How to say thank you in English
So, how do you give thanks to someone in English? By saying “thank you!” This expression is used when:
- someone gives you a gift;
- compliments you; or
- simply does something nice for you.
It’s also used in everyday situations, such as when the lady behind the counter hands you the change at the store.
A less formal way to say “thank you” in English is “thanks.” If you're expressing gratitude to someone you have a formal relationship with, such as your boss or the call center agent you’re talking to on the phone, then "thank you" is the polite way to do it. If you're thanking someone you know, such as a friend or your mum, the more informal version of "thanks" is the best option.
Here are 30+ ways to saythanksin English.
Thank you. | Usually in a formal setting, but it can be used in a casual setting. |
Thanks. | In a casual setting, for example, to a friend. |
Thank you very much. | Emphasizes how thankful you are. |
No, thank you. | To politely decline something. |
Okay, thank you. | To agree to a solution or offer. |
Thank you, my friend. | To thank a friend. |
Thanks a million. | To thank someone very much in a casual way. |
Thanks a ton. | To thank someone very much in a casual way. |
Thank you for everything. | To thank someone for their effort. |
Thank you, have a nice day. | A polite way to end an exchange, for example, in an email or over the phone. |
Thank you for your help. | To thank someone for helping you. |
Thank you for coming. | To thank someone for attending an event. |
Many thanks. | Informal way to express thanks. |
Thank you, sir. | To thank someone you don’t know. |
Thank you for your business. | To thank a customer for doing business with you. |
Thank you for the gift. | To thank someone for a gift. |
Thank you for listening. | To thank someone for lending an ear. |
Thanks in advance. | To thank someone for something they will do for you. |
Thank you for your service. | To thank a service person, such as a waiter or call center rep. |
Thank you for the ride. | To thank someone for driving you, or to thank a taxidriver. |
Thank you, brother. | To thank your brother, or to thank someone who’s like a brother to you. |
Thank you, cousin. | To thank your cousin. |
Thank you, sister. | To thank your brother, or to thank someone who’s like a sister to you. |
I’m so grateful. | To express gratitude. |
I appreciate it. | To express appreciation. |
I can’t thank you enough. | To express deep gratitude. |
That’s so kind of you. | To thank someone for something they did for you that they didn’t have to do. |
You’ve been a big help. | To thank someone for their help. |
I couldn’t have done it without you. | To express appreciation for someone’s help. |
Much appreciated. | To casually express appreciation. |
Much obliged. | To express gratititude. |
I really appreciate your help. | To express appreciation. |
I value your support. | A formal way to express appreciation. |
Accept my endless gratitude. | A very formal way to express gratitude. |
You’re a lifesaver! | A casual way to say how much someone has helped you. |
You shouldn’t have! | To thank someone for something they did that you didn’t expect them to do. |
How to say thank you in English formally
When you’re in a formal setting, such as in a business meeting or when talking to your boss, you want to be very careful with the language you’re using to express yourself. While expressing your gratitude is essential, if you do it in a way that is not appropriate for a formal setting, you might come across as unprofessional.
To help you avoid these awkward situations, we’ve come up with 10 ways to formally say thank you in English.
Thank you. | General way to give thanks, appropriate in any situation. |
Thank you very much. | General way to give thanks, appropriate in any situation. |
I sincerely appreciate your help. | A formal way to express appreciation for someone’s help. |
Please accept my deepest thanks. | A very formal way to give thanks; mostly used in official written correspondence. |
I appreciate your assistance. | Used in a business setting to thank someone for their help. |
Your assistance/work is sincerely appreciated. | Used in a business setting to thank someone for their assistance or work. |
Thank you for your time. | Used in a business setting, for example, after a job interview. |
Thank you for your feedback. | Used in a business setting, for example, after someone provided valuable feedback. |
Thank you for your consideration. | Used in a business setting, for example, after being offered a job interview. |
Thank you for your help. | A formal way to thank someone for their help. |
Ways to say thank you in casual English or English slang
Your English vocabulary can’t be complete unless you know a few useful expressions to say thank you in an informal setting. These expressions are used to express gratitude to friends, family members, or other people you have a casual relationship with. And if you’re looking for moreAmerican English slang expressions, we’ve got 321 of them right here.

Here are a few different casual thank you phrases and their contexts.
EnglishContextCountry of use
Thanks. | A casual way to give thanks. | All |
Many thanks! | A casual way to give thanks. | All |
Thanks a ton. | A casual way to give thanks. | All |
Thanks a million. | A casual way to give thanks. | All |
Thanks a bunch. | A casual way to give thanks. | All |
Appreciate it. | A casual way to express appreciation. | All |
You’re the best. | To express gratitude for something someone did. | All |
Cheers. | A casual way to give thanks in British or Australian English. | England, Australia |
Cheers, mate. | A casual way to give thanks to a friend in British or Australian English. | England, Australia |
Ta muchly. | Thank you very much in British slang. | England |
Chur. | New Zealand’s slang word for “thank you”. | New Zealand |
Ways to saythank youin social media or messaging slang
Seeing a lot of THX, TY, and TGIF all over social media? Getting messages from your friends that look like an undecipherable code? Did you know that these are actually abbreviations of different “thank you” phrases?
If you didn’t, we understand! The older we get, the harder it becomes to keep up with the new social media and messaging abbreviations. But don’t despair! We’ve got you covered with this list of different ways to say “thank you” over the text.
EnglishContextCountry of use
Thanx / thnx / thx | An abbreviation of “thanks” | All |
Ty | An abbreviation of “thank you” | All |
Tyty | Meaning “thank you, thank you”, as in thanking a crowd after giving a speech, but used in a text | All |
Fnx | Short for “thanks” | All |
Tysm | Abbreviation of “thank you very much” | England |
Tgif | Abbreviation for “Thank God, it’s Friday!” | All |
Kthx | Abbreviation for “ok, thanks” | All |
Tyia | Abbreviation for “thank you in advance” | All |
Nty | Abbreviation for “no, thank you” | All |
Tysvm | Abbreviation for “thank you so very much” | All |
Tyfe | Abbreviation for “thank you for everything” | All |
Tyfj | Abbreviation for “thank you for joining”, used in gaming or virtual groups | All |
How to write a thank you note in English
In English-speaking countries, it’s customary - and polite - to send a thank-you note after receiving a gift. The same goes for showing appreciation for someone’s hospitality, such as when you stay in their home or enjoy a meal with them.
But how do you write a thank you note for different social situations? Here are some examples:
Example 1- Business
Dear *name*,
Thank you so much for your time and valuable advice last week. I really appreciate everything you’ve done to help get this project moving forward.
Sincerely,*your name*
Example 2- Thank you note to a friend or family member
Dear *name*,
How are you? I just wanted to say thanks so much for your help! I couldn’t have done this without you.
Love you,*your name*
Example 3- Thank you note for a gift
Dear *name*,
I received your gift. It’s lovely! Thank you so much for remembering my birthday. I truly appreciate it.
All the best,*your name*
Example 4- Thank you note for a teacher
Mrs./Mr. *name*,
With this short note, I wanted to thank you for your assistance and advice throughout the academic year. I’m truly grateful for such an amazing teacher.
Please accept my deepest thanks.
Regards,*your name*