Start speaking English from your very first lesson

  • No time wasted: For 80% of the lessons, you will speak English through exercises, including role-playing, quizzes and conversations.

  • Skip the unnecessary: Lesson content is tailored to your specific needs, so you won't waste time learning things you don't need

  • Stay motivated: Your learning plan is tailored to your interests and gives you a new skill every class, making learning fun and motivating.

Individual English courses for everyone

7 benefits of individual English classes with Berlitz

Each lesson will be conducted entirely in the new language. This approach simulates the experience of being abroad and speaking with a native speaker, accelerating learning and helping you achieve your individual goals quickly.

Learning English one-on-one, under the watchful eye of a highly trained native speaker or a native-like teacher means you receive immediate feedback in order to help you achieve flawless fluency.

Our qualified language teachers come from all over the world, so in addition to the language, you will learn cultural nuances and accents so you can get along well in an international environment.

Our teacher focuses on your development 100% of the time. Customized English classes are tailored to your work, interests, pace, schedule and goals, providing you with a concrete path to fluency.

Is the fear of speaking a foreign language paralyzing? Our Berlitz Method guarantees that you will speak a new language from the very first individual English lesson, allowing you to speak the language freely over time.

Individual English courses are a specific curriculum, developed by our methodologists. What does this mean in practice? You don't repeat the same thing over and over again, and you gain a specific, practical skill every class.

How will you learn?

Step 1

All you need to do is book a class by contacting our language center or your dedicated tutor. We work with you to set up a schedule.

Step 2

At the beginning of each lesson, the instructor will outline the goals of the session so you know exactly what you are aiming for.

Step 3

You will learn using our proven Berlitz Method. This means that lessons will be taught by the instructor in the target language to equip you with practical conversational skills.

Step 4

Each lesson follows the same pattern: present, practice and perform. The teacher first presents the new content, then you learn through exercises with their assistance and general practice, and you finish the lesson by presenting what you have learned.

How to learn English fast?

It all starts with the right method. At Berlitz, you learn through immersion - each lesson is taught entirely in the new language. This approach simulates the experience of being abroad and speaking with a native speaker, accelerating your learning and helping you achieve your goals quickly. When you opt for individual English lessons, you accelerate your learning because the teacher dedicates 100% of their attention to you, focusing on your needs and adjusting the teaching method to best suit your needs.

Sign up for individual English classes

Fill out the form below and we will contact you to discuss the available study options and answer all your questions.