Learn how to pronounce the days of the week in French

Before we delve into the fascinating world of the French days of the week, let's first ensure that you're confident in their pronunciation. In the table below, you'll find the English and French names for each day, along with their phonetic pronunciation. Getting these pronunciations right is the first step in mastering the rhythm of the French week.
Monday Lundi [lun-dee]
Tuesday Mardi [mar-dee]
Wednesday Mercredi [mar-creh-dee]
Thursday Jeudi [zhuh-dee]
Friday Vendredi [von-druh-dee]
Saturday Samedi [sam-dee]
Sunday Dimanche [dee-mahsh]

Days of the Week in French: Their Meaning and Influence

Lundi (Monday): The Day of the Moon

Our journey begins with "Lundi," which is the French equivalent of Monday. The name "Lundi" originates from the Latin word "dies lunae," meaning "day of the moon." In French, you can often trace the roots of words back to their Latin origins. Just like the Moon sets the rhythm for the week, "Lundi" sets the tone for your workweek. It's a day of fresh beginnings and a time to kickstart your productivity.

Mardi (Tuesday): Honoring the God of War

On to "Mardi," or Tuesday, which pays homage to the Roman god of war, Mars. In French, "Mardi" is a day of action, similar to the fiery energy associated with Mars. It's a day to tackle your tasks and charge forward with determination.

Mercredi (Wednesday): The Middle of the Week

"Mercredi" is the French word for Wednesday. This day is named after the Roman god Mercury, known for his quick wit and adaptability. In the middle of the week, "Mercredi" represents flexibility, a time to adjust your plans, and a reminder that the weekend is just around the corner.

Jeudi (Thursday): A Tribute to Thunder

"Jeudi," or Thursday, is named after the Roman god Jupiter, the god of thunder and lightning. In French, "Jeudi" carries a sense of power and strength, making it an ideal day for asserting your authority and achieving your goals.

Vendredi (Friday): The Day of Love

Ah, "Vendredi"! Known as Friday in English, it gets its name from the goddess Venus, the embodiment of love and beauty in Roman mythology. "Vendredi" is a day to celebrate life, love, and all things beautiful. It's a day when you can take a break from your busy week and enjoy the finer things in life.

Samedi (Saturday) and Dimanche (Sunday): The Weekend Duo

The weekend in French comprises "Samedi" (Saturday) and "Dimanche" (Sunday). "Samedi" retains the Roman influence, being named after the god Saturn, associated with leisure and enjoyment. It's a day for relaxation and fun. "Dimanche," on the other hand, is a tribute to the Sun, and it signifies the end of the week, a time for reflection and recharging for the week ahead.

Using the Days of the Week in French Sentences

Understanding the days of the week in French is not only about memorizing their names but also about using them effectively in sentences. Here are some practical examples of how you can incorporate the days of the week into your conversations:

  1. Today is Monday.
    Aujourd'hui, c'est lundi.
  2. I have a meeting on Wednesday.
    J'ai une réunion mercredi.
  3. She loves Fridays.
    Elle adore les vendredis.
  4. We'll go shopping on Saturday.
    Nous irons faire du shopping samedi.
  5. The event is scheduled for Thursday.
    L'événement est prévu pour jeudi.
  6. He works on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
    Il travaille les mardis et les jeudis.

Grammar Tips - Days of the week in French

Now, let's explore some essential grammar rules when using the days of the week in French sentences:

  1. Days of the week are not capitalized in French.
    Unlike in English, where days of the week are capitalized, in French, they are written in lowercase.
  2. Use definite articles with days of the week
    When referring to specific days, use the definite article "le" in front of the day.  All the days of the week in French are masculine.
    • Le lundi (Monday)
    • Le mercredi (Wednesday)
  3. No prepositions before days for regular events.
    When discussing regular, recurring events, you don't need to use prepositions like "on" or "at."
    • Je travaille lundi. (I work on Monday)
    • Il va au cours mercredi. (He goes to the class on Wednesday)
  4. Use "le" for weekends.
    Use "le" for weekends. When referring to activities that occur on the weekend, use the definite article “le."
    • J'aime sortir le weekend. (I like going out on the weekend)

Incorporating the days of the week into your French conversations and following these grammar rules not only enhances your language skills but also deepens your connection with the culture and rhythms of the French-speaking world. Whether you're discussing your weekly schedule, planning an event, or engaging in casual conversation, mastering the usage of the days of the week is a fundamental step toward fluency in French.

Learning the French days of the week goes beyond practical communication; it offers a window into the cultural and historical influences that have shaped the language. Each day of the week in French carries its unique charm and significance.

At Berlitz, we firmly believe that understanding the cultural context of a language enriches the learning experience. Join our language programs to explore the nuances of French and many other languages. As you learn the language, you'll also uncover the stories, traditions, and beauty of the cultures they represent.

Whether you're planning a trip to a French-speaking country or simply expanding your language horizons, savor the rhythm of the French days of the week and let the beauty of the language inspire your journey.
Remember, one of the fastest ways to become fluent in French is to just immerse yourself in the language. With Berlitz Canada, you can learn French online or face-to-face at one of our language schools across the country.

Bonne semaine (Have a great week)!