Italy is the country that gave the world Prada, Giorgio Armani, Dolce & Gabbana, Gucci, and Versace, just to mention a few. Fashion is always a great topic of conversation regardless of which language you speak, and Italians do love to chat about fashion!
In the following tables we’ll teach you the names of the most important garments, so that you know exactly what to say when taking part in conversations about clothing, when buying fashion online or in-store, or when preparing a laundry list for your hotel.
Describing the clothes you like to wear, talking about getting dressed, and complimenting somebody’s sense of style are all practical ways you can put your knowledge of the Italian language to use. Start by learning some of the most popular clothing names with this free activity poster.
There’s a huge amount of terms surrounding clothing and fashion in general. Put on something comfy, then, and get ready to expand your Italian vocabulary!
Clothes in Italian
The general word for “clothing” is “abbigliamento” in Italian. The plural form is “abbigliamenti,” which is rarely used. The Italian word for “clothes” is “vestiti,” plural, and “vestito,” singular.
Clothes are part of our everyday conversations. Here are some examples of day-to-day situations where you need to be able to talk about clothes and shoes in Italian along with some typical questions and answers you’ll hear.
When going shopping for clothes in Italy:
Italian | English |
Avete la taglia 46 di questo? | Do you have this in a size 10? |
Posso provarlo? | Can I try this on? |
Dove sono i camerini? | Where are the fitting rooms? |
Di solito porto una taglia S. | I usually wear a size small. |
Il mio numero di scarpe è 38. | My shoe size is 38. |
When complimenting someone in Italian on their style, or talking about how clothes fit or look on someone in general:
Italian | English |
Stai benissimo! | You look great! |
Che bella gonna. È nuova? | What a beautiful skirt. Is it new? |
Che bella pochette, dove l’hai presa? | What a beautiful purse, where did you get it? |
Adoro le tue scarpe! | Love your shoes! |
When asking someone for their opinion on your outfit.
Italian | English |
Come sto? | How do I look? |
Ti piacciono questi sandali? | Do you like these sandals? |
Secondo te questa blusa nera sta bene con la gonna a righe? | Do you think this black blouse goes well with the striped skirt? |
When asking what is the expected dress code for a specific event:
Italian | English |
Cosa mi metto? | What should I wear? |
Qual è il dress code? | What’s the dress code? |
È richiesto un abbigliamento formale? | Is formal attire required? |
Today you’ll learn how to say all of the most common clothing items including:
- dress in Italian;
- skirt in Italian;
- shirt in Italian;
- T-shirts in Italian;
- jacket in Italian;
- coat in Italian;
- pants in Italian;
- shorts in Italian;
- hat in Italian;
- bathing suit in Italian;
- shoes in Italian;
- boots in Italian;
- socks in Italian.
And much more! Whether you love shopping or dread it, by the end of this article you’ll be ready to converse like a true fashionista.
Download our FREE activity poster
For a great way to memorize the most common clothing types in Italian, make it interactive. Download our printable activity poster today, it's sure to pay off. Let's go!
Dress codes in Italian
The dress code of an office, restaurant, school, or social event is a set of rules about what kind of clothes people are suggested to wear. Let’s go through different dress codes in Italian.
English | Italian | IPA | Pronunciation |
Casual | Abbigliamento casual | [abːiʎamˈento kˈɛʒʊal] | ah-beeh-wlhee-ah-mehn-toh keh-shoo-ahl |
Smart casual | Casual chic | [kˈɛʒʊal ʃˈik] | keh-shoo-ahl sheek |
Semi-Formal | Semi-formale | [sˈemɪ-formˈale] | seh-meeh phor-mah-leh |
Formal | Formale | [formˈale] | phor-mah-leh |
Business formal | Business formal | [bˈɪznəs fˈɔrmal] | bees-nehs phor-mahl |
Cocktail attire | Cocktail After five |
[kˈɔktˌɛl] [ˈafter fˈa͡ɪv] |
kohk-tah-eehl ahph-tehr phah-eev |
Evening wear | Look da sera | [lˈɔok dˈa sˈera] | look dah seh-rah |
Lounge suit | Abito scuro | [ˈabito skˈuro] | ah-beeh-toh skoo-roh |
Black tie | Black tie Cravatta nera |
[blˈæk tˈa͡ɪ] [kravˈatːa nˈera] |
blehk tah-eeh krah-vaht-tah neh-rah |
Black tie optional | Black tie facoltativo | [blˈæk tˈa͡ɪ fakoltatˈivo] | blehk tah-eeh phah-kohl-tah-teeh-voh |
Black tie creative | Black tie creativo | [blˈæk tˈa͡ɪ kreatˈivo] | blehk tah-eeh kreh-ah-teeh-voh |
White tie, full evening dress, tails, dress suit | Frac | [frˈak] | phrahk |
Evening gown | Abito da sera | [ˈabito dˈa sˈera] | ah-beeh-toh dah seh-rah |
Suit and tie | Giacca e cravatta | [d͡ʒˈakːa ˈeː kravˈatːa] | jah-kah eh krah-vaht-tah |
Collar and tie | Elegante | [eleɡˈante] | eh-leh-gahn-teh |
Office attire | Look da lavoro | [lˈɔok dˈa lavˈɔro] | look dah lah-voh-roh |
Uniform | Divisa Uniforme |
[divˈiza] [ʊnifˈorme] |
deeh-veeh-sah ooh-neeh-phor-meh |
School uniform | Uniforme scolastica | [ʊnifˈorme skolˈastika] | ooh-neeh-phor-meh skoh-lah-steeh-kah |
Outerwear in Italian
Did you really think Italy was all sunshine and “'o sole mio, sta 'nfronte a te”? You’re off track! Winter weather here ranges from slightly cold in the South to freezing cold in the northern regions. Here are some of the garments you’ll definitely need.
English | Italian Singular | Italian Plural | IPA | Pronunciation |
Coat | Cappotto | Cappotti | [kapːˈɔtːo] | kahp-poht-toh |
Quilted jacket | Piumino | Piumini | [pjʊmˈino] | peeh-ooh-meeh-noh |
Trench coat | Trench | Trench | [trˈent͡ʃ] | trehnch |
Anorak, windbreaker | Giacca a vento | Giacche a vento | [d͡ʒˈakːa ˈaː vˈɛnto] | jah-kah ah vehn-toh |
Jacket | Giubbotto | Giubbotti | [d͡ʒʊbːˈɔtːo] | jooh-boh-toh |
Raincoat | Impermeabile K-way |
Impermeabili K-way |
[impermeˈabile] [kˈi-wˈe͡ɪ] |
eem-pehr-meh-ah-beeh-leh keeh-ueh-eeh |
Fur coat | Pelliccia | Pellicce | [pellˈit͡ʃːa] | pehl-leeh-cha |
Tail coat | Frac | Frac | [frˈak] | phrahk |
Bomber jacket | Bomber | Bomber | [bˈomber] | bohm-behr |
Parka | Parka Eskimo |
Parka Eskimo |
[pˈarka] [ˈeskimo] |
pahr-kah eh-skeeh-moh |
Mantle | Mantello | Mantelli | [mantˈɛllo] | mahn-tehl-loh |
Shawl | Scialle | Scialli | [ʃˈalle] | shal-leh |
Cloak | Tabarro Mantella |
Tabarri Mantelle |
[tabˈarɾo] [mantˈɛlla] |
tah-bah-roh mahn-tehl-lah |
Scarf | Sciarpa | Sciarpe | [ʃˈarpa] | shar-pah |
Glove | Guanto | Guanti | [ɡwˈanto] | gooh-ahn-toh |
Earmuffs | Paraorecchie | Paraorecchie | [paɾaorˈekːje] | pah-rah-oh-reh-keeh-eh |
Dress in Italian
Below you’ll find a list of common terms that can be used when talking about different styles of dresses in Italian. There are more than you would think!
English | Italian Singular | Italian Plural | IPA | Pronunciation |
Dress | Vestito Abito |
Vestiti Abiti |
[vestˈito] [ˈabito] |
veh-steeh-toh ah-beeh-toh |
Cocktail dress, evening dress | Abito da sera | Abiti da sera | [ˈabito dˈa sˈera] | ah-beeh-toh dah seh-rah |
Long dress | Vestito lungo Abito lungo |
Vestiti lunghi Abiti lunghi |
[vestˈito lˈuŋɡo] [ˈabito lˈuŋɡ] |
veh-steeh-toh loohn-goh ah-beeh-toh loohn-goh |
Short dress | Abito corto Minidress |
Abiti corti Minidress |
[ˈabito kˈorto] [minˈidres͡s] |
ah-beeh-toh kohr-toh meeh-neeh-drehs |
Sheath dress | Tubino | Tubini | [tʊbˈino] | tooh-beeh-noh |
Maxi dress | Maxi abito | Maxi abiti | [mˈaksɪ ˈabito] | mahc-seeh ah-beeh-toh |
Formal dress | Abito lungo Abito formale |
Abiti lunghi Abiti formali |
[ˈabito lˈuŋɡo] [ˈabito formˈale] |
ah-beeh-toh loohn-goh ah-beeh-toh phohr-mah-leh |
Formal dress | Abito da cerimonia | Abiti da cerimonia | [ˈabito dˈa t͡ʃerimˈɔnia] | ah-beeh-toh dah cheh-reeh-moh-neeh-ah |
Ballgown | Vestito da ballo | Vestiti da ballo | [vestˈito dˈa bˈallo] | veh-steeh-toh dah bahl-loh |
Tunic dress | Tunica | Tuniche | [tˈunika] | tooh-neeh-kah |
Kaftan dress | Caffettano | Caffettani | [kaffˈetːano] | kah-pheh-tah-noh |
Wedding dress | Abito da sposa | Abiti da sposa | [ˈabito dˈa spˈoza] | ah-beeh-toh dah spoh-sah |
Pants in Italian
Now we’ll learn what the most common types of pants are called in Italian.
English | Italian Singular | Italian Plural | IPA | Pronunciation |
Pants | Pantalone Calzone |
Pantaloni Calzoni |
[pantalˈonɪ] [kalt͡sˈonɪ] |
pahn-tah-loh-neeh kahl-tsoh-neeh |
Trousers | Pantalone | Pantaloni | [pantalˈonɪ] | pahn-tah-loh-neeh |
Suit pants | Pantalone sartoriale | Pantaloni sartoriali | [pantalˈone sartoriˈale] | pahn-tah-loh-neh sahr-toh-reeh-ah-leh |
Dress pants | Pantalone elegante | Pantaloni eleganti | [pantalˈone eleɡˈante] | pahn-tah-loh-neh eh-leh-gahn-teh |
Jeans | Jeans | Jeans | [d͡ʒˈiːns] | jeehns |
Short pants, shorts | Pantaloncino | Pantaloncini | [pantalont͡ʃˈinɪ] | pahn-tah-lohn-cheeh-neeh |
Tracksuit pants, track pants | Pantalone da ginnastica | Pantaloni da ginnastica | [pantalˈonɪ dˈa d͡ʒinnˈastika] | pahn-tah-loh-neeh dah jeehn-nah-steeh-kah |
Sweatpants | Pantalone della tuta | Pantaloni della tuta | [pantalˈonɪ dˈella tˈuta] | pahn-tah-loh-neeh dehl-lah tooh-tah |
Capri pants | Pinocchietto | Pinocchietti | [pinokːjˈetːɪ] | peeh-noh-keeh-eh-teeh |
Cargo pants | Pantalone cargo | Pantaloni cargo | [pantalˈonɪ kˈarɡo] | pahn-tah-loh-neeh kahr-goh |
Chino pants | Pantalone chino | Pantaloni chino | [pantalˈonɪ kˈino] | pahn-tah-loh-neeh keeh-noh |
Leggings | Fuseaux Pantacollant Leggings |
Fuseaux Pantacollant Leggings |
[fyzˈo] [pantakˈollant] [lˈed͡ʒːiŋɡs] |
phooh-soh pahn-tah-kohl-lahnt leh-gheehns |
Bell-bottoms, flared pants, flares | Pantalone a zampa di elefante Pantalone a zampa |
Pantaloni a zampa di elefante Pantaloni a zampa |
[pantalˈonɪ ˈaː d͡zˈampa dˈi elefˈante] [pantalˈonɪ ˈaː d͡zˈampa] |
pahn-tah-loh-neeh ah tsahm-pah deeh eh-leh-phahn-teh pahn-tah-loh-neeh ah tsahm-pah |
Harem pants | Pantalone a cavallo basso | Pantaloni a cavallo basso | [pantalˈonɪ ˈaː kavˈallo bˈas͡so] | pahn-tah-loh-neeh ah kah-vahl-loh bah-soh |
Zouave pants | Pantalone alla zuava | Pantaloni alla zuava | [pantalˈonɪ ˈalla d͡zʊˈava] | pahn-tah-loh-neeh ahl-lah tsooh-ah-vah |
Ski pants | Pantalone da sci | Pantaloni da sci | [pantalˈonɪ dˈa ʃˈi] | pahn-tah-loh-neeh dah sheeh |
Shirts and tops in Italian
Let’s now move on to shirts and tops, which are “camicie” and “magliette” in Italian.
English | Italian Singular | Italian Plural | IPA | Pronunciation |
Shirt | Camicia | Camicie | [kamˈit͡ʃa] | kah-meeh-chah |
Women’s shirt | Camicia Camicetta |
Camicie Camicette |
[kamˈit͡ʃa] [kamit͡ʃˈɛtːa] |
kah-meeh-chah kah-meeh-cheht-tah |
Blouse | Blusa | Bluse | [blˈuza] | blooh-sah |
T-shirt | Maglietta | Magliette | [maʎˈetːa] | mah-wlhee-eh-tah |
Button up shirt | Camicia button up | Camicie button up | [kamˈit͡ʃa bˈutːon ˈʌp] | kah-meeh-chah boht-tohn ahp |
Button down shirt | Camicia button down | Camicie button down | [kamˈit͡ʃa bˈutːon dˈaːwn] | kah-meeh-chah boht-tohn dah-oon |
Sweatshirt | Felpa | Felpe | [fˈɛlpa] | phehl-pah |
Sweater | Maglione | Maglioni | [maʎˈone] | mah-wlhee-oh-neh |
Cardigan sweater | Cardigan | Cardigan | [kardˈiɡan] | kahr-deeh-gahn |
Turtleneck | Dolcevita | Dolcevita | [dolt͡ʃevˈita] | dohl-cheh-veeh-tah |
Mock turtleneck | Lupetto | Lupetti | [lʊpˈetːo] | looh-peht-toh |
Polo shirt | Polo | Polo | [pˈɔlo] | poh-loh |
Top | Maglietta | Magliette | [maʎˈetːa] | mah-wlhee-eh-tah |
Tank top | Canotta | Canotte | [kanˈɔtːa] | kah-noht-tah |
Crop top | Crop top | Crop top | [krˈop tˈɔp] | krohp tohp |
Singlet | Canottiera da uomo | Canottiere da uomo | [kanotːiˈɛra dˈa wˈɔmo] | kah-noht-teeh-eh-rah dah ooh-oh-moh |
Sweat suit | Tuta da ginnastica | Tute da ginnastica | [tˈuta dˈa d͡ʒinnˈastika] | tooh-tah dah jeehn-nah-steeh-kah |
Jacket in Italian
Let’s now move on to jackets. Do you know how to say “waistcoat” and “double-breasted blazer” in Italian? Let’s find out!
English | Italian Singular | Italian Plural | IPA | Pronunciation |
Jacket | Giacca | Giacche | [d͡ʒˈakːa] | jah-kah |
Blazer | Giacca Blazer |
Giacche Blazer |
[d͡ʒˈakːa] [blat͡sˈɛr] |
jah-kah bleh-eeh-tsehr |
Double-breasted blazer | Giacca a doppio petto | Giacche a doppio petto | [d͡ʒˈakːa ˈaː dˈopːio pˈɛtːo] | jah-kah ah doh-peeh-oh peh-toh |
Waistcoat | Gilet | Gilet | [d͡ʒˈilet] | jeeh-leh |
Vest | Panciotto | Panciotti | [pant͡ʃˈɔtːo] | pahn-chot-toh |
Suit | Abito da uomo Completo da uomo |
Abiti da uomo Completi da uomo |
[ˈabito dˈa wˈɔmo] [komplˈɛto dˈa wˈɔmo] |
ah-beeh-toh dah ooh-oh-moh kohm-pleh-toh dah ooh-oh-moh |
Tuxedo | Smoking Tight |
Smoking Tight |
[smˈo͡ʊkɪŋ] [tˈa͡ɪt] |
smoh-keehn tah-eeht |
Suit (for women) | Tailleur | Tailleur | [tajˈœʁ] | tah-yohr |
Skirt in Italian
Now, let’s have a look at the most common types of skirts in Italian.
English | Italian Singular | Italian Plural | IPA | Pronunciation |
Skirt | Gonna | Gonne | [ɡˈonna] | gohn-nah |
Long skirt | Gonna lunga | Gonne lunghe | [ɡˈonna lˈuŋɡa] | gohn-nah loon-gah |
Short skirt | Gonna corta | Gonne corte | [ɡˈonna kˈorta] | gohn-nah kohr-tah |
Mini skirt | Minigonna Mini |
Minigonne Mini |
[miniɡˈɔnna] [mˈinɪ] |
meeh-neeh-gohn-nah meeh-neeh |
Midi skirt | Longuette Gonna midi |
Longuette Gonne midi |
[lɔ̃ɡˈɛt] [ɡˈonna mˈidɪ] |
lohn-geht gohn-nah meeh-deeh |
Pencil skirt | Gonna a matita | Gonne a matita | [ɡˈonna ˈaː matˈita] | gohn-nah ah mah-teeh-tah |
Full skirt | Gonna a ruota | Gonne a ruota | [ɡˈonna ˈaː rʊˈɔta] | gohn-nah ah rooh-oh-tah |
Pleated skirt | Gonna plissettata Gonna a pieghe Gonna plissé |
Gonne plissettate Gonne a pieghe Gonne plissé |
[ɡˈonna plis͡setːˈata] [ɡˈonna ˈaː pjˈeɡe] [ɡˈonna plis͡sˈe] |
gohn-nah pleeh-seht-tah-tah gohn-nah ah peeh-eh-geh gohn-nah pleeh-seh |
A-line skirt | Gonna a trapezio | Gonne a trapezio | [ɡˈonna ˈaː trapˈɛt͡sio] | gohn-nah ah trah-peh-tseeh-oh |
Skater skirt | Gonna a balze | Gonne a balze | [ɡˈonna ˈaː bˈalt͡se] | gohn-nah ah bahl-tseh |
High waist skirt | Gonna a vita alta | Gonne a vita alta | [ɡˈonna ˈaː vˈita ˈalta] | gohn-nah ah veeh-tah ahl-tah |
Headwear in Italian
Hats are distinctly in fashion at the moment. Here are some of the more popular types.
English | Italian Singular | Italian Plural | IPA | Pronunciation |
Hat | Cappello | Cappelli | [kapːˈɛllo] | kahp-pehl-loh |
Beanie | Berretto Zuccotto |
Berretti Zuccotti |
[berɾˈetːo] [d͡zʊkːˈɔtːo] |
behr-reht-toh zooh-koht-toh |
Cloche | Cloche | Cloche | [klˈɔʃ] | klohsh |
Cap | Berretto | Berretto | [berɾˈetːo] | behr-reht-toh |
Beret | Basco | Baschi | [bˈasko] | bahs-koh |
Fedora | Fedora | Fedora | [fedˈɔra] | pheh-doh-rah |
Flat cap | Coppola | Coppole | [kˈɔpːola] | kohp-poh-lah |
Kepi | Képi Chepì |
Képi Chepì |
[kˈepɪ] [kepˈi] |
keh-peeh keh-peeh |
Panama hat | Panama | Panama | [pˈanama] | pah-nah-mah |
Fez | Fez | Fez | [fˈɛt͡s] | phehts |
Gibus | Gibus | Gibus | [d͡ʒˈibʊs] | geeh-boos |
Baseball cap | Cappello da baseball | Cappelli da baseball | [kapːˈɛllo dˈa bˈe͡ɪzboːl] | kahp-pehl-loh dah beh-eehs-bohl |
Straw hat | Cappello di paglia | Cappelli di paglia | [kapːˈɛllo dˈi pˈaʎa] | kahp-pehl-loh deeh pah-wlhee-ah |
Underwear in Italian
Do you know how to say “lingerie” in Italian? Are you curious to know how to say “undershirt,” “boxers,” and “panties” in Italian? Let’s peel away some more vocabulary layers.
English | Italian Singular | Italian Plural | IPA | Pronunciation |
Lingerie | Biancheria intima | Biancheria intima | [bjankerˈia ˈintima] | beeh-ahn-keh-reeh-ah een-teeh-mah |
Boxers, boxer shorts | Boxer | Boxer | [bˈokser] | bohk-sehr |
Close-fit boxers | Parigamba | Parigamba | [pariɡˈamba] | pah-reeh-gahm-bah |
Underpants | Mutanda Slip da uomo |
Mutande Slip da uomo |
[mʊtˈande] [zlˈip dˈa wˈɔmo] |
mooh-tahn-deh sleehp dah ooh-oh-moh |
Undershirt | Canottiera | Canottiere | [kanotːiˈɛra] | kah-noht-teeh-eh-rah |
Bra | Reggiseno | Reggiseni | [red͡ʒːisˈeno] | reh-jeeh-seh-noh |
Bodice | Corsetto | Corsetti | [korsˈetːo] | kohr-seht-toh |
Girdle | Busto | Busti | [bˈusto] | booh-stoh |
Bustier | Corpetto | Corpetti | [korpˈetːo] | kohr-peht-toh |
Panties | Mutandina da donna | Mutandine da donna | [mʊtandˈine dˈa dˈɔnna] | mooh-tahn-deeh-neh dah dohn-nah |
G-string | Perizoma | Perizoma | [peɾid͡zˈɔma] | peh-reeh-tsoh-mah |
Thong | Tanga | Tanga | [tˈaŋɡa] | tahn-gah |
Pantyhose, nylons | Collant | Collant | [kˈollant] | kohl-lahnt |
Hold-ups | Autoreggente | Autoreggenti | [aʊtored͡ʒːˈɛntɪ] | ah-ooh-toh-reh-jehn-teeh |
Stockings | Calza di nylon | Calze di nylon | [kˈalt͡se dˈi nˈa͡ɪlon] | kahl-tseh deeh nah-eeh-lohn |
Socks | Calzino | Calzini | [kalt͡sˈinɪ] | kahl-tseeh-neeh |
Knee-length socks | Calzettone | Calzettoni | [kalt͡setːˈonɪ] | kahl-tseht-toh-neeh |
Pop socks | Gambaletto | Gambaletti | [ɡambalˈetːɪ] | gahm-bah-leht-teeh |
Garter | Giarrettiera | Giarrettiere | [d͡ʒarɾetːiˈɛra] | jah-reht-teeh-eh-rah |
Chemise | Sottoveste | Sottovesti | [sotːovˈɛste] | soht-toh-veh-steh |
Camisole, cami | Canottiera da donna | Canottiere da donna | [kanotːiˈɛra dˈa dˈɔnna] | kah-noht-teeh-eh-rah dah dohn-nah |
Bodysuit | Body | Body | [bˈodɪ] | boh-deeh |
Catsuit | Catsuit Tuta integrale |
Catsuit Tute integrali |
[kˈætsuːt] [tˈuta inteɡrˈale] |
kaht-sooht tooh-tah een-teh-grah-leh |
Bellyband | Panciera | Panciere | [pant͡ʃˈɛra] | pahn-che-rah |
Pajamas or sleepwear in Italian
Let’s move on to nightwear, “biancheria da notte” in Italian.
English | Italian Singular | Italian Plural | IPA | Pronunciation |
Nightclothes | Biancheria da notte | Biancherie da notte | [bjankerˈia dˈa nˈɔtːe] | beeh-ahn-keh-reeh-ah dah noht-teh |
Gown | Vestaglia | Vestaglie | [vestˈaʎa] | veh-stah-wlhee-ah |
Nightgown | Camicia da notte | Camicie da notte | [kamˈit͡ʃa dˈa nˈɔtːe] | kah-meeh-chah dah noht-teh |
Pajamas | Pigiama | Pigiami | [pid͡ʒˈama] | peeh-jah-mah |
Short, sheer woman's nightgown | Baby doll | Baby doll | [bˈɛbɪ dˈɔl] | beh-beeh dohl |
Teddy | Pagliaccetto | Pagliaccetti | [paʎat͡ʃːˈɛtːo] | pah-wlhee-ah-cheht-toh |
Accessories in Italian
Here is a list of accessories, which are called accessori in Italian.
English | Italian Singular | Italian Plural | IPA | Pronunciation |
Accessories | Accessorio | Accessori | [at͡ʃːes͡sˈorɪ] | ah-che-soh-reeh |
Belt | Cintura | Cinture | [t͡ʃintˈura] | cheehn-tooh-rah |
Bag | Borsa | Borse | [bˈorsa] | bohr-sah |
Purse, pocket book | Pochette | Pochette | [poʃˈɛt] | poh-sheht |
Rucksack | Zaino | Zaini | [d͡zˈa͡ɪno] | tsah-eeh-noh |
Foulard | Foulard | Foulard | [fulˈaʁ] | phooh-lahr |
Sunglasses | Occhiale da sole | Occhiali da sole | [okːjˈalɪ dˈa sˈole] | oh-cheeh-ah-leeh dah soh-leh |
Watch | Orologio | Orologi | [orolˈod͡ʒo] | oh-roh-loh-jeeh-oh |
Tie | Cravatta | Cravatte | [kravˈatːa] | krah-vaht-tah |
Bow tie | Papillon | Papillon | [papijˈɔ̃] | pah-peeh-lohn |
Suspenders | Bretella | Bretelle | [bretˈɛlle] | breh-tehl-leh |
Cufflinks | Gemello | Gemelli | [d͡ʒemˈɛllɪ] | jeh-mehl-leeh |
Umbrella | Ombrello | Ombrelli | [ombrˈɛllo] | ohm-brehl-loh |
Wallet | Portafoglio | Portafogli | [portafˈɔʎo] | pohr-tah-phoh-wlhee-oh |
Coin purse | Portamonete | Portamonete | [portamonˈete] | pohr-tah-moh-neh-teh |
Shoes and boots in Italian
You can’t talk about clothes without talking about footwear, “calzature” in Italian! There are several kinds of shoes, boots and sandals, so let’s learn what they’re called in Italian.
English | Italian Singular | Italian Plural | IPA | Pronunciation |
Footwear | Calzatura | Calzature | [kalt͡satˈure] | kahl-tsah-tooh-reh |
Shoes | Scarpa | Scarpe | [skˈarpe] | skahr-peh |
Boots | Stivale | Stivali | [stivˈalɪ] | steeh-vah-leeh |
Stilettos, high heels | Scarpa col tacco | Scarpe col tacco | [skˈarpe kˈɔl tˈakːo] | skahr-peh kohl tah-koh |
High-heeled shoes | Scarpa alta | Scarpe alte | [skˈarpe ˈalte] | skahr-peh ahl-teh |
Medium-heeled shoes | Scarpa a tacco medio | Scarpe a tacco medio | [skˈarpe ˈaː tˈakːo mˈɛdio] | skahr-peh ah tah-koh meh-deeh-oh |
Pumps | Décolleté | Décolleté | [dekɔltˈe] | deh-kohl-teh |
Biker boots | Stivale biker Stivale texano |
Stivali biker Stivali texani |
[stivˈalɪ bˈa͡ɪkɚ] [stivˈalɪ teksˈanɪ] |
steeh-vah-leeh bah-eeh-kehr steeh-vah-leeh tehk-sah-neeh |
Thigh-high boots | Cuissardes | Cuissardes | [kwˈɪzsɑː͡ɹdz] | kooh-eeh-sahds |
Rain boots | Stivale di gomma | Stivali di gomma | [stivˈalɪ dˈi ɡˈomma] | steeh-vah-leeh deeh gohm-mah |
Formal shoes | Scarpa elegante | Scarpe eleganti | [skˈarpe eleɡˈantɪ] | skahr-peh eh-leh-gahn-teeh |
Flat shoes, flats | Scarpa bassa | Scarpe basse | [skˈarpe bˈas͡se] | skahr-peh bahs-seh |
Ballet flats | Ballerina | Ballerine | [ballerˈine] | bahl-leh-reeh-neh |
Moccasins | Mocassino | Mocassini | [mokas͡sˈinɪ] | moh-kahs-seeh-neeh |
Sneakers | Sneaker | Sneaker | [snˈiːkɚ] | sneeh-kehr |
Sandals | Sandalo | Sandali | [sˈandalɪ] | sahn-dah-leeh |
Flip flops | Infradito | Infradito | [infradˈito] | een-phrah-deeh-toh |
Clogs | Zoccolo | Zoccoli | [d͡zˈɔkːolɪ] | tsoh-koh-leeh |
Trainers | Scarpa sportiva | Scarpe sportive | [skˈarpe sportˈive] | skahr-peh spohr-teeh-veh |
Gym shoes | Scarpa da ginnastica | Scarpe da ginnastica | [skˈarpe dˈa d͡ʒinnˈastika] | skahr-peh dah jeehn-nah-steeh-kah |
Tennis shoes | Scarpa da tennis | Scarpe da tennis | [skˈarpe dˈa tˈɛnnis] | skahr-peh dah tehn-neehs |
Running shoes | Scarpa da corsa | Scarpe da corsa | [skˈarpa dˈa kˈorsa] | skahr-pah dah kohr-sah |
Hiking boots | Scarponcino da trekking | Scarponcini da trekking | [skarpont͡ʃˈinɪ dˈa trˈekːiŋɡ] | skahr-pohn-cheeh-neeh dah trehk-keehn |
Beachwear in Italian
Let’s now move on to beachwear, abbigliamento da mare in Italian.
English | Italian Singular | Italian Plural | IPA | Pronunciation |
Beachwear | Abbigliamento da mare | Abbigliamenti da mare | [abːiʎamˈento dˈa mˈare] | ah-beeh-wlhee-ah-mehn-toh dah mah-reh |
Swimming trunks | Costume da bagno da uomo | Costumi da bagno da uomo | [kostˈume dˈa bˈaɲɲo dˈa wˈɔmo] | koh-stooh-meh dah bahn-yoh dah ooh-oh-moh |
Bathing suit | Costume da bagno da donna | Costumi da bagno da donna | [kostˈume dˈa bˈaɲɲo dˈa dˈɔnna] | koh-stooh-meh dah bahn-yoh dah dohn-nah |
Bikini | Duepezzi Bikini |
Duepezzi Bikini |
[dʊepˈet͡sːɪ] [bikˈinɪ] |
dooh-eh-peh-tseeh beeh-keeh-neeh |
One-piece bathing suit | Costume intero | Costumi interi | [kostˈume intˈɛro] | koh-stoo-meh een-teh-roh |
Sarong | Pareo | Parei | [parˈɛo] | pah-reh-oh |
Beach robe | Copricostume | Copricostumi | [koprikostˈume] | koh-preeh-koh-stoo-meh |
Fitting styles in Italian
Here are some handy descriptors involving styles that will be useful whenever you’re seeking to talk about clothing and fashion in Italian. You can also describe your clothes and garments by their color. Need a refresher on colors? Brighten up your vocab with our guide to colors in Italian.
English | Italian | IPA | Pronunciation |
Long-sleeved | A maniche lunghe | [ˈaː mˈanike lˈuŋɡe] | ah mah-neeh-keh loohn-geh |
Short-sleeved | A maniche corte | [ˈaː mˈanike kˈorte] | ah mah-neeh-keh kohr-teh |
Sleeveless | Senza maniche Smanicato |
[sˈɛnt͡sa mˈanike] [zmanikˈato] |
sehn-tsah mah-neeh-keh smah-neeh-kah-toh |
High-waisted | A vita alta | [ˈaː vˈita ˈalta] | ah veeh-tah ahl-tah |
Low-rise | A vita bassa | [ˈaː vˈita bˈas͡sa] | ah veeh-tah bahs-sah |
Tight-fitting | Attillato Aderente |
[atːillˈato] [aderˈɛnte] |
aht-teehl-lah-toh ah-deh-rehn-teh |
Long | Lungo | [lˈuŋɡo] | loohn-goh |
Short | Corto | [kˈorto] | kohr-toh |
Low-necked | Scollato | [skollˈato] | skohl-lah-toh |
High-necked | A collo alto | [ˈaː kˈollo ˈalto] | ah kohl-loh ahl-toh |
V-necked | Con scollo a V | [kˈon skˈɔllo ˈaː vˈu] | kohn skohl-loh ah vooh |
Round-necked | Girocollo | [d͡ʒirokˈɔllo] | jeeh-roh-kohl-loh |
Designs and patterns in Italian
There’s an enormous array of vocabulary describing designs and patterns in Italian. We’ve gathered the most common for you in the table below. Let’s have a look!
English | Italian | IPA | Pronunciation |
Striped | A strisce A righe |
[ˈaː strˈiʃe] [ˈaː rˈiɡe] |
ah stree-sheh ah reeh-geh |
Checked | A quadri A quadretti Quadrettato |
[ˈaː kwˈadrɪ] [ˈaː kwadrˈetːɪ] [kwadretːˈato] |
ah kooh-ah-dreeh ah kooh-ah-dreht-teeh kooh-ah-dreht-tah-toh |
Polka-dot | A pois | [ˈa pwˈa] | ah pooh-ah |
Plain | Tinta unita | [tˈinta ʊnˈita] | teehn-tah ooh-neeh-tah |
Flowered | Fiorato A stampe floreali |
[fjorˈato] [ˈaː stˈampe floreˈalɪ] |
pheeh-oh-rah-toh ah stahm-peh phloh-reh-ah-leeh |
Pinstriped | Gessato | [d͡ʒes͡sˈato] | jehs-sah-toh |
Tartan | Scozzese | [skot͡sːˈeze] | skoh-tseh-seh |
Leopard print | Leopardato | [leopardˈato] | leh-oh-pahr-dah-toh |
Python-print | Pitonato | [pitonˈato] | peeh-toh-nah-toh |
Zebra-striped | Zebrato | [d͡zebrˈato] | tseh-brah-toh |
Natural materials and synthetic fibers in Italian
You’re genuinely spoilt for choice when it comes to natural materials and synthetic fibers to choose from. Let’s learn what they’re called in Italian.
English | Italian | IPA | Pronunciation |
Cotton | Cotone | [kotˈone] | koh-toh-neh |
Wool | Lana | [lˈana] | lah-nah |
Linen | Lino | [lˈino] | leeh-noh |
Silk | Seta | [sˈeta] | seh-tah |
Chiffon | Chiffon | [ʃifˈɔ̃] | sheeh-phon |
Denim | Denim | [dˈenim] | deh-neehm |
Velvet | Velluto | [vellˈuto] | vehl-looh-toh |
Leather | Pelle | [pˈɛlle] | pehl-leh |
Suede | Pelle scamosciata Suede |
[pˈɛlle skamoʃˈata] [syˈəd] |
pehl-leh skah-moh-shah-tah sooh-ehd |
Patent leather | Pelle lucida | [pˈɛlle lˈut͡ʃida] | pehl-leh looh-cheeh-dah |
Jersey | Jersey | [d͡ʒˈɛrse͡ɪ] | jehr-seh-eeh |
Boiled wool | Lana cotta | [lˈana kˈɔtːa] | lah-nah koht-tah |
Canvas | Tela | [tˈɛla] | teh-lah |
Satin | Raso | [rˈazo] | rah-soh |
Polyester | Poliestere | [poliˈɛstere] | poh-leeh-eh-steh-reh |
Viscose | Viscosa | [viskˈoza] | veehs-koh-sah |
Lycra | Lycra | [lˈikra] | leeh-krah |
Nylon | Nylon | [nˈa͡ɪlon] | nah-eeh-lohn |
Chenille | Ciniglia | [t͡ʃinˈiʎa] | cheeh-neeh-wlhee-ah |
Tulle | Tulle | [tˈulle] | tuhl-leh |
Acrylic | Acrilico | [akrˈiliko] | ah-kreeh-leeh-koh |
Brocade | Broccato | [brokːˈato] | broh-kah-toh |
Lace | Pizzo | [pˈit͡sːo] | peeh-tsoh |
Cashmere | Cachemire | [kaʃmˈiʁ] | kah-shmeehr |
Jute | Iuta | [jˈuta] | eeh-ooh-tah |
Macrame | Macramé | [makramˈe] | mah-krah-meh |
Pile | Pile | [pˈa͡ɪl] | pah-eehl |
Raffia | Rafia | [rˈafja] | rah-phee-ah |
Clothing-related Italian sayings, proverbs, and idioms
To learn Italian, it’s recommended that you learn not only grammar alongside individual words, but idiomatic expressions as well. Today, we’ll cover 15 clothing-related Italian phrases, and sayings to describe situations in a more creative way. Here you go.
L’abito non fa il monaco
Literal translation: the suit doesn't make the monk.
English equivalents: clothes don’t make the man; don’t judge a book by its cover.
This proverb means that you shouldn’t judge someone based on their appearance or clothing. Looks can be deceiving, and someone can be very different from how it seems or appears to be.
Conoscere come le proprie tasche
Literal translation: to know like your own pockets.
English equivalent: to know something like the back of your hand.
If you know something “come le tue tasche,” it means that you have very good and detailed knowledge of it.
Tanto di cappello!
Literal translation: so much of hat!
English equivalent: hats off to you!
The act of taking off your hat as a sign of respect is at the origin of this lovely expression used to give praise or credit to someone, express admiration for them, and acknowledge their merits.
Mettersi nei panni di qualcuno
Literal translation: to put yourself in somebody else's clothes.
English equivalent: to put yourself in somebody else's shoes.
“Mettersi nei panni di qualcuno” means to make an effort to imagine what you would do if you were in the same situation as a particular person.
Attaccare bottone
Literal translation: to attach button.
English equivalent: to chat up.
“Attaccare bottone” means to start talking to someone you don’t know very well in a friendly, flirtatious, or seductive way, because you are attracted to them.
Calzare a pennello
Literal translation: to put on a paintbrush.
English equivalent: to fit perfectly.
The expression “calzare a pennello” means to fit perfectly, to be the correct size.
Essere nato con la camicia
Literal translation: to be born with a shirt on.
English equivalent: to be born with a silver spoon
“Essere nato con la camicia” means to be born into a wealthy family.
Sudare sette camicie
Literal translation: to sweat seven shirts.
English equivalent: to sweat your guts out.
“Sudare sette camicie” means to work extremely hard.
Essere il fiore all’occhiello
Literal translation: to be the flower at the eyelet.
English equivalent: to be somebody’s pride and joy.
“Fiore all’occhiello” means boutonnière, a floral accessory worn on the lapel of a tuxedo or suit jacket for weddings. This expression is used to refer to someone or something that makes you very proud and happy.
Fare le scarpe a qualcuno
Literal translation: to make shoes for someone.
English equivalent: to kick someone out of their job.
“Fare le scarpe a qualcuno” is a despicable act, and means to con, cheat, swindle, or unfairly deprive someone of their job and take over their role.
Avere un asso nella manica
Literal translation and English equivalent: to have an ace up your sleeve.
“Avere un asso nella manica” means to have a powerful and often secret advantage that can be used if it’s needed.
Un altro paio di maniche
Literal translation: another pair of sleeves.
English equivalent: to be a horse of a different color; a different kettle of fish.
To be “un altro paio di maniche” means to be something else entirely, a completely different matter.
Essere di manica larga
Literal translation: to be broad-sleeved.
“Essere di manica larga” means to be indulgent and generous. It’s the exact opposite of being strict.
Rimboccarsi le maniche
Literal translation and English equivalent: to roll up your sleeves.
“Rimboccarsi le maniche” means to prepare for hard or difficult work.
Meglio comprarti un vestito
Literal meaning: (it’s) better to buy you a dress.
This expression is used when inviting to dinner someone who turns out to be a big eater (“buona forchetta” in Italian), and you think that next time it would be better to buy them a dress instead of taking them out for dinner again.
Clothes related verbs in Italian
Let’s now go through some useful Italian verbs about clothes and getting dressed.
English | Italian | IPA | Pronunciation |
To wear | Indossare | [indos͡sˈare] | een-dohs-sah-reh |
To put on | Indossare Mettere |
[indos͡sˈare] [mˈetːere] |
een-dohs-sah-reh meht-teh-reh |
To take off | Togliere | [tˈɔʎere] | toh-wlhee-eh-reh |
To get dressed | Vestirsi | [vestˈirsɪ] | veh-steehr-seeh |
To get undressed | Spogliarsi Svestirsi |
[spoʎˈarsɪ] [zvestˈirsɪ] |
spoh-wlhee-ahr-seeh sveh-steehr-seeh |
To try on | Provare | [provˈare] | proh-vah-reh |
To unbutton | Sbottonare | [zbotːonˈare] | sboht-toh-nah-reh |
To match | Abbinare | [abːinˈare] | ah-beeh-nah-reh |
To go with | Stare bene con Fare pendant con |
[stˈare bˈɛne kˈon] [fˈare pˈɛndənt kˈon] |
stah-reh beh-neh kohn fah-reh pehn-dahnt |
To clash | Stonare | [stonˈare] | stoh-nah-reh |
To wash | Lavare | [lavˈare] | lah-vah-reh |
To spot clean | Smacchiare | [zmakːjˈare] | smah-keeh-ah-reh |
To iron | Stirare | [stirˈare] | steeh-rah-reh |
To fold | Piegare | [pjeɡˈare] | peeh-eh-gah-reh |
To fit a garment | Adattare | [adatːˈare] | ah-daht-tah-reh |
To sew | Cucire | [kʊt͡ʃˈire] | kooh-cheeh-reh |
To mend | Rammendare | [rammendˈare] | rahm-mehn-dah-reh |
An Italian style guide
Dressing well is a priority in Italy. It’s part of the whole bella figura thing. How you are dressed and how you present yourself speaks volumes about your respect or lack thereof. Here are some useful fashion tips to look like a local during your Italian adventure. Italy is more fun if you try a little to blend in!
1. Choose good quality clothes
I’m not necessarily talking about designer labels, high-end fashion brands, or super expensive garments. You don’t have to spend hundreds of dollars on the newest stylish clothing. Just look for clothing that is well-cut and fits well.
2. Avoid the extremes
Stained, torn, dirty, worn out, scruffy, or bedraggled clothes will make you look cheap and trashy. Conversely, dressing all time as if you were invited to prom or to a royal wedding will make you look utterly ridiculous. Avoid these extremes.
3. Don’t show too much skin
In the summer months, Italians always complain about mobs of scantily clad visitors blighting the landscape with their butt cheeks hanging out of their itty-bitty hotpants. Although July and August can be rather hot, you’ll rarely if ever see Italians wearing booty shorts, micro mini-skirts, and very skimpy dresses that leave nothing to the imagination, except at the beach, and in seaside resort areas.
My tip for you: wear only one skimpy item at a time. For example, a crop top with black tailored trousers, or, vice versa, a mini-skirt with a blouson-sleeved silk top and a cute jacket or blazer.
Remember that wandering off the beach in a swimsuit or going bare-chested while sightseeing is prohibited by law.
4. Wear designer sunglasses
Regardless of whether the sun is out, wear designer sunglasses when in Italy. The bigger, the better. My black Anna Wintour-style sunglasses are almost always glued to my face. Not only are oversized sunglasses perfect for keeping out the sun’s harmful UV rays and acting as a barrier from dust, wind and debris, they also hide my makeup-less face. I like to let my face breathe, and I hardly ever wear makeup, but that doesn’t mean I want the world to see my under-eye bags, dark circles, crow’s feet, and bare eyelashes!
Luckily, big black sunglasses are in style here. Opt for a nice pair of designer sunglasses. Vintage styles work well in Italy as well.
5. Dress well when dining out
This goes for both ladies and gentlemen: dress appropriately when dining out in Italy. That doesn’t mean “dressing up.” Show respect to the establishment and to yourself, and dress appropriately. A casual dress code for fine dining restaurants means comfortable, yet polished.
My tip for you: invest in a well-made blazer. You can class up nearly any outfit with a blazer. Trust me! It makes denim dressy, and party dresses polished. T-shirts underneath blazers can create the perfect cool combination, when done right.
You’re welcome!
6. Don’t wear a snapback or baseball cap
Snapbacks and ballcaps immediately flag you as a tourist in Italy. My tip for you: if you need to wear a hat to protect you from the sun, or hide your receding hairline, snag a more fashionable hat for your Italian trip, like a newsboy or ivy cap, which offer the comfort of a baseball cap but with a lot more style. A straw Panama hat, the elegant summer version of the Fedora, a staple of gentlemen's wardrobes for generations, is another very good option.
7. Flip flops are to be used only at the beach
I can spot an American tourist from a mile away, because, well, they’re wearing rubber flops. So, don’t wear flip flops, Crocs, and fuzzy slippers in any Italian city, regardless of the temperature. Go for a classier pair of leather strap sandals.
8. Sweatpants are to be used only at the gym or at home
Sweatpants are for sports, or lounging at home. Wearing sweatpants in public is a big no-no in Italy. The same goes with yoga pants, form-fitting bicycle booty shorts, and running-type pants, which shouldn’t be worn outside of yoga studios, gyms, or a workout routine.
9. Don’t wear noisy shoes
Off to Italy this summer? Leave the clogs, high heels, and wooden-soled sandals at home, especially if you’re heading to Positano, the westernmost town along the Amalfi Coast, or the island of Capri. Wearing noisy shoes like wooden clogs is strictly forbidden there.
10. Leave the socks at home
Here’s a fun fact. We Italians don’t really wear socks, or, at least, not ones you can see. We usually wear no-show socks, “calzini invisibili” or more colloquially “fantasmini” in Italian, which wrap the foot at the base, from toe to ankle, without extending above the opening of the shoe. Do the same during your Italian adventure!
And please, I’m begging you, don’t wear socks with flip flops. It’s a fashion crime, at the very least. Duh.
11. Stay away from wearing too revealing clothes when visiting religious sites
If you’re planning on visiting a church, a synagogue, or other houses of worship, your knees and shoulders need to be covered. Tank tops, sleeveless garments, ab-baring crop tops, tiny hotpants, and clingy-butt mini-skirts are prohibited in religious sites throughout Italy.
My tip for you: bring a shawl, a foulard, a lightweight jumper, or an oversized scarf to wrap around your bare shoulders and legs before entering a church.
Hats off to you!
Have fun practicing what you’ve learned a little each day. A handy hint is to say out loud the Italian name for your clothes as you put them on. And next time you have five minutes, instead of scrolling through your cell phone aimlessly, read an Italian fashion blog, and learn new words and jargon. Check out The Blonde Salad by my fellow Lombard Chiara Ferragni or any of the rest of our latest articles on our Italian language blog.