Concerns about making mistakes, worry about not being understood, fear of being judged or ridiculed, and self-consciousness about pronunciation or accent are common fears associated with speaking English.

By embracing mistakes, focusing on effective communication, practicing deep breathing, engaging in daily reading and speaking exercises, and gradually exposing oneself to English-speaking situations, you can overcome the fear of speaking English.

Engaging in writing and reading aloud exercises, describing a place in English, and talking about past and future activities are effective ways for you to practice speaking English and build your confidence.

Practicing speaking exercises can lead to increased confidence, improved fluency and articulation, enhanced vocabulary and language skills, reduced anxiety and fear associated with speaking English, desensitization to speaking and recording oneself, and opportunities for self-assessment and progress tracking.

You can seek additional support through language learning communities, professional language instructors, language exchange partners, online resources and courses, and supportive practice environments to overcome your aversion to speaking English.

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