ベルリッツ子供英会話の特長 Fastest way to learn a language
バイリンガルであることの利点には、認知能力の向上、グローバルな視野の拡大、キャリアチャンスの拡大などがあります。 お子様が新しい言語を身につけることによって、将来への可能性が広がります。
研究によると、第2言語を学ぶことで認知能力が全般的に向上することも示されています。 新しい言語での学習、会話、読み書きに加えて、留学や就職で必要なテストスコア、建設的な思考能力、問題解決能力、また、心理的柔軟性を向上させることができると言われています。楽しくインタラクティブな授業を通して、子どもたちは積極的に学ぶことができます。
- Private lessons ensure fast progress
- Your child has 100% maximum teacher time
- Interactive lessons ensure your child is always speaking and learning for the entire lesson
- Choose your own schedule: intensive daily lessons, or just 1-2 times each week
お子様のレベルやニーズに合わせてプログラムをカスタマイズ Customised learning for your child
- Programs are age-specific for different learners
- Experienced native-speakers specially trained to teach children of all ages
- Teachers only move forward as your child properly completes each task and skill
- A perfect option for all learning styles and children with different needs
お子様が持っている才能を向上させます Interactive lesson format
- Use of visual images, text and audio tracks
- Interactive online content allows children to draw, type, click, drag and drop
- Fun games and rewards to motivate students as they progress
よくあるご質問 Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
English, French, German, Spanish, Mandarin, Japanese, and many more.
- Private 1-to-1 online courses are available for 10 lessons, 20 or 40 lessons.
- One full course level is completed after 40 lessons.
- Each lesson is a minimum duration of 45 minutes.
- Our Private 1-to-1 lessons have a fully flexible schedule. You book lessons online and choose the day and time that suits your child, subject to availability.
- You can book lessons on a fixed basis in advance if you prefer.
- Lessons can be cancelled with 24 hours notice.
- Tuition fees vary depending on the size of the course package. If you're interested in a large number of lessons (2 or 3 course levels), then please contact us.
- Short 10-lesson course (10 X 45mins) are $45 each lesson, so starting at only $450.
- Packages of 20 or 30 lessons are $42 each lesson.
- Full course level (40 lessons) is only $38 per lesson, or $1,520 +gst.
- Payment can be made online with any debit/credit card after we send you the invoice.
- Installment payment plans are available with Openpay, so you can spread payments of 2 or 3 months, up to 4-6 months.
日本語でお問い合わせ下さい。 日本人スタッフよりご連絡をいたします
日本語でお問い合わせ下さい。 日本人スタッフよりご連絡をいたします。
One of our friendly staff will contact you to discuss your child's needs.