If you’re studying Spanish, you already know that learning languages can be a ton of fun. But have you learned any Spanish tongue twisters yet?
Indeed, learning tongue twisters can be a lot of fun, but it can also be a great way to work on improving your Spanish pronunciation. If you’re a native English speaker, it’ll probably take some time to nail your pronunciation — particularly with the Spanish vowels. So, that’s why we’re giving you one more tool to improve your Spanish pronunciation!
Plus, tongue twisters are often as ridiculous as they are challenging to say. You’d be surprised at the lengths people will go to make clever tongue twisters that will blow your mind!
In this handy guide, we’ll walk you through everything you’ll need to handle your first (and 55th!) Spanish tongue twister. From the science behind tongue twisters to tongue twister videos and tips for learning them, your Spanish pronunciation skills will be unstoppable when you’re done with this article.
Tongue twisters in Spanish
Before we jump into all the fun tongue twisters, let’s start by going over how to say tongue twister in Spanish: trabalenguas (trah-bah-lehn-goo-as). As you may have noticed, this is a compound word made of traba (trah-bah), which means “stuck,” and lenguas (lehn-goo-as), which means “tongues.” Makes sense!
Are tongue twisters helpful?
Although tongue twisters can be pretty controversial study techniques, the science is pretty clear on their effectiveness for foreign language learners. A 2023 study found that tongue twisters are effective at improving pronunciation overall — not just for tongue twisters.
A different study found that tongue twisters also cultivate an enjoyable learning environment. Even if it didn’t actually improve your pronunciation, spending some time practicing tongue twisters is a fun way to interact with Spanish. Remember that it’s always easier to stick to your study routine if you enjoy it!
Spanish tongue twisters
Here are some of the most challenging tongue twisters in Spanish. We’ve broken them up into three categories: easy, intermediate, and hardest. That way, you can find an adequate place to start! But don’t feel discouraged from looking at the hardest tongue twisters. Even if you’re still a beginner at Spanish, you might get a kick out of them, and it’s good to try them to build your confidence in pronunciation, even to have a laugh.

Easy Spanish tongue twisters
Calling these the easy tongue twisters might not be the most appropriate since they’re all pretty challenging — even for native speakers. However, they are the easiest of all tongue twisters for beginners. Remember that tongue twisters are difficult by definition, so don’t feel discouraged if you feel challenged by some of them!
Spanish | Pronunciation | IPA | English |
Pancha plancha con cuatro planchas. ¿Con cuántas planchas Pancha plancha? | pahn-cha plahn-cha cohn coo-ah-troh plahn-chas. cohn coo-ahn-tass plahn-chas pahn-cha plahn-cha | ˈpanʧa ˈplanʧa kon ˈkwatɾo ˈplanʧas ‖ kon ˈkwantas ˈplanʧas ˈpanʧa ˈplanʧa ‖ | Pancha irons with four irons. With how many irons does Pancha iron? |
Cuando cuentes cuentos, cuenta cuantos cuentos cuentas, cuando cuentes cuentos. | coo-ahn-doe coo-ehn-tess coo-ehn-toes, coo-ehn-tah coo-ahn-toes coo-ehn-toes coo-ehn-tass, coo-ahn-doe coo-ehn-tess coo-ehn-toes | ˈkwando ˈkwentes ˈkwentos | ˈkwenta ˈkwantos ˈkwentos ˈkwentas | ˈkwando ˈkwentes ˈkwentos ‖ | When you tell stories, count how many stories you count, when you tell stories. |
Compré pocas copas, pocas copas compré y como compré pocas copas, pocas copas pagué. | com-preh poh-cahs co-pas, poh-cas co-pas com-preh y co-mo com-preh poh-cas co-pas, poh-cas co-pas pa-geh | komˈpɾe ˈpokas ˈkopas | ˈpokas ˈkopas komˈpɾe j ˈkomo komˈpɾe ˈpokas ˈkopas | ˈpokas ˈkopas paˈɣe ‖ | I bought a few drinks, I bought a few drinks and since I bought a few drinks, I paid for a few drinks. |
Yo lloro si lloras, si lloras yo lloro. Tu llanto es mi llanto; y tu llanto, mi lloro. Si tu ya no lloras, tampoco yo lloro. | yo yoh-roe see too yoh-rahs, see yoh-rahs yo yoh-roe. too yahn-toe ess me yahn-toe; e too yahn-toe, me yoh-roe. see too ya no yoh-rahs, tam-poe-coe yo yoh-roe | ˈʝo ˈʎoɾo si ˈʎoɾas | si ˈʎoɾaz ˈʝo ˈʎoɾo ‖ tu ˈʎanto ˈez mi ˈʎanto | i tu ˈʎanto | mi ˈʎoɾo ‖ si tu ʝa ˈno ˈʎoɾas | tamˈpoko ˈʝo ˈʎoɾo ‖ | I cry if you cry, if you cry I cry. Your crying is my crying; and your crying, my crying. If you don't cry anymore, I don't cry either. |
Camarón, caramelo. Caramelo, camarón.Camarón, caramelo. Caramelo, camarón. | cah-mah-ron, cah-rah-meh-lo. cah-mah-ron, cah-rah-meh-lo. cah-mah-ron, cah-rah-meh-lo. cah-mah-ron, cah-rah-meh-lo | kamaˈɾon | kaɾaˈmelo ‖ kaɾaˈmelo | kamaˈɾon ‖ kamaˈɾon | kaɾaˈmelo ‖ kaɾaˈmelo | kamaˈɾon ‖ | Shrimp, caramel. Caramel, shrimp.Shrimp, caramel. Caramel, shrimp. |
Si tu gusto no gusta con el gusto que gusta mi gusto, qué disgusto tiene mi gusto al saber que tu gusto no gusta con el gusto que gusta mi gusto. | see too goose-toe no goose-tah cohn elle goose-toe keh goose-tah me goose-toe, keh dees-goose-toe tee-eh-neh me goose-toe ahl sah-bear keh too goose-toe no goose-tah cohn elle goose-toe keh goose-tah me goose-toe | si tu ˈɣusto ˈno ˈɣusta kon el ˈɣusto ˈke ˈɣusta mi ˈɣusto | ˈke ðizˈɣusto ˈtjene mi ˈɣusto al saˈβeɾ ˈke tu ˈɣusto ˈno ˈɣusta kon el ˈɣusto ˈke ˈɣusta mi ˈɣusto ‖ | If your taste does not please with the taste that my taste pleases with, what disgust my taste has to know that your taste does not please with the taste that my taste pleases with. |
Pepe Pecas pica papas con un pico, con un pico pica papas Pepe Pecas | peh-peh peh-cas pee-ca pa-pas cohn oon pee-co, cohn oon pee-co pee-ca pa-pas peh-peh peh-cas | ˈpepe ˈpekas ˈpika ˈpapas kon um ˈpiko | kon um ˈpiko ˈpika ˈpapas ˈpepe ˈpekas | Pepe freckles dices potatoes with a spike, with a spike dices potatoes Pepe freckles. |
¿Cómo quieres que te quiera si quien quiero que me quiera no me quiere como quiero que me quiera? | ko-mo key-air-ehs kay teh key-air-ah see key-ehn key-air-oh keh meh key-air-ah no meh key-air-eh ko-mo key-air-oh keh meh key-air-ah | ˈkomo ˈkjeɾes ˈke te ˈkjeɾa si ˈkjen ˈkjeɾo ˈke me ˈkjeɾa ˈno me ˈkjeɾe ˈkomo ˈkjeɾo ˈke me ˈkjeɾa ‖ | How do you want me to want you if whom I want to want me doesn’t want me the way I want them to want me? |
Papá pone pan para Pepín. Para Pepín pone pan papá. | pah-pah poe-neh pan pah-rah peh-peen. pah-rah peh-peen poe-neh pan pah-pah | paˈpa ˈpone ˈpam ˈpaɾa peˈpin ‖ ˈpaɾa peˈpim ˈpone ˈpam paˈpa ‖ | Dad puts out bread for Pepín. For Pepín dad puts out bread. |
Hoy ya es ayer y ayer ya es hoy, ya llegó el día, y hoy es hoy. | oy ya ehs ah-yehr e ah-yehr ya ehs oy, ya yeh-go elle dee-ah, e oy ehs oy | ˈoj ʝa ˈes aˈʝeɾ j aˈʝeɾ ʝa ˈes ˈoj | ʝa ʎeˈɣo el ˈdia | j ˈoj ˈes ˈoj ‖ | Today is already yesterday and yesterday is already today, the day has arrived, and today is today. |
Pedro Pérez Pereira, pobre pintor portugués, pinta pinturas por poca plata, para pasear por Portugal. | peh-dro peh-res peh-ray-ra, po-breh peen-tore pore-too-gehs, peen-ta peen-too-ras pore po-ca pla-tah, pa-rah pah-seh-are pore pore-too-gall | ˈpeðɾo ˈpeɾeθ peˈɾejɾa | ˈpoβɾe pinˈtoɾ poɾtuˈɣes | ˈpinta pinˈtuɾas poɾ ˈpoka ˈplata | ˈpaɾa paseˈaɾ poɾ poɾtuˈɣal ‖ | Pedro Pérez Pereira, poor Portuguese painter, paints painting for little money, to travel around Portugal. |
De generación en generación las generaciones se degeneran con mayor degeneración. | deh heh-neh-rah-see-ohn ehn heh-neh-rah-see-ohn las heh-neh-rah-see-oh-ness seh deh-heh-neh-rahn con mah-yore deh-heh-neh-rah-see-ohn | de xeneɾaˈθjon en xeneɾaˈθjon las xeneɾaˈθjones se ðexeˈneɾan kom maˈʝoɾ ðexeneɾaˈθjon ‖ | From generation to generation, the generations degenerate with greater degeneration. |
Si yo como como como, y tu comes como comes, ¿Cómo comes como como si yo como como comes? | see yo co-moe co-moe co-moe, e too co-mess co-moe co-mess, co-moe co-moe co-moe co-moe see yo co-moe co-moe co-mess | si ˈʝo ˈkomo ˈkomo ˈkomo | i tu ˈkomes ˈkomo ˈkomes | ˈkomo ˈkomes ˈkomo ˈkomo si ˈʝo ˈkomo ˈkomo ˈkomes ‖ | If I eat the way I eat, and you eat the way you eat, how do you eat the way I eat if I eat the way you eat? |
Aviso al público de la república que el agua pública se va a acabar, para que el público de la república tenga agua pública para tomar. | ah-vee-so all poo-blee-coe deh la reh-poo-blee-cah keh elle ah-goo-ah poo-blee-cah seh vah ah ah-ca-bar, pah-rah keh elle poo-blee-coe deh la reh-poo-blee-cah ten-gah ah-goo-ah pah-rah toe-mar | aˈβiso al ˈpuβliko ðe la reˈpuβlika ˈke el ˈaɣwa ˈpuβlika se ˈβa a akaˈβaɾ | ˈpaɾa ˈke el ˈpuβliko ðe la reˈpuβlika ˈtenɡa ˈaɣwa ˈpuβlika ˈpaɾa toˈmaɾ ‖ | Announcement for the public of the republic that public water will run out, so that the public of the republic has public water to drink. |
Pablito clavó un clavito en la calva de un calvito. En la calva de un calvito un clavito clavó Pablito. | pa-blee-toe cla-vo oon cla-vee-toe ehn la cal-va deh oon cla-vee-toe. ehn la cal-vah deh oon cal-vee-toe cla-vee-toe cla-vo pah-blee-toe | paˈβlito klaˈβo wn klaˈβito en la ˈkalβa ðe wn kalˈβito ‖ en la ˈkalβa ðe wn kalˈβito wn klaˈβito klaˈβo paˈβlito ‖ | Pablito nailed a nail on the bald head of a bald person. On the bald head of a bald person Pablito nailed a nail. |
Juan junta juncos junto a la zanja | who-ahn hoon-tah hoon-coss hoon-toe ah la zan-hah | ˈxwan ˈxunta ˈxunkos ˈxunto a la ˈθanxa | Juan gathers trash next to the ditch. |
Si Sara se casa con la casaca que saca paca, ni se casa Sara, ni saca la casaca paca de la saca. | see sah-rah seh ca-sah con la cah-sah-cah keh sah-cah pah-ca, nee seh ca-sah sah-rah, nee sah-cah la cah-sah-cah pah-cah deh la sah-cah | si ˈsaɾa se ˈkasa kon la kaˈsaka ˈke ˈsaka ˈpaka | ni se ˈkasa ˈsaɾa | ni ˈsaka la kaˈsaka ˈpaka ðe la ˈsaka ‖ | If Sara got married with the coat that makes bale, neither Sara nor the coat that makes bale are getting married. |
No me mires, que miran que nos miramos. Miremos la manera de no mirarnos. Mira, no nos miremos. Y cuando no nos miren, nos miraremos. | no meh mee-ress, keh mee-ran keh nos mee-ra-moss. mee-reh-moss la mah-neh-rah deh no mee-rar-noss. mee-rah, noh noss me-reh-mos. e coo-ahn-doe no noss me-rehn, noss me-rah-moss. | ˈno me ˈmiɾes | ˈke ˈmiɾan ˈke noz miˈɾamos ‖ miˈɾemoz la maˈneɾa ðe ˈno miˈɾaɾnos ‖ ˈmiɾa | ˈno noz miˈɾemos ‖ i ˈkwando ˈno noz ˈmiɾen | noz miɾaˈɾemos ‖ | Don’t look at me, a people are looking at us for looking at each other. Let’s look for a way to not look at each other. Look, we’re not looking. And when they’re not looking at us, we can look at each other. |
El amor es una locura que solo el cura lo cura, pero el cura que lo cura comete una gran locura. | elle ah-moor ehs oo-nah lo-coo-rah keh so-lo elle coo-rah lo coo-rah, peh-ro elle coo-rah keh lo coo-rah co-meh-teh oo-nah grahn lo-coo-rah | el aˈmoɾ ˈes ˈuna loˈkuɾa ˈke ˈsolo el ˈkuɾa lo ˈkuɾa | ˈpeɾo el ˈkuɾa ˈke lo ˈkuɾa koˈmete ˈuna ˈɣɾan loˈkuɾa ‖ | Love is a crazy thing that only a priest can cure, but a priest that cures it committs a crazy act. |
La pelota bota, bota en la bota de Carlota. ¡Quita la bota Carlota que la pelota bota! | la peh-lo-tah bo-tah, bo-tah ehn la bo-tah deh car-lo-tah. key-tah la bo-tah car-lo-tah keh la peh-lo-tah bo-tah | la peˈlota ˈβota | ˈbota en la ˈβota ðe kaɾˈlota ‖ ˈkita la ˈβota kaɾˈlota ˈke la peˈlota ˈβota ‖ | The ball bounces, it bounces on Carlota’s boot. Remove the boot Carlota cause the ball bounces! |
Poquito a poquito Paquito empaca poquitas copitas en pocos paquetes. | po-key-toe ah po-key-toe pa-key-toe em-pa-cah po-key-tass co-pee-tass ehn po-coss pah-keh-tess | pokejˈtoe ˈa pokejˈtoe pakejˈtoe emˈpaka poˈkejtass kopeˈetass ˈem ˈpokoss paˈketess | Little by little, little Paquito packs little cups in few packages. |
Intermediate Spanish tongue twisters
If you’re already studying intermediate Spanish, here are some fun and extra challenging Spanish tongue twisters. These will help you work on certain tricky Spanish sounds, like the rolled R and the Ñ. See if you can say them all out loud!
Spanish | Pronunciation | IPA | English |
Tres tristes tigres tragaban trigo en un trigal. | trehs trees-tehss tee-gress trah-gah-bahn tree-go ehn oon tree-gal | ˈtɾes ˈtɾistes ˈtiɣɾes tɾaˈɣaβan ˈtɾiɣo en un tɾiˈɣal ‖ | Three sad tigers swallowed wheat in a wheat field. |
La araña con maña amaña la laña. La araña con maña es una tacaña. | la ah-rah-nyah con mah-nyah ah-mah-nyah la lah-nyah. la ah-rah-nyah con mah-nyah ess oo-nah ta-cah-nyah | la aˈɾaɲa kom ˈmaɲa aˈmaɲa la ˈlaɲa ‖ la aˈɾaɲa kom ˈmaɲa ˈes ˈuna taˈkaɲa ‖ | The spider with skill rigs the rod. The crafty spider is stingy. |
Saca las cosas del saco de casa, le dijo el sapo a la sapa Tomasa, las cosas del saco no las sacaré, que la casa es mía y el saco también. | sa-cah las co-sahs dell sa-coe deh ca-sah, le dee-ho elle sa-po ah la sa-pah toe-ma-sa, las co-sas dell sa-co no las sa-cah-reh, keh la ca-sah ess me-ah e elle sa-coe tam-bee-ehn. | ˈsaka las ˈkosaz ˈðeʎ saˈkoe ˈðe ˈkasa | le ðeˈeo ˈeʎe ˈsapo ˈa la ˈsapa toeˈmasa | las ˈkosaz ˈðeʎ ˈsako ˈno las saˈkaɾe | ˈke la ˈkasa ˈesz ˈmea ˈe ˈeʎe saˈkoe tambeˈeen ‖ | Take out the stuff from the house coat, said the toad to the toad Tomasa, the things from the coat I won’t take out, because the house is mine and so is the coat. |
El perro de Rita me irrita, dile a Rita que cambie el perro por una perrita. | elle peh-ro deh ree-ta meh e-ree-tah, dee-leh ah ree-tah keh cam-bee-eh elle peh-ro pore oo-na peh-ree-tah | ˈeʎe ˈpeɾo ˈðe reˈeta ˈme eɾeˈeta | deˈele ˈa reˈeta ˈke kambeˈee ˈeʎe ˈpeɾo ˈpoɾe oˈona peɾeˈeta | Rita’s dog irritates me, tell Rita that I will change the little male dog for a little female dog. |
Un dragón tragón tragó carbón y el carbón que tragó el dragón tragón le hizo salir barrigón | oon dra-gone tra-gone tra-goh car-bon e elle car-bon keh tra-go elle dra-gone tra-gone leh ee-zo sa-leer ba-re-gone | ˈoon dɾaˈɣone tɾaˈɣone ˈtɾaɣo ˈkaɾβon ˈe ˈeʎe ˈkaɾβon ˈke ˈtɾaɣo ˈeʎe ðɾaˈɣone tɾaˈɣone ˈle eˈeθo saleˈeɾ βaɾeˈɣone | A guzzling dragon guzzled coal, and the coal that the guzzling dragon guzzled made him look bloated. |
Un zapatero zambo, zapateaba zapateados de zapata, de zapata zapateaba zapateados un zapatero zambo. | oon za-pa-teh-ro zam-bo, za-pa-teh-ah-bah za-pah-teh-ah-dos deh za-pa-tah, deh za-pa-tah za-pa-teh-ah-bah za-pa-teh-ah-dos oon za-pa-teh-ro zam-bo | ˈoon θapaˈteɾo ˈθambo | θapateˈaβa θapateˈaðoz ˈðe θaˈpata | ˈde θaˈpata θapateˈaβa θapateˈaðos ˈoon θapaˈteɾo ˈθambo | The bow-legged shoemaker tap-danced tap-dancing moves from Zapata, tap-dancing moves from Zapata tap-danced a bow-legged shoemaker. |
Las tramas tristes teatrales, traen trabajo de arrendajo, temen tretas terrenales, tristes tramas, trastos viejos. | las tra-mas trees-tehs teh-ah-tra-less, trah-ehn tra-bah-ho deh ah-rehn-dah-ho, teh-men treh-tahs teh-reh-nah-les, trees-tess tra-mas, tras-toss vee-eh-hos. | las ˈtɾamas tɾeˈestes teaˈtɾaless | ˈtɾaen tɾaˈβao ˈðe aɾenˈdao | ˈtemen ˈtɾetas teɾeˈnales | tɾeˈestess ˈtɾamas | ˈtɾastosz βeeˈeos ‖ | The sad theatrical plots, bring about the work of a jay, fearing earthly plots, sad plots, and old junk. |
La bruja piruja tejió mi cojín, tejiendo tejidos viajó hasta el jardín, juntó tres lentejas en un cajetín, y se hizo una sopa con mi perejil. | la broo-ha pee-roo-ha teh-heh-oh me co-heen, teh-he-ehn-doe teh-he-dos vee-ah-ho ahs-tah elle har-deen, hoon-toe tres len-teh-hahs ehn oon ca-heh-teen, e seh e-zo oo-nah soh-pah con me peh-reh-heel. | la βɾoˈoa peeɾoˈoa teˈeo me koˈeen | teeenˈdoe teˈeðoz βeeˈao ˈasta ˈeʎe aɾˈðeen | oonˈtoe ˈtɾez lenˈteas ˈen ˈoon kaeˈteen | ˈe ˈse ˈeθo oˈona ˈsopa kom me peɾeeˈel ‖ | The promiscuous witch knitted my cushion, by knitting fabrics she traveled all the way to the garden, gathered three lentils in a small box, and made herself a soup with my parsley. |
La tribu triste tritura un triste tinte, el triste tinte que tritura la tribu triste, es el triste tinte que la triste tribu trituró. | La tree-boo trees-teh tree-too-rah oon trees-teh teen-teh, elle trees-teh teen-teh keh tree-too-rah la tree-boo trees-teh es elle trees-teh teen-teh keh la trees-teh tree-boo tree-too-roh | la tɾeeˈβoo tɾeˈeste tɾeetoˈoɾa ˈoon tɾeˈeste teˈente | ˈeʎe tɾeˈeste teˈente ˈke tɾeetoˈoɾa la tɾeeˈβoo tɾeˈeste ˈes ˈeʎe tɾeˈeste teˈente ˈke la tɾeˈeste tɾeeˈβoo tɾeetoˈoɾo | The sad tribe tortures a sad dye, the sad dye that’s being tortured by the sad tribe, is the sad dye that the sad tribe tortured. |
Mariana Magaña desenmarañará mañana la maraña que enmarañara Mariana Magaña. | ma-ree-ah-nah ma-gah-nyah des-ehn-ma-rah-nyah-rah mah-nyah-nah la mah-rah-nyah keh ehn-ma-rah-nyah-rah ma-ree-ah-nah mah-gah-nyah | maˈɾjana maˈɣaɲa ðesemmaɾaɲaˈɾa maˈɲana la maˈɾaɲa ˈke emmaɾaˈɲaɾa maˈɾjana maˈɣaɲa ‖ | Mariana Magaña will untangle tomorrow the tangle that will be untangled by Mariana Magaña. |
Juan tuvo un tubo, y el tubo que tuvo se le rompió, y para recuperar el tubo que tuvo, tuvo que comprar un tubo igual al tubo que tuvo y rompió. | who-ahn too-vo oon too-bo, e elle too-bo keh too-vo seh leh rom-pee-oh, e pa-rah reh-coo-peh-rar elle too-bo keh too-vo, too-vo keh com-prar oon too-bo e-goo-all al too-bo keh too-vo e rom-pee-oh | ˈxwan ˈtuβo wn ˈtuβo | j el ˈtuβo ˈke ˈtuβo se le romˈpjo | i ˈpaɾa rekupeˈɾaɾ el ˈtuβo ˈke ˈtuβo | ˈtuβo ˈke komˈpɾaɾ un ˈtuβo jˈɣwal al ˈtuβo ˈke ˈtuβo j romˈpjo ‖ | Juan had a pipe, and the pipe that he had broke, and to replace the pipe that he had, he had to buy a pipe just as the pipe that he had that broke. |
Filo, filo, filo, corta el hilo, hilo, hilo, hilo, corre y dilo, dilo, dilo, dilo, que vigilo, corre, vigila y dilo, que el filo cortó el hilo. | fee-lo, fee-lo, fee-lo, core-tah elle e-lo, e-lo, e-lo, e-lo core-eh e dee-lo, dee-lo, dee-lo, dee-lo, keh ve-he-lo, co-reh, ve-he-la e dee-lo, keh elle fee-lo core-toe elle e-lo | ˈfilo | ˈfilo | ˈfilo | ˈkoɾta el ˈilo | ˈilo | ˈilo | ˈilo | ˈkore j ˈðilo | ˈdilo | ˈdilo | ˈdilo | ˈke βiˈxilo | ˈkore | biˈxila j ˈðilo | ˈke el ˈfilo koɾˈto el ˈilo ‖ | Edge, edge, edge, cut the thread, thread, thread, thread run and say it, say it, say it, say it that I stay vigilant, run and stay vigilant and say it, that the edge cut the thread. |
Treinta y tres tramos de troncos trozaron tres tristes trozadores de troncos y triplicaron su trabajo de trozar troncos y troncos. | train-tah e trehs tra-mos deh tron-coss tro-sah-rohn trehs trees-tess tro-sah-door-ess deh tron-coss e tree-plee-cah-rohn soo trah-bah-ho deh troh-sar tron-coss e tron-coss | ˈtɾejnta j ˈtɾes ˈtɾamoz ðe ˈtɾonkos tɾoˈθaɾon ˈtɾes ˈtɾistes tɾoθaˈðoɾez ðe ˈtɾonkos i tɾipliˈkaɾon su tɾaˈβaxo ðe tɾoˈθaɾ ˈtɾonkos i ˈtɾonkos ‖ | Thirty three traces of trunks cut through three sad trunk cutters and tripled their work of cutting trunks and trunks. |
Quiero y no quiero querer a quien no queriendo quiero. He querido sin querer y estoy sin querer queriendo. Si por mucho que te quiero, quieres que te quiera más, te quiero más que me quieres. ¿Qué más quieres? ¿Quieres más? | key-air-oh e no key-air-oh keh-rehr ah key-ehn no keh-ree-ehn-doe key-air-oh. eh keh-ree-doe seen keh-rehr e es-toy seen keh-rehr keh-ree-ehn-doe. see pore moo-cho keh teh key-air-oh, key-air-ehs keh teh key-air-ah mas, teh key-air-oh mas keh meh key-air-ehs. keh mas key-air-ehs? key-air-ehs mas? | ˈkjeɾo j ˈno ˈkjeɾo keˈɾeɾ a ˈkjen ˈno keˈɾjendo ˈkjeɾo ‖ ˈe keˈɾiðo sin keˈɾeɾ j esˈtoj sin keˈɾeɾ keˈɾjendo ‖ si poɾ ˈmuʧo ˈke te ˈkjeɾo | ˈkjeɾes ˈke te ˈkjeɾa ˈmas | te ˈkjeɾo ˈmas ˈke me ˈkjeɾes ‖ ˈke ˈmas ˈkjeɾes ‖ ˈkjeɾez ˈmas ‖ | I want to and also don’t want to want who I wishfully want. I’ve wanted without wanting and am wanting without wanting to. Even as much as I want you, if you want me to want you more, I already want you more than you want me. What else you want from me? Do you want more? |
Teodoro el Moro con su oro, compró un loro. Por eso el loro de Teodoro es un loro moro con oro. Al loro y a Teodoro imploro que sean moros con decoro. | teh-oh-doe-ro elle mo-roe con soo oh-roe, com-pro oon loh-roh. pore eh-so elle loh-roh deh teh-oh-doe-ro ess oon loh-roh mo-roe con oh-roe. all lo-roe e ah teh-oh-doh-roe eem-plo-roe keh seh-ahn mo-roes con deh-coh-roe. | teoˈðoɾo el ˈmoɾo kon sw ˈoɾo | komˈpɾo wn ˈloɾo ‖ poɾ ˈeso el ˈloɾo ðe teoˈðoɾo ˈes un ˈloɾo ˈmoɾo kon ˈoɾo ‖ al ˈloɾo j a teoˈðoɾo jmˈploɾo ˈke ˈseam ˈmoɾos kon deˈkoɾo ‖ | Theodore the Moor with his gold, bought a parrot. That’s why Theodore’s parrot is a parrot with a Moor with gold. To both the parrot and Theodore I implore to be Moors with decorum. |
Un burro comía berros y el perro se los robó. El burro lanzó un rebuzno y el perro al barro cayó. | oon boo-roe co-me-ah beh-ross e elle peh-ro seh los ro-boh. elle boo--ro lan-so oon reh-boos-nah-so e elle peh-ro all bah-ro cah-yo | um ˈburo koˈmia ˈβeros j el ˈpero se loz roˈβo ‖ el ˈβuro lanˈθo wn reˈβuðno j el ˈpero al ˈβaro kaˈʝo ‖ | A donkey was eating watercress and the dog stole them from him. The donkey started braying and the dog fell down into the watercress. |
Esteban es escalador, escala y escala. Esteban el escalador, de tanto escalar, en una cima quedó. | ess-teh-ban ehs ehs-ca-la-door ehs-cah-lah e ehs-cah-lah. ehs-teh-bahn elle ehs-cah-lah-door, deh tahn-toe ehs-cah-lar, ehn oo-nah see-mah keh-doe | esˈteβan ˈes eskalaˈðoɾ | esˈkala j esˈkala | esˈteβan el eskalaˈðoɾ | de ˈtanto eskaˈlaɾ | en ˈuna ˈθima keˈðo ‖ | Esteban is a scaler, he scales and scales. From scaling so much, he ended up on a summit. |
La sucesión sucesiva de sucesos sucede sucesivamente con la sucesión del tiempo. | la soo-seh-see-ohn soo-seh-see-vah deh soo-seh-sos soo-seh-deh soo-seh-see-vah-mehn-teh con la soo-seh-see-ohn dell tee-ehm-poe | la suθeˈsjon suθeˈsiβa ðe suˈθesos suˈθeðe suθesiβaˈmente kon la suθeˈsjon del ˈtjempo ‖ | The successive succession of events takes place in succession with the succession of time. |
Amador está adormecido, ¿quién lo desadormecerá? El desadormecedor que lo desadormezca, buen desadormecedor será. | ah-mah-door ehs-tah ah-door-meh-see-doe, key-ehn lo des-ah-door-meh-seh-rah | amaˈðoɾ esˈta aðoɾmeˈθiðo | ˈkjen lo ðesaðoɾmeθeˈɾa ‖ el desaðoɾmeθeˈðoɾ ˈke lo ðesaðoɾˈmeθka | ˈbwen desaðoɾmeθeˈðoɾ seˈɾa ‖ | Amador is sleepy, who will make him unsleepy? Whoever can make him unsleepy will be a good at making people unsleepy. |
Hardest Spanish tongue twisters
Even if you’re already an advanced Spanish speaker, there are plenty of challenging tongue twisters for your level. Even native speakers will struggle with these, so give yourself a pat on the back for giving any of these a shot!
Spanish | Pronunciation | IPA | English |
Erre con erre cigarro, erre con erre barril. Rápido corren los carros cargados de azúcar del ferrocarril. | eh-reh cohn eh-reh see-gah-roe, eh-reh cohn eh-reh bah-reel. rah-pee-doe coh-rehn los cah-roes car-gah-doss deh ah-zoo-car dell feh-roe-cah-reel | ˈere kon ˈere θiˈɣaro | ˈere kon ˈere βaˈril ‖ ˈrapiðo ˈkoren los ˈkaros kaɾˈɣaðoz ðe aˈθukaɾ ðel ferokaˈril ‖ | R with R cigar, R with R barrel. The railroad cars loaded with sugar run fast. |
Al rey de Parangaricutirimícuaro lo quieren desparangaricutirimicuarizar. El que logre desparangaricutirimicuarizarlo un buen desparangaricutirimicuatizador será. | ahl ray deh pah-rahn-gah-ree-coo-tee-ree-me-coo-ah-roe lo key-air-ehn dess-pah-rahn-gah-ree-coo-tee-ree-me-coo-ah-re-zar. elle keh loh-greh dess-pah-rahn-gah-ree-coo-tee-ree-me-coo-ah-re-zar-lo oon boo-ehn dess-pah-rahn-gah-ree-coo-tee-ree-me-coo-ah-door seh-rah | al ˈrej ðe paɾanɡaɾikutiɾiˈmikwaɾo lo ˈkjeɾen despaɾanɡaɾikutiɾimikwaɾiˈθaɾ ‖ el ˈke ˈloɣɾe ðespaɾanɡaɾikutiɾimikwaɾiˈθaɾlo wm ˈbwen despaɾanɡaɾikutiɾimikwatiθaˈðoɾ seˈɾa ‖ | They want to desparangaricutirimicuaro to the king of Parangaricutirimicuaro. Whoever manages to deparangaricutirimiquarize him will be a good deparangaricutirimiquatizer. |
Tengo una gallina pinta pipiripinta gorda pipirigorda pipiripintiva y sorda que tiene tres pollitos pintos pipiripintos gordos pipirigordos pipiripintivos y sordos. Si la gallina no hubiera sido pinta pipiripinta gorda pipirigorda pipiripintiva y sorda, los pollitos no hubieran sido pintos pipiripintos gordos pipirigordos pipiripintivos y sordos. | ten-go oo-nah gah-yee-nah peen-tah pee-pee-ree-peen-tah gore-dah pee-pee-ree-gore-dah pee-pee-ree-peen-tee-va e sore-dah keh tee-eh-neh trehs po-yee-toss peen-toss pee-pee-ree-peen-toss gore-doss pee-pee-ree-gore-doss pee-pee-ree-peen-tee-vos e sore-dos. see la gah-yee-nah no ooh-vee-air-ah see-doe peen-tah pee-pee-ree-peen-tah gore-dah pee-pee-ree-gore-dah pee-pee-ree-peen-tee-vah e sore-dah, los po-yee-toss no ooh-vee-air-ahn see-doe peen-toss pee-pee-ree-peen-toss gore-doss pee-pee-ree-gore-doss pee-pee-ree-peen-tee-voss e sore-doss | ˈtenɡo ˈuna ɣaˈʎina ˈpinta pipiɾiˈpinta ˈɣoɾða pipiɾiˈɣoɾða pipiɾipinˈtiβa j ˈsoɾða ˈke ˈtjene ˈtɾes poˈʎitos ˈpintos pipiɾiˈpintoz ˈɣoɾðos pipiɾiˈɣoɾðos pipiɾipinˈtiβos i ˈsoɾðos ‖ si la ɣaˈʎina ˈno wˈβjeɾa ˈsiðo ˈpinta pipiɾiˈpinta ˈɣoɾða pipiɾiˈɣoɾða pipiɾipinˈtiβa j ˈsoɾða | los poˈʎitoz ˈno wˈβjeɾan ˈsiðo ˈpintos pipiɾiˈpintoz ˈɣoɾðos pipiɾiˈɣoɾðos pipiɾipinˈtiβos i ˈsoɾðos ‖ | I have a spotted pipirispotted fat pipirifat pipirispotted and deaf chicken that has three spotted pipirispotted fat pipirifat pipirispotted and deaf chicks. If the chicken hadn’t been spotted pipirispotted fat pipirifat pipirispotted and deaf, then the chicks wouldn’t have been spotted pipirispotted fat pipirifat pipirispotted and deaf. |
El otorrinolaringólogo se quiere desotorrinolaringolizar, el que lo desotorrinolaringolize, buen desotorrinolaringolizador será. | elle oh-toe-ree-no-ra-leen-go-lo-go seh key-air-eh dess-oh-toe-ree-no-rah-leen-go-lo-gee-zar, elle keh lo des-oh-toe-ree-no-rah-leen-go-lo-gee-zeh, boo-ehn des-oh-toe-ree-no-rah-leen-go-lo-gee-za-door seh-rah. | el otorinolaɾinˈɡoloɣo se ˈkjeɾe ðesotorinolaɾinɡoliˈθaɾ | el ˈke lo ðesotorinolaɾinɡoˈliθe | ˈbwen desotorinolaɾinɡoliθaˈðoɾ seˈɾa ‖ | The otorhinolaryngologist wants to deotorhinolaryngologize himself, whoever can deotorhinolaryngologize him will be a good deotorhinolaryngologizer. |
El perro perra encontró pera, pero perro perra peras no come, en cambio perra perro peros no encontró para comerse la pera que perro perra dejó | elle peh-roh peh-rah ehn-con-troe peh-rah, peh-roh peh-roh peh-rah peh-ras no co-meh, ehn cam-bee-oh peh-rah peh-roh peh-ros no ehn-con-troh pah-rah co-mehr-seh la peh-rah keh peh-roh peh-rah deh-ho | el ˈpero ˈpera enkonˈtɾo ˈpeɾa | ˈpeɾo ˈpero ˈpera ˈpeɾaz ˈno ˈkome | en ˈkambjo ˈpera ˈpero ˈpeɾoz ˈno enkonˈtɾo ˈpaɾa koˈmeɾse la ˈpeɾa ˈke ˈpero ˈpera ðeˈxo | The dog dog found a pear, but the dog dog doesn’t eat pears, instead, the dog dog found no reasons not to eat the pear that dog dog left behind. |
Me han dicho que has dicho un dicho, que han dicho que he dicho yo. El que lo ha dicho mintió; y en caso que hubiese dicho ese dicho que han dicho que he dicho yo, dicho y redicho quedó, y estará bien dicho ese dicho, que han dicho que he dicho yo. | meh ahn dee-cho keh ahs dee-cho oon dee-cho, keh ahn dee-cho keh eh dee-cho yo. elle keh lo ah dee-cho meen-tee-oh, e ehn cah-so keh ooh-bee-eh-seh dee-cho eh-seh dee-cho keh ahn dee-cho keh eh dee-cho yo, dee-cho e reh-dee-cho keh-doh ehs-tah-rah bee-ehn dee-cho eh-seh dee-cho, keh ahn dee-cho keh eh dee-cho yo. | me ˈan ˈdiʧo ˈke ˈaz ˈðiʧo wn ˈdiʧo | ˈke ˈan ˈdiʧo ˈke ˈe ˈðiʧo ˈʝo ‖ el ˈke lo ˈa ˈðiʧo minˈtjo | j en ˈkaso ˈke wˈβjese ˈðiʧo ˈese ˈðiʧo ˈke ˈan ˈdiʧo ˈke ˈe ˈðiʧo ˈʝo | ˈdiʧo j reˈðiʧo keˈðo | j estaˈɾa ˈβjen ˈdiʧo ˈese ˈðiʧo | ˈke ˈan ˈdiʧo ˈke ˈe ˈðiʧo ˈʝo ‖ | I’ve been told that you’ve told a saying, that you’ve been told that I’ve told. He who told you so lied; and in case that I had told that saying that you’ve been told that I’ve told myself, told and retold it stands, and will be well said that saying, that you’ve been told that I’ve told. |
La bruja Maruja prepara un brebaje, con cera de abeja, dos dientes de ajo, cuarenta lentejas y un pelo de oveja. | la broo-hah mah-roo-hah preh-pah-rah oon breh-bah-heh cohn seh-rah deh ah-beh-hah, dos dee-ehn-tess deh ah-ho, coo-ah-rehn-tah len-teh-hahs e oon peh-lo deh oh-veh-hah | la ˈβɾuxa maˈɾuxa pɾeˈpaɾa wm bɾeˈβaxe | kon ˈθeɾa ðe aˈβexa | ˈdoz ˈðjentez ðe ˈaxo | kwaˈɾenta lenˈtexas j um ˈpelo ðe oˈβexa ‖ | The domestic witch prepares a disgusting beverage, with beeswax, two garlic cloves, forty lentils and a sheep’s hair. |
La rata ingrata, ingrata rata en una lata guardó la plata y la pobre rata, por insensata, quedó sin la plata y sin la lata. | la ra-tah een-grah-tah, een-grah-tah rah-tah ehn oo-nah la-tah goo-are-doh la plah-tah e la poh-breh rah-tah, pore een-sehn-sah tah, keh-doe seen la pla-tah e seen la rah-tah. | la ˈrata jnˈɡɾata | inˈɡɾata ˈrata en ˈuna ˈlata ɣwaɾˈðo la ˈplata j la ˈpoβɾe ˈrata | poɾ insenˈsata | keˈðo sin la ˈplata j sin la ˈlata ‖ | The ingrate rat, ingrate rat in a can saved her money and the poor rat, out of foolishness, was left without the money and without the can. |
Una caracatrepa trepa con tres caracatrepitos. Cuando la caracatrepa trepa, trepan los tres caracatrepitos. | oo-nah cah-rah-cah-treh-pah treh-pah con trehs cah-rah-cah-treh-pee-tos. coo-ahn-doe la cah-rah-cah-treh-pah treh-pah, treh-pahn los trehs cah-rah-cah-treh-pee-toss. | ˈuna kaɾakaˈtɾepa ˈtɾepa kon ˈtɾes kaɾakatɾeˈpitos ‖ ˈkwando la kaɾakaˈtɾepa ˈtɾepa | ˈtɾepan los ˈtɾes kaɾakatɾeˈpitos ‖ | A caracatrepa climbs with three little caracatrepas. When the caracatrepa clims, the little three caracatrepas also climb. |
Buscaba el bosque Francisco, un vasco bizco, muy brusco, y al verlo le dijo un chusco, “¿Busca el bosque, vasco bizco?” | boos-cah elle boss-keh fran-sees-co, oon vas-co veez-co, mooy broos-co, e al ver-lo leh dee-ho oon choos-co, “boos-cah elle bos-keh, vas-co beez-co?” | busˈkaβa el ˈβoske fɾanˈθisko | um ˈbasko ˈβiθko | muj ˈβɾusko | j al ˈβeɾlo le ˈðixo wn ˈʧusko | ˈbuska el ˈβoske | ˈbasko ˈβiθko ‖ | Francisco, a cross-eyed Basque, was looking for the forest very abruptly, and, upon seeing it, made a jokester told him, “Are you looking for the forest, cross-eyed Basque?” |
Niño, ñame y ñandú uña, rebaño y pequeño caño, peña, piña y ñu paño, baño, caña y leño. Dueño, peldaño, enseño, extraño, y escudriño con empeño, acompaño añiles y ensueños soñando con años muy añejos. | nee-nyoh, nyah-meh e nyahn-doo ooh-nyah, reh-bah-nyoh e peh-keh-nyoh cah-nyoh, peh-nyah, pee-nyah e nyooh pah-nyoh, bah-nyoh, cah-nyah e leh-nyoh. doo-eh-nyoh, pell-dah-nyoh, ehn-seh-nyoh, ex-trah-nyoh, e ehs-coo-dree-nyoh con em-peh-nyoh, ah-com-pah-nyoh ah-nyh-less e ehn-soo-eh-nyos soh-nyahn-doe con ah-nyoss mooy ah-nyeh-hoss. | ˈniɲo | ˈɲame j ɲanˈdu ˈuɲa | reˈβaɲo j peˈkeɲo ˈkaɲo | ˈpeɲa | ˈpiɲa j ˈɲu ˈpaɲo | ˈbaɲo | ˈkaɲa j ˈleɲo ‖ ˈdweɲo | pelˈdaɲo | enˈseɲo | eksˈtɾaɲo | j eskuˈðɾiɲo kon emˈpeɲo | akomˈpaɲo aˈɲiles j enˈsweɲos soˈɲando kon ˈaɲoz muj aˈɲexos ‖ | Child, yam and rhea, nail, stable and small, spout, grief, pineapple and wildebeest, cloth, bathroom, cane, and log. Owner, rung, teach, miss, and scrutinize with determination, accompany indigo and dreaming dreams of very well-aged years. |
María Chuchena su choza techaba; un techador que por allí pasaba le dijo: – María Chuchena, ¿techas tu choza o techas la ajena? – No techo mi choza, ni techo la ajena; que techo la choza de María Chuchena. | mah-ree-ah choo-cheh-nah soo cho-za teh-cha-bah, oon teh-cha-door keh pore ah-yee pah-sah-bah leh dee-ho: mah-ree-ah choo-cheh-nah, teh-chas too cho-za o teh-chas lah ah-heh-nah? no teh-cho me cho-za, nee teh-cho la ah-heh-nah, keh teh-cho la cho-za deh mah-ree-ah choo-cheh-nah | maˈɾia ʧuˈʧena su ˈʧoθa teˈʧaβa | un teʧaˈðoɾ ˈke poɾ aˈʎi paˈsaβa le ˈðixo || maˈɾia ʧuˈʧena | ˈteʧas tu ˈʧoθa o ˈteʧaz la aˈxena ‖ˈno ˈteʧo mi ˈʧoθa | ni ˈteʧo la aˈxena | ˈke ˈteʧo la ˈʧoθa ðe maˈɾia ʧuˈʧena | María Chuchena was putting a roof on her shack; a roofer that was passing by asked her, – María Chuchena, are you roofing your shack or someone else’s shack? – I’m not roofing my shack, nor am I roofing someone else’s shack; I am roofing the shack of María Chuchena. |
¡Jamás jamé jamón y jamás lo jamaré! Gemía la monja Gema mientras jamaba jamón en Jaén. Cómo jama jamón Gema, una monja de Jaén, mientras gime: ¡yo no jamo ni jamás lo jamaré! | hah-mas hah-meh hah-mon e hah-mas lo hah-mah-reh! heh-me-ah la mon-hah heh-mah mee-ehn-tras hah-mah-bah hah-mon ehn hah-ehn. co-mo hah-mah hah-mon heh-mah, oo-nah mon-hah deh hah-ehn, mee-ehn-tras he-meh, yo no hah-mo nee hah-mahs lo hah-mah-reh | xaˈmas xaˈme xaˈmon i xaˈmaz lo xamaˈɾe ‖ xeˈmia la ˈmonxa ˈxema ˈmjentɾas xaˈmaβa xaˈmon en xaˈen ‖ ˈkomo ˈxama xaˈmon ˈxema | ˈuna ˈmonxa ðe xaˈen | ˈmjentɾas ˈxime | ˈʝo ˈno ˈxamo ni xaˈmaz lo xamaˈɾe ‖ | I’ve never hammed ham and I never will! Groaned Gema the nn as she hammed ham in Jaén. How Gema hammed ham, a nun from Jaén, as she groaned: I don’t ham and I never will! |
Una gata ética pelética pelada peluda con el rabo lanudo, tuvo tres hijos éticos peléticos pelados peludos con el rabo lanudo. Si la gata no fuese ética pelética peluda con el rabo lanudo, los hijos no fuesen éticos peléticos pelados peludos con el rabo lanudo | oo-nah ga-tah eh-tee-kah pel-eh-tee-cah peh-la-dah peh-loo-dah con elle rah-boh lah-noo-doh, too-voh trehs e-hohs eh-tee-cos peh-leh-tee-cos peh-la-dos peh-loo-dos con elle rah-bo la-noo-doh, see la ga-tah no foo-eh-seh eh-tee-cah peh-leh-tee-cah peh-loo-dah con elle rah-boh lah-noo-doh, los e-hos no foo-eh-sehn eh-tee-cos peh-lah-dos peh-loo-dos con elle rah-boh lah-noo-doe | ˈuna ˈɣata ˈetika peˈletika peˈlaða peˈluða kon el ˈraβo laˈnuðo | ˈtuβo ˈtɾes ˈixos ˈetikos peˈletikos peˈlaðos peˈluðos kon el ˈraβo laˈnuðo | si la ˈɣata ˈno ˈfwese ˈetika peˈletika peˈluða kon el ˈraβo laˈnuðo | los ˈixoz ˈno ˈfwesen ˈetikos peˈletikos peˈlaðos peˈluðos kon el ˈraβo laˈnuðo | An ethical, peletic, bald, and furry cat with a woolly tail, had three ethical, peletic, bald, and furry kittens with woolly tails. If the cat wasn’t ethical, peletic, bald, and furry with a woolly tail, the kittens wouldn’t be ethical, peletic, bald, and furry with woolly tails. |
En la ciudad de Pamplona hay una plaza. En la plaza hay una esquina, en la esquina hay una casa. En la casa hay una pieza. En la pieza hay una cama. En la cama hay una estera. En la estera hay una barra. En la barra hay una lora. Luego la lora a la barra, la barra a la estera, la estera a la cama, la cama a la pieza, la pieza a la casa, la casa a la esquina, la esquina a la plaza, la plaza a la ciudad de Pamplona. | ehn la see-ooh-dad deh pam-plo-nah ay oo-nah plah-za. ehn la plah-za ay oo-nah ess-key-nah, ehn la ehs-key-nah ay oo-nah cah-sah. ehn la cah-sah ay oo-nah pee-eh-za. ehn la pee-eh-za ay oo-nah cah-mah. ehn la cah-mah ay oo-nah ehs-teh-rah. ehn lah ehs-teh-rah ay oo-nah bah-rah. ehn la bah-rah ay oo-nah lo-rah. loo-eh-go la lo-rah ah la bah-rah, la bah-rah ah la ess-teh-rah, la ess-teh-rah ah la ca-mah, la ca-mah ah la pee-eh-za, la pee-eh-za ah la ca-sah, la ca-sah ah la ess-key-nah, la es-key-nah ah la see-oo-dahd deh pam-ploh-nah | en la θjuˈðað ðe pamˈplona ˈaj ˈuna ˈplaθa ‖ en la ˈplaθa ˈaj ˈuna esˈkina | en la esˈkina ˈaj ˈuna ˈkasa ‖ en la ˈkasa ˈaj ˈuna ˈpjeθa ‖ en la ˈpjeθa ˈaj ˈuna ˈkama ‖ en la ˈkama ˈaj ˈuna esˈteɾa ‖ en la esˈteɾa ˈaj ˈuna ˈβara ‖ en la ˈβara ˈaj ˈuna ˈloɾa ‖ ˈlweɣo la ˈloɾa a la ˈβara | la ˈβara a la esˈteɾa | la esˈteɾa a la ˈkama | la ˈkama a la ˈpjeθa | la ˈpjeθa a la ˈkasa | la ˈkasa a la esˈkina | la esˈkina a la ˈplaθa | la ˈplaθa a la θjuˈðað ðe pamˈplona ‖ | In the city of Pamplona there is a plaza. In that plaza there is a corner, and in that corner there is a house. In that house, there is a room. In that room, there is a bed. In that bed, there is a mat. On that mat there is a bar. On that bar, there is a parrott. Then, the parrot to the bar, the bar to the mat, the mat to the bed, the bed to the room, the room to the house, the house to the corner, the corner to the square, the square to the city of Pamplona. |
Found these too easy? You better move onto a new challenge of pronouncing the hardest words in Spanish, in that case!
Spanish tongue twister video
Some things are far easier to explain with video or audio, and tongue twisters are definitely one of them. If you’re still looking for more help nailing the pronunciation of some of these tongue twisters, a video is exactly what you need!
Tongue Twisters in Spanish
If you’re serious about mastering the pronunciation of these tongue twisters, you need to watch the video above. You’ll be able to follow along an expert pronunciation with the text on screen, helping you ace that pronunciation after a couple watches (or maybe a few more!).
Latinas Try Spanish Tongue Twisters While Drinking Tequila
If you want to enjoy tongue twisters on a more casual level, then you must watch this hilarious tongue twister video. As if these tongue twisters weren’t hard enough on their own, see what happens when you add tequila to the mix!
Spanish tongue twister tips
If you don’t even know where to start with all these impressively imaginative phrases, we’ve got your back. With these Spanish tongue twister tips, you’ll find a way to say any tongue twister out loud with no problem!
1. Go slow
Seriously. Go slow! While saying a tongue twister super fast can be great fun, you don’t have to rush yourself into saying them incorrectly. Take plenty of time as you work your way through each tongue twister, even if it feels a bit tedious. In time, you’ll be able to say them at normal pace.
2. Whisper them
Whispering tongue twisters is one of the best tips for getting through a tongue twister for the first time. Although it may sound strange, whispering can help you smooth over the intricate parts of these phrases that are designed to trip you up. Give it a shot!
3. Write them down
If you’re having trouble saying a tongue twister from start to finish, you might not fully understand it. Writing it down on paper can be a great way to understand it fully, giving you a better shot at acing its pronunciation. Old school works best here! So, grab a pen and some paper, and jot the tongue twister down!
4. Separate them by syllables
What makes a tongue twister complicated is often its use of unnecessarily long words. Indeed, some of the longest Spanish words make frequent appearances in the hardest tongue-twisters in Spanish, so get ready to work your way through some long words.
The best way to ride out a long word like a pro is to break it down into syllables. That way, you’ll have more manageable chunks instead of an incomprehensively-long string of letters. With enough practice, even the hardest words to pronounce in Spanish will be a walk in the park for you!
5. Record yourself
Recording yourself is the last step before you master any tongue twister. This works best if you have a Spanish-speaking friend you can send the recording to. And if you don’t have a friend who could help you, you better start looking for one now! Making friends in your target language is one of our tips for becoming fluent in Spanish quickly.
In fact, the best thing you could do for your Spanish is to spend some time in one of the 21 Spanish-speaking countries. That way, you’ll not only have countless friends who’d be willing to help you practice but you’ll also be fully immersed in the language. This level of immersion is a crucial part of the Berlitz Method, which has helped countless people develop fluency in foreign languages for well over a hundred years.
Tongue twisters are just the beginning
Knowing these tongue twisters is just the start! Now that you’ve worked your way through 55 of the hardest tongue twisters in Spanish, you’re ready to tackle any Spanish word or phrase you’d like!
So, if you’re ready to put your newly-acquired Spanish pronunciation skills to the test, why not move on to another one of our Spanish blogs? We regularly publish fun and innovative guys to help you attain Spanish fluency faster, so make sure to bookmark us!