Make better hiring decisions
When it comes to hiring new talent, the ability to efficiently screen new candidates is key. For bilingual positions, one of the hardest job requirements to screen is the ability to actually speak multiple languages, particularly if there are no other employees in the company who speak that language.
With our bilingual tests for employment, you can:
- Test multiple language skills
- Make informed decisions before hiring
- Standardize your hiring process
View our hiring test options
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If you are looking for more than 30 tests, please contact us for bulk pricing.
Benefits of bilingual tests for employment
There is more of a need for bilingual employees than ever before. With more diversity in the workforce and more international business opportunities, bilingual positions are no longer restricted to large corporations.
As the need for more bilingual employees increases, hiring managers need to be equipped with the ability to efficiently and accurately screen candidates to determine if they are qualified. Even more important is to have a standardized, equitable way to screen all employees.
With bilingual tests for employment, your hiring managers will have all the tools they need to efficiently screen candidates. For your business, that means:
- Hiring the best candidates
- Reducing the time to hire
- Streamlining the hiring process
- Decreasing employee turnover
- Improving business opportunities
Get in touch
Contact us to learn more about our language testing solutions. A member of our team will contact you to answer all of your questions and provide you with any information you need.