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Un grupo de personas en un restaurante teniendo una conversación en inglés.

Diálogos en inglés para distintas situaciones

Minerva Cesena

¿Alguna vez te ha pasado que estás en medio de un diálogo en inglés, olvidas una palabra o frase y entonces desaparece tu fluidez? La habilidad de hablar para muchos podría parecer innata, para algunos otros resulta una tarea un tanto complicada, aunque es más fácil de lo que crees; en ocasiones cuando se trata de diálogos en inglés nos apena entablar comunicación por temor a pronunciar de manera incorrecta o porque no conocemos el vocabulario, por eso en este artículo te proporcionamos algunos diálogos en inglés para distintas situaciones o escenarios de la vida diaria.

Aprender inglés a través de diálogos

En el restaurante:

a: Good morning, are you open?

b: Yes, we are.

a: We would like a table for two.

b: Welcome, this way, please.

a: Could we see the menu, pleasea?

b: here is the menu. What would you like to order?

a: I would like to order…

a: Excuse me, where are the restrooms?

a: Could you bring the bill, please?

Inglés para las compras:

a: Excuse me, do you have this item in a different color?

b: Yes, we do, blue, black and white.

a: can I see the white, please?

a: How much is this? (singular) How much are these? (plural)

b: it’s one hundred dollars.

a: do you take credit cards?

b: no, sorry, we don’t. Debit cards only.

a: I’ll pay in cash, thanks.

En el doctor:

a: Good afternoon. I would like to make an appointment to see Dr Stone, please.

b: Good afternoon, of course. When would you like the appointment?

a: Do you have any space available this Wednesday?

b: Yes, we have at 12: 00, 1:00 and 3:30

a: I’d like the appointment by midday, please.

a: Good afternoon, I have an appointment with Dr. Stone.

b: welcome, he’s waiting for you in room 4

a: hello, doctor.

b: hello, Mr. Jones. How are you?

a: I came because I'm feeling sick.

b: what are your symptoms?

a: I’ve got a temperature, sore throat and headaches.

Noche de películas:

a: good evening, how long does (movie) last?

b: good evening, one hour and 50 minutes.

a: do you have tickets for tonight?

b: we do. How many would you like?

a: two tickets, please. Seats 11 and 12, arrow H.

b: all right, two tickets for (movie) seats 11 and 12, arrow H. Is that correct?

a: yes, please. And a large box of popcorn and a soda.

b: It’ll be 30 dollars.

a: thanks.

Diálogos en inglés para viajes/ vacaciones

dos personas sentadas en una banca en inglés

En el hotel:

a: Welcome, do you have a reservation with us?

b: No, I’d like to book a room now, please.

a: Sure, we have single and double rooms, which one would you like?

b: I’d like to book a double room, please.

a: How many guests are with you?

b: three. Does it include breakfast?

a: No, sorry, we don’t have the service. How many days will you be staying?

b: two days, please.

a: alright, sign here, please.

En el aeropuerto:

a: Hello, I’d like to buy a ticket to (place)

b: hello, of course, when are you traveling?

a: do you have tickets available for today?

b: we still have some. These are the schedules …

a: I’d like to buy a round trip to Colombia and back, please.

b: All right, how many days are you staying in Colombia?

a: a whole week, please.

b: this is the availability we have for those days.

Viaje en carretera:

a: good morning, how can I help you?

b: morning, name is Jonh Smith, my car broke down, can you send someone to help me?

a: Nice to meet you, Mr. Smith, where are you?

b: I’m at mile 502 east road.

a: Is there any reference you can spot near you?

a: Yes, there is a phone booth across the road.

b: we’ve got your location, what happened to your car?

a: I think the battery is dead.

b: do you need medical assistance?

a: No, thank you. Just mechanical assistance

b: is there anyone with you?

a: Yes, I’m with my family.

b: all right. Help is on the way.

En la estación de autobús:

a: hello, ma’am, Is it possible to buy the ticket on the bus to Mexico?

b: good morning, miss. Yes, there’s availability on the bust at 11:00

a: How much will it cost?

b: it’s 10.50 dollars, please.

a: Do you take cards?

b: we do.

La clave para entablar un buen diálogo en inglés es la fluidez, sin embargo, la fluidez es una habilidad que se adquiere con el tiempo, puedes comenzar practicando en casa, así como estudiar el idioma de manera formal, actualmente existen muchas múltiples formas de lograr tus objetivos en el idioma, tal como lo son cursos de conversaciones en inglés, diversas aplicaciones o cursos de idiomas, incluso puedes adquirir aprendizaje a través de plataformas digitales.

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