Integrate yourself into Hispanic culture with these 222+ nicknames in Spanish.
From the top of Catalonia to the southern tip of Chile, you’ll find that Spanish speakers everywhere love to use nicknames to refer to their friends and family. As anyone who’s spent any time in a Hispanic country can attest, most Spanish speakers are extremely warm and friendly. And part of what makes the community so approachable is its embrace of colorful, creative, and unique nicknames.
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Below are just a few reasons why you should learn a few nicknames in Spanish.
1. To make deeper connections
Using thoughtful nicknames with your friends can help you cultivate deep and meaningful relationships. Just make sure to use a nickname that actually fits your friend – otherwise, it might come across as insincere! You know your friends best, which is why we’ve compiled a list of over 222 unique nicknames in Spanish.
2. To keep up with your friends
Just as your friends will come up with creative nicknames for you, they will do the same for the rest of your friends. That means there will be potentially dozens of nicknames to keep track of if you want to stay on top of what your friends are calling each other!
3. To survive daily life
You may be expecting nicknames from your friends, but did you know that casual acquaintances and even strangers could call you by a nickname? Indeed, it’s not uncommon at all for strangers to use a nickname to call on you in casual interactions.
For example, if you have blonde hair and order tacos from a taco stand, you can expect the taquero (the taco person) to call you güero or güera (which means blonde). Likewise, if you have curly hair, they might call you chino or china as short for pelo chino (curly hair).
4. To have fun
Using nicknames for your friends and family can be a great way to make your everyday interactions a little more fun. Though this is true for every language, it is especially so for Spanish, as there are some funny Spanish nicknames out there!
Ready to get started? We’ll cover over 222 unique nicknames in Spanish, from the funniest to the most romantic ones! From now on, you’ll know exactly what to call every important person in your life.
Nicknames in Spanish
The Spanish word for a nickname is apodo (ah-poe-doe) and its plural is apodos (ah-poe-dohs).
We’ll start with gender-neutral nicknames you can use for your loved ones. You may have learned some of these before if you’ve studied terms of endearment in Spanish. The ones below are great gender-neutral options that you can use with your partner, family members, close friends, and sometimes even strangers! Don’t be surprised if an older woman calls you corazón out of the blue, she’s probably not trying to flirt with you!
English | Spanish | IPA spelling | Pronunciation |
My love | Mi amor | mj aˈmoɾ | me ah-more |
Baby | Bebé | beˈβe | beh-beh |
Heart | Corazón | koɾaˈson | coh-rah-zohn |
My life | Mi vida | mi ˈβiða | me ve-dah |
My sky | Mi cielo | mi ˈsjelo | me see-eh-loh |
My sun | Mi sol | mi ˈsol | me sol |
Treasure | Tesoro | teˈsoɾo | teh-soh-roh |
My little cake | Pastelito | pasteˈlito | pas-teh-lee-toe |
My light | Mi luz | mi ˈlus | me looz |
Sugar | Azúcar | aˈsukaɾ | ah-sue-car |
Fattie (no negative connotation, gender-neutral) | Gordi | ˈɡoɾði | gore-dee |
The light of my eyes | La luz de mis ojos | la ˈluz ðe mis ˈoxos | la looz deh mees oh-hos |
My little love | Amorcito | amoɾˈsito | ah-more-see-toe |
Nicknames for a boyfriend, cute guy, or husband
If you have a special guy in your life and you’re tired of saying “I love you” to him over and over, you can try using any of these loving and romantic nicknames. While none of them are overwhelmingly cheesy, you should probably exercise some caution when in formal situations. Avoid using them unless you’re speaking to your man — or trying to find one!
English | Spanish | IPA spelling | Pronunciation |
Marshmallow | Bombón | bomˈbon | bom-bon |
Daddy | Papi | ˈpapi | pah-pee |
Cute daddy | Papi chulo | ˈpapi ˈʧulo | pah-pee choo-loh |
Baby | Nene | ˈnene | neh-neh |
Doll (male) | Muñeco | muˈɲeko | moo-nyeh-coe |
Little one | Chiquitito | ʧikiˈtito | chee-key-tee-toe |
Fattie (non-derogatory) | Gordito | ɡoɾˈðito | gore-dee-toe |
Little chickie | Pollito | poˈʝito | po-yee-toe |
Cutie | Chulo | ˈʧulo | choo-loh |
Handsome | Guapo | ˈɡwapo | goo-ah-poh |
Cutie | Lindo | ˈlindo | leen-doe |
Prince | Príncipe | ˈpɾinsipe | preen-see-peh |
King | Rey | ˈrej | ray |
My man | Mi hombre | mj ˈombɾe | me ohm-breh |
Beautiful | Hermoso | eɾˈmoso | air-mo-soh |
Little angel | Angelito | anxeˈlito | ahn-heh-lee-toe |
Nicknames for a girlfriend or wife
Expressing your love and appreciation for your girlfriend or wife on a daily basis can be as easy as using a thoughtful and romantic nickname. If you want to find the right Spanish nickname for your queen or princess, check out these romantic options below!
English | Spanish | IPA spelling | Pronunciation |
Princess | Princesa | pɾinˈsesa | preen-seh-sah |
My queen | Mi reina | mi ˈrejna | me ray-nah |
My mermaid | Mi sirenita | mi siɾeˈnita | me see-reh-nee-tah |
Mommy | Mami | ˈmami | mah-mee |
Little one | Chiquitita | ʧikiˈtita | chee-key-tee-tah |
Fattie (non-derogatory) | Gordita | ɡoɾˈðita | gore-dee-ta |
Little chickie | Pollita | poˈʝita | poe-yee-tah |
Cutie | Chula | ˈʧula | choo-lah |
Beautiful | Guapa | ˈɡwapa | goo-ah-pah |
Cutie | Linda | ˈlinda | leen-dah |
Baby | Nena | ˈnena | neh-nah |
Doll | Muñeca | muˈɲeka | moo-nyeh-cah |
Beautiful | Hermosa | eɾˈmosa | air-mo-sah |
Pearl | Perla | ˈpeɾla | pear-la |
Nicknames for your family
Spanish families are famously large, but they’re also extremely close. If you have any Spanish-speaking family, you probably already know how common nicknames are among relatives — both immediate and distant. Check out these useful ones for your family members in Spanish, from gender-neutral grandpa and grandma nicknames, to your nieces and nephews.
English | Spanish | Relationship | IPA spelling | Pronunciation |
Mommy | Mami | Mother | ˈmami | mah-me |
Daddy | Papi | Father | ˈpapi | pah-pee |
Madam | Señora | Mother | seˈɲoɾa | seh-nyoh-rah |
Sir | Señor | Father | seˈɲoɾ | seh-nyore |
Ma | Ma | Mother | ˈma | mah-mah |
Pa | Pa | Father | ˈpa | pah-pah |
Boss | Jefa | Mother | ˈxefa | heh-fah |
Boss | Jefe | Father | ˈxefe | heh-feh |
My old ones | Mis viejos | Parents | miz ˈβjexos | mees vee-eh-hos |
Bro | Mano | Brother | ˈmano | mah-no |
Sis | Mana | Sister | ˈmana | mah-nah |
Granpa (gender-neutral) | Abue | Grandparent | ˈaβwe | ah-boo-eh |
Cousin (gender-neutral) | Primi | Cousin | ˈpɾimi | pree-me |
Little person | Muchachito, muchachita | Younger family members, like nephews or nieces | muʧaˈʧito, muʧaˈʧita | moo-cha-chee-toe, moo-cha-chee-tah |
Baby chicks | Polluelos | Children | poˈʝwelos | poh-you-eh-lohs |
Cool Spanish nicknames for guys
Having a few badass nicknames for guys in Spanish can come in very handy when you’re trying to catch the attention of that cute guy you pass by all the time in school or trying to start a conversation with the cutie sitting next to you at the bar. Beyond doling out some handy compliments in Spanish, you could try your luck with one of these steezy nicknames any guy would appreciate.
English | Spanish | IPA spelling | Pronunciation |
Slick | El galán | ɣaˈlan | gah-lahn |
Heart thief | El ladrón de corazones | laˈðɾon de koɾaˈsones | lah-drohn deh coh-rah-zoh-ness |
Heartbreaker | El rompecorazones | rompekoɾaˈsones | rom-peh-coh-rah-zoh-ness |
Stud | El casanova | kasaˈnoβa | ca-sa-no-va |
Don Juan | El donjuán | donˈxwan | don-who-ahn |
Charming | El conquistador | konkistaˈðoɾ | con-keys-tah-door |
Tiger | El tigre | ˈtiɣɾe | tee-greh |
Male | El macho | ˈmaʧo | ma-choh |
Captain | El capitán | kapiˈtan | cah-pee-tahn |
Boss | El patrón | paˈtɾon | pah-trohn |
The Hulk | El hulk | ˈulk | hulk |
Soldier | El soldado | solˈdaðo | sole-dah-doe |
Alpha | El alfa | ˈalfa | alfa |
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Funny Spanish nicknames
If you’re already at an intermediate Spanish level and can readily consume Spanish media, you probably already know how funny Spanish speakers can be. If you take pride in your sense of humor, don’t pass up the opportunity to use some of these hilarious Spanish nicknames!
English | Spanish | Context | IPA spelling | Pronunciation |
Crazy | Loco, loca | Can be used with friends, doesn’t have a negative connotation | ˈloko, ˈloka | loh-coe, loh-cah |
Father | Papá | Can be used with friends | paˈpa | pah-pah |
My king | Mi Rey | Usually when talking up a friend | mi ˈrej | me ray |
Brain | Cerebro | Used with very smart people | seˈɾeβɾo | seh-reh-broh |
Chatty cathy | Lengua larga | Used with someone who talks a lot | ˈlenɡwa ˈlaɾɣa | lehn-goo-ah lar-gah |
Clown | Pallaso, Pallasa | Used with funny people | paˈʝaso, paˈʝasa | pah-yah-so, pah-yah-sah |
Tasmanian Devil | Demonio de Tasmania | Used with people who are loud, messy, or clumsy | deˈmonjo ðe tazˈmanja | deh-moh-nee-oh deh tass-mah-nee-ah |
Party animal | Fiestero, Fiestera | Used with people who like to party | fjesˈteɾo, fjesˈteɾa | fee-ehs-teh-roe, fee-ehs-teh-rah |
Chicken | Gallina | Used with people who are easily scared | ɡaˈʝina | gah-yee-nah |
Person who loves gossip | Chismoso, Chismosa | Used with people who love to gossip | ʧizˈmoso, ʧizˈmosa | cheese-mo-so, cheese-mo-sah |
Toad | Sapo | A snitch | ˈsapo | sah-poe |
Cute nicknames in Spanish
There are hundreds of different terms of endearment that you can use to refer to just about anyone in your life. If you want to find the perfect cute nickname in Spanish for all the special people — and pets — in your life, here’s a great list to get you started.
English | Spanish | Relationship | IPA spelling | Pronunciation |
Little spark | Chispita | Anyone | ʧisˈpita | chees-pee-tah |
My son, my daughter | Mijo, Mija | A younger person, doesn’t have to be family | ˈmixo, ˈmixa | mee-hoh, mee-hah |
Small one | Chiquito, Chiquita | A younger person | ʧiˈkito, ʧiˈkita | chee-key-toe, chee-key-tah |
Candy | Dulce | A romantic parter or a close friend | ˈdulse | dool-seh |
Girl | Chica | A female friend | ˈʧika | chee-cah |
Significant other | Pichurri | Significant other | piˈʧuri | pee-choo-ree |
Significant other | Churri | Significant other | ˈʧuri | choo-ree |
Melon heart | Corazón de melón | A significant other or close family member | koɾaˈson de meˈlon | coh-rah-sohn deh meh-lohn |
Half orange | Media naranja | A significant other | ˈmeðja naˈɾanxa | meh-dee-ah nah-rahn-hah |
Piece of heaven | Pedacito de cielo | A significant other or close family member | peðaˈsito ðe ˈsjelo | peh-dah-see-toe deh see-eh-loe |
Little bunny | Conejito | A significant other or younger person | koneˈxito | coh-neh-he-toe |
Little bear | Osito | A significant other | oˈsito | oh-see-toe |
Little monkey | Monito, Monita | A significant other or close friend | moˈnito, moˈnita | Mo-nee-toe, mo-nee-tah |
Little bug | Bichito | A significant other | biˈʧito | bee-chee-toe |
Pretty little thing | Cosita linda | A significant other or close friend | koˈsita ˈlinda | coh-see-tah leen-dah |
Candy | Caramelo | A significant other | kaɾaˈmelo | cah-rah-meh-loh |
Colleague | Colegui | Coworker | koˈleɣi | coh-leh-gee |
Dear | Cariño | A significant other or close friend | kaˈɾiɲo | cah-ree-nyoh |
Small one | Peque | A child | ˈpeke | peh-keh |
Little eyes | Ojitos | A close friend with pretty eyes | oˈxitos | oh-he-toes |
Curly hair | Ricitos | A close friend with curly hair | riˈsitos | ree-see-toes |
Dog | Perruchis | Dog | peˈruʧis | peh-roo-cheese |
Dog | Chanda | Dog | ˈʧanda | chahn-da |
Boy, girl | Chico, Chica | Any pet | ˈʧiko, ˈʧika | chee-coh, chee-cah |
The woof woof | El guau guau | Dog | el ˈɣwaw ˈɣwaw | goo-ah goo-ah |
Full of fleas | Pulgoso, pulgosa | Dog | pulˈɣoso, pulˈɣosa | pool-go-so |
Fur ball | Bola de pelos | Any furry pet | ˈbola ðe ˈpelos | boh-lah deh peh-loss |
Dog | Firulais | Dog | fiˈɾulajs | fee-roo-la-is |
Cat | Michi | Cat | ˈmiʧi | me-chee |
Meow | Miau | Cat | ˈmjaw | mee-ah-ooh |
Little devil | Diablito | Any pet | djaˈβlito | dee-ah-blee-toe |
Puppy | Cachorrito | Dog | kaʧoˈrito | cah-choh-ree-toe |
Nicknames by region
With 21 countries that speak Spanish, it’s no surprise that each one has its own unique vocabulary for nicknames. Whether you have friends from all over or you want to travel far and wide, here are some regional Spanish nickname variations you can use.
As the country of origin of the Spanish language, perhaps you’d think that Spanish from Spain is the standard dialect. However, that’s not really the case, since an overwhelming majority of Spanish speakers live in Latin America. In fact, as the only country in Europe that speaks Spanish, Spain has developed a unique set of slang and nicknames.
English | Spanish | IPA Spelling | Pronunciation |
Uncle | Tío | ˈtio | tee-oh |
Friend | Majo | ˈmaxo | mah-hoh |
Friend | Guaje | ˈɡwaxe | goo-ah-heh |
Mine | Meu | ˈmew | meh-ooh |
Little boy | Tete | ˈtete | teh-teh |
Friend | Acho | ˈaʧo | ah-cho |
As the country with the most Spanish speakers in the world, it’s no surprise that Mexico has many unique nicknames. If you plan to spend time in historic Mexico City or along the Riviera Maya, don’t forget to learn a few of these common nicknames!
English | Spanish | IPA Spelling | Pronunciation |
Dude | Güey | ˈɡwej | way |
Guy | Vato | ˈbato | vah-toe |
Friend | Compa | ˈkompa | com-pah |
Someone from Mexico City | Chilango | ʧiˈlanɡo | chee-lahn-goe |
Short | Chaparrito, chaparrita | ʧapaˈrito, ʧapaˈrita | chah-pah-ree-toe, chah-pah-ree-tah |
That one | Ese | ˈese | eh-seh |
Young guy | Chavo, chava | ˈʧaβo, ˈʧaβa | cha-voh, cha-vah |
Someone who is really good at something | Crack | ˈkɾakk | crack |
Argentina has some famously unique nicknames that you won’t hear anywhere outside this country. Fun fact, did you know that the winning team of the 2022 World Cup has its own nickname? See below to find out what it is!
English | Spanish | IPA Spelling | Pronunciation |
Bro | Boludo | boˈluðo | boh-loo-doe |
Dude | Che | ˈʧe | cheh |
Guy, girl | Pibe, piba | ˈpiβe, ˈpiβa | pee-beh, pee-bah |
Argentina’s soccer team | La albiceleste | alβiseˈleste | ahl-bee-see-ehs-teh |
Even if Colombia isn’t the most-populated Spanish-speaking country, it is an incredibly diverse one. You’ll find that regional accents and slang vary tremendously from departamento to departamento (their equivalent of states), which makes their regional linguistics extremely rich. Here are some of the most common nicknames in Colombia.
English | Spanish | IPA Spelling | Pronunciation |
Friend | Marica | maˈɾika | mah-ree-cah |
Friend | Parcero | paɾˈseɾo | par-seh-roe |
Friend | Parce | ˈpaɾse | par-seh |
My best friend | Mi llave | mi ˈʝaβe | me yah-veh |
An expert | Una nota | ˈuna ˈnota | oo-nah no-tah |
A child | Chino | ˈʧino | chee-no |
Whether you’re headed to the seaside metropolis of Lima or the picturesque town of Cusco, you’ll need to have a few of these Peruvian nicknames under your belt.
English | Spanish | IPA Spelling | Pronunciation |
Friend | Pata | ˈpata | pah-tah |
Young person | Chibolo | ʧiˈβolo | chee-boh-loh |
Close friend | Choche | ˈʧoʧe | cho-che |
Dude | Cholo | ˈʧolo | cho-loh |
Driver | Fercho | ˈfeɾʧo | fer-cho |
As all coffee lovers already know, the Central American country of Guatemala has a lot to offer. From its warm people to its impressive geographic landforms, Guatemala is truly a unique country — and its local nicknames are no exception!
English | Spanish | IPA Spelling | Pronunciation |
Someone from Guatemala | Chapín, Chapina | ʧaˈpin, ʧaˈpina | cha-peen, cha-pee-nah |
A curly-haired person | Colocho | koˈloʧo | co-lo-cho |
Blonde | Canche | ˈkanʧe | cahn-cheh |
A child | Patojo | paˈtoxo | pah-to-hoh |
A cheap person | Chucho | ˈʧuʧo | choo-cho |
A bright person | Chispudo | ʧisˈpuðo | chees-poo-doh |
Dominican Republic
If you’ve met someone from the Dominican Republic, you know how easily they can fill the room with positive energy. Part of that is their lively slang, which includes many funny and creative nicknames.
English | Spanish | IPA Spelling | Pronunciation |
Friend | Pana | ˈpana | pah-nah |
A hustler | Tiguere | tiˈɣeɾe | tee-geh-reh |
Someone who’s good at something | Bacano | baˈkano | ba-cah-no |
Mom | Mai | ˈmaj | ma-e |
Dad | Pai | ˈpaj | pa-e |
Girlfriend | Jeva | ˈxeβa | heh-va |
Boyfriend | Jevo | ˈxeβo | heh-vo |
Nicknames by given name
Nicknames by given name are incredibly popular in Spanish-speaking countries. Most of your friends will probably never call you by your real name unless it’s extremely unique. Here’s a non-exhaustive list of some of the most common Spanish nicknames.
English equivalent | Name | Nickname | IPA spelling | Pronunciation |
Albert | Alberto | Beto | ˈbeto | beh-toe |
Alexander | Alejandro | Alex | ˈaleks | alex |
Alexandra | Alejandra | Ale | ˈale | ah-leh |
Alfred | Alfredo | Freddy | ˈfɾeðði | freh-dee |
Anthony | Antonio | Toño | ˈtoɲo | toh-nyoh |
Benjamin | Benjamín | Benji | ˈbenxi | ben-yee |
Caroline | Carolina | Caro | ˈkaɾo | cah-roe |
Cecilia | Cecilia | Ceci | ˈsesi | seh-see |
Claudia | Claudia | Clau | ˈklaw | clah-ooh |
Christian | Cristian | Cris | ˈkɾis | crees |
Christine | Cristina | Cris | ˈkɾis | crees |
None | Concepción | Concha | ˈkonʧa | con-cha |
Dolores | Dolores | Lola | ˈlola | lola |
Edward | Eduardo | Lalo | ˈlalo | lalo |
Henry | Enrique | Quique | ˈkike | key-keh |
Ernest | Ernesto | Neto | ˈneto | neh-toe |
Frederick | Federico | Kiko | ˈkiko | key-koh |
Francis | Francisco | Paco, Pancho | ˈpako, ˈpanʧo | pah-coh, pan-cho |
Francesca | Francisca | Paquita | paˈkita | pah-key-tah |
Gabriel | Gabriel | Gabo | ˈɡaβo | gah-boe |
None | Guadalupe | Lupe, Lupita | ˈlupe, luˈpita | loo-peh, loo-pee-tah |
William | Guillermo | Memo | ˈmemo | meh-moe |
None | Ignacio | Nacho | ˈnaʧo | nah-cho |
Jesus | Jesús | Chuy | ˈʧuj | chewy |
Joseph | José | Pepe | ˈpepe | peh-peh |
Joseph Mary | José María | Chema | ˈʧema | cheh-mah |
John Paul | Juan Pablo | Juanpa | ˈxwampa | who-ahn-pah |
John Francis | Juan Francisco | Juancho | ˈxwanʧo | who-ahn-cho |
John Joseph | Juan José | Juanjo | ˈxwanxo | who-ahn-hoh |
Leonard | Leonardo | Leo | ˈleo | leh-oh |
Lawrence | Lorenzo | Lencho | ˈlenʧo | lehn-cho |
Raymond | Raymundo | Mundo | ˈmundo | moon-doe |
None | Sergio | Checo | ˈʧeko | cheh-coh |
Thomas | Tomás | Tommy | ˈtommi | toh-me |
Lucy | Lucia | Luci | ˈlusi | loo-see |
None | Luis Fernando | Luisfer | lwisˈfeɾ | loo-is-fair |
Mary Joseph | María José | Majo | ˈmaxo | mah-hoh |
Mary Isabelle | María Isabel | Maribel | maɾiˈβel | mah-ree-belle |
None | María Fernanda | Mafer | maˈfeɾ | mah-fehr |
None | María Elena | Malena | maˈlena | mah-leh-nah |
Magdalene | Magdalena | Magda | ˈmaɣða | mag-dah |
Monica | Mónica | Moni | ˈmoni | moh-nee |
None | Monserrat | Monse | ˈmonse | mon-seh |
None | Rosario | Chayo | ˈʧaʝo | cha-yoh |
Sandra | Sandra | Sandy | ˈsandi | san-dee |
Susan, Suzanne | Susana | Susi | ˈsusi | soo-see |
Theresa | Teresa | Tere | ˈteɾe | teh-reh |
None | Viridiana | Viri | ˈbiɾi | vee-ree |
Veronica | Verónica | Vero | ˈbeɾo | veh-roe |
Vincent | Vicente | Chente | ˈʧente | chehn-teh |
None | Xochitl | Xochi | ˈsoʧi | soh-chee |
Yolanda | Yolanda | Yoli | ˈʝoli | yo-lee |
None | Yuridia | Yuri | ˈʝuɾi | yoo-ree-dee-ah |
Nicknames of cities and places
The Big Apple, The Emerald City, and The Big Easy. All of these are common English nicknames for major cities in the United States that non-natives might not understand. Spanish has similar nicknames that would probably confuse you unless you’ve spent some time in the city — or read our handy guide to Spanish city nicknames!
English | Spanish | IPA Spelling | Pronunciation |
United States | El gabacho | el ɣaˈβaʧo | gah-bah-cho |
Buenos Aires | La Reina del Plata | la ˈrejna ðel ˈplata | la ray-nah dell plah-tah |
Barcelona | La Ciudad Condal | la sjuˈðað konˈdal | la see-ooh-dahd cohn-dall |
Rome | La Ciudad Eterna | la sjuˈðað eˈteɾna | la see-ooh-dahd eh-tehr-nah |
Madrid | La Villa y Corte | la ˈβiʝa j ˈkoɾte | la vee-yah e core-teh |
Paris | La Ciudad de la Luz | la sjuˈðað ðe la ˈlus | la see-ooh-dahd deh la looz |
Mexico City | Chilangolandia | ʧilanɡoˈlandja | chee-lan-go-lan-dee-ah |
Monterrey | La Sultana del Norte | la sulˈtana ðel ˈnoɾte | la sool-tah-nah dell nor-teh |
Guadalajara | Guanatos | ɡwaˈnatos | goo-ah-nah-toss |
Cuzco | El Ombligo del Mundo | el omˈbliɣo ðel ˈmundo | ehl ohm-blee-goh dell moon-doe |
Lima | La Ciudad de los Reyes | la sjuˈðað ðe loz ˈreʝes | la see-ooh-dahd deh los reh-yes |
Bogotá | El Balcón de los Andes | el βalˈkon de los ˈandes | elle bal-cohn deh los ahn-dehs |
Cartagena | La Heróica | la eˈɾojka | la eh-roh-e-cah |
Ushuaia | La Ciudad del Fin del Mundo | la sjuˈðað ðel ˈfin del ˈmundo | la see-ooh-dahd dell feen dell moon-doe |
Keep up the great work, mis amores!
Learning a few Spanish nicknames will make you sound like a true native, and with our helpful list of over 222 nicknames in Spanish, you have no excuses not to!
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