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123 useful French abbreviations & acronyms to get familiar with

Nowadays, there are so many abbreviations that it’s sometimes hard to understand a message in one’s own language. Not to mention another language, right?

Don’t worry. We won’t overload you with useless French acronyms in this article. However, if you’re learning French, you’ll need to learn a few basic abbreviations in French to:

  • understand personal and professional emails,
  • text francophone people,
  • understand French grammar and vocab (gender, number, verb types, pronouns, etc.)
  • save some time when writing
  • and, let’s be honest, sound cool.

There are many more reasons to learn French abbreviations, so let’s get to it ASAP!

What are abbreviations?

Smiling woman is learning French acronyms with a pen and paper in her office.

We all know what abbreviations and acronyms are. Or do we? If the difference is unclear, here is a short definition:

  • Abbreviations: An abbreviation is a contracted or shortened form of a phrase or word. This is a blanket term that encompasses acronyms.

Example: Well, ex.

  • Acronyms: An acronym is a type of abbreviation. It’s formed by the first letters of a multi-word noun, term, or phrase.

Example: UN, United Nations (ONU, Organisation des Nations unies, in French)

Types of abbreviations included in this article:

From the main French acronyms to the French abbreviations for Madame, we have you covered.

Keep reading for:

  • Top common French abbreviations
  • French abbreviations for texting
  • French abbreviations for months
  • Top common French acronyms

Top common French abbreviations

These French abbreviations are commonly used and super handy to learn. If you travel to a francophone country or interact with French-speaking people on a regular basis, you’ll see these everywhere!

French What is stands for English equivalent/meaning IPA (full word)
adj. adjectif adjective adʒɛktif
adv. adverbe adverb advɛɾbə
auj. aujourd’hui today oʒuɾdɥi
bât. bâtiment building bɑtimə
bcp beaucoup a lot boku
bjr bonjour hello/good morning bõʒuɾ
slt salut hi saly
bsr bonsoir good evening bõswaɾ
cad c’est à dire that is to say kɛt‿ a diɾə
cdlt cordialement sincerely kɔɾdjaləmə
dr docteur doctor dɔktœɾ
ex. exemple or exercice example or exercise ɛgzɑ̃pl ɔɾ ɛgzɛɾsisə
expr. expression expression ɛkspɾɛsjõ
fam. familier familiar familje
vulg. vulgar vulgar vylgaɾ
v. verb verb vɛɾ
sing. singulier singular sɛ̃glje
pl. pluriel plural plyɾjɛl
s. siècle century sjɛklə
qq ch quelque chose something kɛlkə ʃozə
qq’un quelqu’un someone kɛlkœ̃
qq quelque some kɛlkə
psy psychologue or psychiatre psychologist or psychiatrist psiʃɔlɔg ɔɾ psiʃjatɾə
prép. préposition preposition pɾepozisjõ
prépa preparation preparation pɾəpaɾasjõ
n.f nom féminin female noun nõ feminɛ̃
n.m. nom masculin male noun nõ maskylɛ̃
math. mathématiques mathematics matematikə
J.-C. Jésus Christ Jesus Christ ʒezy ʃɾi
irr. irrégulier irregular irreglje
hist. histoire history istwaɾə
géo. géographie geography ʒeɔgɾapjə
we weekend weekend wɛɛkɑ̃
Mme Madame Mrs. madamə
M. Monsieur Mr. məsjø
Mlle *Mademoiselle Miss madəmwazɛlə

*Controversial term. Check this article for further information

French abbreviations for texting

Whether we like it or not, texting is here to stay!

Therefore, if you want to make friends — or something more — in France, make sure to keep the table below at hand.

After all, there’s nothing worse than a lost-in-translation misunderstanding without seeing the other person! And if you did make a faux pas, check out these compliments in French. They can go a long way! Check out a full list of French slang and texting vocab here.

French What is stands for English equivalent/meaning IPA (full word)
A+ à plus tard/à plus see you later a ply taɾd/a ply
B1 bien good bjɛ̃
bz bisou kiss bizu
c c’est it's
ct c’était it was kete
dmd demander ask dəmɑ̃de
dsl désolé(e) sorry dezɔle(ɛ)
é et or est and or is et‿ ɔɾɛ
g j’ai I have ʒe
jlé Je l’ai I have it ʒə le
frR frère brother fɾɛɾə
j’tdr je t’adore I adore you ʒə tadɔɾə
JTM je t’aime I love you ʒə tɛmə
ki qui who wo
keske qu’est-ce que what is kɛ-sə kə
keskec qu’est-ce que c’est what is it kɛ-sə kə kɛ
koi quoi what kwa
pk pourquoi why puɾkwa
qd quand when kɑ̃
lkl lequel which ləkɛl
kom comme like kɔmə
l8 lui him lɥi
l elle she ɛlə
mm même even mɛmə
mnt maintenant now mɛ̃tənɑ̃
mdr mort(e) de rire laughing out loud mɔɾt(ɛ) də ɾiɾə
pcq parce que because paɾsə kə
ptdr pété(e) de rire polling on the floor laughing pete(ɛ) də ɾiɾə
ms mais but me
msg message message mɛsaʒə
nan non not
mwa moi me mwa
twa toi you twa
tkt ne t'inquiète pas no worries nə tɛ̃kjɛtpa
osi aussi also osi
t tu es you are tyɛ
xlt excellent excellent ɛkssɛlə
06 numéro de téléphone phone number zeʁo sis
1 un a œ̃
2 de of
7 cet or cette this sɛt‿ ɔɾ sɛtə
9 neuf new nœf
100 sans without sɑ̃
Happy smiling woman is using French abbreviations in texting her friend, leaning on a blue wall.

French abbreviations for months

The following table only mentions months that can be abbreviated in French. You’ll find all months in French in this article. It can also be helpful to learn the seasons in French as a complement!

French What is stands for IPA
janv. janvier ʒɑ̃vje
févr. février fevɾje
juil. juillet ʒyje
sept. septembre sɛptɑ̃bɾə
oct. octobre ɔktɔbɾə
nov. novembre nɔvɑ̃bɾə
déc. décembre desɑ̃bɾə

Top common French acronyms

Last but not least, we’ve gathered some of the most common French acronyms. In fact, French people loooove acronyms. The Economist even wrote an article on the subject!

French What is stands for English equivalent/meaning IPA (full word)
AB agriculture biologique ciological (organic) agriculture agɾikyltyɾə bjɔlɔʒikə
ADN acide désoxyribonucléique deoxyribonucleic acid asidə dezɔgziɾibɔnykleikə
DOM-TOM Départements d'outre-mer et Territoires d'outre-mer Overseas departments and territories depaɾtəmɑ̃ dutɾəmεɾe tɛritwaɾə dutɾəmεɾ
AF allocations familiales family allowances (social subsidies) alɔkatjõ familjalə
AR accusé/avis de réception notice of receipt akyze/avi də ɾesɛpsjõ
BCBG bon chic bon genre elegant/posh (Parisian upper class) bõ ʃik bõ ʒɑ̃ɾə
BTP bâtiments et travaux publics building and public works bɑtimɑ̃z‿e tɾavo pyblik
BTS brevet de technicien supérieur senior technician diploma bɾəve də tɛʃnisjɛ̃ sypeɾjœɾ
BP boîte postale post office box boitə pɔstalə
CB carte bancaire/carte bleue bank card/credit card kaɾtə bɑ̃kɛɾɛ/kaɾtə blø
CDD contrat à durée déterminée fixed-term work contract kõtɾat‿ a dyɾeə detɛɾmineə
CDI contrat à durée indéterminée work contract for an indefinite period kõtɾat‿ a dyɾe ɛ̃detɛɾmineə
CNED centre national d’enseignement à distance remote learning national center sɑ̃tɾə natjɔnal dɑ̃sɛɲɛmət‿ a distɑ̃sə
COD complément d’objet direct direct object complement kõplemə dɔbʒe diɾɛk
COI complément d’object indirect indirect object complement kõplemə dɔbʒɛkt‿ ɛ̃diɾɛk
CV curriculum vitae curriculum kyrikylœ̃ vitaə
DAB distributeur automatique de billets ATM distɾibytœɾ otɔmatikə də bije
DALF diplôme approfondi de langue française diploma of advanced French language diplom apɾɔfõdi də lɑ̃gə fɾansɛzə
DELF diplôme d’études en langue française diploma of French language studies diplomə detydəz‿ɑ̃ lɑ̃gə fɾansɛzə
É.-U. États-Unis United States etaz‿-yni
HLM Habitation à loyer modéré low-income housing abitasjõn‿ a lwaje mɔdeɾe
HS hors service out of order ɔɾ sɛɾvisə
jour J Jour J D-day ʒuɾ
NDLR note de la rédaction editor's note nɔtə də la ɾedaksjõ
OGM organisme génétiquement modifié genetically modified organism ɔɾganismə ʒenetikəmə mɔdifje
ONG organisation non gouvernementale non-governmental organization ɔɾganizasjõ nõ guvɛɾnəmɑ̃talə
ONU Organisation des Nations unies United Nations organization ɔɾganizasjõde natjõz‿ ynjə
OVNI objet volant non identifité unidentified flying object ɔbʒe vɔlɑ̃ nõn‿ idɑ̃tifite
PACS Pacte civil de solidarité civil solidarity pact paktə sivil də sɔlidaɾite
PDG Président-directeur général President and Chief Executive Officer pɾezidə-diɾɛktœɾ ʒeneɾal
PIB produit intérieur brut gross domestic product pɾɔdɥit‿ ɛ̃teɾjœɾ bɾy
RSVP répondez s’il vous plait please answer ɾepõde sil vu ple
SAMU secours d’aide médicale d’urgence emergency medical aid səkuɾ dɛdə medikalə dyɾʒɑ̃sə
TGV train à grande vitesse high speed train tɾɛ̃n‿ a gɾɑ̃də vitɛsə
vf version française French version vɛɾsjõ fɾansɛzə
vo/vost version originale/version originale sous-titrée original version/subtitled original version vɛɾsjõn‿ ɔɾiʒinalɛ/vɛɾsjõn‿ ɔɾiʒinalə su-titɾeə
VTT Vélo tout terrain mountain bike velo tu tɛrɛ̃

We are really dsl if you think there were bcp d’abbréviations.

Svp, excuse us!

And if you don’t have enough with these acronyms and abbreviations in French, you’ll be thrilled to know that French people also love to shorten words. Just because. Here is a short video to help you understand.

After all, who doesn’t like a language challenge?

Sur ce, à 1 2 c 4 les amis !

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