One of the first words you want to learn when learning Italian – or any language – right after you learn how to say hi, is thank you.
We’ve all been there – you visit a country, even just for a weekend, and after a couple of hours, you feel comfortable thanking everyone in their mother tongue. So, if you’re a language learner and want to learn how to say thank you in Italian, you’ve come to the right place.
Similarly, you’ll also learn how to say you’re welcome in Italian, which is almost as important!
Why learn how to say thank you in Italian?
Italians put a great emphasis on etiquette and politeness. So, even if you don’t speak perfect Italian, knowing how to thank people will go a long way in their eyes.
Additionally, gratitude makes you happier. Positive psychology research shows that gratitude helps people feel more happiness and positive emotions, improves their health and builds strong relationships.
So keep reading to master gratitude, politeness, and etiquette in this bella lingua and increase your happiness levels!
In this article, we’ll look at the most common ways to say thank you, and you’re welcome in Italian. We’ll cover:
- formal and informal situations;
- slang;
- texting; and
- also give you a phonetic transcription of all these expressions so that you’ll pronounce them like a native.
How to say thank you in Italian
If you’re looking for the short answer, thank you in Italian is grazie. But we know you want to know more, so we’ve listed so many colorful variations from thank you very much in Italian to even thanking God! Here are the most common ways to express your gratitude in Italian.
English | Italian | Italian pronunciation |
Thank you. | Grazie | grah-tsee-eh |
Thanks a lot | Molte grazie | moll-teh grah-tsee-eh |
Thank you very much. | Grazie mille. | grah-tsee-eh meel-leh |
No, thank you. | No, grazie. | noh grah-tsee-eh |
Yes, please. | Sì, grazie. | see grah-tsee-eh |
Okay thank you. | Va bene, grazie. | vah beh-neh grah-tsee-eh |
Thank you my friend. | Grazie amico/a mio/a | grah-tsee-eh ah-mee-coh/cah mee-oh/ah |
Thank you for everything. | Grazie di tutto. | Grah-tsee-eh dee toot-toh |
Thank you, have a nice day. | Grazie, buona giornata. | Grah-tsee-eh boo-oh-nah djor-nah-tah |
Thank you for your help. | Grazie per l’aiuto. | Grah-tsee-eh pehr lah-yoo-toh |
Thank you for coming. | Grazie di essere venuto/a. | Grah-tsee-eh dee ess-seh-reh veh-noo-toh/tah |
Many thanks | Tante grazie. | Tann-teh grah-tsee-eh |
Infinite thanks | Grazie infinite. | Grah-tsee-eh een-fee-nee-teh |
Thank you from my heart. | Grazie di cuore. | Grah-tsee-eh dee kwoh-reh |
I thank you. | Ti ringrazio. | Tee reen-grah-tsee-oh |
Thanks in advance. | Grazie in anticipo. | Grah-tsee-eh een ahn-tee-chee-poh |
I really thank you. | Grazie davvero. | Grah-tsee-eh dav-veh-roh |
Thank you for the ride. | Grazie per il passaggio. | Grah-tsee-eh pehr eel pahs-sah-djoh |
Thanks again. | Grazie ancora. | Grah-tsee-eh ahn-coh-rah |
Thank you, brother. | Grazie, fratello. | Grah-tsee-eh frah-tell-loh |
Thank you, sister. | Grazie, sorella. | Grah-tsee-eh soh-rell-lah |
I really appreciate it. | Lo appresso molto. | Loh ah-preh-tsoh moll-toh |
I am grateful to you. | Ti sono grato/a. | Tee soh-noh- grah-toh/tah |
Thanks anyway | Grazie lo stesso | Grah-tsee-eh loh steh- soh |
Thank God! | Grazie a Dio! | Grah-tsee-eh ah dee-oh |
Thank goodness! | Grazie al cielo! | Grah-tsee-eh ahl cheh-loh |
To say “thank you for…” you can use “grazie di…” or “grazie per…”. They can either be followed by a verb in the infinito passato (past infinitive) or a noun. Careful, the infinitive form after per and di is not correct!
Italian | English |
Grazie per aver chiamato. | Thank you for calling. |
Grazie per il regalo. | Thank you for the present. |
Grazie di essere venuto. | Thank you for coming. |
Grazie della chiamata. | Thank you for the call. |
How to say thank you in Italian formally
Do you need some more formal language for a business meeting, or for talking to your partner’s parents for the first time? Don’t worry, we got you covered. Here are some formal ways of saying thank you formally in Italian. You can use these in writing or speaking.
English | Italian | Pronunciation |
Thank you. | La ringrazio | Lah reen-grah-tsee-oh |
Thank you (plural) | Vi ringrazio | Vee reen-grah-tsee-oh |
I am grateful to you (singular). | Le sono molto grato/a. | Leh soh-noh moll-toh grah-toh/tah |
I am grateful to you (plural). | Vi sono molto grato/a. | Vee soh-noh moll-toh grah-toh/tah |
I give you my thanks. | I miei ringraziamenti | Ee mee-eh-ee reen-grah-tsee-ah-men-tee |
I offer my most sincere thanks. | Porgo i miei più Sinceri ringraziamenti. | Pohr-goh ee mee-eh-ee pyooh seen-cheh-ree reen-grah-tsee-ah-men-tee |
I give you my thanks in advance. | La ringrazio in anticipo. | Lah reen-grah-tsee-oh een ann-tee-chee-poh |
How to say thank you in Italian informally
On the other hand, if you want to add some informal expressions when thanking your Italian friends, here are some you can add to the usual “grazie.”
English | Italian | Pronunciation |
I owe you a favor. | Ti devo un favore. | Tee deh-voh oon fah-voh-reh |
I owe you one. | A buon rendere. | Ah boo-on rehn-deh-reh |
It is very nice of you. | È molto gentile da parte tua. | Eh moll-toh djen-tee-leh dah parr-teh too-ah |
You shouldn’t have! | Non avresti dovuto! | Nonn ah-vres-tee doh-voo-toh |
So kind of you! | Gentilissimo/a! | dgen-tee-lee-see-moh/mah |
Check out more general informal and Italian slang terms here.
How to write a thank you card or note in Italian
Here’s some help if you need to express your gratitude to a friend, family member, or business connection who lives far away. In the table below, you’ll find some thank you note examples you can take inspiration from.
Example 1 - Business, formal.
English | Italian |
Dear *name*, Thank you so much for your advice and time last week. I really appreciate everything you’ve done to help get this project moving forward. Sincerely, *name* |
Gentile *nome*, La ringrazio molto per i suoi consigli e il tempo che mi ha dedicato settimana scorsa. Apprezzo moltissimo tutti i sui sforzi per fa sì che questo progetto proceda al meglio. Cordiali saluti, *nome* |
Example 2 - Thank you note to a friend or family member.
English | Italian |
Dear *name*, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for the support you’ve given me these days. You truly are special. Sending you a hug, *name* |
Caro/a *nome*, Ti ringrazio di cuore per il supporto che mi hai dato in questi giorni. Sei davvero una persona speciale. Un abbraccio, *nome* |
Example 3 - Thank you note for a gift.
English | Italian |
Dear *name*, Thank you so much for the present, you shouldn’t have! I love you. Thanks again, and see you soon. *name* |
Caro/a *nome*, Grazie mille per il regalo, non dovevi! Ti voglio bene. Grazie ancora e a presto. *nome* |
How to say you’re welcome in Italian
Let’s also look at how to answer when someone says “grazie.” Here are some of the most common ways to say you’re welcome in Italian.
Di you know that the most common way of saying you’re welcome in Italian is prego, which is the first-person singular of the verb pregare (to pray)? Of course, now it is a set expression whose meaning has nothing to do with praying!
English | Italian | Pronunciation | Context |
You’re welcome. | Prego. | preh-goh | Both formal and informal |
No problem. | Non c’è problema. | Nonn cheh proh-bleh-mah | Both formal and informal |
It’s nothing. | Di niente. / Di nulla. | Dee nyen-teh/ dee noo-lah | Both formal and informal |
No need to say thank you. | Non c’è di che. | Nonn cheh dee keh | Formal |
What for? | E di che? | Eh dee keh | Informal |
Don’t mention it! | Figurati! | fee-goo-rah-tee | Informal |
By all means! | Ci mancherebbe! | Chee mann-keh-reh-bbeh | Informal |
Often, we also answer to grazie with another grazie by adding a te/lei/voi (informal, formal and plural respectively).
- Grazie! (Thank you!)
- Grazie a te/a lei/a voi! (Thank you!)
You can also use prego to invite someone to do something: prego, si sieda (“please, have a seat”).
Italian songs with “grazie”
Max Pezzali - 883 - Grazie mille
Here’s a 90s classic by Max Pezzali, Grazie Mille is a great song to listen to if you want to feel grateful for every moment.
Gianna Nannini - Grazie
Gianna Nannini’s Grazie is a more melancholic love song.
Adriano Celentano - Grazie, Prego, Scusi
If you’re interested in Italian music, you cannot avoid listening to Adriano Celentano. Here’s a fun song that uses grazie, prego, scusi!
Mistakes to avoid when saying thank you in Italian
Be careful not to confuse grazia (grace) and grazie (thank you)! Of course, the two words come from the same root, but they shouldn’t be used interchangeably. Even if you’re thanking someone for just one thing, you still need to use grazie. (Grazia, with a capital G, is also an Italian name.)
Also, make sure you pronounce the last E. It’s not grah-tsee, but grah-tsee-eh.
Another word foreigners often mistake for grazie is gratis. This, however, means “free of charge,” so make sure you don’t use it in the wrong context, or people might think you’re trying to get a discount. Although if you get something gratis, of course, say grazie!
Grazie, a presto!
We hope you found this article on all the most common ways to say “thank you” and “you’re welcome” in Italian useful.
As usual, our best tip is to go out and practice your new vocab with native speakers and embrace making mistakes!
If you enjoyed expanding your Italian vocabulary via this free blog article lesson, you can find even more Italian blog vocabulary articles here.