Got somewhere to go? Not before you learn some vocabulary about locations and places in Spanish!
Learning how to talk about locations in Spanish is one of the most important milestones in your Spanish-learning journey. Learning this vocabulary and how to use it in a sentence will be super helpful, whether you’re planning to stay home or are thinking about traveling to a Spanish-speaking country soon. Once you’ve learned how to talk about places and locations, you’ll be able to:
- Learn some phrases for your trip to Mexico, Spain, or other Spanish-speaking countries
- Ask for, understand, and give directions in Spanish
- Read signs, maps, and transportation schedules
- Improve conversational skills for everyday situations
Plus, knowing how to get to your hotel, school, the park, or the supermarket will give you all the confidence to navigate unfamiliar situations like a pro. Even if you get lost, you’ll be able to ask for directions and find your destination with ease.
So, whether you’re looking to learn how to find your way around your new school in Spain or Latin America, or you’re ready to tackle all the vocabulary for buildings and locations, let’s jump right into a list of 200 locations, places, and buildings in Spanish.
Table of contents
- Vocabulary for buildings in Spanish
- Vocabulary for places in Spanish
- Vocabulary for shops in Spanish
- Basic vocabulary for locations in Spanish
- Conclusion
Vocabulary for buildings in Spanish
Learning vocabulary words about buildings in Spanish is one of the most productive uses of your time as a Spanish learner. Whether you’re just a beginner or more of an intermediate speaker, knowing how to talk about buildings in Spanish will take you places (literally!). Let’s take a look at 50 names of buildings in Spanish:
Edificios (buildings): common types of buildings
English | Spanish | Pronunciation | IPA |
Museum | El museo | moo-seh-oh | muˈseo |
Library | La biblioteca | bee-blee-oh-teh-cah | biβljoˈteka |
School | La escuela | ess-coo-eh-lah | esˈkwela |
Hospital | El hospital | oss-pee-tall | ospiˈtal |
Church | La iglesia | e-gleh-see-ah | iˈɣlesja |
City hall | El ayuntamiento | ah-yoon-tah-me-ehn-toe | aʝuntaˈmjento |
Station | La estación | ess-tah-see-ohn | estaˈθjon |
Theatre | El teatro | teh-ah-tro | teˈatɾo |
Cinema | El cine | see-neh | ˈθine |
University | La universidad | oo-nee-vehr-see-dahd | uniβeɾsiˈðað |
Gym | El gimnasio | him-nah-see-oh | ximˈnasjo |
Airport | El aeropuerto | ah-eh-ro-poo-air-toe | aeɾoˈpweɾto |
Hotel | El hotel | oh-tell | oˈtel |
Restaurant | El restaurante | ress-ta-ooh-rahn-teh | restawˈɾante |
Supermarket | El supermercado | soo-pehr-mehr-cah-doe | supeɾmeɾˈkaðo |
Office | La oficina | oh-fee-see-nah | ofiˈθina |
Factory | La fábrica | fah-bree-cah | ˈfaβɾika |
Bank | El banco | bahn-coe | ˈbanko |
Post office | El correo | coh-reh-oh | koˈreo |
Pharmacy | La farmacia | far-ma-see-ah | faɾˈmaθja |
Nursery | La guardería | goo-are-deh-ree-ah | ɡwaɾðeˈɾia |
Prison | La prisión | pree-see-ohn | pɾiˈsjon |
Palace | El palacio | pah-lah-see-oh | paˈlaθjo |
Castle | El castillo | cas-tee-yo | kasˈtiʝo |
Embassy | La embajada | ehm-bah-hah-dah | embaˈxaða |
Apartment | El departamento | deh-par-tah-mehn-toe | depaɾtaˈmento |
House | La casa | cah-sah | ˈkasa |
Skyscraper | Los rascacielos | rass-cah-see-eh-loss | raskaˈθjelos |
Market | El mercado | mehr-cah-doe | meɾˈkaðo |
Shopping center | El centro comercial | sehn-troh coh-mehr-see-all | ˈθentɾo komeɾˈθjal |
Art gallery | La galería de arte | gah-leh-ree-ah deh are-teh | ɡaleˈɾia ðe ˈaɾte |
Auditorium | El auditorio | ah-ooh-dee-toe-ree-oh | awðiˈtoɾjo |
Courthouse | El juzgado | whose-gah-doe | xuðˈɣaðo |
Barracks | El cuartel | coo-are-tell | kwaɾˈtel |
Observatory | El observatorio | obs-air-vah-toe-re-oh | oβseɾβaˈtoɾjo |
Planetarium | El planetario | plah-neh-tah-re-oh | planeˈtaɾjo |
Greenhouse | El invernadero | in-vehr-nah-deh-roe | imbeɾnaˈðeɾo |
Warehouse | El almacén | all-mah-sehn | almaˈθen |
Workshop | El taller | tah-yehr | taˈʝeɾ |
Studio | El estudio | ess-too-dee-oh | esˈtuðjo |
Laboratory | El laboratorio | lah-boh-rah-toe-re-oh | laβoɾaˈtoɾjo |
Printing house | La imprenta | im-prehn-tah | imˈpɾenta |
School | El colegio | koh-leh-he-oh | koˈlexjo |
Academy | La academia | ah-cah-deh-me-ah | akaˈðemja |
Conservatory | El conservatorio | kohn-sehr-vah-toe-re-oh | konseɾβaˈtoɾjo |
Residence hall | La residencia | reh-see-dehn-see-ah | resiˈðenθja |
Pavilion | El pabellón | pah-beh-yohn | paβeˈʝon |
Hangar | El hangar | ahn-gahr | anˈɡaɾ |
Archives | Los archivos | ar-che-vos | aɾˈʧiβos |
Essential Spanish phrases for discussing buildings
Now that you have the vocabulary, here are a few phrases using buildings in Spanish to show you how it’s done:
English | Spanish | Pronunciation | IPA |
Where is the museum? | ¿Dónde está el museo? | dohn-deh ess-tah ell moo-seh-oh | ˈdonde esˈta el muˈseo ‖ |
Is the library open? | ¿Está abierta la biblioteca? | ess-tah ah-bee-air-tah la bee-blee-oh-teh-cah? | esˈta aˈβjeɾta la βiβljoˈteka ‖ |
How far is the hospital? | ¿Qué tan lejos está el hospital? | keh tahn leh-hoss ess-tah elle os-pee-tall? | ˈke ˈtan ˈlexos esˈta el ospiˈtal ‖ |
The school is on the corner. | La escuela está en la esquina. | la es-coo-eh-lah es-tah ehn la es-key-nah | la esˈkwela esˈta en la esˈkina ‖ |
Could you direct me to the nearest bank? | ¿Puede indicarme dónde está el banco más cercano? | poo-eh-deh in-dee-car-meh don-deh ess-tah elle bahn-coe mas sehr-cah-no? | ˈpweðe jndiˈkaɾme ˈðonde esˈta el ˈβanko ˈmas θeɾˈkano ‖ |
Vocabulary for places in Spanish
Places, people, places! It’s time to learn some fun vocabulary that will take you beyond your wildest dreams. From beaches to islands to forests, you’ll find no shortage of things to do and places to see in Spain and Latin America. Here are 50 places in Spanish:
Lugares (places): common places to know
English | Spanish | Pronunciation | IPA |
Park | El parque | par-keh | ˈpaɾke |
Beach | La playa | plah-yah | ˈplaʝa |
Mountain | La montaña | mon-tah-nyah | monˈtaɲa |
River | El río | ree-oh | ˈrio |
Lake | El lago | lah-go | ˈlaɣo |
Forest | El bosque | boss-keh | ˈboske |
Desert | El desierto | deh-sea-air-toe | deˈsjeɾto |
Island | La isla | is-lah | ˈizla |
Valley | El valle | vah-yeh | ˈbaʝe |
Ocean | El océano | oh-seh-ah-no | oˈθeano |
Waterfall | La cascada | cass-cah-dah | kasˈkaða |
Cave | La cueva | coo-eh-vah | ˈkweβa |
Volcano | El volcán | voll-kahn | bolˈkan |
Cliff | El acantilado | ah-cahn-tee-la-doe | akantiˈlaðo |
Meadow | La pradera | prah-deh-rah | pɾaˈðeɾa |
Swamp | El pantano | pahn-tah-no | panˈtano |
Glacier | El glaciar | glah-see-are | ɡlaˈθjaɾ |
Canyon | El cañón | kah-nyohn | kaˈɲon |
Bay | La bahía | bah-e-ah | baˈia |
Peninsula | La península | peh-neen-soo-la | peˈninsula |
Jungle | La selva | sell-vah | ˈselβa |
Hill | La colina | coh-lee-nah | koˈlina |
City | La ciudad | see-ooh-dah | sjuˈðað |
Town | El pueblo | poo-eh-blo | ˈpweβlo |
Street | La calle | kah-yeh | ˈkaʝe |
Avenue | La avenida | ah-veh-nee-dah | aβeˈniða |
Square | La plaza | plah-za | ˈplasa |
Neighborhood | El barrio | bah-re-oh | ˈbarjo |
Downtown | El centro | sehn-tro | ˈsentɾo |
Suburbs | Los suburbios | sue-boor-bee-ohs | suˈβuɾβjos |
Bus stop | La parada de autobús | pah-rah-dah deh ah-ooh-toe-boos | paˈɾaða ðe awtoˈβus |
Port | El puerto | poo-air-toe | ˈpweɾto |
Bridge | El puente | poo-ehn-teh | ˈpwente |
Garden | El jardín | har-deen | xaɾˈðin |
Farmer’s Market | El mercado ambulante | mehr-cah-doe ahm-boo-lahn-teh | meɾˈkaðo ambuˈlante |
Playground | El parque infantil | par-keh een-fahn-teel | ˈpaɾke jmfanˈtil |
Cemetery | El cementerio | seh-mehn-teh-re-oh | semenˈteɾjo |
Stadium | El estadio | ess-tah-dee-oh | esˈtaðjo |
Arena | La arena | ah-reh-nah | aˈɾena |
Courtyard | El patio | pah-tee-oh | ˈpatjo |
Terrace | La terraza | teh-rah-za | teˈrasa |
Balcony | El balcón | ball-cohn | balˈkon |
Roof | El techo | teh-chp | ˈteʧo |
Basement | El sótano | so-ta-no | ˈsotano |
Attic | El ático | ah-tee-co | ˈatiko |
Garage | La cochera | coh-che-ra | koˈʧeɾa |
Sidewalk | La banqueta | bahn-keh-tah | banˈketa |
Key phrases for discussing places in Spanish
Time to take a look at some helpful phrases you can use to find your way to your favorite place, or an exciting new one!
English | Spanish | Pronunciation | IPA |
Is there a park nearby? | ¿Hay un parque cerca de aquí? | I oon par-keh sehr-cah deh ah-key? | ˈaj um ˈpaɾke ˈseɾka ðe aˈki ‖ |
How far is the beach from here? | ¿Qué tan lejos está la playa de aquí? | keh tahn leh-hoss ess-tah la plah-yah deh ah-key? | ˈke ˈtan ˈlexos esˈta la ˈplaʝa ðe aˈki ‖ |
Are there any mountains nearby? | ¿Hay montañas cerca? | I mon-tah-nyass sehr-cah? | ˈaj monˈtaɲas ˈseɾka ‖ |
Can we swim in this river? | ¿Podemos nadar en este río? | poh-deh-moss nah-dahr ehn ess-teh ree-oh? | poˈðemoz naˈðaɾ en ˈeste ˈrio ‖ |
The lake is beautiful. | El lago es hermoso. | elle la-go ess air-mo-so | el ˈlaɣo ˈes eɾˈmoso ‖ |
Vocabulary for shops in Spanish
If you visited a Spanish-speaking country but didn’t do any shopping, did you even visit? From knick-knacks to souvenirs and groceries, you’ll find it plenty useful knowing how to talk about shops in Spanish, whether you’re visiting or living there temporarily (or permanently!).
One cool thing about Spanish is that the suffix -ería can transform almost any noun into a shop. For example, flor (Spanish for flower) can be transformed into “flower shop” by adding the suffix -ería: florería. The same is true for many nouns, although some might require slight modifications like dropping the last vowel:
- Fruta → Frutería (Fruit shop)
- Libro → Librería (Book store)
- Pastel → Pastelería (Cake shop)
Note that this doesn’t work for all nouns, but it’s a fun trick you can consider. Let’s take a look at 50 types of shops in Spanish:
Tiendas (shops): common types of shops you might need to visit
English | Spanish | Pronunciation | IPA |
Bakery | La panadería | pa-nah-deh-ree-ah | panaðeˈɾia |
Butcher shop | La carnicería | car-nee-seh-ree-ah | kaɾniθeˈɾia |
Fish shop | La pescadería | pess-cah-deh-ree-ah | peskaðeˈɾia |
Fruit shop | La frutería | froo-teh-ree-ah | fɾuteˈɾia |
Vegetable shop | La verdulería | vehr-doo-leh-re-ah | beɾðuleˈɾia |
Bookstore | La librería | lee-breh-ree-ah | liβɾeˈɾia |
Shoe store | La zapatería | zah-pah-teh-ree-ah | θapateˈɾia |
Jewelry store | La joyería | hoh-yeh-ree-ah | xoʝeˈɾia |
Flower shop | La florería | flo-reh-ree-ah | floɾeˈɾia |
Hardware store | La ferretería | feh-reh-teh-ree-ah | fereteˈɾia |
Stationery store | La papelería | pah-peh-leh-ree-ah | papeleˈɾia |
Hairdresser | La peluquería | peh-loo-keh-ree-ah | pelukeˈɾia |
Dry cleaner’s | La tintorería | teen-toe-reh-ree-ah | tintoɾeˈɾia |
Laundromat | La lavandería | lah-vahn-deh-ree-ah | laβandeˈɾia |
Optician’s | La óptica | op-tee-cah | ˈoptika |
Perfume shop | La perfumería | pehr-foo-meh | peɾfumeˈɾia |
Watch shop | La relojería | reh-lo-heh-ree-ah | reloxeˈɾia |
Ice cream parlor | La heladería | eh-la-deh-ree-ah | elaðeˈɾia |
Café | La cafetería | kah-feh-teh-ree-ah | kafeteˈɾia |
Pastry shop | La pastelería | pass-teh-leh-ree-ah | pasteleˈɾia |
Cheese shop | La quesería | keh-seh-ree-ah | keseˈɾia |
Deli | La charcutería | char-coo-teh-ree-ah | ʧaɾkuteˈɾia |
Clothing store | La tienda de ropa | tee-ehn-dah deh ro-pah | ˈtjenda ðe ˈropa |
Toy store | La juguetería | who-geh-teh-ree-ah | xuɣeteˈɾia |
Sports store | La tienda de deportes | tee-ehn-dah deh deh-pore-tess | ˈtjenda ðe ðeˈpoɾtes |
Furniture store | La mueblería | moo-eh-bleh-ree-ah | mweβleˈɾia |
Electronics store | La tienda de electrónica | tee-ehn-dah deh eh-lec-troh-nee-cah | ˈtjenda ðe elekˈtɾonika |
Pet shop | La tienda de mascotas | tee-ehn-dah deh mass-coh-tass | ˈtjenda ðe masˈkotas |
Gift shop | La tienda de regalos | tee-ehn-dah deh reh-gah-loss | ˈtjenda ðe reˈɣalos |
Antique shop | La tienda de antigüedades | tee-ehn-dah deh ahn-tee-goo-eh-dah-dess | ˈtjenda ðe antiɣweˈðaðes |
Tobacco shop | El estanco | ess-tahn-coe | esˈtanko |
Liquor store | La licorería | lee-coh-reh-ree-ah | likoɾeˈɾia |
Drug store | La droguería | droh-geh-ree-ah | dɾoɣeˈɾia |
Haberdashery | La mercería | mehr-seh-ree-ah | meɾseˈɾia |
Upholstery shop | La tapicería | tah-pee-seh-ree-ah | tapiseˈɾia |
Locksmith | La cerrajería | seh-rah-heh-re-ah | seraxeˈɾia |
Carpentry shop | La carpintería | car-peen-teh-re-ah | kaɾpinteˈɾia |
Tailor shop | La sastrería | sass-treh-ree-ah | sastɾeˈɾia |
Herb shop | La herboristería | air-bo-rees-teh-ree-ah | eɾβoɾisteˈɾia |
Wine shop | La vinoteca | la vee-no-teh-cah | binoˈteka |
Music store | La tienda de música | tee-ehn-dah deh moo-see-cah | ˈtjenda ðe ˈmusika |
Art store | La tienda de arte | tee-ehn-dah deh are-teh | ˈtjenda ðe ˈaɾte |
Photography shop | La tienda de fotografía | tee-ehn-dah deh fo-toe-grah-fee-ah | ˈtjenda ðe fotoɣɾaˈfia |
Comic book store | La tienda de cómics | tee-ehn-dah deh koh-meecs | ˈtjenda ðe ˈkomiks |
Second-hand shop | La tienda de segunda mano | tee-ehn-dah deh seh-goon-dah mah-no | ˈtjenda ðe seˈɣunda ˈmano |
Computer store | La tienda de informática | tee-ehn-dah deh in-for-mah-tee-cah | ˈtjenda ðe jmfoɾˈmatika |
Lamp store | La tienda de lámparas | tee-ehn-dah deh lahm-pah-rahs | ˈtjenda ðe ˈlampaɾas |
Curtain shop | La tienda de cortinas | tee-ehn-dah deh core-tee-nas | ˈtjenda ðe koɾˈtinas |
Bicycle shop | La tienda de bicicletas | tee-ehn-dah deh bee-see-cleh-tas | ˈtjenda ðe βisiˈkletas |
Record shop | La tienda de discos | tee-ehn-dah deh dees-coss | ˈtjenda ðe ˈðiskos |
Key phrases for shopping
You didn’t think we were gonna give you so much shopping ammo without showing you how to use it, right? Here are five phrases that will help you find any shop you’re looking for.
English | Spanish | Pronunciation | IPA |
Where is the bakery? | ¿Dónde está la panadería? | dohn-deh ess-tah la pah-nah-deh-ree-ah | ˈdonde esˈta la panaðeˈɾia ‖ |
I buy meat at the butcher shop. | Compro carne en la carnicería. | kohm-proh car-neh ehn la car-nee-seh-ree-ah | ˈkompɾo ˈkaɾne en la kaɾniseˈɾia ‖ |
The fish market has many types of fish. | La pescadería tiene muchos tipos de pescados. | la pess-cah-deh-ree-ah tee-eh-neh moo-chos tee-poss deh pess-cah-does | la peskaðeˈɾia ˈtjene ˈmuʧos ˈtipoz ðe pesˈkaðos ‖ |
Where is the fruit shop? | ¿Dónde está la frutería? | dohn-deh ess-tah la froo-teh-ree-ah | ˈdonde esˈta la fɾuteˈɾia ‖ |
I need to go to the bookstore. | Necesito ir a la librería. | neh-seh-see-toe eer ah la lee-breh-ree-ah | neseˈsito ˈiɾ a la liβɾeˈɾia ‖ |
Basic vocabulary for locations in Spanish
Finally, you’ll need some Spanish prepositions to locate yourself and others in relation to the places you want to describe. For example, if you ask where the grocery store is, someone might tell you it’s next to the school. Or you might hear that the park is near the beach. These are the words that help you find your way around a city or town, as you’ll be able to figure out how everything relates to each other. Let’s take a look:
Ubicaciones (locations): common terms for describing locations
English | Spanish | Pronunciation | IPA |
Next to | Al lado de | all la-doe deh | al ˈlaðo ðe |
Near | Cerca de | sehr-cah deh | ˈseɾka ðe |
Far from | Lejos de | leh-hohs deh | ˈlexoz ðe |
In front of | Enfrente de | ehn-frehn-teh deh | emˈfɾente ðe |
Behind | Detrás de | deh-trahs deh | deˈtɾaz ðe |
In front of | Delante de | deh-lah-teh deh | deˈlante ðe |
On top of | Encima de | ehn-see-mah deh | enˈsima ðe |
Under | Debajo de | deh-bah-hoh deh | deˈβaxo ðe |
Between | Entre | ehn-treh | ˈentɾe |
Inside | Dentro de | dehn-troh deh | ˈdentɾo ðe |
Outside | Fuera de | foo-eh-rah deh | ˈfweɾa ðe |
Around | Alrededor de | al-reh-deh-door deh | alreðeˈðoɾ ðe |
Through | A través de | ah trah-vehs deh | a tɾaˈβez ðe |
Along | A lo largo de | ah lo lar-goh deh | a lo ˈlaɾɣo ðe |
In the middle of | En medio de | ehn meh-dee-oh deh | em ˈmeðjo ðe |
In the center of | En el centro de | ehn elle sehn-troh deh | en el ˈsentɾo ðe |
On the corner of | En la esquina de | ehn la ess-key-nah deh | en la esˈkina ðe |
At the top of | En la cima de | ehn la see-mah deh | en la ˈsima ðe |
At the end of | Al final de | all fee-nall deh | al fiˈnal de |
At the beginning of | Al principio de | all preen-see-pee-oh deh | al pɾinˈsipjo ðe |
To the right of | A la derecha de | ah la deh-reh-cha deh | a la ðeˈɾeʧa ðe |
To the left of | A la izquierda de | ah la iz-key-air-dah deh | a la jsˈkjeɾða ðe |
Facing | Frente a | frehn-teh ah | ˈfɾente a |
Next to | Junto a | whon-toe ah | ˈxunto a |
Above | Arriba de | ah-ree-bah deh | aˈriβa ðe |
Below | Abajo de | ah-bah-ho deh | aˈβaxo ðe |
At the entrance of | A la entrada | ah la ehn-trah-dah | a la enˈtɾaða |
At the exit of | A la salida de | ah la sah-lee-dah de | a la saˈliða ðe |
Inside of | En el interior de | ehn elle een-teh-ree-or deh | en el inteˈɾjoɾ ðe |
Outside of | En el exterior de | ehn elle ex-teh-ree-or deh | en el esteˈɾjoɾ ðe |
On the outskirts of | En las afueras de | ehn las ah-foo-air-as deh | en las aˈfweɾaz ðe |
In the heart of | En el corazón de | ehn elle coh-rah-zohn deh | en el koɾaˈson de |
On the shores of | A orillas de | ah oh-ree-yas deh | a oˈɾiʝaz ðe |
At the foot of | Al pie de | all pee-eh deh | al ˈpje ðe |
At the summit of | En la cúspide de | ehn la coos-pee-deh deh | en la ˈkuspiðe ðe |
At the head of | A la cabeza de | ah la cah-beh-za deh | a la kaˈβesa ðe |
On the periphery of | En la periferia de | ehn la peh-ree-feh-ree-ah deh | en la peɾiˈfeɾja ðe |
In the suburbs of | En los suburbios de | ehn los soo-boor-bee-ohs deh | en los suˈβuɾβjoz ðe |
On the edge of | En el borde de | ehn elle bor-deh deh | en el ˈβoɾðe ðe |
On the surface of | En la superficie de | ehn la soo-pehr-fee-see-eh deh | en la supeɾˈfisje ðe |
At the bottom of | En el fondo de | ehn elle fohn-doe deh | en el ˈfondo ðe |
Around the corner from | A la vuelta de | ah la voo-elle-tah deh | a la ˈβwelta ðe |
Halfway between | A mitad del camino entre | ah me-tahd dell cah-me-no ehn-treh | a miˈtað ðel kaˈmino ˈentɾe |
In the direction of | En dirección a | ehn dee-rec-see-ohn ah | en diɾekˈsjon a |
Opposite to | Opuesto a | oh-poo-ess-toe ah | oˈpwesto a |
Parallel to | Paralelo a | pah-rah-leh-lo ah | paɾaˈlelo a |
Perpendicular to | Perpendicular a | pehr-pehn-dee-coo-lar ah | peɾpendikuˈlaɾ a |
In line with | En línea con | ehn lee-neh-ah kohn | en ˈlinea kon |
In the shadow of | A la sombra de | ah la sohm-brah deh | a la ˈsombɾa ðe |
In view of | A la vista de | ah la vee-stah deh | a la ˈβista ðe |
Key phrases for giving and receiving directions in Spanish
These prepositional phrases will help you find your way around town with ease. Just replace the store, location, or building in the examples below with what you’re looking for:
English | Spanish | Pronunciation | IPA |
The bank is next to the supermarket. | El banco está al lado del supermercado. | elle bahn-coh ess-tah all lah-doe dell soo-pehr-mehr-cah-doe | el ˈβanko esˈta al ˈlaðo ðel supeɾmeɾˈkaðo ‖ |
The park is near my house. | El parque está cerca de mi casa. | elle par-keh ess-tah sehr-cah deh me cah-sah | el ˈpaɾke esˈta ˈseɾka ðe mi ˈkasa ‖ |
The airport is far from the city center. | El aeropuerto está lejos del centro de la ciudad. | elle ah-eh-ro-poo-air-toe ess-tah leh-hohs dell sehn-troh deh la see-ooh-dahd | el aeɾoˈpweɾto esˈta ˈlexoz ðel ˈsentɾo ðe la sjuˈðað ‖ |
The restaurant is in front of the theater. | El restaurante está enfrente del teatro. | elle ress-tah-oo-rahn-teh ess-tah ehn-frehn-teh dell teh-ah-troh | el restawˈɾante esˈta emˈfɾente ðel teˈatɾo ‖ |
The car is behind the building. | El coche está detrás del edificio. | elle co-che ess-tah deh-trahs | el ˈkoʧe esˈta ðeˈtɾaz ðel eðiˈfisjo ‖ |
Get to where you’re going with Berlitz
There you have it! 200 places, buildings, locations, prepositions, and other essential Spanish vocabulary for finding your way. The most important part is making sure you’re comfortable navigating the essentials, like finding your way back home or getting to school. But once you’ve mastered a few more of the vocabulary words on this list, you’ll be free to travel anywhere you want (as long as there are Spanish speakers around!).
If you’re still itching for your next Spanish-speaking adventure, take a tour through our Spanish blog! We publish tons of great Spanish content for avid backpackers and studious minds alike. You’ll find plenty of vocabulary topics, like our list of 252 drinks in Spanish or 170+ clothes in Spanish. But you’ll also find some wonderful cultural guides, like this list of 150 interesting facts about Mexico and our expert guide to Spanish culture.