Saying I love you in constructed languages
Being able to say I love you in 100 languages is a huge accomplishment! But if you’re an avid language lover like us, you won’t want to stop there. And for a good reason, because aside from over 7,100 languages spoken in the world, there are also around 900 constructed languages.
So, here’s how to say “I love you” in some of the most popular conlangs (constructed languages).
Constructed language
I love you
Mi amas vin
Io te ama
Lingua Franca Nova
Me ama tu
Me ama vu
Me amas vu/ Me amoras tu
Lelöfob oli
Mi prami do
Ich amorante van toi
Lingwa de planeta
Me lubi-te
Saying I love you in fantasy languages
Are you a fan of Game of Thrones or Lord of the Rings? If so, you know that the authors of these motion pictures created entirely new languages to make their imaginary worlds seem more realistic.
In some cases, the fictional languages were created by a linguist hired for this purpose. In other cases, the fans developed the bits and pieces of the languages created by the authors into fully constructed languages.
If you’re a fan of fantasy books, TV shows, and movies, you’d be excited to learn how to say “I love you” in some of the most popular fantasy languages.
Fantasy language
I love you
Language created by
Anha zhilak yera
Game of Thrones
David Peterson
Avy jorrāelan
Game of Thrones
David Peterson
Bangwi’ soh
Star Trek
Dr. Marc Okrand
I ashaya du
Star Trek
Dr. Marc Okrand
Uma ji muna
Star Wars
Ben Burtt
Gi melin
Lord of the Rings
J.R.R. Tolkien
Quenya (Elvish)
Lord of the Rings
J.R.R. Tolkien
Nga yawne lu oer
Dr. Paul Frommer
U’u ag fah hi
Adam Adamowicz
Love songs in different languages
It’s hard to imagine a world without love songs. There’s everywhere, and it’s no surprise: love is such a deep feeling that many people feel the need to be expressed with music.
Chances are that even if you’re not a native English speaker, most love songs you can think of are in English. But what about love songs in other languages? While they may not be as widely known, every language has a huge amount of beautiful songs about love.
So, we’ve created a list of popular love songs in other languages.
We just called to say we love you
Now that you know how to say “I love you” in 100 languages, 9 constructed languages, and 9 fantasy languages, you’re armed with plenty of vocabulary to express your love for someone.
We hope that this article has inspired you to do that. We know that’s sometimes easier said than done, but in the words of Barbara de Angelis, “You never lose by loving. You always lose by holding back.”