Your quest for Spanish fluency won’t be complete until you’ve mastered the art of saying I love you in Spanish.
French might have the reputation of being the most romantic language in the world, but who says Spanish can’t be romantic? Spanish happens to be a Romance language as well, so it can be just as romantic as any other language.
In fact, Spanish is the national language of over 20 countries, most of which have very passionate cultures. If you’ve ever spent time in Latin America or Spain, you may know how fervent Spanish-speakers can be.
This makes Spanish an excellent language for love and romance, as there are many ways (we’ve detailed 140+ of them!) to express love and affection in this beautiful language.
So, whether you’re looking to impress a new señorita or simply want to show platonic affection to your in-laws or host family, this article will cover everything you need to know. Keep reading to learn well over a hundred ways to show your love in Spanish!
We've created a beautiful Spanish Essentials e-book to help you learn some basic Spanish words and phrases. Download it here! Or, you can celebrate love everyday and download our free desktop wallpaper.
Why learn ways how to say I love you in Spanish
You might be the kind of person who reserves the famous three words for their significant other, or maybe you wear your heart on your sleeve and say I love you multiple times a day to all kinds of people in your life. Either way, learning how to say I love you in Spanish will definitely boost your language skills tremendously. And while you may learn these sayings in online Spanish classes, there's no reason why you shouldn't get a head start.
Here are three reasons why learning all about love in Spanish will help you.
Find a Spanish-speaking significant other
One of the best ways to learn a new language is to communicate with your significant other in their native language. If you happen to be in a relationship with a Spanish speaker, then learning how to express love in Spanish is certainly one of the best things you could do.
There are countless ways to say I love you beyond a simple “te amo.” Spanish is spoken by over 400 million speakers, so the language is as diverse as it is romantic. Keep reading to learn how to say things like “I love you very much” and “I love you handsome” in Spanish.
Express your appreciation for loved ones
If you live in a Spanish-speaking country or interact with Spanish speakers regularly, you’ll want to know a few words to show your love and appreciation.
Even if you’re not looking to get involved romantically with anyone, in particular, knowing how to tell people that you care about them can get you far. Spanish has countless ways to demonstrate platonic love to others.
Understand romantic movies and TV shows
Without a doubt, one of the best parts about learning Spanish is consuming Spanish media.
When it comes to movies, Spain is a powerhouse of Spanish-language movie productions. There are tons of great romantic movies from Spain that you’ll be able to fully enjoy once you’re fully versed in the love side of Spanish.
And when it comes to television, few things in this world can compare to Latin American telenovelas. If you’re not familiar with Mexican, Colombian, and Peruvian soap operas, you are in for a wild ride. These over-the-top TV shows will have you hooked as the characters go through unlikely events of grief and joy, all while maintaining convoluted romantic relationships.
We’ll include a few recommendations of romantic movies and telenovelas at the end of the article, so stay with us!
How to say I love you in Spanish
If you’re a hopeless romantic, you’ve probably been meaning to ask your Spanish teacher “how do you say I love you in Spanish?” since day one. Well, you’ve come to the right place.
Let’s start with the basics. I love you in Spanish is te amo. This is the most direct translation of “I love you” there is. However, Spanish is not a language that you can just translate into English word by word.
Spanish-speaking cultures have integrated the concept of love into daily life, resulting in hundreds of different ways to show love and appreciation in Spanish.
We’ve broken down all the ways of conveying adoration into different sections so you know when and where to use each one. We’ve also included the IPA spelling and a pronunciation guide in case you’re in love and need to shout it from the rooftops right away!
To a boyfriend, girlfriend and/or romantic love
The most obvious person you would say I love you to is your romantic partner. Whether you’re trying to flirt in a Spanish-speaking country or already are in a committed relationship and want to profess your love to your partner, we’ve got your back.
Check out these wonderfully romantic ways to say I love you in Spanish to your boyfriend, girlfriend, or partner.
English | Spanish | IPA Spellinng | Pronunciation |
I love you | Te amo | te ˈamo | Tay ah-mo |
I love you too | Yo también te amo | ˈɟʝo tãmˈbjɛ̃n te ˈamo | Yo tahm-bee-en tay ah-mo |
I love you so much | Te amo demasiado | te ˈamo ðemaˈsjaðo | Tay ah-mo day-ma-see-ah-doh |
I love you more | Te amo más | te ˈamo ˈmas | Tay ah-mo mas |
I love you most | Te amo más que nadie | te ˈamo ˈmas ˈke ˈnaðje | Tay ah-mo mas kay nah-dee-eh |
I love you a lot | Te amo mucho | te ˈamo ˈmuʧo | Tay ah-mo moo-cho |
I love you very much | Te amo muchísimo | te ˈamo muˈʧisimo | Tay ah-mo moo-chee-see-mo |
I love you to the moon and back | Te amo hasta la luna y más allá | te ˈamo ˈasta la ˈluna i̯ ˈmas aˈʝa | Tay ah-mo ahs-tah la loo-na |
I love you with all my heart | Te amo con todo mi corazón | te ˈamo kõn ˈtoðo mi koɾaˈsõn | Tay ah-mo con toh-doh mee co-rah-son |
I love you, my love | Te amo, mi amor | te ˈamo | mj aˈmoɾ | Tay ah-mo mee ah-more |
I love you handsome | Te amo, guapo | te ˈamo | ˈɡwapo | Tay ah-mo, goo-ah-po |
I love you beautiful | Te amo, hermosa | te ˈamo | ɛɾˈmosa | Tay ah-mo, air-mo-sa |
I love you more than life itself | Te amo más que a la vida en sí | te ˈamo ˈmas ˈke a la ˈβiða ɛ̃n ˈsi | Tay ah-mo mas kay ah la vee-dah en see |
I love you more than anything | Te amo más que a nada | te ˈamo ˈmas ˈke a ˈnaða | Tay ah-mo mas kay ah nah-da |
I still love you | Aún te amo | aˈũn te ˈamo | Ah-oon tay ah-mo |
I think I love you | Creo que te amo | ˈkɾeo ˈke te ˈamo | Cray-oh kay tay ah-mo |
I’m crazy about you | Estoy enloquecido por ti | ɛsˈtoj ɛ̃nlokeˈsiðo poɾ ˈti | Es-toy en-loh-kay-see-do por tee |
You’re driving me crazy (in a good way) | Me estás volviendo loco | mɛ ɛsˈtas̬ βolˈβjɛ̃ndo ˈloko | Meh es-tas vol-vee-en-do low-co |
I’m head over heels for you | Estoy enloquecido por ti | ɛsˈtoj ɛ̃nlokeˈsiðo poɾ ˈti | Es-toy en-lo-kay-see-do por tee |
I adore you | Te adoro | te aˈðoɾo | Tay ah-do-ro |
I’ve fallen for you | Me has conquistado | me ˈas kõnkisˈtaðo | Meh as con-kiss-ta-do |
I’m yours | Soy tuyo/a | ˈsoi̯ tuˈʝoa | Soy too-yo/too-ya |
Love of my life | Amor de mi vida | aˈmoɾ ðe mi ˈβiða | Ah-more day me vee-da |
I’m thinking about you | Estoy pensando en ti | ɛsˈtoi̯ pɛ̃nˈsãndo ɛ̃n ˈti | Es-toy pen-san-do en tee |
I want to be with you | Quiero estar contigo | ˈkjɛɾo ɛsˈtaɾ kõnˈtiɣo | kee-eh-ro es-tar con-tee-go |
I can’t wait to see you | Ya te quiero ver | ɟʝa te ˈkjɛɾo ˈβɛɾ | Ya tay kee-eh-ro ver |
I can’t live without you | No puedo vivir sin ti | ˈno ˈpweðo βiˈβiɾ sĩn ˈti | No poo-ay-do vee-veer seen tee |
I need you | Te necesito | te neseˈsito | Tay neh-say-see-toh |
You are my other half | Eres mi media naranja | ˈɛɾes̬ mi ˈmeðja naˈɾãnxa | Eh-res me meh-dee-ah nah-ran-ha |
Life would be empty without you | La vida estaría vacía sin ti | la ˈβiða ɛstaˈɾia βaˈsia sĩn ˈti | La vee-dah es-ta-ree-ah va-see-ah seen tee |
My heart is yours | Mi corazón es tuyo | mi koɾaˈson ˈɛs ˈtuʝo | Me co-rah-son es too-yo |
You are my everything | Eres mi todo | ˈɛɾes̬ mi ˈtoðo | Eh-res me toh-doh |
I love you with all my soul | Te amo con toda mi alma | te ˈamo kõn ˈtoða mj ˈalma | Tay ah-mo con toh-da me al-mah |
I love you from the bottom of my heart | Te amo desde el fondo de mi corazón. | te ˈamo ˈðɛs̬ðɛ ɛl ˈfõndo ðe mi koɾaˈsõn ‖ | Tay ah-mo des-day el fon-do day me co-rah-son |
I love you mommy | Te amo mamacita | te ˈamo mamaˈsita | Tay ah-mo ma-ma-see-ta |
I love you daddy | Te amo papi | te ˈamo ˈpapi | Tay ah-mo pa-pee |
You’re the best girlfriend in the world | Eres la mejor novia del mundo | ˈɛɾes̬ la meˈxoɾ ˈnoβja ðɛl ˈmũndo | Eh-res la may-hore noh-vee-ah del moon-do |
You’re the best boyfriend in the world | Eres el mejor novio del mundo | ˈɛɾes ɛl meˈxoɾ ˈnoβjo ðɛl ˈmũndo | Eh-res el may-hore noh-vee-oh del moon-do |
I love you in Spanish to a friend, family member or platonic love
Most Spanish-speaking cultures are very warm and fuzzy. Expressing your love for your friends, family, and close acquaintances is not only not uncommon, but almost expected. So, if you’ve made some Spanish speaking friends, don’t waste any time in learning ways to say I love you in Spanish to a friend.
Even in everyday situations it’s not unusual to tack on an “I love you” at the end, so don’t be surprised if you hear things like “Goodnight, I love you” in Spanish.
Here are a few dozen ways of showing your platonic love in Spanish.
English | Spanish | IPA Spelling | Pronunciation |
I love you mom | Te amo, mamá | te ˈamo | maˈma | Tay ah-mo, ma-ma |
I love you dad | Te amo, papá | te ˈamo | paˈpa | Tay ah-mo, pa-pa |
I love you grandma | Te amo, abuela | te ˈamo | aˈβwela | Tay ah-mo, ah-boo-eh-la |
I love you grandpa | Te amo, abuelo | te ˈamo | aˈβwelo | Tay ah-mo, ah-boo-eh-lo |
I love you all | Los amo a todos | los ˈamo a ˈtoðos | Los ah-mo ah toh-dos |
I love you guys | Los amo | los ˈamo | Los ah-mo |
I love Taco Bell | Amo Taco Bell | ˈamo ˈtako ˈβɛʝ | Ah-mo Taco Bell |
I love you as a friend | Te quiero como amigo | te ˈkjɛɾo ˈkomo aˈmiɣo | Tay kee-eh-ro co-mo ah-mee-go |
I miss you | Te extraño | tɛ ɛksˈtɾaɲo | Tay ex-tra-nio |
I miss you | Te echo de menos | te ˈeʧo ðe ˈmenos | Tay eh-cho day meh-nos |
You look beautiful | Qué hermosa te ves | ˈke ɛɾˈmosa te ˈβes | Kay her-mo-sa tay ves |
You look handsome | Qué guapo te ves | ˈke ˈɣwapo te ˈβes | Kay goo-ah-po te ves |
You’re my soulmate | Eres mi alma gemela | ˈɛɾes̬ mj ˈalma xeˈmela | Eh-res me al-ma he-meh-la |
I like you just the way you are | Te quiero tal cual y como eres | te ˈkjɛɾo ˈtal ˈkwal i ˈkomo ˈɛɾes | Tay kee-eh-ro tal koo-al e co-mo eh-res |
Goodnight, I love you | Buenas noches, te amo | ˈbwenas̬ ˈnoʧes | te ˈamo | Boo-eh-nas noh-ches, tay ah-mo |
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How to say I like you in Spanish
If you’re looking to ask someone out, this section is for you. How you say I like you in Spanish will very likely have an impact on the outcome, so make sure to pay close attention to the phrases below!
English | Spanish | IPA Spelling | Pronunciation | Context |
I like you | Me gustas | me ˈɣustas | May goose-tas | In a romantic way |
I like you | Me caes bien | me ˈkaes̬ ˈβjɛ̃n | May kah-is bee-en | In a friendly way |
I like you a lot | Me gustas mucho | me ˈɣustas̬ ˈmuʧo | May goose-tas moo-cho | In a romantic way |
I really like you | En verdad me gustas | ɛ̃m bɛɾˈðað me ˈɣustas | En ver-dad may goose-tas | In a romantic way |
I really like you a lot | En verdad me gustas muchísimo | ɛ̃m bɛɾˈðað me ˈɣustas̬ muˈʧisimo | En ver-dad may goose-tas moo-chee-see-mo | In a romantic way |
I like you too | Tú también me gustas | ˈtu tãmˈbjɛ̃m me ˈɣustas | Too tam-bee-en may goose-tas | Responding to someone who says they like you |
I want to see you | Quiero verte | ˈkjɛɾo ˈβɛɾte | Kee-ehr-ro ver-tay | When you want to make plans |
I like everything about you | Me gusta todo sobre ti | me ˈɣusta ˈtoðo ˈsoβɾe ˈti | May goose-ta toh-do sow-bray tee | In a romantic way |
Will you go out with me? | ¿Te gustaría salir conmigo? | te ɣustaˈɾia saˈliɾ kõmˈmiɣo ‖ | Tay goose-ta-ree-ah sah-leer con-mee-go | A formal way to ask someone out |
You are very pretty | Eres muy lindo/a | ˈɛɾes̬ mwi lĩnˈdoa | Eh-res mooy leen-da/leen-do | A romantic or friendly compliment |
You are divine | Eres divino/a | ˈɛɾes̬ ðiβiˈnoa | Eh-res dee-vee-no/dee-vee-na | A romantic or very friendly compliment |
You are spectacular | Eres espectacular | ˈɛɾes ɛspek̚takuˈlaɾ | Eh-res es-pec-tah-coo-lar | A romantic or very friendly compliment |
I love you an egg | Te quiero un huevo | te ˈkjɛɾo u̯n ˈweβo | Tay kee-eh-ro oon oo-eh-voh | A casual way to tell someone you like them a lot, romantically or platonically |
How to say “my love” in Spanish
If you’ve ever spent time around Spanish speakers, you’ve probably noticed that mi amor tends to be thrown around a lot. Although mi amor translates directly into “my love”, there are countless other terms of endearment that you can use with your loved ones.
Note that you don’t have to be in a romantic relationship with someone to use any of the terms below. Just be aware that they do show quite a bit of affection, so make sure you save them for your closest friends and family.
English | Spanish | IPA Spelling | Pronunciation |
My love | Mi amor | mj aˈmoɾ | Me ah-more |
My sky | Mi cielo | mi ˈsjelo | Me see-eh-lo |
My life | Mi vida | mi ˈβiða | Me vee-da |
My heart | Mi corazón | mi koɾaˈsõn | Me co-rah-son |
My dear | Mi querido | mi kɛˈɾiðo | Me kay-ree-doh |
My sun | Mi sol | mi ˈsol | Me sol |
My king | Mi rey | mi ˈrei̯ | Me ray |
My queen | Mi reina | mi ˈrei̯na | Me ray-na |
My sweetness | Mi dulzura | mi ðulˈsuɾa | Me dull-soo-rah |
My baby | Mi bebé | mi βeˈβe | Me beh-beh |
My precious | Mi preciosa | mi pɾeˈsjosa | Me pray-see-oh-sa |
My treasure | Mi tesoro | mi teˈsoɾo | Me tay-so-ro |
My doll | Mi muñeca | mi muˈɲeka | Me moo-nie-kah |
Will you marry me in Spanish
If you’re ready to pop the big question, this section’s for you. While you can be direct and just ask if they will marry you, there are many more interesting ways to ask someone to join you for the rest of your life.
Here are some of the ways to ask someone to marry you in Spanish, and congratulations!
English | Spanish | IPA Spelling | Pronunciation |
Will you marry me? | ¿Quieres casarte conmigo? | ˈkjɛɾes kaˈsaɾte kõmˈmiɣo ‖ | Kee-eh-res ca-sar-tay con-me-go |
Would you like to marry me? | ¿Te gustaría casarte conmigo? | te ɣustaˈɾia kaˈsaɾte kõmˈmiɣo ‖ | Tay goose-ta-ree-ah ca-sar-tay con-me-go |
Will you be my wife? | ¿Quieres ser mi esposa? | ˈkjɛɾes ˈsɛɾ mj ɛsˈposa ‖ | Kee-eh-res ser me es-poh-sa |
Will you be my husband? | ¿Quieres ser mi esposo? | ˈkjɛɾes ˈsɛɾ mj ɛsˈposo ‖ | Kee-eh-res ser me es-poh-so |
Will you spend the rest of your life with me? | ¿Te gustaría pasar el resto de tu vida conmigo? | te ɣustaˈɾia paˈsaɾ ɛl ˈrɛsto ðe tu ˈβiða kõmˈmiɣo ‖ | Tay goose-tar-ee-ah pah-sar el res-to day too vee-da con-mee-go |
Would you marry me? | ¿Te casarías conmigo? | te kasaˈɾias kõmˈmiɣo ‖ | Tay cah-sa-ree-as con-me-go |
Do you accept to be my wife? | ¿Aceptas ser mi esposa? | aˈsep̚tas ˈsɛɾ mj ɛsˈposa ‖ | Ah-sep-tas ser me es-po-sa |
Do you accept to be my husband? | ¿Aceptas ser mi esposo? | aˈsep̚tas ˈsɛɾ mj ɛsˈposo ‖ | Ah-sep-tas ser me es-po-so |
Marry Me? | ¿Te casas conmigo? | te ˈkasas kõmˈmiɣo ‖ | Tay cah-sas con-me-go |
Marry Me! | ¡Cásate conmigo! | ˈkasate kõmˈmiɣo ‖ | Cah-sa-tay con-me-go |
Let’s get married | Casémonos | kaˈsemonos | cah-say-mose-nose |
Love quotes in Spanish
Spanish is an extremely romantic language, and if you don’t believe us, then these wonderfully-cheesy quotes about love in Spanish will surely change your mind.
After all, simply saying I love you very much in Spanish will only get you so far when there are so many beautiful love quotes to choose from!
English | Spanish | IPA Spelling | Pronunciation |
Love has no age | El amor no tiene edad | ɛl aˈmoɾ ˈno ˈtjene eˈðað | Elle ah-more no tee-ay-nay ay-dad |
I love you more than yesterday but less than tomorrow | Te amo más hoy que ayer, pero menos que mañana | te ˈamo ˈmas ˈoi̯ ˈke aˈʝɛɾ | ˈpɛɾo ˈmenos ˈke maˈɲana | Tay ah-mo mas oy kay ah-yer, pay-ro may-nos kay ma-nia-na |
Love doesn’t need to be understood, it simply needs to be shown. | El amor no necesita ser entendido, simplemente necesita ser demostrado. | ɛl aˈmoɾ ˈno neseˈsita ˈsɛɾ ɛ̃ntɛ̃nˈdiðo | sĩmpleˈmɛ̃nte neseˈsita ˈsɛɾ ðemosˈtɾaðo ‖ | Elle ah-more no nay-say-see-ta ser en-ten-dee-doh, sim-play-men-tay nay-say-see-ta ser day-mon-straw-doh |
You don’t see love, you feel it. | El amor no se mira, se siente. | ɛl aˈmoɾ ˈno se ˈmiɾa | se ˈsjɛ̃nte ‖ | Elle ah-more no say mee-ra, say en-tee-en-day |
Love however you can, love whoever you can, love anything you can. | Ama como puedas, ama a quien puedas, ama todo lo que puedas. | ˈama ˈkomo ˈpweðas | ˈama a ˈkjɛ̃m ˈpweðas | ˈama ˈtoðo lo ˈke ˈpweðas ‖ | Ah-ma co-mo poo-ay-das, ah-ma ah key-en poo-ay-das, ah-ma to-do lo kay poo-ay-das |
I love you more than my own skin. | Te amo más que a mi propia piel. | te ˈamo ˈmas ˈke a mi ˈpɾopja ˈpjɛl ‖ | Tay ah-mo mas kay ah me pro-pee-ah pee-elle |
Laughing with someone is the biggest symptom of love. | Reírse con otro es el mayor síntoma de amor. | reˈiɾse kon ˈotɾo ˈɛs ɛl maˈʝoɾ ˈsĩntoma ðe aˈmoɾ ‖ | Ray-eere-say con oh-tro es elle mah-yore seen-to-ma day ah-more |
The most powerful spell to be loved is to love. | El más poderoso hechizo para ser amado es amar. | ɛl ˈmas poðɛˈɾoso eˈʧiso ˈpaɾa ˈsɛɾ aˈmaðo ˈɛs aˈmaɾ ‖ | Elle mas poh-day-ro-so ay-chee-so pah-rah ser ah-ma-doh es ah-mar |
True love isn’t known for what it requests, but for what it offers. | Al verdadero amor no se le conoce por lo que exige, sino por lo que ofrece. | al βɛɾðaˈðɛɾo aˈmoɾ ˈno se le koˈnose poɾ lo ˈke ɛkˈsixe | ˈsino poɾ lo ˈke oˈfɾese ‖ | Al ver-da-day-ro ah-more no say leh co-no-say pore lo kay ex-ee-hay, see-no por lo kay oh-fray-say |
Love lasts so little time while oblivion lasts so long. | Es tan corto el amor y tan largo el olvido. | ˈɛs ˈtãn ˈkoɾto ɛl aˈmoɾ i ˈtãn ˈlaɾɣo ɛl olˈβiðo ‖ | Es tan core-toh elle ah-more e tahn lar-go elle ol-vee-doh |
The only thing that hurts about death is not dying of love. | Lo único que me duele de morir es que no sea de amor. | lo ˈuniko ˈke me ˈðwele ðe moˈɾiɾ ˈɛs ˈke ˈno ˈsea ðe aˈmoɾ ‖ | Lo oo-nee-coh kay may doo-eh-lay day mo-reer es kay no say-ah day ah-more |
The root of all passions is love. | La raíz de todas las pasiones es el amor. | la raˈis̬ ðe ˈtoðas̬ las paˈsjones ˈɛs ɛl aˈmoɾ ‖ | La rah-ees day to-das las pah-see-oh-nes es el ah-more |
If nothing can save us from death, then at least love can save us from life. | Si nada nos salva de la muerte, al menos que el amor nos salve de la vida. | si ˈnaða nos ˈsalβa ðe la ˈmwɛɾte | al ˈmenos ˈke ɛl aˈmoɾ nos ˈsalβe ðe la ˈβiða ‖ | See na-da noss sal-vah day la moo-er-tay, al may-nos kay elle ah-more nos sal-vay day la vee-da |
Fall in love with yourself, then with life, and then with whomever you want. | Enamórate de ti, de la vida y luego de quien tú quieras. | enaˈmoɾate ðe ˈti | de la ˈβiða i̯ ˈlweɣo ðe ˈkjɛ̃n ˈtu ˈkjɛɾas ‖ | Ay-na-more-ah-tay day tee, day la vee-dah, ee loo-ay-go day kee-ehn too kee-ay-ras |
Love is invisible and can come in and out wherever it pleases and without being held accountable for anything. | El amor es invisible y entra y sale por donde quiere sin que nadie le pida cuenta de sus hechos. | ɛl aˈmoɾ ˈɛs ĩmbiˈsiβle j ˈɛ̃ntɾa i̯ ˈsale poɾ ˈðõnde ˈkjɛɾe sĩn ˈke ˈnaðje le ˈpiða ˈkwɛ̃nta ðe sus ˈeʧos ‖ | Elle ah-more es een-vee-see-blay ee en-trah ee sah-lay pore don-day kee-ay-ray seen kay nah-dee-ay lay pee-dah koo-en-tah day soos ay-chose |
I fall in love a thousand times a day, each time with you. | Me enamoro mil veces al día, y todas son de ti. | me enaˈmoɾo ˈmil ˈβeses al ˈdia | i ˈtoðas ˈsõn de ˈti ‖ | May en-ah-more-oh meel vay-ses al dee-ah, ee toe-das sohn day tee |
One can learn to love, not when they find the correct person, but when they learn to believe in the perfection of an imperfect person. | Uno aprende a amar, no cuando encuentre a la persona perfecta, sino cuando aprenda a creer en la perfección de una persona imperfecta | ˈuno aˈpɾɛ̃nde a aˈmaɾ | ˈno ˈkwãndo ɛ̃nˈkwɛ̃ntɾe a la pɛɾˈsona pɛɾˈfek̚ta | ˈsino ˈkwãndo aˈpɾɛ̃nda a kɾeˈɛɾ ɛ̃n la pɛɾfɛkˈsjõn de ˈuna pɛɾˈsona ĩ̯mpɛɾˈfek̚ta | Oo-no ah-pren-day ah ah-mar, no koo-ahn-do en-koo-en-tray ah la pear-so-na pear-fec-tah, see-no koo-an-do ah-pren-da ah cray-ere en la pear-fec-see-ohn em-pear-fec-ta |
I love you not for who you are, but for you I am when I’m with you. | Te amo no por como eres, sino por como soy cuando estoy contigo. | te ˈamo ˈno poɾ ˈkomo ˈɛɾes | ˈsino poɾ ˈkomo ˈsoi̯ ˈkwãndo ɛsˈtoi̯ kõnˈtiɣo ‖ | Tay ah-mo no pore koh-mo eh-res, see-no pore koh-mo soy koo-ahn-do es-toy con-tee-go |
Where love reigns, all laws become redundant. | Donde reina el amor, siempre sobran las leyes. | ˈdõnde ˈrei̯na ɛl aˈmoɾ | ˈsjɛ̃mpɾe ˈsoβɾãn las̬ ˈleʝes ‖ | Don-day ray-na elle ah-more, see-em-pray sow-bran las lay-yes |
Love opens every door, bitterness closes them. | El amor abre todas las puertas; el rencor las cierra. | ɛl aˈmoɾ ˈaβɾe ˈtoðas̬ las ˈpwɛɾtas | ɛl rɛ̃nˈkoɾ las ˈsjɛra ‖ | Elle ah-more ah-bray toh-das las poo-ere-tas; elle ren-core las see-eh-rah |
Every time there’s a hole in your life, fill it with love. | Siempre que tengas un hueco en tu vida, llénalo con amor. | ˈsjɛ̃mpɾe ˈke ˈtɛ̃nɡas un ˈweko ɛ̃n tu ˈβiða | ˈɟʝenalo kon aˈmoɾ ‖ | See-em-pray kay ten-gas oon woo-ay-co en too vee-da, yay-nah-lo con ah-more |
Someone who has never loved before can’t be a good person. | No puede ser bueno aquél que nunca ha amado. | ˈno ˈpweðe ˈsɛɾ ˈβweno aˈkɛl ˈke ˈnũnka ˈa aˈmaðo ‖ | No poo-ay-day ser boo-ay-no ah-kell kay noon-cah ah ah-ma-doh |
Romantic Spanish songs
If you’re familiar with our learning philosophy, you know we are huge fans of using music to learn a new language. All you have to do is play the song and your brain will do the rest. It’s so easy!
If you want extra points, you can also sing along. But who are we kidding, Spanish love songs are so good it’s impossible not to sing along!
Si Nos Dejan by Luis Miguel
Few singers can claim the same romantic cred as Luis Miguel. The quintessential Mexican singer has been charming people’s hearts ever since his career started in 1981, even briefly dating Mariah Carey. If you’re looking for someone with a romantic discography, Luis Miguel is it.
As you can imagine, Luis Miguel’s music is a staple in any Spanish-speaking wedding. His song Si Nos Dejan is actually one of the most popular Spanish wedding first dance songs, as Luis Miguel sings about all the things he and his lover would do, si nos dejan (if they let us).
Como La Flor by Selena
Few Spanish love songs are more iconic than Selena Quintanilla’s Como La Flor. This timeless classic is as sad as it is inspiring, as Selena sings about how she knows the relationship is over and it’s time to move on.
Listen along to learn about how Selena’s love withered como la flor (like a flower).
Me Enamoré by Shakira
If you’re looking for something more upbeat and exciting, then look no further than Shakira’s Me Enamoré. This super fun and airy song will have you singing about falling in love, dancing, and enjoying some mojitos. What’s not to like about that?
Romantic phrases in Spanish
There are countless ways to be romantic in Spanish without actually using the word love. After all, being creative and not too direct is part of the charm of romance!
You’ll notice that a lot of these sayings compliment a specific body part. If you haven’t learned all the body parts yet or don’t feel too confident about them, you can check out our body parts in Spanish blog to brush up before you learn the romantic phrases in Spanish below!
English | Spanish | IPA Spelling | Pronunciation |
You make me happy as a worm. | Me haces feliz como una lombriz. | me ˈases feˈlis ˈkomo ˈuna lõmˈbɾis | May ah-ses fay-lees koh-mo oo-na lom-breeze |
I want to be with you forever. | Quiero estar contigo para siempre. | ˈkjɛɾo ɛsˈtaɾ kõnˈtiɣo ˈpaɾa ˈsjɛ̃mpɾe | Kee-eh-ro es-tar con-tee-go pah-rah see-em-pray |
I like your smile. | Me gusta tu sonrisa. | me ˈɣusta tu sõnˈrisa | May goose-tah too son-ree-sa |
Your eyes are captivating. | Me cautivan tus ojos. | me kau̯ˈtiβãn tus ˈoxos | May cow-tee-van toos oh-hos |
You make me laugh a lot. | Me haces reír mucho. | me ˈases̬ reˈiɾ ˈmuʧo | May ah-says ray-eere moo-cho |
I can’t wait to see you again. | No veo la hora de verte otra vez. | ˈno ˈβeo la ˈoɾa ðe ˈβɛɾte ˈotɾa ˈβes | No vay-oh la oh-rah day ver-tay oh-trah vehs |
I’m dying of love. | Muero de amor. | ˈmwɛɾo ðe aˈmoɾ | Moo-ay-row day ah-more |
You are always in my heart. | Siempre estás en mi corazón. | ˈsjɛ̃mpɾɛ ɛsˈtas ɛ̃m mi koɾaˈsõn | See-em-pray es-tas en me coh-rah-son |
Stay with whoever kisses your soul, because anyone could kiss your skin. | Quédate con quien te bese el alma. La piel te la puede besar cualquiera. | ˈkeðate kõn ˈkjɛ̃n te ˈβesɛ ɛl ˈalma ‖ la ˈpjɛl te la ˈpweðe βeˈsaɾ kwalˈkjɛɾa | Kay-da-tay con kee-ehn tay bay-say elle al-ma. La pee-elle tay-la poo-ay-day bay-sar coo-al-kee-eh-rah |
I love you like the female trout loves the male trout. | Te quiero como la trucha al trucho. | te ˈkjɛɾo ˈkomo la ˈtɾuʧa al ˈtɾuʧo | Tay kee-eh-ro co-mo la true-cha al true-cho |
You look like a princess. | Pareces una princesa. | paˈɾeses ˈuna pɾĩnˈsesa | Pah-ray-ses oo-na preen-say-sa |
You’re as cute as a flower. | Eres tan linda como una flor. | ˈɛɾes ˈtãn ˈlĩnda ˈkomo ˈuna ˈfloɾ | Eh-res tan leen-da co-mo oo-na floor |
My heart beats like a french fry. | Mi corazón palpita como una patata frita. | mi koɾaˈsõm palˈpita ˈkomo ˈuna paˈtata ˈfɾita | Me coh-rah-son pal-pee-tah co-mo oo-na pa-ta-ta free-ta |
You’re the woman of my dreams. | Eres la mujer de mis sueños. | ˈɛɾes̬ la muˈxɛɾ ðe mis ˈsweɲos | Ay-res la moo-her day mees soo-ay-nios |
I hope you’re in my dreams tonight. | Espero soñar contigo esta noche. | ɛsˈpɛɾo soˈɲaɾ kõnˈtiɣo ˈɛsta ˈnoʧe | Es-pear-oh sow-niar con-tee-go es-tah no-che |
I think we look good together. | Creo que hacemos una buena pareja. | ˈkɾeo ˈke aˈsemos ˈuna ˈβwena paˈɾexa | Cray-oh kay ah-say-mos oo-na boo-ay-na pah-ray-ha |
I like you more and more each day. | Cada día te quiero más. | ˈkaða ˈðia te ˈkjɛɾo ˈmas | Ca-dah dee-ah tay kee-eh-ro mas |
You complete me. | Tú me complementas. | ˈtu me kõmpleˈmɛ̃ntas | Too may com-play-men-tahs |
Text slang for showing love in Spanish
A lot of conversations happen via text messages these days. Or more likely WhatsApp, if you’re in Spain or Latin America. It’s important to keep up with your Spanish slang, and especially texting slang related to love.
Here are some of the most common text messages to know.
Text | Meaning | English Translation |
TQM | Te quiero mucho | I love you |
TKM | Te kiero mucho | I love you |
ta:* | Te amo *cara de beso* | I love you *kissy face* |
ta+ | Te amo más | I love you more |
bs | Besos | Kisses |
b7s | Besitos | Little kisses |
wpo | Guapo | Handsome |
wpa | Guapa | Beautiful |
bb | Bebé | Baby |
tq | Te quiero | I love you |
amr | Amor | Love |
ccpt | Cuenta conmigo para todo | You can always count on me |
3 tips for learning how to express love in Spanish
Watch Telenovelas
Latin American telenovelas are without a doubt some of the most dramatic TV shows on this planet. If you are looking for a TV show that will hook you from the start, you need to start watching telenovelas ASAP.
Since telenovelas usually revolve around a tragic love story, you can rest assured that you will learn a lot about expressing love in Spanish. With multiple story arches and plenty of escándalo, you will learn a lot about love as you watch these shows. One caveat: this is probably not a tip for learning Spanish for kids!
Luckily, you can find plenty of great telenovelas on Netflix now. Here are some of our favorites:
- Pasión de gavilanes
- El final del paraíso
- La reina del Sur
- Amar y vivir
Any of these will surely captivate you, and help you level up your Spanish while you have a great time!
Read romance novels
Learning Spanish means that you will be able to enjoy all the wonderful Spanish-language literature. You’ll soon find out that there are countless ways to express love in Spanish, as any romance novel will show you.
Some of our favorite romantic novels in Spanish are:
- Como agua para chocolate by Laura Esquivel
- El amor en los tiempos de cólera by Gabriel García Márquez
- En los zapatos de Valeria by Elísabet Benavent
- Travesuras de la niña mala by Mario Vargas Llosa
If you love a good love story, you are sure to love any of these classics!
Find romantic playlists on Spotify
We already gave you a few great songs in a previous section, but did you really think that was it? There are thousands and thousands of great Spanish songs about love, so don’t give up until you find some that you like!
Luckily, you can browse Spotify to find awesome playlists about love in any genre that you want. Here are some possible search queries that can make your search easier, depending on the music that you like:
- Canciones románticas en español (general)
- Canciones pop románticas en español (pop music)
- Canciones de reggaetón románticas en español (reggaetón)
- Canciones de rap románticas en español (rap)
- Baladas románticas en español (ballads)
- Canciones de rock románticas en español (rock)
- Canciones electrónicas románticas en español (techno)
No matter what kind of music you like, you can surely find something romantic to listen to.
FAQs about love in Spanish
What’s the difference between “te quiero” and “te amo”?
Both “te quiero” and “te amo” can translate into “I love you” under the right circumstances. Although “te amo” is the literal translation of “I love you” and “te quiero” translates directly into “I want you”, the line between them is a little blurry.
To know how to use them like a pro, you need to know that “te amo” is the more formal of the two. If you are about to profess your love to someone, you would absolutely want to say “te amo” instead of “te quiero” in order to not leave any room for interpretation.
However, “te quiero” can convey almost the exact same meaning and intensity as “te amo” in casual situations. For example, when texting, it’s far more common to use the acronym TQM (for Te Quiero Mucho) than TA (Te Amo).
So, when in doubt, think of how formal the situation is. The more formal, the more likely “te amo” is the way to go.
Is “Te quiero” platonic?
“Te quiero” is a completely acceptable way to show platonic love. Although its literal meaning is “I want you,” it really means something closer to “I love you” in everyday language.
“Te quiero” on its own does not necessarily have a romantic connotation, so don’t be alarmed if a friend or colleague says “te quiero” to you. It’s just a nice way to show that they care about you!
How do I respond to “Te amo”?
Whenever you say I love you to someone, you most likely expect to hear “I love you too” back. So, how do you say I love you too in Spanish? “Yo también te amo” is what you’ll want to say—if you do love them back, of course.
However, what do you do if you don’t love them back? Well, here are a few appropriate responses:
English | Spanish | IPA Spelling | Pronunciation |
Thanks, but I only like you as a friend. | Gracias, pero solo te quiero como amigo. | ˈɡɾasjas | ˈpɛɾo ˈsolo te ˈkjɛɾo ˈkomo aˈmiɣo ‖ | Gra-see-as, pay-ro so-lo tay kee-eh-ro co-mo ah-me-go |
Thanks, but I think we’d be better off as just friends. | Gracias, pero creo que sería mejor si solo fuéramos amigos. | ˈɡɾasjas | ˈpɛɾo ˈkɾeo ˈke sɛˈɾia meˈxoɾ si ˈsolo ˈfwɛɾamos aˈmiɣos ‖ | Gra-see-as, pay-ro cray-oh kay seh-ree-ah may-hore see foo-ay-rah-mos ah-me-gos |
Thanks, but I am not looking for a relationship at the moment. | Gracias, pero por ahora no quiero una relación. | ˈɡɾasjas | ˈpɛɾo poɾ aˈoɾa ˈno ˈkjɛɾo ˈuna relaˈsjõn ‖ | Gra-see-as, pay-ro pore ah-oh-rah no key-ay-ro oo-na ray-lah-see-on |
Thanks, but I have a boyfriend/girlfriend. | Gracias, pero tengo novio/a. | ˈɡɾasjas | ˈpɛɾo ˈtɛ̃nɡo noˈβjoa ‖ | Gra-see-as, pay-ro ten-go no-vee-ah/no-vee-oh |
Thanks, but I am already seeing someone else. | Gracias, pero ya estoy saliendo con alguien más. | ˈɡɾasjas | ˈpɛɾo ʝa ɛsˈtoi̯ saˈljɛ̃ndo kon ˈalɣjɛ̃m ˈmas ‖ | Gra-see-as, pay-ro ya es-toy sah-lee-en-do con al-gee-en mas |
Now it’s your turn to spread the love (in Spanish!)
They say passion is enthusiastic love towards our work, and if you’ve made it to the end of the article, you are clearly passionate about learning Spanish!
Although our time is up, we hope you feel equipped to take on any romantic (and platonic!) endeavors with our 140+ ways to express love in Spanish. Now you’ll know what to say beyond a simple “I love you very much” in Spanish next time you need to share some love!
As always, keep up the good work and make sure to check out our Spanish classes and our Spanish blog for more study resources.
¡Hasta pronto!