collateral evaluation 抵押品评估 dǐ yā pǐn píng gū dii ia piin pyng gu
Loan officer 贷款专员 dài kuǎn zhuān yuán day koan juan yuan
Loan approval 贷款批准 dài kuǎn pī zhǔn day koan pi joen
Loan agreement 贷款协议 dài kuǎn xié yì day koan shye yih
Joint guarantor 联名担保人 lián míng dān bǎo rén lian ming dan bao ren
Down payment 首付款 shǒu fù kuǎn shoou fuh koan
Loan Prime Rate (LPR) 报价利率 bào jià lì lǜ baw jiah lih liuh
Loan term 贷款期限 dài kuǎn qī xiàn day koan chi shiann
Monthly payment 月供 yuè gōng yueh gong
Loan processing fee 贷款处理费 dài kuǎn chǔ lǐ fèi day koan chuu lii fey
Loan documentation 贷款文件 dài kuǎn wén jiàn day koan wen jiann
Pre-approval 预批准 yù pī zhǔn yuh pi joen
Underwrite 承保 chéng bǎo cherng bao
Loan conditions 贷款条件 dài kuǎn tiáo jiàn day koan tyau jiann
Debt consolidation 债务合并 zhài wù hé bìng jay wuh her binq
Loan disbursement 贷款发放 dài kuǎn fā fàng day koan fa fanq
Loan maturity 贷款到期 dài kuǎn dào qī day koan daw chi
Refinancing 再融资 zài róng zī tzay rong tzy
Loan default 贷款违约 dài kuǎn wéi yuē day koan wei iue
Repayment plan 还款计划 huán kuǎn jì huà hwan koan jih huah
Grace period 宽限期 kuān xiàn qī kuan shiann chi
Interest-only loan 仅付利息型贷款 jǐn fù lì xī xíng dài kuǎn jiin fuh lih shi shyng day koan
Principal repayment 本金偿还 běn jīn cháng huán been jin charng hwan
Loan amortization 贷款摊还 dài kuǎn tān huán day koan tan hwan
Loan rejection 贷款被拒 dài kuǎn bèi jù day koan bey jiuh
Prepayment penalty 提前还款罚金 tí qián huán kuǎn fá jīn tyi chyan hwan koan far jin
Fixed rate loan 固定利率贷款 gù dìng lì lǜ dài kuǎn guh dinq lih liuh day koan
Floating rate loan 浮动利率贷款 fú dòng lì lǜ dài kuǎn fwu donq lih liuh day koan
Loan servicing 贷款服务 dài kuǎn fú wù day koan fwu wuh
Loan origination fee 贷款启动费 dài kuǎn qǐ dòng fèi day koan chii donq fey

Example conversations about loans and investments

Person English Chinese Pinyin Pronunciation
A: Hello, I want to apply for a loan.  你好,我想申请贷款。 nǐ hǎo, wǒ xiǎng shēn qǐng dài kuǎn. nii hao, woo sheang shen chiing day koan.
B: Hello, what type of loan do you need? 您好,请问您需要哪种贷款? nín hǎo, qǐng wèn nín xū yào nǎ zhǒng dài kuǎn? nin hao, chiing wenn nin shiu yaw naa joong day koan?
A: I need a mortgage loan. What’s the interest rate? 我需要抵押贷款。利率是多少? wǒ xū yào dǐ yā dài kuǎn. lì lǜ shì duō shǎo? woo shiu yaw dii ia day koan. lih liuh shyh duo shao?
B: We offer both fixed and variable interest rate products. Which do you prefer? 我们有固定利率和浮动利率产品,您更偏好哪种? wǒ men yǒu gù dìng lì lǜ hé fú dòng lì lǜ chǎn pǐn, nín gèng piān hào nǎ zhǒng? woo mhen yeou guh dinq lih liuh her fwu donq lih liuh chaan piin, nin genq pian haw naa joong?
A: A fixed rate is better. What’s the loan term? 固定利率更好。贷款期限是多久? gù dìng lì lǜ gèng hǎo. dài kuǎn qī xiàn shì duō jiǔ? guh dinq lih liuh genq hao. day koan chi shiann shyh duo jeou?
B: You can choose up to 30 years. You can choose the appropriate term according to your needs. 最长可以选择30年,您可以根据需要选择合适的期限。 zuì cháng kě yǐ xuǎn zé 30 nián, nín kě yǐ gēn jù xū yào xuǎn zé hé shì de qī xiàn. tzuey charng kee yii sheuan tzer 30 nian, nin kee yii gen jiuh shiu yaw sheuan tzer her shyh de chi shiann.

Person English Chinese Pinyin Pronunciation
A: Hello, I want to learn about some investment opportunities. 你好,我想了解一些投资机会。 nǐ hǎo, wǒ xiǎng liǎo jiě yì xiē tóu zī jī huì. nii hao woo sheang leau jiee yi shie tour tzy ji huey
B: Hello, we have mutual funds, stocks, and bond investments. 您好,我们有共同基金、股票和债券投资。 nín hǎo, wǒ men yǒu gòng tóng jī jīn, gǔ piào hé zhài quàn tóu zī. nin hao, woo mhen yeou gonq torng ji jin, guu piaw her jay chiuann tour tzy.
A: How about venture capital and private equity investments? 风险投资和私募股权投资如何? fēng xiǎn tóu zī hé sī mù gǔ quán tóu zī rú hé? feng shean tour tzy her sy muh guu chyuan tour tzy ru her?
B: These have high returns but also higher risks. 这些投资回报率高,但风险也较大。 zhè xiē tóu zī huí bào lǜ gāo, dàn fēng xiǎn yě jiào dà. jeh shie tour tzy hwei baw liuh gau dann feng shean yee jiaw dah.
A: What is the difference between dividends and capital gains? 红利和资本收益有什么区别? hóng lì hé zī běn shōu yì yǒu shén me qū bié? horng lih her tzy been shou yih yeou shern me chiu bye?
B: Dividends are profit distributions from a company, while capital gains are profits from the appreciation of assets. 红利是公司利润分配,资本收益是资产增值带来的收益。 hóng lì shì gōng sī lì rùn fēn pèi, zī běn shōu yì shì zī chǎn zēng zhí dài lái de shōu yì. horng lih shyh gong sy lih ruenn fen pey, tzy been shou yih shyh tzy chaan tzeng jyr day lai de shou yih.

Financial planning

Although openly talking about finances may be a taboo in the West, the situation in China is somewhat different. People can be more open about discussing finances, including your financial goals, retirement planning, and more. So, next time you’re asked any questions about finances, you can rely on the following vocab:

English Chinese Pinyin Pronunciation
Save money 省钱 shěng qián sheeng chyan
Budget 预算 yù suàn yuh suann
Financial management 理财 lǐ cái lii tsair
Savings 储蓄 chǔ xù chuu shiuh
Financial goal 财务目标 cái wù mù biāo tsair wuh muh biau
Emergency fund 应急基金 yìng jí jī jīn yinq jyi ji jin
Investment portfolio 投资组合 tóu zī zǔ hé tour tzy tzuu her
Investment diversification 分散投资 fēn sàn tóu zī fen sann tour tzy
Retirement planning 退休规划 tuì xiū guī huà tuey shiou guei huah
Debt management 债务管理 zhài wù guǎn lǐ jay wuh goan lii
Risk assessment 风险评估 fēng xiǎn píng gū feng shean pyng gu
Tax planning 税务规划 shuì wù guī huà shuey wuh guei huah
Expense tracking 费用追踪 fèi yòng zhuī zōng fey yonq juei tzong
Financial advisor 财务顾问 cái wù gù wèn tsair wuh guh wenn
Investment strategy 投资策略 tóu zī cè lüè tour tzy tseh liueh
Long-term planning 长期规划 cháng qī guī huà charng chi guei huah
Short-term planning 短期规划 duǎn qī guī huà doan chi guei huah
Wealth accumulation 财富积累 cái fù jī lěi tsair fuh ji leei
Pension plan 养老金计划 yǎng lǎo jīn jì huà yeang lao jin jih huah
Financial independence 财务独立 cái wù dú lì tsair wuh dwu lih
Debt-to-income ratio 债务收入比 zhài wù shōu rù bǐ jay wuh shou ruh bii
Financial literacy 金融知识 jīn róng zhī shi jin rong jy shy
Savings rate 储蓄率 chǔ xù lǜ chuu shiuh liuh
Investment return 投资回报 tóu zī huí bào tour tzy hwei baw
Retirement fund 退休基金 tuì xiū jī jīn tuey shiou ji jin
Capital preservation 资本保全 zī běn bǎo quán tzy been bao chyuan
Expense reduction 费用减少 fèi yòng jiǎn shǎo fey yonq jean shao
Future value 未来价值 wèi lái jià zhí wey lai jiah jyr
Present value 现值 xiàn zhí shiann jyr
Financial risk 财务风险 cái wù fēng xiǎn tsair wuh feng shean
Financial plan 财务计划 cái wù jì huà tsair wuh jih huah
Economic outlook 经济前景 jīng jì qián jǐng jing jih chyan jiing
Financial security 财务安全 cái wù ān quán tsair wuh an chyuan
Spending plan 支出计划 zhī chū jì huà jy chu jih huah
Tax-efficient investment 节税投资 jié shuì tóu zī jye shuey tour tzy
Income diversification 收入多样化 shōu rù duō yàng huà shou ruh duo yanq huah
Financial forecast 财务预测 cái wù yù cè tsair wuh yuh tseh
Estate planning 遗产规划 yí chǎn guī huà yi chaan guei huah
Asset allocation 资产配置 zī chǎn pèi zhì tzy chaan pey jyh
Financial stability 财政稳定 cái zhèng wěn dìng tsair jenq woen dinq
Wealth management 财富管理 cái fù guǎn lǐ tsair fuh goan lii
Credit management 信贷管理 xìn dài guǎn lǐ shinn day goan lii
Personal finance 个人理财 gè rén lǐ cái geh ren lii tsair

Example conversations about financial planning

Person English Chinese Pinyin Pronunciation
A: Hello, I want to know how to save money and make a budget. 你好,我想知道怎么省钱和做预算。 nǐ hǎo, wǒ xiǎng zhī dào zěn me shěng qián hé zuò yù suàn. nii hao, woo sheang jy daw tzeen me sheeng chyan her tzuoh yuh suann.
B: Hello, first you need to record all your expenses. 您好,首先您需要记录所有费用。 nín hǎo, shǒu xiān nín xū yào jì lù suǒ yǒu fèi yòng. nin hao, shoou shian nin shiu yaw jih luh suoo yeou fey yonq.
A: What is a good way for expense tracking? 有什么好的费用追踪的方法吗? yǒu shén me hǎo de fèi yòng zhuī zōng de fāng fǎ ma? yeou shern me hao de fey yonq juei tzong de fang faa mha?
B: You can use a mobile app to track expenses and income. 您可以使用手机应用来追踪花费和收入。 nín kě yǐ shǐ yòng shǒu jī yìng yòng lái zhuī zōng huā fèi hé shōu rù. nin kee yii shyy yonq shoou ji yinq yonq lai juei tzong hua fey her shou ruh.
A: Should I set up an emergency fund? 我需要设立应急基金吗? wǒ xū yào shè lì yìng jí jī jīn ma? woo shiu yaw sheh lih yinq jyi ji jin mha?
B: Definitely, it’s recommended to save three to six months of living expenses as an emergency fund. 当然可以。建议存三到六个月的生活费作为应急基金。 dāng rán kě yǐ. jiàn yì cún sān dào liù gè yuè de shēng huó fèi zuò wéi yìng jí jī jīn. dang ran kee yii. jiann yih tswen san daw liow geh yueh de sheng hwo fey tzuoh wei yinq jyi ji jin.

Person English Chinese Pinyin Pronunciation
A: Hello, I want to consult a financial advisor. 你好,我想咨询一位财务顾问。 nǐ hǎo, wǒ xiǎng zī xún yí wèi cái wù gù wèn. nii hao, woo sheang tzy shyun yi wey tsair wuh guh wenn.
B: Hello, what are your financial goals? 您好,请问您有什么财务目标? nín hǎo, qǐng wèn nín yǒu shén me cái wù mù biāo? nin hao, chiing wenn nin yeou shern me tsair wuh muh biau?
A: I need help with retirement planning. 我需要退休规划相关的帮助。 wǒ xū yào tuì xiū guī huà xiāng guān de bāng zhù. woo shiu yaw tuey shiou guei huah shiang guan de bang juh.
B: Do you currently have a retirement fund? 您现在有退休基金吗? nín xiàn zài yǒu tuì xiū jī jīn ma? nin shiann tzay yeou tuey shiou ji jin mha?
A: I have some, but I’m not sure if it’s enough. 有一些,但不知道够不够。 yǒu yì xiē, dàn bù zhī dào gòu bú gòu. yeou yih shie, dann buh jy daw gow bwu gow.
B: We can assess your financial situation and then create a detailed retirement plan. 我们可以对您的财务状况进行评估,然后制定详细的退休计划。 wǒ men kě yǐ duì nín de cái wù zhuàng kuàng jìn xíng píng gū, rán hòu zhì dìng xiáng xì de tuì xiū jì huà. woo mhen kee yii duey nin de tsair wuh juanq kuanq jinn shyng pyng gu, ran how jyh dinq shyang shih de tuey shiou jih huah.
A: How should I diversify my investments? 我应该如何分散投资呢? wǒ yīng gāi rú hé fēn sàn tóu zī ne? woo ing gai ru her fen sann tour tzy nhe?
B: We will adjust your portfolio based on your risk assessment. 我们会根据您的风险评估来调整投资组合。 wǒ men huì gēn jù nín de fēng xiǎn píng gū lái tiáo zhěng tóu zī zǔ hé. woo mhen huey gen jiuh nin de feng shean pyng gu lai tyau jeeng tour tzy tzuu her.


They say that nothing in this world is certain, except for death and taxes. And even in China, this phrase remains true. If you’re planning to work in China, you’ll have to pay taxes to the 国家税务总局 (guó jiā shuì wù zǒng jú) or State Taxation Administration (STA). Here are some words you should be familiar with to stay ahead of the curve:

English Chinese Pinyin Pronunciation
Taxation 税务 shuì wù shuey wuh
Tax shuì shuey
Tax revenue 税收 shuì shōu shuey shou
Tax refund 退税 tuì shuì tuey shuey
Tax payment 税款 shuì kuǎn shuey koan
Tariff 关税 guān shuì guan shuey
Income tax 所得税 suǒ dé shuì suoo der shuey
Sales tax 销售税 xiāo shòu shuì shiau show shuey
Property tax 房产税 fáng chǎn shuì farng chaan shuey
Corporate tax 企业税 qǐ yè shuì chii yeh shuey
Value-added tax (VAT) 增值税 zēng zhí shuì tzeng jyr shuey
Excise tax 消费税 xiāo fèi shuì shiau fey shuey
Capital gains tax 资本利得税 zī běn lì dé shuì tzy been lih der shuey
Estate tax 遗产税 yí chǎn shuì yi chaan shuey
Gift tax 赠与税 zèng yǔ shuì tzenq yeu shuey
Tax bracket 税级 shuì jí shuey jyi
Tax rate 税率 shuì lǜ shuey liuh
Taxable income 应税收入 yīng shuì shōu rù ing shuey shou ruh
Tax exemption 免税 miǎn shuì mean shuey
Tax deduction 税收减免 shuì shōu jiǎn miǎn shuey shou jean mean
Tax credit 免税额度 miǎn shuì é dù mean shuey er duh
Withholding tax 预扣税 yù kòu shuì yuh kow shuey
Tax evasion 逃税 táo shuì taur shuey
Tax avoidance 避税 bì shuì bih shuey
Tax return 纳税申报单 nà shuì shēn bào dān nah shuey shen baw dan
Tax liability 纳税义务 nà shuì yì wù nah shuey yih wuh
Tax audit 税务审计 shuì wù shěn jì shuey wuh sheen jih
Tax year 纳税年度 nà shuì nián dù nah shuey nian duh
Progressive tax 累进税 lěi jìn shuì leei jinn shuey
Regressive tax 累退税 lěi tuì shuì leei tuey shuey
Flat tax 单一税 dān yī shuì dan i shuey
Double taxation 双重征税 shuāng chóng zhēng shuì shuang chorng jeng shuey
Tax haven 避税天堂 bì shuì tiān táng bih shuey tian tarng
Tax policy 税收政策 shuì shōu zhèng cè shuey shou jenq tseh
Tax reform 税收改革 shuì shōu gǎi gé shuey shou gae ger
Tax incentive 税收激励 shuì shōu jī lì shuey shou ji lih
Tax inspector 税务检查员 shuì wù jiǎn chá yuán shuey wuh jean char yuan
Tax planning 税务筹划 shuì wù chóu huà shuey wuh chour huah
Tax form 税表 shuì biǎo shuey beau
Taxation bureau 税务局 shuì wù jú shuey wuh jyu
Tax declaration 报税 bào shuì baw shuey
Indirect tax 间接税 jiàn jiē shuì jiann jie shuey
Direct tax 直接税 zhí jiē shuì jyr jie shuey
Environmental tax 环境税 huán jìng shuì hwan jinq shuey
Luxury tax 奢侈品税 shē chǐ pǐn shuì she chyy piin shuey
Payroll tax 工资税 gōng zī shuì gong tzy shuey
Income tax return 所得税申报表 suǒ dé shuì shēn bào biǎo suoo der shuey shen baw beau
Taxpayer 纳税人 nà shuì rén nah shuey ren
Taxable amount 应税金额  yīng shuì jīn é ing shuey jin er
Net income 净收入 jìng shōu rù jinq shou ruh

Example conversations about taxes

Person English Chinese Pinyin Pronunciation
A: Hello, I would like to learn some content related to income tax. 你好,我想了解所得税相关的内容。 nǐ hǎo, wǒ xiǎng liǎo jiě suǒ dé shuì xiāng guān de nèi róng. nii hao woo sheang leau jiee suoo der shuey shiang guan de ney rong.
B: Hello, income tax is calculated based on your income. 您好,所得税是根据您的收入计算的。 nín hǎo, suǒ dé shuì shì gēn jù nín de shōu rù jì suàn de. nin hao, suoo der shuey shyh gen jiuh nin de shou ruh jih suann de.
A: What is taxable income? 什么是应税收入? shén me shì yīng shuì shōu rù? shern me shyh ing shuey shou ruh?
B: Taxable income is the income after deducting exemptions and deductions. 应税收入是扣除免税额和税收减免后的收入。 yīng shuì shōu rù shì kòu chú miǎn shuì é hé shuì shōu jiǎn miǎn hòu de shōu rù. ing shuey shou ruh shyh kow chwu mean shuey er her shuey shou jean mean how de shou ruh.
A: What is the tax rate? 税率是多少? shuì lǜ shì duō shǎo? shuey liuh shyh duo shao?
B: The tax rate depends on different brackets. The higher the income, the higher the tax rate. 税率根据不同的税级而定,收入越高,税率越高。 shuì lǜ gēn jù bù tóng de shuì jí ér dìng, shōu rù yuè gāo, shuì lǜ yuè gāo. shuey liuh gen jiuh buh torng de shuey jyi erl dinq, shou ruh yueh gau, shuey liuh yueh gau.

Person English Chinese Pinyin Pronunciation
A: Hello, I heard that I can apply for a tax refund. 你好,我听说可以申请退税。 nǐ hǎo, wǒ tīng shuō kě yǐ shēn qǐng tuì shuì. nii hao, woo ting shuo kee yii shen chiing tuey shuey.
B: Yes, if you overpaid your taxes, you can apply for a refund. 是的,如果您多缴了税,可以申请退税。 shì de, rú guǒ nín duō jiǎo le shuì, kě yǐ shēn qǐng tuì shuì. shyh de, ru guoo nin duo jeau lhe shuey, kee yii shen chiing tuey shuey
A: What documents do I need? 我需要哪些文件? wǒ xū yào nǎ xiē wén jiàn? woo shiu yaw naa shie wen jiann?
B: You need to provide proof of income and tax records. 您需要提供收入证明和纳税记录。 nín xū yào tí gōng shōu rù zhèng míng hé nà shuì jì lù. nin shiu yaw tyi gong shou ruh jenq ming her nah shuey jih luh
A: How long does it take to get the refund? 退税多久能到账? tuì shuì duō jiǔ néng dào zhàng? tuey shuey duo jeou neng daw janq?
B: It usually takes a few weeks, depending on the processing speed of the taxation bureau. 通常需要几周时间,具体情况视税务局处理速度而定。 tōng cháng xū yào jǐ zhōu shí jiān, jù tǐ qíng kuàng shì shuì wù jú chǔ lǐ sù dù ér dìng. tong charng shiu yaw jii jou shyr jian, jiuh tii chyng kuanq shyh shuey wuh jyu chuu lii suh duh erl dinq.


Keeping up with the economy is always a smart thing to do, especially when you live in China and every week there seems to be a new article detailing China’s latest economic development. However, the following words are especially tailored for economics students who are learning Chinese or interested in working in China.

English Chinese Pinyin Pronunciation
Economics 经济学 jīng jì xué jing jih shyue
Microeconomics 微观经济学 wēi guān jīng jì xué uei guan jing jih shyue
Macroeconomics 宏观经济学 hóng guān jīng jì xué horng guan jing jih shyue
Economic theory 经济理论 jīng jì lǐ lùn jing jih lii luenn
Supply and demand 供求关系 gōng qiú guān xì gong chyou guan shih
Market equilibrium 市场均衡 shì chǎng jūn héng shyh chaang jiun herng
Elasticity 弹性 tán xìng tarn shinq
Opportunity cost 机会成本 jī huì chéng běn ji huey cherng been
Marginal utility 边际效用 biān jì xiào yòng bian jih shiaw yonq
Comparative advantage 比较优势 bǐ jiào yōu shì bii jiaw iou shyh
Absolute advantage 绝对优势 jué duì yōu shì jyue duey iou shyh
Production possibility frontier (PPF) 生产可能性边界 shēng chǎn kě néng xìng biān jiè sheng chaan kee neng shinq bian jieh
Economic growth 经济增长 jīng jì zēng zhǎng jing jih tzeng jaang
Unemployment 失业 shī yè shy yeh
Central bank 中央银行 zhōng yāng yín háng zhōng yāng yín háng
Money supply 货币供应量 huò bì gōng yìng liàng huoh bih gong yinq lianq
Aggregate demand 总需求 zǒng xū qiú tzoong shiu chyou
Aggregate supply 总供给 zǒng gōng jǐ tzoong gong jii
Trade deficit 贸易逆差 mào yì nì chā maw yih nih cha
Trade surplus 贸易顺差 mào yì shùn chā maw yih shuenn cha
Foreign direct investment (FDI) 外商直接投资 wài shāng zhí jiē tóu zī way shang jyr jie tour tzy
Human capital 人力资本 rén lì zī běn ren lih tzy been
Capital 资本 zī běn tzy been
Labor market 劳动市场 láo dòng shì chǎng lau donq shyh chaang
Wage 工资 gōng zī gong tzy
Labor force participation rate 劳动参与率 láo dòng cān yù lǜ lau donq tsan yuh liuh
Consumer price index (CPI) 消费者价格指数 xiāo fèi zhě jià gé zhǐ shù shiau fey jee jiah ger jyy shuh
Producer price index (PPI) 生产者价格指数 shēng chǎn zhě jià gé zhǐ shù sheng chaan jee jiah ger jyy shuh
Business cycle 经济周期 jīng jì zhōu qī jing jih jou chi
Recession 经济衰退 jīng jì shuāi tuì jih shuai tuey
Depression 经济萧条 jīng jì xiāo tiáo jing jih shiau tyau
Boom 经济繁荣 jīng jì fán róng jing jih farn rong
Stagflation 滞涨 zhì zhǎng jyh jaang
Phillips curve 菲利普斯曲线 fēi lì pǔ sī qū xiàn fei lih puu sy chiu shiann
Keynesian economics 凯恩斯主义经济学 kǎi ēn sī zhǔ yì jīng jì xué kae en sy juu yih jing jih shyue
Classical economics 古典经济学 gǔ diǎn jīng jì xué guu dean jing jih shyue
Neoclassical economics 新古典经济学 xīn gǔ diǎn jīng jì xué shin guu dean jing jih shyue
Behavioral economics 行为经济学 xíng wéi jīng jì xué shyng wei jing jih shyue
Game theory 博弈论 bó yì lùn bor yih luenn
Public goods 公共产品 gōng gòng chǎn pǐn gong gonq chaan piin
Externality 外部效应  wài bù xiào yìng way buh shiaw yinq
Market failure 市场失灵 shì chǎng shī líng shyh chaang shy ling

Example conversations about economics

Person English Chinese Pinyin Pronunciation
A: Hello, I heard you’re studying economics. 你好,我听说你在学习经济学。 nǐ hǎo, wǒ tīng shuō nǐ zài xué xí jīng jì xué. nii hao, woo ting shuo nii tzay shyue shyi jing jih shyue.
B: Yes, I am very interested in economics. 是的,我对经济学非常感兴趣。 shì de, wǒ duì jīng jì xué fēi cháng gǎn xìng qù. shyh de, woo duey jing jih shyue fei charng gaan shinq chiuh.
A: What fields does economics cover? 经济学分为哪些领域? jīng jì xué fēn wéi nǎ xiē lǐng yù? jing jih shyue fen wei naa shie liing yuh?
B: Mainly microeconomics and macroeconomics. 主要有微观经济学和宏观经济学。 zhǔ yào yǒu wēi guān jīng jì xué hé hóng guān jīng jì xué. juu yaw yeou uei guan jing jih shyue her horng guan jing jih shyue.
A: What’s microeconomics? 什么是微观经济学? shén me shì wēi guān jīng jì xué? shern me shyh uei guan jing jih shyue?
B: Microeconomics studies the economic behavior of individuals and businesses. 微观经济学研究个人和企业的经济行为。 wēi guān jīng jì xué yán jiū gè rén hé qǐ yè de jīng jì xíng wéi. uei guan jing jih shyue yan jiou geh ren her chii yeh de jing jih shyng wei.

Person English Chinese Pinyin Pronunciation
A: Can you explain the relationship between supply and demand? 你能解释一下供求关系吗? nǐ néng jiě shì yí xià gōng qiú guān xì ma? nii neng jiee shyh yi shiah gong chyou guan shih mha?
B: The relationship between supply and demand determines market prices and quantities. 供求关系决定市场价格和数量。 gōng qiú guān xì jué dìng shì chǎng jià gé hé shù liàng. gong chyou guan shih jyue dinq shyh chaang jiah ger her shuh lianq.
A: What is market equilibrium? 市场均衡是什么? shì chǎng jūn héng shì shén me? shyh chaang jiun herng shyh shern me?
B: Market equilibrium is the point where supply equals demand. 市场均衡是供给和需求相等的点。 shì chǎng jūn héng shì gōng jǐ hé xū qiú xiāng děng de diǎn. shyh chaang jiun herng shyh gong jii her shiu chyou shiang deeng de dean.
A: What role does elasticity play in economics? 弹性在经济学中有什么作用? tán xìng zài jīng jì xué zhōng yǒu shén me zuò yòng? tarn shinq tzay jing jih shyue jong yeou shern me tzuoh yonq?
B: Elasticity measures the impact of price changes on demand or supply. 弹性衡量价格变化对需求或供给的影响。 tán xìng héng liáng jià gé biàn huà duì xū qiú huò gōng jǐ de yǐng xiǎng. tarn shinq herng liang jiah ger biann huah duey shiu chyou huoh gong jii de yiing sheang.


Similarly to the previous section, the following vocabulary words are geared towards finance students and professionals. If you’re looking for professional finance vocabulary in Chinese, then this list is for you!

English Chinese Pinyin Pronunciation
Finance 金融学 jīn róng xué jin rong shyue
Corporate finance 公司金融 gōng sī jīn róng gong sy jin rong
Financial markets 金融市场 jīn róng shì chǎng jin rong shyh chaang
Financial instruments 金融工具 jīn róng gōng jù jin rong gong jiuh
Risk management 风险管理 fēng xiǎn guǎn lǐ feng shean goan lii
Portfolio management 投资组合管理 tóu zī zǔ hé guǎn lǐ tour tzy tzuu her goan lii
Capital structure 资本结构 zī běn jié gòu tzy been jye gow
Cost of capital 资本成本 zī běn chéng běn tzy been cherng been
Financial statement analysis 财务报表分析 cái wù bào biǎo fēn xī tsair wuh baw beau fen shi
Valuation 估值 gū zhí gu jyr
Leverage 杠杆 gàng gǎn ganq gaan
Dividend policy 股息政策 gǔ xī zhèng cè guu shi jenq tseh
Initial public offering (IPO) 首次公开募股 shǒu cì gōng kāi mù gǔ shoou tsyh gong kai muh guu
Secondary market 二级市场 èr jí shì chǎng ell jyi shyh chaang
Bond market 债券市场 zhài quàn shì chǎng jay chiuann shyh chaang
Derivatives 衍生物 yǎn shēng wù yean sheng wuh
Options 期权 qī quán chi chyuan
Futures 期货 qī huò chi huoh
Hedging 对冲 duì chōng duey chong
Arbitrage 套利 tào lì taw lih
Efficient market hypothesis (EMH) 有效市场假说 yǒu xiào shì chǎng jiǎ shuō yeou shiaw shyh chaang jea shuo
Capital asset pricing model (CAPM) 资本资产定价模型 zī běn zī chǎn dìng jià mó xíng tzy been tzy chaan dinq jiah mo shyng
Modern portfolio theory (MPT) 现代投资组合理论 xiàn dài tóu zī zǔ hé lǐ lùn shiann day tour tzy tzuu her lii luenn
Beta 贝塔 bèi tǎ bey taa
Alpha 阿尔法 ā ěr fǎ a eel faa
Sharpe ratio 夏普比率 xià pǔ bǐ lǜ shiah puu bii liuh
Net present value (NPV) 净现值 jìng xiàn zhí jinq shiann jyr
Internal rate of return (IRR) 内部收益率 nèi bù shōu yì lǜ ney buh shou yih liuh
Discount rate 贴现率 tiē xiàn lǜ tie shiann liuh
Time value of money 货币时间价值 huò bì shí jiān jià zhí huoh bih shyr jian jiah jyr
Free cash flow 自由现金流 zì yóu xiàn jīn liú tzyh you shiann jin liou
Financial modeling 金融建模 jīn róng jiàn mó jin rong jiann mo
Behavioral finance 行为金融学 xíng wéi jīn róng xué shyng wei jin rong shyue
Market efficiency 市场效率 shì chǎng xiào lǜ shyh chaang shiaw liuh
Financial intermediation 金融中介 jīn róng zhōng jiè jin rong jong jieh
Banking 银行业 yín háng yè yn harng yeh
Real estate finance 房地产金融 fáng dì chǎn jīn róng farng dih chaan jin rong
Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) 兼并与收购 jiān bìng yǔ shōu gòu jian binq yeu shou gow
Corporate governance 公司治理 gōng sī zhì lǐ gong sy jyh lii
Financial regulation 金融监管 jīn róng jiān guǎn jin rong jian goan

Example conversations about finance

Person English Chinese Pinyin Pronunciation
A: Hello, I heard you are studying finance. 你好,我听说你在学习金融学。 nǐ hǎo, wǒ tīng shuō nǐ zài xué xí jīn róng xué. nii hao, woo ting shuo nii tzay shyue shyi jin rong shyue.
B: Yes, I am particularly interested in corporate finance. 是的,我对公司金融特别感兴趣。 shì de, wǒ duì gōng sī jīn róng tè bié gǎn xìng qù. shyh de, woo duey gong sy jin rong teh bye gaan shinq chiuh.
A: What does corporate finance mainly study? 公司金融主要研究什么? gōng sī jīn róng zhǔ yào yán jiū shén me? gong sy jin rong juu yaw yan jiou shern me?
B: It mainly studies a company’s capital structure, cost of capital, and financial statement analysis. 它主要研究公司的资本结构、资本成本和财务报表分析。 tā zhǔ yào yán jiū gōng sī de zī běn jié gòu, zī běn chéng běn hé cái wù bào biǎo fēn xī. ta juu yaw yan jiou gong sy de tzy been jye gow, tzy been cherng been her tsair wuh baw beau fen shi.
A: Is valuation important in corporate finance? 估值在公司金融中重要吗? gū zhí zài gōng sī jīn róng zhōng zhòng yào ma? gu jyr tzay gong sy jin rong jong jonq yaw mha?
B: It’s very important, valuation helps companies understand their value and investment opportunities. 非常重要,估值可以帮助公司了解自身价值和投资机会。 fēi cháng zhòng yào, gū zhí kě yǐ bāng zhù gōng sī liǎo jiě zì shēn jià zhí hé tóu zī jī huì. fei charng jonq yaw, gu jyr kee yii bang juh gong sy leau jiee tzyh shen jiah jyr her tour tzy ji huey

Person English Chinese Pinyin Pronunciation
A: What types of investments are you interested in? 你对什么类型的投资感兴趣? nǐ duì shén me lèi xíng de tóu zī gǎn xìng qù ? nii duey shern me ley shyng de tour tzy gaan shinq chiuh?
B: I am interested in financial markets and various financial instruments. 我对金融市场和各种金融工具感兴趣。 wǒ duì jīn róng shì chǎng hé gè zhǒng jīn róng gōng jù gǎn xìng qù. woo duey jin rong shyh chaang her geh joong jin rong gong jiuh gaan shinq chiuh.
A: Have you invested in the stock market? 你有投资股票市场吗? nǐ yǒu tóu zī gǔ piào shì chǎng ma? nii yeou tour tzy guu piaw shyh chaang mha?
B: Yes, I have some stocks and bonds in my investment portfolio. 有,我的投资组合里有一些股票和债券。 yǒu, wǒ de tóu zī zǔ hé lǐ yǒu yì xiē gǔ piào hé zhài quàn. yeou, woo de tour tzy tzuu her lii yeou yih shie guu piaw her jay chiuann.
A: How do you manage the risks in your portfolio? 你怎么管理投资组合的风险? nǐ zěn me guǎn lǐ tóu zī zǔ hé de fēng xiǎn? nii tzeen me goan lii tour tzy tzuu her de feng shean?
B: I manage risks by diversifying my investments and using hedging instruments. 我通过分散投资和使用对冲工具来管理风险。 wǒ tōng guò fēn sàn tóu zī hé shǐ yòng duì chōng gōng jù lái guǎn lǐ fēng xiǎn. woo tong guoh fen sann tour tzy her shyy yonq duey chong gong jiuh lai goan lii feng shean.

How to say different currencies in Chinese

No discussion about international economics or politics in Chinese is complete without talking about the exchange rate and foreign currencies. Plus, on a practical level, you might want to know at least how to say the U.S. dollar plus your own country’s currency so you can ask for help exchanging cash or converting prices.

Different currencies in Chinese.

ISO Code English Chinese Pinyin Pronunciation
CNY Chinese Yuan
人民币 rén mín bì ren min bih
TWD New Taiwan dollar 新台币 xīn tái bì shin tair bih
HKD Hong Kong dollar 港元 gǎng yuán gaang yuan
MOP Macanese pataca 澳门元 ào mén yuán aw men yuan
USD US Dollar 美元 měi yuán meei yuan
EUR Euro 欧元 ōu yuán ou yuan
GBP British Pound 英镑 yīng bàng ing banq
JPY Japanese Yen 日元 rì yuán ryh yuan
CAD Canadian Dollar 加元 jiā yuán jia yuan
AUD Australian Dollar 澳元 ào yuán aw yuan
SGD Singapore Dollar 新加坡元 xīn jiā pō yuán shin jia po yuan
KRW South Korean Won 韩元 hán yuán harn yuan
CHF Swiss Franc 瑞士法郎 ruì shì fǎ láng ruey shyh faa lang
THB Thai Baht 泰铢 tài zhū tay ju
INR Indian Rupee 印度卢比 yìn dù lú bǐ yinn duh lu bii
VND Vietnamese Dong 越南盾 yuè nán dùn yuè nán dùn
ZAR South African Rand 南非兰特 nán fēi lán tè nan fei lan teh
PHP Philippine Peso 菲律宾比索 fēi lǜ bīn bǐ suǒ fei liuh bin bii suoo
AED United Arab Emirates Dirham 阿联酋迪拉姆 ā lián qiú dí lā mǔ a lian chyou dyi lha muu
SEK Swedish Krona 瑞典克朗 ruì diǎn kè lǎng ruey dean keh laang
MXN Mexican Peso 墨西哥比索 mò xī gē bǐ suǒ moh shi ge bii suoo
BRL Brazilian Real 巴西雷亚尔 bā xī léi yà ěr ba shi lei yah eel
RUB Russian Ruble 俄罗斯卢布 é luó sī lú bù er luo sy lu buh

What’s the Chinese currency called?

Chinese currency is called the renminbi (人民币), which means the “people’s currency.” However, in everyday use, people commonly refer to it as yuan (元). This is similar to how the U.S. dollar is officially called “United States Dollar” but people typically just say “dollar” in conversation. Its abbreviation is RMB or CNY.

Currency exchange vocabulary in Chinese

If your job requires you to work with foreign currencies a lot, then make sure to print this out and keep it by your desk at all times. These are some of the most common vocabulary words about currency exchange in Chinese:

English Chinese Pinyin Pronunciation
Currency exchange 货币兑换 huò bì duì huàn huoh bih duey huann
Foreign exchange (FX) 外汇 wài huì way huey
Exchange rate 汇率 huì lǜ huey liuh
Currency pair 货币对 huò bì duì huoh bih duey
Base currency 基础货币 jī chǔ huò bì ji chuu huoh bih
Quote currency 报价货币 bào jià huò bì baw jiah huoh bih
Bid price 买入价 mǎi rù jià mae ruh jiah
Ask price 卖出价 mài chū jià may chu jiah
Spread 点差 diǎn chā dean cha
Pip currency 点数货币 diǎn shù huò bì dean shuh huoh bih
Lot size 交易手数 jiāo yì shǒu shù jiau yih shoou shuh
Margin 保证金 bǎo zhèng jīn bao jenq jin
Margin call 增收保证金 zēng shōu bǎo zhèng jīn tzeng shou bao jenq jin
Foreign exchange market 外汇市场 wài huì shì chǎng way huey shyh chaang
Spot market 现货市场 xiàn huò shì chǎng shiann huoh shyh chaang
Forward market 远期市场 yuǎn qī shì chǎng yeuan chi shyh chaang
Currency futures 货币期货 huò bì qī huò huoh bih chi huoh
Currency options 货币期权 huò bì qī quán huoh bih chi chyuan
Hedging 套期保值 tào qī bǎo zhí taw chi bao jyr
Speculation 投机 tóu jī tour ji
Foreign exchange control 外汇管制 wài huì guǎn zhì way huey goan jyh
Currency peg 货币挂钩 huò bì guà gōu huoh bih guah gou
Currency devaluation 货币贬值 huò bì biǎn zhí huoh bih bean jyr
Currency revaluation 货币升值 huò bì shēng zhí huoh bih sheng jyr
Floating exchange rate 浮动汇率 fú dòng huì lǜ fwu donq huey liuh
Fixed exchange rate 固定汇率 gù dìng huì lǜ guh dinq huey liuh
Currency conversion 货币兑换 huò bì duì huàn huoh bih duey huann
Foreign exchange broker 外汇经纪人 wài huì jīng jì rén way huey jing jih ren
Foreign exchange trading platform 外汇交易平台 wài huì jiāo yì píng tái way huey jiau yih pyng tair
Economic indicators 经济指标 jīng jì zhǐ biāo jing jih jyy biau
Interest rate differential 利率差异 lì lǜ chā yì lih liuh cha yih
Trade balance 贸易平衡 mào yì píng héng maw yih pyng herng
Inflation rate 通货膨胀率 tōng huò péng zhàng lǜ tong huoh perng janq liuh
Fiscal policy 财政政策 cái zhèng zhèng cè tsair jenq jenq tseh
Foreign exchange reserves 外汇储备 wài huì chǔ bèi way huey chuu bey
Balance of payments 国际收支平衡 guó jì shōu zhī píng héng gwo jih shou jy pyng herng
Foreign exchange risk 外汇风险 wài huì fēng xiǎn way huey feng shean
Exchange rate fluctuation 汇率波动 huì lǜ bō dòng huey liuh bo donq
Forex trading hours 外汇交易时间 wài huì jiāo yì shí jiān way huey jiau yih shyr jian
Foreign exchange market analysis 外汇市场分析 wài huì shì chǎng fēn xī way huey shyh chaang fen shi
Technical analysis 技术分析 jì shù fēn xī jih shuh fen shi
Fundamental analysis 基本分析 jī běn fēn xī ji been fen shi
Foreign exchange news 外汇新闻 wài huì xīn wén way huey shin wen
Foreign exchange signal 外汇信号 wài huì xìn hào way huey shinn haw
Currency crisis 货币危机 huò bì wēi jī huoh bih uei ji

Chinese sayings about money and proverbs for prosperity

If you’ve been studying Chinese for more than just a few weeks, then you probably already know just how important sayings and chengyu are for everyday conversations. Here are some of the most important sayings and phrases about money, finances, and prosperity.

Chinese sayings and proverbs for prosperity.

Literal translation Chinese Pinyin Pronunciation Meaning
One cent, one good. 一分钱一分货 yì fēn qián yì fēn huò yih fen chyan yih fen huoh You get what you pay for.
Spend money like flowing water. 花钱如流水 huā qián rú liú shuǐ hua chyan ru liou shoei To spend money lavishly and quickly.
Save on food and be frugal on use. 省吃俭用 shěng chī jiǎn yòng sheeng chy jean yonq To live frugally and save money.
Money is not omnipotent. 钱不是万能的 qián bú shì wàn néng de chyan bwu shyh wann neng de Money isn’t everything.
Break expense. 破费 pò fèi poh fey To spend money (often used to thank someone for their generosity).
To not pull out a single hair. 一毛不拔 yì máo bù bá yih mau buh bar To be very stingy.
Wealth rolling in. 财源滚滚 cái yuán gǔn gǔn tsair yuan goen goen Continuous financial gain.
Guarding money slave. 守财奴 shǒu cái nú shoou tsair nu Miser, someone who hoards money.
Throw gold like dirt. 挥金如土 huī jīn rú tǔ huei jin ru tuu To spend money recklessly.
Throw away a thousand pieces of gold in one throw. 一掷千金 yí zhì qiān jīn yi jyh chian jin To spend a large amount of money in one go.
Money can reach the gods. 钱可通神 qián kě tōng shén chyan kee tong shern Money can accomplish anything.
Waist wrapped with loads of cash. 腰缠万贯 yāo chán wàn guàn iau charn wann guann Extremely wealthy.
Shy in the pocket. 囊中羞涩 náng zhōng xiū sè nang jong shiou seh Short of money.
Daily gain a bucket of gold. 日进斗金 rì jìn dǒu jīn rì jìn dǒu jīn To make a fortune every day.
Unrighteous wealth. 不义之财  bú yì zhī cái bwu yih jy tsair Ill-gotten gains.
Gather sand to form a tower. 聚沙成塔 jù shā chéng tǎ jiuh sha cherng taa Small savings add up to a large amount.
Family wealth worth ten thousand cash. 家财万贯 jiā cái wàn guàn jia tsair wann guann A very wealthy family.
Haggle over every cent. 锱铢必较 zī zhū bì jiào tzy ju bih jiaw Very meticulous with money.
Kill the chicken to get the egg. 杀鸡取卵 shā jī qǔ luǎn sha ji cheu loan Destroying a source of income for immediate gain.
House full of gold and jade. 金玉满堂 jīn yù mǎn táng jin yuh maan tarng Extremely wealthy or prosperous.
Sit and eat until the mountain is empty. 坐吃山空 zuò chī shān kōng tzuoh chy shan kong To spend without making any money until all resources are exhausted.
Big wealth, big breath. 财大气粗 cái dà qì cū tsair dah chih tsu To be wealthy and arrogant.
Brocade clothes and jade food. 锦衣玉食 jǐn yī yù shí jiin i yuh shyr Living in luxury.
Wealth and honor. 富贵荣华 fù guì róng huá fuh guey rong hwa Wealthy and powerful.
Destitute and miserable. 穷困潦倒 qióng kùn liáo dǎo chyong kuenn liau dao Extremely poor and in difficult circumstances.
To regard money as dirt. 视金钱如粪土 shì jīn qián rú fèn tǔ shyh jin chyan ru fenn tuu To be indifferent to money.
Start a family with bare hands. 白手起家 bái shǒu qǐ jiā bair shoou chii jia To build up from nothing.
Big hands, big feet. 大手大脚 dà shǒu dà jiǎo dah shoou dah jeau To spend money lavishly or extravagantly.
Daily food costs ten thousand. 日食万钱 rì shí wàn qián ryh shyr wann chyan To have very extravagant lifestyle.
Carefully plan and meticulously calculate. 精打细算 jīng dǎ xì suàn jing daa shih suann To be very meticulous and economical in managing finance.
Save on clothes, reduce food. 节衣缩食 jié yī suō shí jye i suo shyr To live frugally.

Fun facts

Making a payment in China using WeChat.

1. How do you make payments in China?

Payments in China are generally made with QR code payments, mostly through WeChat and Alipay. WeChat is an instant messaging application that is a must-have when visiting China. Not only is this the preferred communication method in the country, but you can also pay with it, order food, buy products, book flights, and so much more. Alipay is a similar app, except that it focuses on payments. You can pay for goods and services, book hotels and travel, order products from online stores, pay for utilities, and so much more.

Most businesses are still required to accept cash, although using cash to pay is relatively rare. International hotels and some international businesses accept foreign credit cards, but most other businesses only accept domestic payment methods. However, using foreign credit cards to pay is becoming more and more common, as the Chinese government has asked all mid- to high-end hotels and most scenic spots to accept foreign credit cards like Visa and MasterCard. Additionally, linking foreign credit cards to Alipay and WeChat is becoming easier, allowing tourists to pay just like the locals do when they visit.

2. Chinese money symbols of wealth and prosperity

Chinese culture has tons of important symbols of wealth and prosperity, many of which could go unnoticed by the untrained eye. These are the Chinese symbols of money, wealth, and prosperity that you should be familiar with before your next visit to China:

Red envelopes - 红包 (hóng bāo)

Red envelopes containing money are staples during holidays and special occasions, especially on Chinese New Year. The red color symbolizes good luck and prosperity, while the money inside represents good wishes for wealth in the coming year.

Fish - 鱼 (yú)

The Chinese word for fish sounds similar to the word for surplus, 余 (yú), making this one of the luckiest animals in Chinese. Having fish at important meals, especially during New Year celebrations, symbolizes having more than enough wealth and prosperity throughout the year.

Tangerines - 橘子 (jú zi)

These fruits are considered some of the luckiest foods in Chinese thanks to their forms, which resemble gold, and the similar pronunciation with the character 吉 (jí), meaning lucky. Their round shape also represents wholeness and perfection. Gifting tangerines is a way of wishing someone good fortune.

Gold ingots - 元宝 (yuán bǎo)

These boat-shaped gold ingots were used as currency in ancient China. Today, replicas are often placed at home to bring good luck and fortune, or used as sacrificial offerings for honoring ancestors and symbolizing the passing on of wealth.

Ancient Chinese coins - 铜钱 (tóng qián)

These round coins with square holes in the center are often used in feng shui arrangements and decorations. They symbolize wealth flowing in from all directions.

Prosper in your money Chinese characters knowledge

Whether you’re going to China to do big business or are just moving for a semester to study, knowing some financial terms in Chinese will make your life much easier. From opening bank accounts to exchanging currencies in Chinese, you’ll be able to make your first financial moves in Chinese with the vocabulary words in this guide.

If you enjoyed this guide, then make sure to check out the rest of our Mandarin blog, where we regularly publish helpful guides, like this guide to basic Chinese grammar and the ultimate guide to writing a resume in Chinese.