There is nothing like the weather to start a conversation — whether you want to warn your francophone friends to take their umbrella because it’s going to rain, or just make small talk with a vendor in a fruit and veggies store.
Complement your conversation with these useful ways to say hello in French!
Rain or shine, we have you covered — parasol or umbrella — with this extensive guide to weather in French!
How do you say “weather” in French?
“Weather” in French can be translated by “temps” or “météo”. Seems hard? Don’t sweat it, “temperature” is almost the same: “température”. And “climate” too: “climat”. So, chill!
This article on months and seasons in French may also come in handy!
How to talk about the weather in French
Would you like to learn useful phrases like “How is the weather?” in French? Et voilà !
Quel temps fait-il ?
What’s the weather like?
Quelles sont les prévisions météo pour ce weekend?
What’s the weather forecast for this weekend?
Il fait soleil mais la brise est fraîche.
It’s sunny but with a cool breeze.
Quelle température va-t-il faire aujourd’hui ?
What’s the temperature going to reach today?
Ils annoncent une température de seulement 5 degrés ce matin.
It’s looking like it will be as cold as 5 degrees this morning.
List of weather terms in French
If weather is your thing, you’re going to be on cloud nine. With our list of weather terms in French, French vocab learning is a breeze!
Everyday weather terms in French
Wonder how to say “It’s sunny” in French, or “it’s raining” in French? Before you move on to the tables below, here are a couple of examples for different tenses:
English | French | |
Present tense | It’s raining. | Il pleut. |
Past tense | It rained yesterday. | Il a plu hier. |
Future tense | It will rain next week. | Il va pleuvoir la semaine prochaine. |
Present tense | It’s sunny. | Il fait soleil. |
Past tense | It was sunny this morning. | Il faisait soleil ce matin. |
Future tense | It will be sunny this weekend. | Il fera soleil ce weekend. |
Not to be mist, we’re sure you’ll find the below list of common weather terminology pretty useful if you’re watching the daily weather report, making smalltalk, or striking up conversations in French.
English | French | IPA |
Sunny | Ensoleillé | ɑ̃sɔlɛje |
Cloudy | Nuageux | nɥaʒø |
Rainy | Pluvieux | plyvjø |
It’s raining | Il pleut | il plø |
It’s snowing | Il neige | il nɛʒə |
It’s hailing | Il grêle | il gɾɛlə |
Sleet | Grésil | gɾezil |
Windy | Venté | vɑ̃te |
Overcast | Couvert | kuvɛɾ |
Fog | Brouillard | bɾwijaɾ |
Stormy | Orageux | ɔɾaʒø |
Partly cloudy | Partiellement nuageux | paɾtjɛləmə nɥaʒø |
Blue sky | Ciel bleu | sjɛl blø |
Pouring | Pluie diluvienne | plɥjə dilyvjɛnə |
Scattered showers | Averses éparses | avɛɾsəz‿ epaɾsə |
Sunrise | Lever du soleil | ləve dy sɔlɛj |
Sunset | Coucher de soleil | kuʃe də sɔlɛj |
Dusk | Crépuscule | kɾepyskylə |
Dawn | Aube | obə |
Extreme weather terms in French
Being able to talk about and understand extreme weather when abroad can be a lifesaver! Ok, maybe I’m exaggerating, but just in case, it’s wise to learn the terms below and read the examples in different tenses.
English | French | |
Present tense | A hurricane is coming. | Un ouragan arrive. |
Past tense | There was a hurricane yesterday. | Il y a eu un ouragan hier. |
Future tense | There will be a hurricane tomorrow. | Il va y avoir un ouragan demain. |
Present tense | There’s a heatwave now. | C’est la canicule en ce moment. |
Past tense | There was a heatwave last week. | C’était la canicule la semaine dernière. |
Future tense | There will be a heatwave this weekend. | Ce sera la canicule ce week-end. |
Now check out all the different vocabulary words for extreme weather events in French below. Hopefully you don’t have to use the majority of these words too much, although sadly, you might hear them on the news.
English | French | IPA |
Hurricane | Ouragan | uɾagɑ̃ |
Cyclone | Cyclone | siklɔnə |
Cold front | Front froid | fɾõ fɾwa |
Heatwave | Canicule | kanikylə |
Flood | Inondation | inõdasjõ |
Typhoon | Typhon | tipõ |
Thunderstorm | Orage | ɔɾaʒə |
Tornado | Tornade | tɔɾnadə |
Downpour | Averse | avɛɾsə |
Thunder | Tonnerre | tɔnɛrə |
Lightning | Foudre | fudɾə |
Whiteout | Voile blanc | vwalə blɑ̃k |
Frost | Gelée | ʒəleə |
Drought | Sécheresse | seʃəɾɛsə |
Avalanche | Avalanche | avalɑ̃ʃə |
Snow storm | Tempête de neige | tɑ̃pɛtə də nɛʒə |
Deluge | Déluge | delyʒə |
Sand storm | Tempête de sable | tɑ̃pɛtə də sablə |
Talking about the temperature in French
As if Fahrenheit and Celsius degrees were not confusing enough — watch this video —, we’ve added even more vocab for you. It’s getting hot in here!
English | French | IPA |
It’s hot | Il fait chaud | il fe ʃo |
It’s cold | Il fait froid | il fe fɾwa |
It’s wet outside | C'est humide dehors | sɛ ymidə dəɔɾ |
It’s nice outside | Il fait bon dehors | il fe bõ dəɔɾ |
It’s humid | C'est humide | sɛ ymidə |
It’s dry | C'est sec | sɛ sɛk |
It’s x degrees | Il fait x degrés | il fe ks dɛgɾe |
It’s minus x degrees | Il fait moins x degrés | il fe mwɛ̃ ks dɛgɾe |
Celsius | Celsius | sɛlsjy |
Fahrenheit | Fahrenheit | faɾɛne |
It’s freezing | Il gèle | il ʒɛlə |
It’s very hot | Il fait très chaud | il fe tɾe ʃo |
Room temperature | Température ambiante | tɑ̃peɾatyɾ ɑ̃bjɑ̃tə |
It’s chilly | Il fait frais | il fe fɾe |
It’s a lovely day | C'est une belle journée | sɛt‿ ynə bɛlə ʒuɾneə |
It’s warm | Il fait bon | il fe bõ |
It’s below freezing | La température est en dessous de zéro | la tɑ̃peɾatyɾɛt‿ɑ̃dəsu də zeɾo |
It’s scorching hot | Il fait une chaleur torride | il fɛt‿ ynə ʃalœɾ tɔridə |
The temperature rose | La température a monté | la tɑ̃peɾatyɾ a mõte |
The temperature dropped | La température a baissé | la tɑ̃peɾatyɾ a b(e)se |
It’s stifling | C’est étouffant | kɛt‿ etufɑ̃ |
It’s oppressing | C’est oppressant | kɛt‿ ɔpɾɛsɑ̃ |
Other important weather terms in French
We’ve gathered other important weather-related words and phrases. If you’re not snowed under, check out these beautiful and cool French words, with a special section dedicated to nature.
English | French | IPA |
Weather forecast | Prévisions météorologiques/météo | pɾevizjõ meteɔɾɔlɔʒikə/meteo |
Meteorology | Météorologie | meteɔɾɔlɔʒjə |
Bad weather | Mauvais temps | move tɑ̃ |
Good weather | Beau temps | bo tɑ̃ |
Extreme weather event | Événement météorologique extrême | evenəmə meteɔɾɔlɔʒik ɛkstɾɛmə |
Climate change | Changement climatique | ʃɑ̃ʒəmə klimatikə |
Global warming | Réchauffement de la planète | ɾeʃofəmə də la planɛtə |
Sea surface temperature | Température de surface de la mer | tɑ̃peɾatyɾə də syɾfasə də lamεɾ |
Wind warning | Vent violent | və vjɔlə |
Squall | Bourrasque | buraskə |
Shower | Averse | avɛɾsə |
Flurry | Tourbillon | tuɾbijõ |
Gust | Rafale | ɾafalə |
Precipitation | Précipitations | pɾesipitatjõ |
Atmospheric pressure | Pression atmosphérique | pɾɛsjõn‿ atmɔspeɾikə |
High pressure | Haute pression | otə pɾɛsjõ |
Low pressure | Basse pression | basə pɾɛsjõ |
Trough | Dépression | depɾɛsjõ |
Warm front | Front chaud | fɾõ ʃo |
Wind direction | Direction du vent | diɾɛksjõ dy və |
Rainbow | Arc-en-ciel | aɾkɑ̃-sjɛl |
Blizzard | Blizzard | blizaɾ |
Sunshine | Soleil | sɔlɛj |
Mist | Brume | bɾymə |
Clear | Clair | klɛɾ |
Ice | Glace | glasə |
Unstable weather in March (rain, sun, sleet) | Giboulées de mars | ʒibule də maɾ |
Drizzle | Bruine | bɾɥinə |
Breeze | Brise | bɾizə |
Gale | Grand vent | gɾɑ̃ və |
Thermometer | Thermomètre | tɛɾmɔmɛtɾə |
Barometer | Baromètre | baɾɔmɛtɾə |
Celsius | Celsius | sɛlsjy |
Fahrenheit | Fahrenheit | faɾɛne |
Air conditioning | Climatisation | klimatizasjõ |
Flurries | Rafales | ɾafalə |
Frostbite | Engelure | ɑ̃ʒəlyɾə |
Heat stroke | Coup de chaleur | ku də ʃalœɾ |
Sweating | Transpiration | tɾɑ̃spiɾasjõ |
Meteorologist | Météorologue | meteɔɾɔlɔgə |
Puddle | Flaque d'eau | flakə do |
Raindrop | Goutte de pluie | gutə də plɥjə |
Season | Saison | sɛzõ |
Smog | Smog | smo |
Sunburn | Coup de soleil | ku də sɔlɛj |
Sunglasses | Lunettes de soleil | lynɛtə də sɔlɛj |
Suntan | Bronzage | bɾõzaʒə |
Sunscreen | Crème solaire/écran solaire | kɾɛmə sɔl(e)ɾɛ/ekɾɑ̃ sɔlɛɾə |
Umbrella | Parapluie | paɾaplɥjə |
Parasol | Parasol | paɾazɔl |
UV | UV | y |
Wind chill | Refroidissement éolien | ɾəfɾwadisəmət‿ eɔljɛ̃ |
Mild weather | Temps doux | tɑ̃ duks |
Changeable weather | Temps changeant | tɑ̃ ʃɑ̃ʒɛɑ̃ |
Slush | Pluie-neige | plɥjə-nɛʒə |
Drenched | Trempé | tɾɑ̃pe |
Thunderclap | Coup de tonnerre | ku də tɔnɛrə |
Bolt of lightning | Éclair | eklɛɾ |
Haze | Brume | bɾymə |
Dew | Rosée | ɾozeə |
Whirlwind | Tourbillon | tuɾbijõ |
Tide | Marée | maɾeə |
Air | Air | ɛɾ |
Air pollution | Pollution de l'air | pɔlysjõ də lɛɾ |
Air mass | Masse d'air | masə dɛɾ |
Air pressure | Pression de l'air | pɾɛsjõ də lɛɾ |
Aurora | Aurore | ɔɾɔɾə |
Northern lights | Aurore boréale | ɔɾɔɾə bɔɾealə |
Southern lights | Aurore australe | ɔɾɔɾ ostɾalə |
Cumulus | Cumulus | kymyly |
Cumulonimbus | Cumulonimbus | kymylɔnɛ̃by |
Cirrus | Cirrus | siry |
Beaufort wind scale | Échelle de vent de Beaufort | eʃɛlə də və də bofɔɾ |
Condensation | Condensation | kõdɑ̃sasjõ |
Dew point | Point de rosée | pwɛ̃ də ɾozeə |
Greenhouse effect | Effet de serre | ɛfe də sɛrə |
Halo | Halo | alo |
Stalactites | Stalactites | stalaktitə |
Stalactites | Stalactites | stalaktitə |
Monsoon | Mousson | musõ |
Ozone | Ozone | ɔzɔnə |
Snow level | Niveau de la neige | nivo də la nɛʒə |
Stratosphere | Stratosphère | stɾatɔspɛɾə |
Temperate | Tempéré | tɑ̃peɾe |
Tropical | Tropicale | tɾɔpikalə |
Subtropical | Subtropicale | syptɾɔpikalə |
Arctic | Arctique | aɾktikə |
Turbulence | Turbulence | tyɾbylɑ̃sə |
Vapor | Vapeur | vapœɾ |
Cold spell | Coup de froid | ku də fɾwa |
Weather related expressions in French
Faire la pluie et le beau temps
- Literal translation: To make the rain and the nice weather
- Meaning: To call the shots
Pleuvoir des cordes
- Literal translation: To rain ropes
- Meaning: Pouring rain
Un froid de canard
- Literal translation: A duck’s cold
- Meaning: Very cold weather
Un temps de chien
- Literal translation: A dog’s weather
- Meaning: Bad weather
Un coup de foudre
- Literal translation: A lightning bolt
- Meaning: Love at first sight
Un vent à décorner les boeufs
- Literal translation: A wind to blow off a bull’s horns
- Meaning: A very strong wind
We know, that’s a downpour of vocab… If you’re looking for an easier way to learn the weather in French, listen to this song by Laurent Voulzy featuring clouds, sky, wind and more!
Quatre nuages
And by the way, if you’re under the weather and need to explain your situation, you might want to learn these anatomy words in French…
Otherwise, keep expanding your brain and continue the fun on our free French vocabulary blog lessons.