I don’t know about you, but I always have trouble with things like plants, fish and birds… even in the languages I speak fluently! It’s not just about learning a language, but also about knowing the subtleties of the fauna and flora.
Even if you’re not an ornithologist, it can be useful to learn birds in French. Imagine that you’re visiting the Parc naturel de Camargue in France, or the Parc National de Plaisance in Québec. You spot a very rare bird and want to share your enthusiasm with other visitors… but you can’t find your words!
If you’re just speechless because of so much beauty, no problem. If it’s a vocabulary issue though, you might want to keep reading!
How to say “bird” in French
You probably want to fly directly to the different birds, but first things first. In French, “bird” is “oiseau”. Plural form, “oiseaux”. Not the easiest word to pronounce, but this video should help.
Very common birds in French
Now, let’s learn all the birds (or almost!) in French. We have divided them by category, from pigeon in French to owl in French. As a rule of thumb, just add “s” at the end to get the plural form, with a few exceptions (for example: émeu, émeux - cardinal, cardinaux - vanneau, vannaux). Ready for take off?
English | Bird name (singular) | IPA pronunciation |
Pigeon | Pigeon | piʒɛõ |
Sparrow | Moineau | mwano |
Dove | Colombe | kɔlõbə |
Hummingbird | Colibri | kɔlibɾi |
Chicken | Poule | pulə |
Peacock | Paon | paõ |
Robin | Rouge-gorge | ɾuʒə-gɔɾʒə |
Seagull | Mouette | mwɛtə |
Woodpecker | Pivert | pivɛɾ |
Chickadee | Mésange charbonnière | mezɑ̃ʒə ʃaɾbɔnjɛɾə |
Kingfisher | Martin-pêcheur | maɾtɛ̃-pɛʃœɾ |
Magpie | Magpie | magpjə |
Raven | Corbeau | kɔɾbo |
Blackbird | Merle noir | mɛɾlə nwaɾ |
Flycatcher | Moucherolle | muʃəɾɔlə |
Jay | Geai | ʒɛe |
Crow | Corneille | kɔɾnɛjə |
Nuthatch | Sittelle | sitɛlə |
Pelican | Pélican | pelikɑ̃ |
Swallow | Hirondelle | iɾõdɛlə |
Swan | Cygne | siɲə |
Nightingale | Rossignol | ɾɔsiɲɔl |
Partridge | Perdrix | pɛɾdɾiks |
Cuckoo | Coucou | kuku |
Finch | Pinson | pɛ̃sõ |
Skylark | Alouette des champs | alwɛtəde ʃɑ̃ |
Canary | Canari | kanaɾi |
Starling | Étourneau sansonnet | etuɾno sɑ̃sɔne |
Cardinal | Cardinal | kaɾdinal |
Pheasant | Faisan | fəzɑ̃ |
Migratory birds in French
Migratory birds are some of the most fascinating animals. Some of them, like the Arctic Tern, can travel up to 56 000 miles per year, from pole to pole. As travel lovers, we can only say “chapeau”!
English | Bird name (singular) | IPA pronunciation |
Albatross | Albatros | albatɾo |
Duck | Canard | kanaɾ |
Goose | Oie | waə |
Puffin | Macareux | makaɾø |
Stork | Cigogne | sigɔɲə |
Heron | Héron | eɾõ |
Tern | Sterne | stɛɾnə |
Warbler | Fauvette | fovɛtə |
Wren | Troglodyte mignon | tɾɔglɔditə miɲõ |
Goldfinch | Chardonneret élégant | ʃaɾdɔnəɾɛt‿ elegɑ̃ |
Bulbul | Bulbul | bylbyl |
Mynah | Mynah | mina |
Teal | Sarcelle d'hiver | saɾsɛlə divεɾ |
Wild / Exotic birds in French
Do you need a pinch of exotism in your life? Get ready for a wild and colorful feather explosion!
English | Bird name (singular) | IPA pronunciation |
Flamingo | Flamant rose | flamɑ̃ ɾozə |
Eagle | Aigle | ɛglə |
Parrot | Perroquet | pɛrɔke |
Budgie | Perruche | pɛryʃə |
Toucan | Toucan | tukɑ̃ |
Cockatoo | Cacatoès | kakatoe |
Crane | Grue | gɾɥə |
Hawk | Rapace | ɾapasə |
Falcon | Faucon | fokõ |
Owl | Hibou, chouette | ibu, ʃwɛtə |
Vulture | Vautour | votuɾ |
Parakeet | Perruche | pɛryʃə |
Grouse | Gélinotte | ʒelinɔtə |
Quail | Caille | kajə |
Booby | Fou | fu |
Cormorant | Cormoran | kɔɾmɔɾɑ̃ |
Petrel | Pétrel | petɾɛl |
Frigate bird | Frégate | fɾegatə |
Sandpiper | Bécasseau variable | bekaso vaɾjablə |
Ibis | Ibis | ibi |
Hornbill | Calao | kalao |
Wagtail | Bergeronnette | bɛɾʒəɾɔnɛtə |
Macaw | Aras | aɾa |
Kookaburra | Kookaburra | koɔkabyra |
Lorikeet | Loriot | lɔɾjo |
Pardalote | Passereau | pasəɾo |
Grasswren | Malure des herbes | malyɾəde ɛɾbə |
Kaka | Kaka | kaka |
Kakapo | Kakapo | kakapo |
Kea | Kea | kɛa |
Rhea | Nandou | nɑ̃du |
Hamerkop | Ombrette africaine | õbɾɛt afɾikɛnə |
Ketzal | Ketzal | kɛtzal |
Bird of paradise | Oiseau de paradis | wazo də paɾadi |
Hoopoe | Huppe fasciée | ypə fassjeə |
Guinea fowl | Pintade | pɛ̃tadə |
Widowbird | Veuve-noire | vœvə-nwaɾə |
Gaditano | Boulant d’Espagne | bulɑ̃ dɛspaɲə |
Bunting | Bruant | bɾɥɑ̃ |
Grosbeak | Gros-bec | gɾo-bɛk |
Tanager | Tangara | tɑ̃gaɾa |
Indian roller | Rollier indien | ɾɔlje ɛ̃djɛ̃ |
Gonolek | Gonolek | gɔnɔlɛk |
Bullfinch | Bouvreuil | buvɾœj |
Oriole | Loriot | lɔɾjo |
Turaco | Turaco | tyɾako |
Motmot | Motmot | mɔtmo |
Agapornis | Agapornis | agapɔɾni |
Budgerigar | Perruche | pɛryʃə |
Weaver | Tisserand | tisəɾɑ̃ |
Condor | Condor | kõdɔɾ |
Redshank | Chevalier guignette | ʃəvalje giɲɛtə |
Lapwing | Vanneau | vano |
Flightless birds in French
These birds will never get a chance to see the world. It’s sad when somebody “te coupe les ailes”. (French expression meaning “Restrain someone’s freedom”, literally “clip someone’s wings”). But you know, they might enjoy their sedentary life. After all, we don’t all suffer from wanderlust!
English | Bird name (singular) | IPA pronunciation |
Emu | Émeu | emø |
Penguin | Pingouin | pɛ̃gwɛ̃ |
Turkey | Dinde | dɛ̃də |
Ostrich | Autruche | otɾyʃə |
Kiwi | Kiwi | kiwi |
Weka | Weka | wəka |
Kakapo | Kakapo | kakapo |
Takahe | Takahe | takaə |
Cassowary | Casoar | kazoaɾ |
Bird songs in French
L’aigle noir, Barbara
A classic, full of dramatism and emotion. A great way to learn how to say eagle in French!
Ouvrez la cage aux oiseaux, Pierre Perret
A delightful ode to freedom for adults and kids.
Fais comme l’oiseau, Michel Fugain
A song rooted in the 70s, to promote freedom and a simple life.
Alouette, gentille alouette
A classic nursery song for French children about a skylark.
Funny bird-related sayings, quotes, phrases
French people love expressions (I’m no exception!). We have compiled a list of useful and funny French sayings involving birds.
Expression | Literal translation | Meaning |
Petit à petit, l’oiseau fait son nid. | Little by little the bird makes its nest. | To do something at one’s own pace, slowly but surely |
Un froid de canard | A duck’s cold | Very cold |
Une bécasse | A woodcock | A stupid woman |
Faire l’autruche | To do the ostrich | To refuse to see reality |
Une vieille chouette | An old owl | An old, mean lady |
Une poule mouillée | A wet chicken | A wimp |
Une cervelle d’oiseau | A bird’s brain | Somebody who is forgetful |
À vol d’oiseau | At bird’s flight | In a straight line |
Donner des noms d’oiseau | Give birds’ names | Insult |
Manger comme un oiseau | Eat like a bird | Eat very little |
Oiseau rare | Rare bird | Somebody who doesn’t show up very often, hard to find |
Une hirondelle ne fait pas le printemps | A swallow doesn’t make the spring | A piece of evidence doesn’t mean that it’s going to happen |
Gai comme un pinson | Happy like a finch | Cheery, happy |
Prise de bec | A beak grip | A dispute |
Voler dans les plumes (de quelqu’un) | Fly in someone’s feathers | Look for trouble, bother |
Un oiseau de nuit | A night bird | A night owl |
Just for laughs: Parrots speaking French
You really have no excuse not to learn birds in French. Even parrots speak French! You don’t believe us?
- A Guadeloupe parrot says hello in French
- A talkative parrot who knows a wide range of French slang!
- A parrot singing Alouette, gentille Alouette (see song above)
Now that you know all the birds in French, it’s time to leave the nest and visit a francophone country! You’ll feel like a duck in the water in no time with our online French lessons. And if you plan to visit a zoo or natural preserve during your stay, you might want to learn other animals in French.
Otherwise, keep your language journey progressing further with free vocabulary lessons on our French blog.