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Buildings, places and locations in Spanish: A nifty guide

Got somewhere to go? Not before you learn some vocabulary about locations and places in Spanish!

Learning how to talk about locations in Spanish is one of the most important milestones in your Spanish-learning journey. Learning this vocabulary and how to use it in a sentence will be super helpful, whether you’re planning to stay home or are thinking about traveling to a Spanish-speaking country soon. Once you’ve learned how to talk about places and locations, you’ll be able to:

  • Learn some phrases for your trip to Mexico, Spain, or other Spanish-speaking countries
  • Ask for, understand, and give directions in Spanish
  • Read signs, maps, and transportation schedules
  • Improve conversational skills for everyday situations

Plus, knowing how to get to your hotel, school, the park, or the supermarket will give you all the confidence to navigate unfamiliar situations like a pro. Even if you get lost, you’ll be able to ask for directions and find your destination with ease.

So, whether you’re looking to learn how to find your way around your new school in Spain or Latin America, or you’re ready to tackle all the vocabulary for buildings and locations, let’s jump right into a list of 200 locations, places, and buildings in Spanish.

Table of contents

Vocabulary for buildings in Spanish

Learning vocabulary words about buildings in Spanish is one of the most productive uses of your time as a Spanish learner. Whether you’re just a beginner or more of an intermediate speaker, knowing how to talk about buildings in Spanish will take you places (literally!). Let’s take a look at 50 names of buildings in Spanish:

Vocabulary for buildings in Spanish.

Edificios (buildings): common types of buildings

MuseumEl museomoo-seh-ohmuˈseo
LibraryLa bibliotecabee-blee-oh-teh-cahbiβljoˈteka
SchoolLa escuelaess-coo-eh-lahesˈkwela
HospitalEl hospitaloss-pee-tallospiˈtal
ChurchLa iglesiae-gleh-see-ahiˈɣlesja
City hallEl ayuntamientoah-yoon-tah-me-ehn-toeaʝuntaˈmjento
StationLa estacióness-tah-see-ohnestaˈθjon
TheatreEl teatroteh-ah-troteˈatɾo
CinemaEl cinesee-nehˈθine
UniversityLa universidadoo-nee-vehr-see-dahduniβeɾsiˈðað
GymEl gimnasiohim-nah-see-ohximˈnasjo
AirportEl aeropuertoah-eh-ro-poo-air-toeaeɾoˈpweɾto
HotelEl hoteloh-telloˈtel
RestaurantEl restauranteress-ta-ooh-rahn-tehrestawˈɾante
SupermarketEl supermercadosoo-pehr-mehr-cah-doesupeɾmeɾˈkaðo
OfficeLa oficinaoh-fee-see-nahofiˈθina
FactoryLa fábricafah-bree-cahˈfaβɾika
BankEl bancobahn-coeˈbanko
Post officeEl correocoh-reh-ohkoˈreo
PharmacyLa farmaciafar-ma-see-ahfaɾˈmaθja
NurseryLa guarderíagoo-are-deh-ree-ahɡwaɾðeˈɾia
PrisonLa prisiónpree-see-ohnpɾiˈsjon
PalaceEl palaciopah-lah-see-ohpaˈlaθjo
CastleEl castillocas-tee-yokasˈtiʝo
EmbassyLa embajadaehm-bah-hah-dahembaˈxaða
ApartmentEl departamentodeh-par-tah-mehn-toedepaɾtaˈmento
HouseLa casacah-sahˈkasa
SkyscraperLos rascacielosrass-cah-see-eh-lossraskaˈθjelos
MarketEl mercadomehr-cah-doemeɾˈkaðo
Shopping centerEl centro comercialsehn-troh coh-mehr-see-allˈθentɾo komeɾˈθjal
Art galleryLa galería de artegah-leh-ree-ah deh are-tehɡaleˈɾia ðe ˈaɾte
AuditoriumEl auditorioah-ooh-dee-toe-ree-ohawðiˈtoɾjo
CourthouseEl juzgadowhose-gah-doexuðˈɣaðo
BarracksEl cuartelcoo-are-tellkwaɾˈtel
ObservatoryEl observatorioobs-air-vah-toe-re-ohoβseɾβaˈtoɾjo
PlanetariumEl planetarioplah-neh-tah-re-ohplaneˈtaɾjo
GreenhouseEl invernaderoin-vehr-nah-deh-roeimbeɾnaˈðeɾo
WarehouseEl almacénall-mah-sehnalmaˈθen
WorkshopEl tallertah-yehrtaˈʝeɾ
StudioEl estudioess-too-dee-ohesˈtuðjo
LaboratoryEl laboratoriolah-boh-rah-toe-re-ohlaβoɾaˈtoɾjo
Printing houseLa imprentaim-prehn-tahimˈpɾenta
SchoolEl colegiokoh-leh-he-ohkoˈlexjo
AcademyLa academiaah-cah-deh-me-ahakaˈðemja
ConservatoryEl conservatoriokohn-sehr-vah-toe-re-ohkonseɾβaˈtoɾjo
Residence hallLa residenciareh-see-dehn-see-ahresiˈðenθja
PavilionEl pabellónpah-beh-yohnpaβeˈʝon
HangarEl hangarahn-gahranˈɡaɾ
ArchivesLos archivosar-che-vosaɾˈʧiβos

Essential Spanish phrases for discussing buildings

Now that you have the vocabulary, here are a few phrases using buildings in Spanish to show you how it’s done:

Where is the museum?¿Dónde está el museo?dohn-deh ess-tah ell moo-seh-ohˈdonde esˈta el muˈseo ‖
Is the library open?¿Está abierta la biblioteca?ess-tah ah-bee-air-tah la bee-blee-oh-teh-cah?esˈta aˈβjeɾta la βiβljoˈteka ‖
How far is the hospital?¿Qué tan lejos está el hospital?keh tahn leh-hoss ess-tah elle os-pee-tall?ˈke ˈtan ˈlexos esˈta el ospiˈtal ‖
The school is on the corner.La escuela está en la es-coo-eh-lah es-tah ehn la es-key-nahla esˈkwela esˈta en la esˈkina ‖
Could you direct me to the nearest bank?¿Puede indicarme dónde está el banco más cercano?poo-eh-deh in-dee-car-meh don-deh ess-tah elle bahn-coe mas sehr-cah-no?ˈpweðe jndiˈkaɾme ˈðonde esˈta el ˈβanko ˈmas θeɾˈkano ‖

Vocabulary for places in Spanish

Places, people, places! It’s time to learn some fun vocabulary that will take you beyond your wildest dreams. From beaches to islands to forests, you’ll find no shortage of things to do and places to see in Spain and Latin America. Here are 50 places in Spanish:

Vocabulary for places in Spanish.

Lugares (places): common places to know

ParkEl parquepar-kehˈpaɾke
BeachLa playaplah-yahˈplaʝa
MountainLa montañamon-tah-nyahmonˈtaɲa
RiverEl ríoree-ohˈrio
LakeEl lagolah-goˈlaɣo
ForestEl bosqueboss-kehˈboske
DesertEl desiertodeh-sea-air-toedeˈsjeɾto
IslandLa islais-lahˈizla
ValleyEl vallevah-yehˈbaʝe
OceanEl océanooh-seh-ah-nooˈθeano
WaterfallLa cascadacass-cah-dahkasˈkaða
CaveLa cuevacoo-eh-vahˈkweβa
VolcanoEl volcánvoll-kahnbolˈkan
CliffEl acantiladoah-cahn-tee-la-doeakantiˈlaðo
MeadowLa praderaprah-deh-rahpɾaˈðeɾa
SwampEl pantanopahn-tah-nopanˈtano
GlacierEl glaciarglah-see-areɡlaˈθjaɾ
CanyonEl cañónkah-nyohnkaˈɲon
BayLa bahíabah-e-ahbaˈia
PeninsulaLa penínsulapeh-neen-soo-lapeˈninsula
JungleLa selvasell-vahˈselβa
HillLa colinacoh-lee-nahkoˈlina
CityLa ciudadsee-ooh-dahsjuˈðað
TownEl pueblopoo-eh-bloˈpweβlo
StreetLa callekah-yehˈkaʝe
AvenueLa avenidaah-veh-nee-dahaβeˈniða
SquareLa plazaplah-zaˈplasa
NeighborhoodEl barriobah-re-ohˈbarjo
DowntownEl centrosehn-troˈsentɾo
SuburbsLos suburbiossue-boor-bee-ohssuˈβuɾβjos
Bus stopLa parada de autobúspah-rah-dah deh ah-ooh-toe-boospaˈɾaða ðe awtoˈβus
PortEl puertopoo-air-toeˈpweɾto
BridgeEl puentepoo-ehn-tehˈpwente
GardenEl jardínhar-deenxaɾˈðin
Farmer’s MarketEl mercado ambulantemehr-cah-doe ahm-boo-lahn-tehmeɾˈkaðo ambuˈlante
PlaygroundEl parque infantilpar-keh een-fahn-teelˈpaɾke jmfanˈtil
CemeteryEl cementerioseh-mehn-teh-re-ohsemenˈteɾjo
StadiumEl estadioess-tah-dee-ohesˈtaðjo
ArenaLa arenaah-reh-nahaˈɾena
CourtyardEl patiopah-tee-ohˈpatjo
TerraceLa terrazateh-rah-zateˈrasa
BalconyEl balcónball-cohnbalˈkon
RoofEl techoteh-chpˈteʧo
BasementEl sótanoso-ta-noˈsotano
AtticEl áticoah-tee-coˈatiko
GarageLa cocheracoh-che-rakoˈʧeɾa
SidewalkLa banquetabahn-keh-tahbanˈketa

Key phrases for discussing places in Spanish

Time to take a look at some helpful phrases you can use to find your way to your favorite place, or an exciting new one!

Is there a park nearby?¿Hay un parque cerca de aquí?I oon par-keh sehr-cah deh ah-key?ˈaj um ˈpaɾke ˈseɾka ðe aˈki ‖
How far is the beach from here?¿Qué tan lejos está la playa de aquí?keh tahn leh-hoss ess-tah la plah-yah deh ah-key?ˈke ˈtan ˈlexos esˈta la ˈplaʝa ðe aˈki ‖
Are there any mountains nearby?¿Hay montañas cerca?I mon-tah-nyass sehr-cah?ˈaj monˈtaɲas ˈseɾka ‖
Can we swim in this river?¿Podemos nadar en este río?poh-deh-moss nah-dahr ehn ess-teh ree-oh?poˈðemoz naˈðaɾ en ˈeste ˈrio ‖
The lake is beautiful.El lago es hermoso.elle la-go ess air-mo-soel ˈlaɣo ˈes eɾˈmoso ‖

Vocabulary for shops in Spanish

If you visited a Spanish-speaking country but didn’t do any shopping, did you even visit? From knick-knacks to souvenirs and groceries, you’ll find it plenty useful knowing how to talk about shops in Spanish, whether you’re visiting or living there temporarily (or permanently!).

One cool thing about Spanish is that the suffix -ería can transform almost any noun into a shop. For example, flor (Spanish for flower) can be transformed into “flower shop” by adding the suffix -ería: florería. The same is true for many nouns, although some might require slight modifications like dropping the last vowel:

  • FrutaFrutería (Fruit shop)
  • LibroLibrería (Book store)
  • PastelPastelería (Cake shop)

Note that this doesn’t work for all nouns, but it’s a fun trick you can consider. Let’s take a look at 50 types of shops in Spanish:

Vocabulary for shops in Spanish.

Tiendas (shops): common types of shops you might need to visit

BakeryLa panaderíapa-nah-deh-ree-ahpanaðeˈɾia
Butcher shopLa carniceríacar-nee-seh-ree-ahkaɾniθeˈɾia
Fish shopLa pescaderíapess-cah-deh-ree-ahpeskaðeˈɾia
Fruit shopLa fruteríafroo-teh-ree-ahfɾuteˈɾia
Vegetable shopLa verduleríavehr-doo-leh-re-ahbeɾðuleˈɾia
BookstoreLa libreríalee-breh-ree-ahliβɾeˈɾia
Shoe storeLa zapateríazah-pah-teh-ree-ahθapateˈɾia
Jewelry storeLa joyeríahoh-yeh-ree-ahxoʝeˈɾia
Flower shopLa floreríaflo-reh-ree-ahfloɾeˈɾia
Hardware storeLa ferreteríafeh-reh-teh-ree-ahfereteˈɾia
Stationery storeLa papeleríapah-peh-leh-ree-ahpapeleˈɾia
HairdresserLa peluqueríapeh-loo-keh-ree-ahpelukeˈɾia
Dry cleaner’sLa tintoreríateen-toe-reh-ree-ahtintoɾeˈɾia
LaundromatLa lavanderíalah-vahn-deh-ree-ahlaβandeˈɾia
Optician’sLa ópticaop-tee-cahˈoptika
Perfume shopLa perfumeríapehr-foo-mehpeɾfumeˈɾia
Watch shopLa relojeríareh-lo-heh-ree-ahreloxeˈɾia
Ice cream parlorLa heladeríaeh-la-deh-ree-ahelaðeˈɾia
CaféLa cafeteríakah-feh-teh-ree-ahkafeteˈɾia
Pastry shopLa pasteleríapass-teh-leh-ree-ahpasteleˈɾia
Cheese shopLa queseríakeh-seh-ree-ahkeseˈɾia
DeliLa charcuteríachar-coo-teh-ree-ahʧaɾkuteˈɾia
Clothing storeLa tienda de ropatee-ehn-dah deh ro-pahˈtjenda ðe ˈropa
Toy storeLa jugueteríawho-geh-teh-ree-ahxuɣeteˈɾia
Sports storeLa tienda de deportestee-ehn-dah deh deh-pore-tessˈtjenda ðe ðeˈpoɾtes
Furniture storeLa muebleríamoo-eh-bleh-ree-ahmweβleˈɾia
Electronics storeLa tienda de electrónicatee-ehn-dah deh eh-lec-troh-nee-cahˈtjenda ðe elekˈtɾonika
Pet shopLa tienda de mascotastee-ehn-dah deh mass-coh-tassˈtjenda ðe masˈkotas
Gift shopLa tienda de regalostee-ehn-dah deh reh-gah-lossˈtjenda ðe reˈɣalos
Antique shopLa tienda de antigüedadestee-ehn-dah deh ahn-tee-goo-eh-dah-dessˈtjenda ðe antiɣweˈðaðes
Tobacco shopEl estancoess-tahn-coeesˈtanko
Liquor storeLa licoreríalee-coh-reh-ree-ahlikoɾeˈɾia
Drug storeLa drogueríadroh-geh-ree-ahdɾoɣeˈɾia
HaberdasheryLa merceríamehr-seh-ree-ahmeɾseˈɾia
Upholstery shopLa tapiceríatah-pee-seh-ree-ahtapiseˈɾia
LocksmithLa cerrajeríaseh-rah-heh-re-ahseraxeˈɾia
Carpentry shopLa carpinteríacar-peen-teh-re-ahkaɾpinteˈɾia
Tailor shopLa sastreríasass-treh-ree-ahsastɾeˈɾia
Herb shopLa herboristeríaair-bo-rees-teh-ree-aheɾβoɾisteˈɾia
Wine shopLa vinotecala vee-no-teh-cahbinoˈteka
Music storeLa tienda de músicatee-ehn-dah deh moo-see-cahˈtjenda ðe ˈmusika
Art storeLa tienda de artetee-ehn-dah deh are-tehˈtjenda ðe ˈaɾte
Photography shopLa tienda de fotografíatee-ehn-dah deh fo-toe-grah-fee-ahˈtjenda ðe fotoɣɾaˈfia
Comic book storeLa tienda de cómicstee-ehn-dah deh koh-meecsˈtjenda ðe ˈkomiks
Second-hand shopLa tienda de segunda manotee-ehn-dah deh seh-goon-dah mah-noˈtjenda ðe seˈɣunda ˈmano
Computer storeLa tienda de informáticatee-ehn-dah deh in-for-mah-tee-cahˈtjenda ðe jmfoɾˈmatika
Lamp storeLa tienda de lámparastee-ehn-dah deh lahm-pah-rahsˈtjenda ðe ˈlampaɾas
Curtain shopLa tienda de cortinastee-ehn-dah deh core-tee-nasˈtjenda ðe koɾˈtinas
Bicycle shopLa tienda de bicicletastee-ehn-dah deh bee-see-cleh-tasˈtjenda ðe βisiˈkletas
Record shopLa tienda de discostee-ehn-dah deh dees-cossˈtjenda ðe ˈðiskos

Key phrases for shopping

You didn’t think we were gonna give you so much shopping ammo without showing you how to use it, right? Here are five phrases that will help you find any shop you’re looking for.

Where is the bakery?¿Dónde está la panadería?dohn-deh ess-tah la pah-nah-deh-ree-ahˈdonde esˈta la panaðeˈɾia ‖
I buy meat at the butcher shop.Compro carne en la carnicería.kohm-proh car-neh ehn la car-nee-seh-ree-ahˈkompɾo ˈkaɾne en la kaɾniseˈɾia ‖
The fish market has many types of fish.La pescadería tiene muchos tipos de pess-cah-deh-ree-ah tee-eh-neh moo-chos tee-poss deh pess-cah-doesla peskaðeˈɾia ˈtjene ˈmuʧos ˈtipoz ðe pesˈkaðos ‖
Where is the fruit shop?¿Dónde está la frutería?dohn-deh ess-tah la froo-teh-ree-ahˈdonde esˈta la fɾuteˈɾia ‖
I need to go to the bookstore.Necesito ir a la librería.neh-seh-see-toe eer ah la lee-breh-ree-ahneseˈsito ˈiɾ a la liβɾeˈɾia ‖

Basic vocabulary for locations in Spanish

Finally, you’ll need some Spanish prepositions to locate yourself and others in relation to the places you want to describe. For example, if you ask where the grocery store is, someone might tell you it’s next to the school. Or you might hear that the park is near the beach. These are the words that help you find your way around a city or town, as you’ll be able to figure out how everything relates to each other. Let’s take a look:

Basic vocabulary for locations in Spanish.

Ubicaciones (locations): common terms for describing locations

Next toAl lado deall la-doe dehal ˈlaðo ðe
NearCerca desehr-cah dehˈseɾka ðe
Far fromLejos deleh-hohs dehˈlexoz ðe
In front ofEnfrente deehn-frehn-teh dehemˈfɾente ðe
BehindDetrás dedeh-trahs dehdeˈtɾaz ðe
In front ofDelante dedeh-lah-teh dehdeˈlante ðe
On top ofEncima deehn-see-mah dehenˈsima ðe
UnderDebajo dedeh-bah-hoh dehdeˈβaxo ðe
InsideDentro dedehn-troh dehˈdentɾo ðe
OutsideFuera defoo-eh-rah dehˈfweɾa ðe
AroundAlrededor deal-reh-deh-door dehalreðeˈðoɾ ðe
ThroughA través deah trah-vehs deha tɾaˈβez ðe
AlongA lo largo deah lo lar-goh deha lo ˈlaɾɣo ðe
In the middle ofEn medio deehn meh-dee-oh dehem ˈmeðjo ðe
In the center ofEn el centro deehn elle sehn-troh dehen el ˈsentɾo ðe
On the corner ofEn la esquina deehn la ess-key-nah dehen la esˈkina ðe
At the top ofEn la cima deehn la see-mah dehen la ˈsima ðe
At the end ofAl final deall fee-nall dehal fiˈnal de
At the beginning ofAl principio deall preen-see-pee-oh dehal pɾinˈsipjo ðe
To the right ofA la derecha deah la deh-reh-cha deha la ðeˈɾeʧa ðe
To the left ofA la izquierda deah la iz-key-air-dah deha la jsˈkjeɾða ðe
FacingFrente afrehn-teh ahˈfɾente a
Next toJunto awhon-toe ahˈxunto a
AboveArriba deah-ree-bah dehaˈriβa ðe
BelowAbajo deah-bah-ho dehaˈβaxo ðe
At the entrance ofA la entradaah la ehn-trah-daha la enˈtɾaða
At the exit ofA la salida deah la sah-lee-dah dea la saˈliða ðe
Inside ofEn el interior deehn elle een-teh-ree-or dehen el inteˈɾjoɾ ðe
Outside ofEn el exterior deehn elle ex-teh-ree-or dehen el esteˈɾjoɾ ðe
On the outskirts ofEn las afueras deehn las ah-foo-air-as dehen las aˈfweɾaz ðe
In the heart ofEn el corazón deehn elle coh-rah-zohn dehen el koɾaˈson de
On the shores ofA orillas deah oh-ree-yas deha oˈɾiʝaz ðe
At the foot ofAl pie deall pee-eh dehal ˈpje ðe
At the summit ofEn la cúspide deehn la coos-pee-deh dehen la ˈkuspiðe ðe
At the head ofA la cabeza deah la cah-beh-za deha la kaˈβesa ðe
On the periphery ofEn la periferia deehn la peh-ree-feh-ree-ah dehen la peɾiˈfeɾja ðe
In the suburbs ofEn los suburbios deehn los soo-boor-bee-ohs dehen los suˈβuɾβjoz ðe
On the edge ofEn el borde deehn elle bor-deh dehen el ˈβoɾðe ðe
On the surface ofEn la superficie deehn la soo-pehr-fee-see-eh dehen la supeɾˈfisje ðe
At the bottom ofEn el fondo deehn elle fohn-doe dehen el ˈfondo ðe
Around the corner fromA la vuelta deah la voo-elle-tah deha la ˈβwelta ðe
Halfway betweenA mitad del camino entreah me-tahd dell cah-me-no ehn-treha miˈtað ðel kaˈmino ˈentɾe
In the direction ofEn dirección aehn dee-rec-see-ohn ahen diɾekˈsjon a
Opposite toOpuesto aoh-poo-ess-toe ahoˈpwesto a
Parallel toParalelo apah-rah-leh-lo ahpaɾaˈlelo a
Perpendicular toPerpendicular apehr-pehn-dee-coo-lar ahpeɾpendikuˈlaɾ a
In line withEn línea conehn lee-neh-ah kohnen ˈlinea kon
In the shadow ofA la sombra deah la sohm-brah deha la ˈsombɾa ðe
In view ofA la vista deah la vee-stah deha la ˈβista ðe

Key phrases for giving and receiving directions in Spanish

These prepositional phrases will help you find your way around town with ease. Just replace the store, location, or building in the examples below with what you’re looking for:

The bank is next to the supermarket.El banco está al lado del supermercado.elle bahn-coh ess-tah all lah-doe dell soo-pehr-mehr-cah-doeel ˈβanko esˈta al ˈlaðo ðel supeɾmeɾˈkaðo ‖
The park is near my house.El parque está cerca de mi casa.elle par-keh ess-tah sehr-cah deh me cah-sahel ˈpaɾke esˈta ˈseɾka ðe mi ˈkasa ‖
The airport is far from the city center.El aeropuerto está lejos del centro de la ciudad.elle ah-eh-ro-poo-air-toe ess-tah leh-hohs dell sehn-troh deh la see-ooh-dahdel aeɾoˈpweɾto esˈta ˈlexoz ðel ˈsentɾo ðe la sjuˈðað ‖
The restaurant is in front of the theater.El restaurante está enfrente del teatro.elle ress-tah-oo-rahn-teh ess-tah ehn-frehn-teh dell teh-ah-trohel restawˈɾante esˈta emˈfɾente ðel teˈatɾo ‖
The car is behind the building.El coche está detrás del edificio.elle co-che ess-tah deh-trahsel ˈkoʧe esˈta ðeˈtɾaz ðel eðiˈfisjo ‖

Get to where you’re going with Berlitz

There you have it! 200 places, buildings, locations, prepositions, and other essential Spanish vocabulary for finding your way. The most important part is making sure you’re comfortable navigating the essentials, like finding your way back home or getting to school. But once you’ve mastered a few more of the vocabulary words on this list, you’ll be free to travel anywhere you want (as long as there are Spanish speakers around!).

If you’re still itching for your next Spanish-speaking adventure, take a tour through our Spanish blog! We publish tons of great Spanish content for avid backpackers and studious minds alike. You’ll find plenty of vocabulary topics, like our list of 252 drinks in Spanish or 170+ clothes in Spanish. But you’ll also find some wonderful cultural guides, like this list of 150 interesting facts about Mexico and our expert guide to Spanish culture.

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