To be or not to be? To ser or to estar? This question takes an added challenge as you learn to conjugate “to be” in Spanish.
As a native English speaker, you’re already somewhat familiar with verb conjugations. For example, you know that you do something, but your friend does something. This conjugation of the verb “to do” is something that every native English speaker can do without much effort.
However, many Spanish learners find that verb conjugations in Spanish are a whole new beast. With many conjugation rules to learn and even more irregular verbs that love to break the rules, it will take many hours of dilligent study and plenty of practice to finally nail down the conjugation of every verb.
But no need to panic! Taking it slow and steady is the best way to learn all the different conjugations, and this time, we’ll spend a good amount of time going over the different conjugations for the verb “to be” in Spanish. That way, you’ll have a strong grip of this elementary verb by the time you’re done with this article!
Let’s get started!
The verbs “Ser” and “Estar”
You may have already noticed that the verb “to be” can be translated into both the verb “ser” and the verb “estar.” That’s because Spanish has a distinction between a permanent state of being and a transitory state of being.
For example, when you say that you “are angry,” does that mean that you are permanently angry? Is that an intrinsic part of who you are? No, right! It just means that someone cut you off in traffic or a customer service agent refused to give you a refund for a defective item. Perhaps it’s even worse and you’re hangry (hungry and angry)! But the commonality in all these situations is that they are transitory states. Your anger will pass no matter how badly you wanted that last almond croissant that the person in front of you ordered at the coffee shop.
That’s the general way Spanish differentiates between the verbs “ser” and “estar.” However, there is a bit more nuance to this, so let’s jump right into a few more cases!
When to use "ser"
Describing things that won’t change easily
The verb “ser” describes the core being or characteristic of a noun. Thus, this verb is commonly used with things that don’t change very easily, such as:
- Characteristics. This includes physical characteristics as well as personality traits, such as “Tú eres inteligente” (you are smart) or “La casa es blanca” (the house is white).
- Professions and occupations. Although some professions can be more temporary than permanent, all of them use the verb “ser.” For example, “Soy doctor” (I’m a doctor) or “Eres barista” (I’m a barista).
- Relationships. Your relationships with other people don’t (or, ideally, shouldn’t!) change very often. For example, “Ella es mi mamá” (She is my mom) or “Todos somos amigos” (We’re all friends).
- Climate. A country or city’s climate describes the general characteristics of the weather there, not what the weather is like at a particular moment. For example, “México es muy caluroso” (Mexico is very hot) and “El sur de Chile es muy frío” (Southern Chile is very cold). That doesn’t mean that Mexico is always hot or that Chile is always cold — they’re just general characteristics!
Describing time and events
If you know how to tell the time in Spanish, then you already know that the verb “ser” is used any time you need to talk about the time. It’s also used when describing when an event takes place, such as “El concierto es el viernes en la noche” (The concert is on Friday night) or “La clase es a las 10 a.m.” (The class is at 10 a.m.).
Any time you want to establish ownership or ask questions about the ownership of something, you’ll want to use the verb “ser.” For example, “¿De quién es este vaso?” (Whose cup is this?) or “Esta camiseta es mía” (This shirt is mine).
When to use "estar"
Things that can change easily
The verb “estar” refers to the state of something rather than its intrinsic characteristics. For example, you can be a calm person and still get angry from time to time. Healthy people can catch a cold, and even the gorgeous weather of Tenerife can get stormy every now and then.
- Mood. Humans are complex beings capable of experiencing the whole gamut of emotions. As such, our moods tend to change quite frequently. Use “estar” any time you want to talk about moods, feelings, and emotions in Spanish. For example, “¡Estoy muy emocionada!” (I am very excited!) and “¿Por qué estás triste?” (Why are you sad?).
- Health. We use “estar” when talking about health and well-being in Spanish. That’s why you say “¿Cómo estás?” when asking how are you in Spanish.
- Locations. The verb “estar” can help us locate things. For example, “¿Dónde está la biblioteca?“ (Where is the library?) and “Estamos afuera de tu casa” (We’re outside your house).
- Weather. While a place’s climate may be predictable, the weather can be anything but. With hundreds of common weather expressions in Spanish, you’ll want to use the verb “estar” when saying “¡está lloviendo!” (it’s raining!) or “está soleado” (it’s sunny).
- Ongoing actions. We use the verb “estar” to express things that are happening right now. For example, “Mi mamá está dormida” (My mom is asleep) and “Estoy comiendo” (I’m eating).
Expressing different meanings with “ser” and “estar”
If you’re more of an intermediate Spanish speaker, then you might be wondering why similar situations seem to use “ser” and “estar” interchangeably. In certain contexts, the speaker has a choice between these two verbs that can give the adjective a new meaning. Let’s take a look at some of these situations.
Many Spanish adjectives can be used with both “ser” and “estar.” However, as you now know, “ser” has a more permanent connotation, and using it with an adjective implies an innate or unchangeable characteristic in the noun it’s describing. On the other hand, using “estar” with an adjective implies the current state of the noun — but it could change at any moment.
Here are some examples to help you visualize the differences:
English | Spanish | Pronunciation | IPA |
I am bored. | Estoy aburrido. | ehs-toy ah-boo-ree-doe | esˈtoj aβuˈriðo ‖ |
I am a boring person. | Soy aburrido. | soy ah-boo-ree-doe | ˈsoj aβuˈriðo ‖ |
She is very good looking. | Ella es muy guapa. | eh-yah ehs mooy goo-ah-pah | ˈeʎa ˈez muj ˈɣwapa ‖ |
She looks good right now. | Ella está muy guapa. | eh-yah ehs-tah mooy goo-ah-pah | ˈeʎa esˈta muj ˈɣwapa ‖ |
Mexico is very hot. | México es muy caluroso. | meh-he-co ehs mooy cah-loo-roe-so | ˈmexiko ˈez muj kaluˈɾoso ‖ |
Today is very hot. | El día está muy caluroso. | elle dee-ah ehs-tah mooy cah-loo-roe-so | el ˈdia esˈta muj kaluˈɾoso ‖ |
Differentiate homophones
Homophones are words that sound the same but have different meanings, and Spanish has many of these. Although context will usually let you find the correct one, the verb used is another way to help you identify what word is being used. Here are some examples:
English | Spanish | Pronunciation | IPA |
You’re so smart! | ¡Eres muy lista! | eh-rehs mooy lees-tah | ˈeɾez muj ˈlista ‖ |
Are you ready? | ¿Ya estás lista? | yah ehs-tahs lees-tah | ʝa esˈtaz ˈlista ‖ |
He is very arrogant. | Él es muy orgulloso. | elle ehs mooy ore-goo-yo-so | ˈel ˈez muj oɾɣuˈʎoso ‖ |
I am very proud. | Estoy muy orgulloso. | ehs-toy mooy ore-goo-yo-so | esˈtoj muj oɾɣuˈʎoso ‖ |
Remember to pay attention to your phone. | Recuerda estar atento a tu teléfono. | reh-coo-air-dah ehs-tahr ah-ten-toe ah too teh-leh-fo-no | reˈkweɾða esˈtaɾ aˈtento a tu teˈlefono ‖ |
Us Colombians are very solicitous. | Los colombianos somos muy atentos. | loss coh-lom-bee-ah-nos soh-moss mooy ah-ten-toes | los kolomˈbjanos ˈsomoz muj aˈtentos ‖ |
Using the verb “estar” instead of “ser” can sometimes help you add a layer of specificity to your statements. When you use “estar,” you’re talking about a specific item, whereas using “ser” implies that you’re talking about the noun as a whole.
English | Spanish | Pronunciation | IPA |
Enchiladas are very tasty. | Las enchiladas son muy ricas. | lahs ehn-chee-la-dahs son mooy ree-cas | las enʧiˈlaðas ˈsom muj ˈrikas ‖ |
These enchiladas are very tasty. | Las enchiladas están muy ricas. | lahs ehn-chee-la-dahs ehs-tahn mooy ree-cas | las enʧiˈlaðas esˈtam muj ˈrikas ‖ |
Pigs are very fat. | Los cerdos son muy gordos. | los sehr-dos sohn mooy gore-dos | los ˈθeɾðos ˈsom muj ˈɣoɾðos ‖ |
These pigs are very fat. | Los cerdos están muy gordos. | los sehr-dos ehs-tahn mooy gore-dos | los ˈθeɾðos esˈtam muj ˈɣoɾðos ‖ |
The beach is very pretty. | La playa está muy bonita. | la plah-yah ehs-tah mooy bo-nee-tah | la ˈplaʝa esˈta muj βoˈnita ‖ |
This beach is very pretty. | La playa es muy bonita. | la play-yah ehs mooy bo-nee-tah | la ˈplaʝa ˈez muj βoˈnita ‖ |
Spanish to be conjugation: All possibilities
Knowing when to use “ser” and “estar” is just one part of the equation — now you have to learn how to conjugate them! Although it might be tedious to learn so many different conjugations at first, memorizing the conjugations of irregular verbs is an inescapable part of learning Spanish. Fortunately, investing time into learning the conjugations well from the start will make them come naturally to you in the future, allowing you to focus your attention on more advanced topics.
Without further ado, let’s dive into all the possible conjugations of the verbs “ser” and “estar”!
Present tense (presente)
The present tense, known as el tiempo presente (elle tee-ehm-poh preh-sehn-teh) in Spanish, is likely to be the verb tense you’ll use the most often. It’s also the first tense covered extensively in beginner Spanish lessons, so you might already be familiar with it.
English | Ser | Estar |
I am | Yo soy | Yo estoy |
You are | Tú eres | Tú estás |
You are (formal) | Usted es | Usted está |
He/she/it is | Él es / Ella es / Eso es | Él está / Ella está / Eso está |
We are | Nosotros somos / Nosotras somos | Nosotros estamos / Nosotras estamos |
You all are (Latin American) |
Ustedes son | Ustedes están |
You all are (European Spanish) |
Vosotros sois / Vosotras sois | Vosotros estáis / Vosotras estais |
They are | Ellos son / Ellas son | Ellos están / Ellas están |
Examples of present tense Spanish conjugations for “to be”
English | Spanish | Pronunciation | IPA |
I am Argentinian | Yo soy argentino. | soy are-hen-tee-no | ˈʝo ˈsoj aɾxenˈtino ‖ |
You’re wrong. | Tú estás mal. | too ehs-tahs mal | ˈtu esˈtaz ˈmal ‖ |
She is my sister. | Ella es mi hermana. | eh-yah ehs me air-ma-nah | ˈeʎa ˈez mj eɾˈmana ‖ |
We’re friends. | Nosotros somos amigos. | noh-soh-tross soh-mohs ah-me-goss | noˈsotɾos ˈsomos aˈmiɣos ‖ |
Where are you? (plural) | ¿Dónde están ustedes? | don-deh ehs-tahn oos-eh-dess | ˈdonde esˈtan usˈteðes ‖ |
They’re sleeping. | Ellos están dormidos. | eh-yos ehs-tahn dore-me-doss | ˈeʎos esˈtan doɾˈmiðos ‖ |
Ser and estar conjugation in preterite / simple past (pretérito)
The simple past tense is known as the tiempo pretérito (tee-ehm-poh preh-teh-ree-toe) in Spanish. It helps us express actions that took place in the past and have since concluded. Here are the conjugations for the verbs “ser” and “estar” in the preterite tense in Spanish.
English | Ser | Estar |
I am | Yo fui | Yo estuve |
You are | Tú fuiste | Tú estuviste |
You are (formal) | Usted fue | Usted estuvo |
He/she/it is | Él fue / Ella fue / Eso fue | Él estuvo / Ella estuvo / Eso estuvo |
We are | Nosotros fuimos / Nosotras fuimos | Nosotros estuvimos / Nosotras estuvimos |
You all are (Latin American) |
Ustedes fueron | Ustedes estuvieron |
You all are (European Spanish) |
Vosotros fuisteis / Vosotras fuisteis | Vosotros estuvisteis / Vosotras estuvisteis |
They are | Ellos fueron / Ellas fueron | Ellos estuvieron / Ellas estuvieron |
Examples of simple past Spanish conjugations for “to be”
English | Spanish | Pronunciation | IPA |
I was in Costa Rica last year. | Yo estuve en Costa Rica el año pasado. | yo ehs-too-veh ehn cos-tah ree-ca elle ah-nyoh pah-sah-doh | ˈʝo esˈtuβe en ˈkosta ˈrika el ˈaɲo paˈsaðo ‖ |
Is it true that you were a firefighter? | ¿Es verdad que fuiste bombero? | ehs ver-dahd keh foo-ees-teh bom-beh-roh | ˈez βeɾˈðað ˈke ˈfwiste βomˈbeɾo ‖ |
He was an English teacher in Guatemala. | Él fue maestro de inglés en Guatemala. | elle foo-eh mah-ehs-troh deh een-glehs ehn goo-ah-teh-mah-lah | ˈel ˈfwe maˈestɾo ðe jnˈɡles en ɡwateˈmala ‖ |
We were waiting for two hours. | Nosotros estuvimos esperando por dos horas. | noh-so-tros ehs-too-vee-mos ehs-peh-rahn-doh pore dos oh-rahs | noˈsotɾos estuˈβimos espeˈɾando poɾ ˈðos ˈoɾas ‖ |
You (plural) were sitting at our table. | Vosotros estuvisteis sentados en nuestra mesa. | voh-so-trohs ess-too-vees-teh-is sehn-tah-dohs ehn noo-ehs-trah meh-sah | boˈsotɾos estuˈβistejs senˈtaðos en ˈnwestɾa ˈmesa ‖ |
They were faster than us. | Ellas fueron más rápidas que nosotros. | eh-yahs foo-eh-rohn mas rah-pee-dahs keh no-soh-tros | ˈeʎas ˈfweɾom ˈmaz ˈrapiðas ˈke noˈsotɾos ‖ |
Imperfect tense (imperfecto)
The imperfect tense, known as el pretérito imperfecto (elle preh-teh-ree-toe eem-pehr-fec-toe) in Spanish, also helps us talk about actions that happened in the past, but it is less precise than the simple past. With the imperfect tense, the actions that we describe may have happened over a long period of time, may not have ended yet, and may still have an impact on the present. These are the imperfect conjugations for “ser” and “estar” in Spanish.
English | Ser | Estar |
I am | Yo era | Yo estaba |
You are | Tú eras | Tú estabas |
You are (formal) | Usted era | Usted estaba |
He/she/it is | Él era / Ella era / Eso era | Él estaba / Ella estaba / Eso estaba |
We are | Nosotros éramos / Nosotras éramos | Nosotros estábamos / Nosotras estábamos |
You all are (Latin American) |
Ustedes eran | Ustedes estaban |
You all are (European Spanish) |
Vosotros erais / Vosotras erais | Vosotros estabais / Vosotras estabais |
They are | Ellos eran / Ellas eran | Ellos estaban / Ellas estaban |
Examples of imperfect tense Spanish conjugations for “to be”
English | Spanish | Pronunciation | IPA |
I was waiting for your call. | Yo estaba esperando tu llamada. | yo ehs-tah-bah ehs-peh-rahn-doh too yah-mah-dah | ˈʝo esˈtaβa espeˈɾando tu ʎaˈmaða ‖ |
You were the best student in elementary school. | Tú eras la mejor estudiante en la primaria. | too eh-rahs la meh-hor ehs-too-dee-ahn-teh ehn la pre-mah-ree-ah | ˈtu ˈeɾaz la meˈxoɾ estuˈðjante en la pɾiˈmaɾja ‖ |
He was waiting for the bus when it started to rain. | Él estaba esperando el camión cuando empezó a llover. | elle ehs-tah-bah ehs-peh-rahn-doh elle cah-me-ohn coo-ahn-doh em-peh-zo ah yoh-vehr | ˈel esˈtaβa espeˈɾando el kaˈmjon ˈkwando empeˈθo a ʎoˈβeɾ ‖ |
We were the only ones in school. | Nosotros éramos los únicos en la escuela. | no-soh-trohs eh-rah-mos los oo-ne-cohs ehn la ehs-coo-eh-lah | noˈsotɾos ˈeɾamoz los ˈunikos en la esˈkwela ‖ |
Where were you? (plural) | ¿Dónde estaban ustedes? | dohn-deh ehs-tah-bahn oos-teh-dehs | ˈdonde esˈtaβan usˈteðes ‖ |
They were the fastest ones in the soccer team. | Ellas eran las más rápidas del equipo de fútbol. | eh-yahs eh-rahn las mas rah-pee-dahs dell eh-key-po deh foot-boll | ˈeʎas ˈeɾan laz ˈmaz ˈrapiðaz ðel eˈkipo ðe ˈfutβol ‖ |
Future tense (futuro simple)
We then have the future tense, known as el futuro simple (elle foo-too-roh seem-pleh) in Spanish. Naturally, this tense helps us speak about actions that haven’t happened yet, so use this to talk about your plans, goals, and aspirations!
English | Ser | Estar |
I am | Yo seré | Yo estaré |
You are | Tú serás | Tú estarás |
You are (formal) | Usted será | Usted estará |
He/she/it is | Él será / Ella será / Eso será | Él estará / Ella estará / Eso estará |
We are | Nosotros seremos / Nosotras seremos | Nosotros estaremos / Nosotras estaremos |
You all are (Latin American) |
Ustedes serán | Ustedes estarán |
You all are (European Spanish) |
Vosotros sereis / Vosotras sereis | Vosotros estaréis / Vosotras estaréis |
They are | Ellos serán / Ellas serán | Ellos estarán / Ellas estarán |
Examples of future tense Spanish conjugations for “to be”
English | Spanish | Pronunciation | IPA |
I won’t be happy until I’ve learned Spanish. | No seré feliz hasta aprender Español. | no seh-reh feh-leez ahs-tah ah-prehn-dehr ehs-pah-nyol | ˈno seˈɾe feˈliθ ˈasta apɾenˈdeɾ espaˈɲol ‖ |
Will you be there too? | ¿Tú también estarás ahí? | too tam-bee-ehn ehs-tah-rahs ah-e | ˈtu tamˈbjen estaˈɾas aˈi ‖ |
I think she will be there too. | Creo que ella también estará ahí. | creh-oh keh eh-yah tam-bee-ehn ehs-tah-rah ah-e | ˈkɾeo ˈke ˈeʎa tamˈbjen estaˈɾa aˈi ‖ |
We will be the first ones to arrive. | Nosotros seremos los primeros en llegar. | no-soh-trohs seh-reh-mos los pre-meh-rohs ehn yeh-gar | noˈsotɾos seˈɾemoz los pɾiˈmeɾos en ʎeˈɣaɾ ‖ |
You (plural) will be right behind us. | Ustedes estarán justo detrás de nosotros. | oos-teh-dess ehs-tah-rahn deh-trahs deh no-soh-trohs | usˈteðes estaˈɾan ˈxusto ðeˈtɾaz ðe noˈsotɾos ‖ |
They will be waiting for you. | Ellos estarán esperándote. | eh-yohs ehs- | ˈeʎos estaˈɾan espeˈɾandote ‖ |
Future perfect tense (futuro compuesto)
The future perfect tense helps us express things that will have started at some point in the future. It’s known as el futuro compuesto (elle foo-too-roh com-poo-ehs-toe) in Spanish. It doesn’t tell us about the current status of the action, but it does help us talk about things that will have happened by some specific or approximate point in the future. In Spanish, we use the verb “haber” (to have) for the conjugation of this tense, which is another very helpful Spanish verb to know!
English | Ser | Estar |
I am | Yo habré sido | Yo habré estado |
You are | Tú habrás sido | Tú habrás estado |
You are (formal) | Usted habrá sido | Usted habrá estado |
He/she/it is | Él habrá sido / Ella habrá sido / Eso habrá sido | Él habrá estado / Ella habrá estado / Eso habrá estado |
We are | Nosotros habremos sido / Nosotras habremos sido | Nosotros habremos estado / Nosotras habremos estado |
You all are (Latin American) |
Ustedes habrán sido | Ustedes habrán estado |
You all are (European Spanish) |
Vosotros habréis sido / Vosotras habréis sido | Vosotros habréis estado / Vosotras habréis estado |
They are | Ellos habrán sido / Ellas habrán sido | Ellos habrán estado / Ellas habrán estado |
Examples of future perfect tense Spanish conjugations for “to be”
English | Spanish | Pronunciation | IPA |
When you return, I will have already been the champion twice. | Cuando regreses, yo ya habré sido campeón dos veces. | coo-ahn-doe reh-greh-sehs, yo ya ah-breh see-doh cam-peh-ohn dos veh-sehs | ˈkwando reˈɣɾeses | ˈʝo ʝa aˈβɾe ˈsiðo kampeˈon ˈdoz ˈβeθes ‖ |
Next month we will have been boyfriends for two years. | El próximo mes ya habremos sido novios por dos años. | elle prox-e-mo mes ya ah-breh-moss see-doe noh-vee-ohs pore dos ah-nyoss | el ˈpɾoksimo ˈmez ʝa aˈβɾemos ˈsiðo ˈnoβjos poɾ ˈðos ˈaɲos ‖ |
By then, you will have already been in Spain for six months. | Para ese entonces, ya habrás estado en España por seis meses. | pah-rah eh-seh ehn-ton-sehs yah ah-brahs ehs-tah-doe ehn es-pah-nyah pore say-s meh-sehs | ˈpaɾa ˈese enˈtonθes | ʝa aˈβɾas esˈtaðo en esˈpaɲa poɾ ˈsejz ˈmeses ‖ |
When we get there, she will have been singing for half an hour. | Cuando lleguemos, ya habrá estado cantando media hora. | coo-ahn-doe yeh-geh-moss yah ah-brah ehs-tah-doe can-tan-doe meh-dee-ah oh-rah | ˈkwando ʎeˈɣemos | ʝa aˈβɾa esˈtaðo kanˈtando ˈmeðja ˈoɾa ‖ |
By June, you all will have been the first graduates of this university. | Para junio, ustedes habrán sido los primeros egresados de esta universidad. | pah-rah who-nee-oh, oose-teh-dehs ah-brahn see-doe los pre-meh-ross eh-greh-sah-doss deh ehs-tah oo-nee-vehr-see-dad | ˈpaɾa ˈxunjo | usˈteðes aˈβɾan ˈsiðo los pɾiˈmeɾos eɣɾeˈsaðoz ðe ˈesta wniβeɾsiˈðað ‖ |
If they continue traveling like this, they will have been to every country in the world in just a few years! | Si siguen viajando así, ¡en tan solo unos años habrán estado en todos los países del mundo! | see see-gehn vee-ah-hahn-doe ah-see, ¡ehn tahn soh-loh ooh-noss ah-nyos ah-brahn ehs-tah-doe ehn toe-dos los pa-e-sehs dell moon-doe | si ˈsiɣem bjaˈxando aˈsi | en ˈtan ˈsolo ˈunos ˈaɲos aˈβɾan esˈtaðo en ˈtoðoz los paˈisez ðel ˈmundo ‖ |
Conditional tense (condicional simple)
The conditional tense, known as el condicional simple (elle con-dee-see-oh-nall seem-pleh), helps us talk about something that would or could happen if certain conditions were met. If you love to consider hypothetical situations and talk about the wide realm of life’s possibilities, then this verb tense is for you!
English | Ser | Estar |
I am | Yo sería | Yo estaría |
You are | Tú serías | Tú estarías |
You are (formal) | Usted sería | Usted estaría |
He/she/it is | Él sería / Ella sería / Eso sería | Él estaría / Ella estaría / Eso estaría |
We are | Nosotros seríamos / Nosotras seríamos | Nosotros estaríamos / Nosotras estaríamos |
You all are (Latin American) |
Ustedes serían | Ustedes estarían |
You all are (European Spanish) |
Vosotros seríais / Vosotras seríais | Vosotros estaríais / Vosotras estaríais |
They are | Ellos serían / Ellas serían | Ellos estarían / Ellas estarían |
Examples of conditional tense Spanish conjugations for “to be”
English | Spanish | Pronunciation | IPA |
If I were paid a dollar every time someone asked me that, I would be rich! | Si me pagaran un dólar por cada vez que me preguntan eso, ¡ya sería rica! | see meh pah-gah-rahn oon doh-lahr pore cah-dah vehs keh meh preh-goon-tahn eh-soh, ¡ya seh-ree-ah ree-cah! | si me paˈɣaɾan un ˈdolaɾ poɾ ˈkaða ˈβeθ ˈke me pɾeˈɣuntan ˈeso | ʝa seˈɾia ˈrika ‖ |
If we had taken the subway, we would already be there. | Si hubiéramos tomado el metro, ya estaríamos ahí. | see ooh-bee-air-ah-moss toh-mah-doe elle meh-tro, ya ehs-tah-ree-ah-moss ah-e | sj uˈβjeɾamos toˈmaðo el ˈmetɾo | ʝa estaˈɾiamos aˈi ‖ |
I know you all would be there for me if times get tough. | Sé que ustedes estarían ahí por mí en momentos difíciles. | seh keh oos-teh-dehs ehs-tah-ree-ahn ah-e pore mee ehn mo-mehn-toss dee-fee-see-less | ˈse ˈke wsˈteðes estaˈɾian aˈi poɾ ˈmi em moˈmentoz ðiˈfiθiles ‖ |
If I already knew, you all would be the first ones to hear from me. | Si ya supiera, ustedes serían los primeros en saberlo. | see ya soo-pee-air-ah, oos-teh-dehs seh-ree-ahn loss pre-meh-ross ehn sah-behr-loh | si ʝa suˈpjeɾa | usˈteðes seˈɾian los pɾiˈmeɾos en saˈβeɾlo ‖ |
They would be willing to help. | Ellos estarían dispuestos a ayudar. | eh-yoss ehs-tah-ree-ahn dees-poo-ess-toss ah ah-yoo-dar | ˈeʎos estaˈɾian disˈpwestos a aʝuˈðaɾ ‖ |
You all would be the first ones, is that okay? | Vosotros seríais los primeros, ¿no importa? | voh-soh-trohs seh-ree-ah-ees los pree-meh-ross, ¿no eem-pore-tah? | boˈsotɾos seˈɾiajz los pɾiˈmeɾos | ˈno jmˈpoɾta ‖ |
Conditional perfect tense (condicional perfecto)
Known as the condicional perfecto (con-dee-see-oh-nall pehr-fec-toe) in Spanish, the conditional perfect tense describes something that could or would have happened in the past. It generally indicates that the action can no longer happen again or that the ship has sailed. In other words, this is the verb tense of regrets — so don’t spend too much time using it!
English | Ser | Estar |
I am | Yo habría sido | Yo habría estado |
You are | Tú habrías sido | Tú habrías estado |
You are (formal) | Usted habría sido | Usted habría estado |
He/she/it is | Él habría sido / Ella habría sido / Eso habría sido | Él habría estado / Ella habría estado / Eso habría estado |
We are | Nosotros habríamos sido / Nosotras habríamos sido | Nosotros habríamos estado / Nosotras habríamos estado |
You all are (Latin American) |
Ustedes habrían sido | Ustedes habrían estado |
You all are (European Spanish) |
Vosotros habríais sido / Vosotras habríais sido | Vosotros habríais estado / Vosotras habríais estado |
They are | Ellos habríais sido / Ellas habríais sido | Ellos habrían estado / Ellas habrían estado |
Examples of conditional perfect tense Spanish conjugations for “to be”
English | Spanish | Pronunciation | IPA |
If you hadn’t given up, you would have been successful. | Si no te hubieras dado por vencido, habrías sido exitoso. | see no teh ooh-bee-air-ahs dah-doh pore vehn-see-doe, ah-bree-ahs see-doe ex-e-toe-so | si ˈno te wˈβjeɾaz ˈðaðo poɾ βenˈθiðo | aˈβɾias ˈsiðo eksiˈtoso ‖ |
She would have been there if you had invited her. | Ella habría estado ahí si la hubieras invitado. | eh-ya ah-bree-ah ehs-tah-doe ah-e see la ooh-bee-air-ahs een-vee-tah-doe | ˈeʎa aˈβɾia esˈtaðo aˈi si la wˈβjeɾas imbiˈtaðo ‖ |
We would have been the first ones to come if you had asked us to. | Nosotros habríamos sido los primeros en venir si nos lo hubieras pedido. | noh-soh-trohs ah-bree-ah-moss see-doe loss pre-meh-ross ehn veh-neer see nos loh oo-bee-air-ahs peh-dee-doe | noˈsotɾos aˈβɾiamos ˈsiðo los pɾiˈmeɾos em beˈniɾ si noz lo wˈβjeɾas peˈðiðo ‖ |
They would have been satisfied if you hadn’t told them that the other room was bigger. | Ellos habrían estado conformes si no les hubieras dicho que la otra habitación era más grande. | eh-yoss ah-bree-ahn ehs-tah-doe con-fore-mess see no less ooh-bee-air-ass dee-cho keh la oh-trah ah-bee-tah-see-ohn eh-rah la mas grahn-deh | ˈeʎos aˈβɾian esˈtaðo komˈfoɾmes si ˈno ˈles uˈβjeɾaz ˈðiʧo ˈke la ˈotɾa aβitaˈθjon ˈeɾa ˈmaz ˈɣɾande ‖ |
You all would have been chosen if you had participated. | Ustedes habrían sido elegidos si hubieran participado. | oos-teh-dehs ah-bree-ahn see-doe eh-leh-he-doss see ooh-bee-air-ahn par-tee-see-pah-doe | usˈteðes aˈβɾian ˈsiðo eleˈxiðos sj uˈβjeɾam paɾtiθiˈpaðo ‖ |
We would have been the first ones to see you if you had arrived yesterday. | Nosotras habríamos sido las primeras en verte si hubieras llegado ayer. | no-soh-tross ah-bree-ah-moss see-doe las pre-meh-rahs ehn vehr-tehh see ooh-bee-eh-rahs yeh-gah-doe ah-yehr | noˈsotɾas aˈβɾiamos ˈsiðo las pɾiˈmeɾas em ˈbeɾte sj uˈβjeɾaz ʎeˈɣaðo aˈʝeɾ ‖ |
Present perfect (pretérito perfecto)
The preterite perfect, known as the pretérito perfecto in Spanish (preh-teh-ree-toe pehr-fec-toe) is used to describe:
- Actions that started in the past and are continuing into the present
- Actions that started in the past and were completed recently
- Actions that started and were completed in the distant past
- Actions that happened in the past and have an implication for the present or future
- Actions that imply a big sense of accomplishment or overcoming a challenge
This conjugation involves the present conjugation of the auxiliary verb “haber” (to have).
Note that European Spanish uses the present perfect the way Latin America (and English) uses the preterite tense — to explain things in the simple past.
English | Ser | Estar |
I am | Yo he sido | Yo he estado |
You are | Tú has sido | Tú has estado |
You are (formal) | Usted ha sido | Usted ha estado |
He/she/it is | Él ha sido / Ella ha sido / Eso ha sido | Él ha estado / Ella ha estado / Eso ha estado |
We are | Nosotros hemos sido / Nosotras hemos sido | Nosotros hemos estado / Nosotras hemos estado |
You all are (Latin American) |
Ustedes han sido | Ustedes han estado |
You all are (European Spanish) |
Vosotros habéis sido / Vosotras habéis sido | Vosotros habéis estado |
They are | Ellos han sido / Ellas han sido | Ellos han estado / Ellas han estado |
Examples of present perfect Spanish conjugations for “to be”
English | Spanish | Pronunciation | IPA |
I have also been the last one to finish an exam. | Yo también he sido el último en terminar el examen. | yoh tam-bee-ehn eh see-doe elle ool-tee-moe ehn tehr-me-nahr elle ex-ah-mehn | ˈʝo tamˈbjen ˈe ˈsiðo el ˈultimo en teɾmiˈnaɾ el ekˈsamen ‖ |
They have been best friends ever since they met. | Ellas han sido mejores amigas desde que se conocieron. | eh-yas ahn see-doe meh-hoh-rehs ah-me-gass des-deh keh seh coh-no-see-air-ohn | ˈeʎas ˈan ˈsiðo meˈxoɾes aˈmiɣaz ˈðezðe ˈke se konoˈθjeɾon ‖ |
We have been neighbors since 2008. | Nosotros hemos sido vecinos desde el 2008. | no-soh-trohs eh-moss see-doe veh-see-noss dess-deh elle dos meel oh-cho | noˈsotɾos ˈemos ˈsiðo βeˈθinoz ˈðezðe el 2008. |
They have been waiting for you right there for two hours. | Ellos han estado esperando ahí por dos horas. | eh-yoss han ehs-tah-doh ehs-peh-rahn-doh ah-e pore dos oh-rahs | ˈeʎos ˈan esˈtaðo espeˈɾando aˈi poɾ ˈðos ˈoɾas ‖ |
Have you been sleeping this whole time? | ¿Has estado dormida todo este tiempo? | ahs ehs-tah-doh dore-mee-dah toh-doh ehs-teh tee-ehm-poe | ˈas esˈtaðo ðoɾˈmiða ˈtoðo ˈeste ˈtjempo ‖ |
He has been the first one to graduate from university in his family. | Él ha sido el primero en graduarse de la universidad en su familia. | elle ah see-doh elle pre-meh-roh ehn gra-doo-are-seh deh la oo-nee-vehr-see-dad ehn soo fah-me-lee-ah | ˈel ˈa ˈsiðo el pɾiˈmeɾo en ɡɾaˈðwaɾse ðe la wniβeɾsiˈðað en su faˈmilja ‖ |
Pluperfect (pluscuamperfecto)
The pluperfect term, known as pluscuamperfecto (ploos-cooh-ahn-pehr-fec-toe) in Spanish, expresses an action that happened in the past before another action that also happened in the past. In other words, it is the past of the past. Even if its name sounds like a Spanish tongue twister, this tense is actually quite easy to learn (and very useful, too!).
English | Ser | Estar |
I am | Yo había sido | Yo había estado |
You are | Tú habías sido | Tú habías estado |
You are (formal) | Usted había sido | Usted había estado |
He/she/it is | Él había sido / Ella había sido / Eso había sido | Él había estado / Ella había estado / Eso había estado |
We are | Nosotros habíamos sido / Nosotras habíamos sido | Nosotros habíamos estado / Nosotras habíamos estado |
You all are (Latin American) |
Ustedes habían sido | Ustedes habían estado |
You all are (European Spanish) |
Vosotros habíais sido / Vosotras habíais sido | Vosotros habíais estado / Vosotras habíais estado |
They are | Ellos habían sido / Ellas habían sido | Ellos habían estado / Ellas habían estado |
Examples of pluperfect Spanish conjugations for “to be”
English | Spanish | Pronunciation | IPA |
I don’t remember well, but I think that I had already been here before. | No recuerdo bien, pero creo que ya había estado aquí antes. | noh reh-coo-air-doh bee-ehn, pear-oh kreh-oh keh ya ah-bee-ah ehs-tah-doh ah-key ahn-tess | ˈno reˈkweɾðo ˈβjen | ˈpeɾo ˈkɾeo ˈke ʝa aˈβia esˈtaðo aˈki ˈantes ‖ |
We thought that we had been the first ones to arrive, but then we saw you. | Nosotras creíamos que habíamos sido las primeras en llegar, pero después te vimos. | no-soh-trahs creh-e-ah-moss keh ah-bee-ah-moss see-doh las pre-meh-rahs ehn yeh-gar, pear-oh dehs-poo-ess teh vee-moss | noˈsotɾas kɾeˈiamos ˈke aˈβiamos ˈsiðo las pɾiˈmeɾas en ʎeˈɣaɾ | ˈpeɾo ðesˈpwes te ˈβimos ‖ |
You had been the winner, but since you weren’t there, they chose a different candidate. | Tú habías sido la ganadora, pero como no estabas, eligieron a otro concursante. | too ah-bee-ahs see-doh la gah-nah-door-ah, pear-oh coh-mo no ess-tah-bass, eh-lee-he-air-ohn ah oh-troh con-coor-sahn-teh | ˈtu aˈβias ˈsiðo la ɣanaˈðoɾa | ˈpeɾo ˈkomo ˈno esˈtaβas | eliˈxjeɾon a ˈotɾo konkuɾˈsante ‖ |
Had you all ever been in Granada before? | ¿Vosotros habíais estado en Granada anteriormente? | voh-soh-tross ah-bee-ice ehs-tah-doh ehn gra-nah-dah ahn-teh-ree-ore-mehn-teh | boˈsotɾos aˈβiajs esˈtaðo en ɡɾaˈnaða anteɾjoɾˈmente ‖ |
That building had been abandoned until they converted it into a hotel. | Ese edificio había estado abandonado hasta que lo convirtieron en hotel. | eh-seh eh-dee-fee-see-oh ah-bee-ah ehs-tah-doe ah-bahn-doh-nah-doh ahs-tah keh lo con-veer-tee-air-ohn ehn oh-tell | ˈese eðiˈfiθjo aˈβia esˈtaðo aβandoˈnaðo ˈasta ˈke lo kombiɾˈtjeɾon en oˈtel ‖ |
She had been crying until she received the good news. | Ella había estado llorando hasta que recibió las buenas noticias. | eh-yah ah-bee-ah ess-tah-doe yoh-rahn-doe ahs-tah keh reh-see-bee-oh las boo-eh-nas no-tee-see-ahs | ˈeʎa aˈβia esˈtaðo ʎoˈɾando ˈasta ˈke reθiˈβjo laz ˈβwenaz noˈtiθjas ‖ |
Present subjunctive (subjuntivo)
The subjunctive, known as el subjuntivo (elle soob-whoon-tee-vo) in Spanish, is used to discuss nebulous things that could, would or might maybe someday happen. It’s used to discuss our hopes, dreams, fears, feelings and emotions, aspirations, and innermost desires. Unlike the conditional tense we covered earlier, the subjunctive doesn’t necessarily have a basis in reality, so dream away!
English | Ser | Estar |
I am | Yo sea | Yo esté |
You are | Tú seas | Tú estés |
You are (formal) | Usted sea | Usted esté |
He/she/it is | Él sea / Ella sea / Eso sea | Él esté / Ella esté / Eso esté |
We are | Nosotros seamos / Nosotras seamos | Nosotros estemos / Nosotras estemos |
You all are (Latin American) |
Ustedes sean | Ustedes estén |
You all are (European Spanish) |
Vosotros seáis / Vosotras seáis | Vosotros estéis |
They are | Ellos sean / Ellas sean | Ellos estén / Ellas estén |
Examples of present subjunctive Spanish conjugations for “to be”
English | Spanish | Pronunciation | IPA |
I hope that José is the winner of the contest. | Espero que José sea el ganador del concurso. | ehs-peh-roh keh hoh-seh seh-ah elle gah-nah-door dell con-coor-soh | esˈpeɾo ˈke xoˈse ˈsea el ɣanaˈðoɾ ðel konˈkuɾso ‖ |
When I’m rich, I’m going to invite everyone on vacation to the Caribbean. | Cuando sea rica, los voy a invitar a todos de vacaciones en el Caribe. | coo-ahn-doe seh-ah ree-cah, loss voy ah een-vee-tar ah toe-doss deh vah-cah-see-oh-ness ehn elle cah-ree-beh | ˈkwando ˈsea ˈrika | loz ˈβoj a jmbiˈtaɾ a ˈtoðoz ðe βakaˈθjones en el kaˈɾiβe ‖ |
Oh, grandma, I don’t know what I’m gonna do when you’re not here. | Ay, abuelita, no sé que voy a hacer cuando no estés aquí. | ah-e, ah-boo-eh-lee-tah, noh seh keh voy ah ah-sehr coo-ahn-doh noh ehs-tehs ah-key | ˈaj | aβweˈlita | ˈno ˈse ˈke ˈβoj a aˈθeɾ ˈkwando ˈno esˈtes aˈki ‖ |
Honestly, I’m not sure that you all are the right fit for this project. | La verdad, no estoy seguro que ustedes sean los indicados para este proyecto. | la vehr-dad, noh ehs-toy seh-goo-roh keh oos-teh-dehs seh-ahn los een-deh-cah-doss pah-rah ehs-teh proh-yec-toe | la βeɾˈðað | ˈno esˈtoj seˈɣuɾo ˈke wsˈteðes ˈsean los indiˈkaðos ˈpaɾa ˈeste pɾoˈʝekto ‖ |
Do you think that she’s also thinking about me? | ¿Crees que ella también esté pensando en mí? | crash keh eh-yah tam-bee-ehn eh-steh pen-sahn-doe ehn me | ˈkɾees ˈke ˈeʎa tamˈbjen esˈte penˈsando em ˈmi ‖ |
I hope that our cousins are also okay after such an awful storm. | Espero que nuestros primos estén bien después de esta tormenta tan fea. | ehs-peh-roh keh noo-ehs-trohs pre-mos ehs-tehn bee-ehn des-poo-ehs deh ehs-tah tore-mehn-tah feh-ah | esˈpeɾo ˈke ˈnwestɾos ˈpɾimos esˈtem ˈbjen desˈpwez ðe ˈesta toɾˈmenta ˈtam ˈfea ‖ |
Imperfect subjunctive (imperfecto del subjuntivo)
The imperfect subjunctive, known as el imperfecto del subjuntivo (elle eem-pehr-fec-toe dell soob-whoon-tee-voe) in Spanish, is a very versatile mode that can be used in the past, present or future tense. Like the present subjunctive, this mode helps us talk about desires, wishes, and alternate realities.
English | Ser | Estar |
I am | Yo fuera / Yo fuese | Yo estuviera / Yo estuviese |
You are | Tú fueras / Tú fueses | Tú estuvieras / Tú estuvieses |
You are (formal) | Usted fuera / Usted fuese | Usted estuviera / Usted estuviese |
He/she/it is | Él fuera / Él fuese / Ella fuera / Ella fuese / Eso fuera / Eso fuese | Él estuviera / Él estuviese / Ella estuviera / Ella estuviese / Eso estuviera / Eso estuviese |
We are | Nosotros fuéramos / Nosotros fuésemos / Nosotras fuéramos / Nosotras fuésemos | Nosotros estuviéramos / Nosotros estuviésemos / Nosotras estuviéramos / Nosotras estuviésemos |
You all are (Latin American) |
Ustedes fueran / Ustedes fuesen | Ustedes estuvieran / Ustedes estuviesen |
You all are (European Spanish) |
Vosotros fuerais / Vosotras fuerais | Vosotros estuvierais / Vosotros estuvieseis / Vosotras estuvierais / Vosotras estuvieseis |
They are | Ellos fueran / Ellos fuesen / Ellas fueran / Ellas fuesen | Ellos estuvieran / Ellos estuviesen / Ellas estuvieran / Ellas estuviesen |
Examples of imperfect subjunctive Spanish conjugations for “to be”
English | Spanish | Pronunciation | IPA |
If it was earlier, I would come with you to the store. | Si fuera más temprano, te acompañaría a la tienda. | see foo-air-ah mahs tehm-prah-noh, teh ah-com-pah-nyah-ree-ah ah lah tee-ehn-dah | si ˈfweɾa ˈmas temˈpɾano | te akompaɲaˈɾia a la ˈtjenda ‖ |
If you were more polite, then maybe your calls would be returned. | Si usted fuese más amable, tal vez le devolverían sus llamadas. | see oos-ted foo-eh-seh mahs ah-mah-bleh, tall vehs leh deh-voll-veh-ree-ahn soos yah-mah-dass | sj usˈteð ˈfwese ˈmas aˈmaβle | ˈtal ˈβeð le ðeβolβeˈɾian suz ʎaˈmaðas ‖ |
If it were sunny, we would be able to go to the beach | Si estuviera soleado, podríamos ir a la playa. | see ehs-too-vee-air-ah soh-leh-ah-doh, poh-dree-ah-moss eer ah lah plah-yah | sj estuˈβjeɾa soleˈaðo | poˈðɾiamos ˈiɾ a la ˈplaʝa ‖ |
We wouldn’t be waiting in the rain if we had somewhere to go. | No estuviéramos esperando en la lluvia si tuviéramos a dónde ir. | no ehs-too-vee-air-ah-moss ehs-peh-rahn-doh ehn la you-vee-ah see too-vee-air-ah-moss ah don-deh eer | ˈno estuˈβjeɾamos espeˈɾando en la ˈʎuβja si tuˈβjeɾamos a ˈðonde ˈiɾ ‖ |
If he was interested, he would have called you already. | Si él estuviese interesado, ya te hubiera llamado. | see elle ehs-too-vee-eh-seh een-teh-reh-sah-doh, yah teh ooh-vee-air-ah yah-mah-doh | sj ˈel estuˈβjese jnteɾeˈsaðo | ʝa te wˈβjeɾa ʎaˈmaðo ‖ |
Who would’ve thought that that would have been the ideal solution for the situation? | Quién hubiera dicho que eso fuera lo ideal para arreglar la situación. | key-ehn ooh-vee-air-ah dee-cho keh eh-soh foo-eh-rah lo e-deh-ahl pah-rah ah-reh-glahr la see-too-ah-see-ohn | ˈkjen uˈβjeɾa ˈðiʧo ˈke ˈeso ˈfweɾa lo jðeˈal ˈpaɾa areˈɣlaɾ la sitwaˈθjon ‖ |
Future subjunctive (futuro imperfecto del subjuntivo)
The future subjunctive, known as futuro imperfecto del subjuntivo (foo-too-roh eem-pehr-fec-toe dell soob-whon-tee-vo), is another form of the imperfect mode. As you can probably guess, it is used to refer to events that could happen in the future, although the action may be impossible or improbable.
English | Ser | Estar |
I am | Yo fuere | Yo estuviere |
You are | Tú fueres | Tú estuvieres |
You are (formal) | Usted fuere | Usted fuese |
He/she/it is | Él fuere / Ella fuere / Eso fuere | Él estuviere / Ella estuviere / Eso estuviere |
We are | Nosotros fuéremos / Nosotras fuéremos | Nosotros estuviéremos / Nosotras estuviéremos |
You all are (Latin American) |
Ustedes fueren | Ustedes estuvieren |
You all are (European Spanish) |
Vosotros fuereis / Vosotras fuereis | Vosotros estuviereis / Vosotras estuviereis |
They are | Ellos fueren / Ellas fueren | Ellos estuvieren / Ellas estuvieren |
Examples of future subjunctive Spanish conjugations for “to be”
English | Spanish | Pronunciation | IPA |
The winner, whomever it may be, will be crowned tomorrow. | El ganador, sea quien fuere, será coronado mañana. | elle gah-nah-door, seh-ah key-ehn foo-eh-reh, seh-rah coh-roh-nah-doe mah-nyah-nah | el ɣanaˈðoɾ | ˈsea ˈkjem ˈfweɾe | seˈɾa koɾoˈnaðo maˈɲana ‖ |
If he isn’t ready to defend his thesis, he won’t be able to graduate. | Si no estuviere listo para defender su tésis, no se podrá graduar. | see noh ehs-too-vee-air-ah lees-toe pah-rah deh-fen-dehr soo teh-sees, no seh poh-drah grah-doo-ar | si ˈno estuˈβjeɾe ˈlisto ˈpaɾa ðefenˈdeɾ su ˈtesis | ˈno se poˈðɾa ɣɾaˈðwaɾ ‖ |
Wherever they might be, they will be taken to jail. | Donde sea que estuvieren serán llevados a la cárcel. | dohn-deh seh-ah keh ehs-too-vee-eh-rehn seh-rahn yeh-vah-doss ah la car-sehl | ˈdonde ˈsea ˈke estuˈβjeɾen seˈɾan ʎeˈβaðos a la ˈkaɾθel ‖ |
What more could I ask for than for her to be the winner of the scholarship. | Qué más quisiera que ella fuere la ganadora de la beca. | keh mahs key-see-air-ah keh eh-yah foo-eh-reh la ga-nah-door-ah deh la beh-cah | ˈke ˈmas kiˈsjeɾa ˈke ˈeʎa ˈfweɾe la ɣanaˈðoɾa ðe la ˈβeka ‖ |
In case other people are there, we will look for another site for our reunion. | En el caso de que otras personas estuvieren ahí, buscaremos otro sitio para nuestra reunión. | ehn elle cah-so deh keh oh-tahs pehr-soh-nass ehs-too-vee-eh-rehn ah-e, boos-cah-reh-moss oh-troh see-tee-oh pah-rah noo-ehs-trah reh-ooh-nee-ohn | en el ˈkaso ðe ˈke ˈotɾas peɾˈsonas estuˈβjeɾen aˈi | buskaˈɾemos ˈotɾo ˈsitjo ˈpaɾa ˈnwestɾa rewˈnjon ‖ |
Whomever is present will be escalated to the nearest exit. | Quien estuviere presente será escoltado hacia la salida más cercana. | key-ehn ehs-too-vee-eh-reh preh-sehn-teh seh-rah ehs-coll-tah-doh ah-see-ah la sah-lee-dah mahs sehr-cah-nah | ˈkjen estuˈβjeɾe pɾeˈsente seˈɾa eskolˈtaðo ˈaθja la saˈliða ˈmas θeɾˈkana ‖ |
Affirmative imperative (imperativo afirmativo)
The affirmative imperative, known as el imperativo afirmativo (elle eem-peh-rah-tee-vo ah-feer-ma-tee-vo) in Spanish, is used to give orders and strong suggestions or recommendations. Because of this, there are no first-person singular conjugations of the verb to be, as you cannot command yourself to do something. If you want to give yourself a pep talk, though, you can use the second-person singular conjugation, just as if you were having a dialogue with yourself!
English | Ser | Estar |
You are | ¡Sé! | ¡Está! |
You are (formal) | ¡Sea! | ¡Esté! |
We are | ¡Seamos! | ¡Estemos! |
You all are (Latin American) |
¡Sean! | ¡Estén! |
You all are (European Spanish) |
¡Sed! | ¡Estad! |
Examples of affirmative imperative Spanish conjugations for “to be”
English | Spanish | Pronunciation | IPA |
Be brave! | ¡Sé valiente! | seh vah-lee-ehn-teh | ˈse βaˈljente ‖ |
Stop criticizing her! Be polite! | ¡Deje de criticarla! ¡Sea educado! | deh-heh deh cree-tee-car-la! seh-ah eh-doo-cah-doh | ˈdexe ðe kɾitiˈkaɾla ‖ ˈsea eðuˈkaðo ‖ |
Let’s be ready for the arrival of her majesty! | ¡Estemos listos para la llegada de su majestad! | ehs-teh-moss lees-toes pah-rah lah yeh-gah-dah deh soo mah-hehs-tad | esˈtemoz ˈlistos ˈpaɾa la ʎeˈɣaða ðe su maxesˈtað ‖ |
Stop moving, be still! | Dejen de moverse, ¡estén quietos! | deh-hehnn deh mo-vehr-seh, ehs-tehn key-eh-tos | ˈdexen de moˈβeɾse | esˈten ˈkjetos ‖ |
Please, it’s time to stop lying. Let’s be honest! | Por favor, es hora de dejar de mentir. ¡Seamos sinceros! | pore fah-vore, ehs oh-rah deh deh-har deh mehn-teer. seh-ah-moss seen-seh-ross | poɾ faˈβoɾ | ˈes ˈoɾa ðe ðeˈxaɾ ðe menˈtiɾ ‖ seˈamos sinˈθeɾos ‖ |
You almost make it to the finish line, be patient! | Ya casi llegas a la meta, ¡sé paciente! | ya cah-see yeh-gass ah lah meh-tah, seh pah-see-ehn-teh | ʝa ˈkasi ˈʎeɣas a la ˈmeta | ˈse paˈθjente ‖ |
Negative imperative (imperativo negativo)
The negative imperative, known as el imperativo negativo (elle eem-peh-rah-tee-vo neh-ga-tee-voh), is used to give negative commands and recommendations to people. If you have a dog or any other animals at home, you’re probably going to welcome a new way of giving negative commands in Spanish!
English | Ser | Estar |
You are | ¡No seas! | ¡No estés! |
You are (formal) | ¡No sea! | ¡No esté! |
We are | ¡No seamos! | ¡No estemos! |
You all are (Latin American) |
¡No sean! | ¡No estén! |
You all are (European Spanish) |
¡No seáis! | ¡No estéis! |
Examples of negative imperative Spanish conjugations for “to be”
English | Spanish | Pronunciation | IPA |
Don’t be a coward! | ¡No seas cobarde! | noh seh-ahs coh-bar-deh | ˈno ˈseas koˈβaɾðe ‖ |
Stop screaming! | ¡No estés gritando! | noh ehs-tehs gree-tahn-doh | ˈno esˈtez ɣɾiˈtando ‖ |
Don’t be rude! | ¡No sean groseros! | noh seh-ahn groh-seh-ross | ˈno ˈsean ɡɾoˈseɾos ‖ |
Stop bothering! | ¡No estén molestando! | noh ehs-tehn moh-less-tahn-doe | ˈno esˈtem molesˈtando ‖ |
Rex! Stop barking! | ¡Rex! No estés ladrando! | rex! no ehs-tehs lah-drahn-doe | ˈreks ‖ ˈno esˈtez laˈðɾando ‖ |
Please help her, don’t be mean! | Por favor ayúdenla, ¡no sean malos! | pore fah-vore ah-you-dehn-la, no seh-ahn mah-loss | poɾ faˈβoɾ aˈʝuðenla | ˈno ˈseam ˈmalos ‖ |
Ser conjugation cheat sheets
If you’re already familiar with conjugation rules and just need to double-check that you got it right, then the cheat sheets below are for you!
Presente | Imperfecto | Pretérito | Futuro | Condicional | |
Yo | soy | era | fui | seré | sería |
Tú | eres | eras | fuiste | serás | serías |
Él / ella / usted | es | era | fue | será | sería |
Nosotros / nosotras | somos | éramos | fuimos | seremos | seríamos |
Vosotros / vosotras | sois | erais | fuisteis | seréis | seríais |
Ellos / ellas / ustedes | son | eran | fueron | serán | serían |
Complex tenses
Perfecto | Pluscuamperfecto | Futuro perfecto | Condicional perfecto | |
Yo | he sido | había sido | habré sido | habría sido |
Tú | has sido | habías sido | habrás sido | habrías sido |
Él / ella / usted | ha sido | había sido | habrá sido | habría sido |
Nosotros / nosotras | hemos sido | habíamos sido | habremos sido | habríamos sido |
Vosotros / vosotras | habéis sido | habíais sido | habréis sido | habríais sido |
Ellos / ellas / ustedes | han sido | habían sido | habrán sido | habrían sido |
Presente | Imperfecto | Futuro | |
Yo | sea | fuera / fuese | fuere |
Tú | seas | fueras / fueses | fueres |
Él / ella / usted | sea | fuera / fuese | fuere |
Nosotros / nosotras | seamos | fuéramos / fuésemos | fuéremos |
Vosotros / vosotras | seáis | fuerais / fueseis | fuereis |
Ellos / ellas / ustedes | sean | fueran / fuesen | fueren |
Complex subjunctive
Pretérito perfecto | Pluscuamperfecto | |
Yo | haya sido | hubiera / hubiese sido |
Tú | hayas sido | hubieras / hubieses sido |
Él / ella / usted | haya sido | hubiera / hubiese sido |
Nosotros / nosotras | hayamos sido | hubiéramos o hubiésemos sido |
Vosotros / vosotras | hayáis sido | hubierais o hubieseis sido |
Ellos / ellas / ustedes | hayan sido | hubieran o hubiesen sido |
Afirmativo | Negativo | |
Tú | ¡sé! | ¡no seas! |
Él / ella / usted | ¡sea! | ¡no sea! |
Nosotros / nosotras | ¡seamos! | ¡no seamos! |
Vosotros / vosotras | ¡sed! | ¡no seáis! |
Ellos / ellas / ustedes | ¡sean! | ¡no sean! |
Estar conjugation cheat sheets
Presente | Imperfecto | Pretérito | Futuro | Condicional | |
Yo | estoy | estaba | estuve | estaré | estaría |
Tú | estás | estabas | estuviste | estarás | estarías |
Él / ella / usted | está | estaba | estuvo | estará | estaría |
Nosotros / nosotras | estamos | estábamos | estuvimos | estaremos | estaríamos |
Vosotros / vosotras | estáis | estabais | estuvisteis | estaréis | estaríais |
Ellos / ellas / ustedes | están | estaban | estuvieron | estarán | estarían |
Complex tenses
Perfecto | Pluscuamperfecto | Futuro perfecto | Condicional perfecto | |
Yo | he estado | había estado | habré estado | habría estado |
Tú | has estado | habías estado | habrás estado | habrías estado |
Él / ella / usted | ha estado | había estado | habrá estado | habría estado |
Nosotros / nosotras | hemos estado | habíamos estado | habremos estado | habríamos estado |
Vosotros / vosotras | habéis estado | habíais estado | habréis estado | habríais estado |
Ellos / ellas / ustedes | han estado | habían estado | habrán estado | habrían estado |
Presente | Imperfecto | Futuro | |
Yo | esté | estuviera / estuviese | estuviere |
Tú | estés | estuvieras / estuvieses | estuvieres |
Él / ella / usted | esté | estuviera / estuviese | estuviere |
Nosotros / nosotras | estemos | estuviéramos / estuviésemos | estuviéremos |
Vosotros / vosotras | estéis | estuvierais / estuvieseis | estuviereis |
Ellos / ellas / ustedes | estén | estuvieran / estuviesen | estuvieren |
Complex subjunctive
Pretérito perfecto | Pluscuamperfecto | |
Yo | haya estado | hubiera o hubiese estado |
Tú | hayas estado | hubieras o hubieses estado |
Él / ella / usted | haya estado | hubiera o hubiese estado |
Nosotros / nosotras | hayamos estado | hubiéramos o hubiésemos estado |
Vosotros / vosotras | hayáis estado | hubierais o hubieseis estado |
Ellos / ellas / ustedes | hayan estado | hubieran o hubiesen estado |
Afirmativo | Negativo | |
Tú | ¡está! | ¡no estés! |
Él / ella / usted | ¡esté! | ¡no esté! |
Nosotros / nosotras | ¡estemos! | ¡no estemos! |
Vosotros / vosotras | ¡estad! | ¡no estéis! |
Ellos / ellas / ustedes | ¡estén! | ¡no estén! |
FAQs about the verb to be in Spanish
How do you introduce yourself in Spanish?
You typically do not use the verbs “ser” or “estar” when introducing yourself in Spanish. Unlike English, where you would say “I am” when introducing yourself, Spanish uses the verb “llamar,” which is similar to “to be called.” To introduce yourself in Spanish, you want to say “Me llamo ____” (I am called _____).
What is the difference between “soy” and “estoy”?
In Spanish, “soy” represents traits or characteristics that are impossible or very difficult to change, whereas “estoy” represents those that could change very easily. For example, you would use “soy” to describe physical attributes, your nationality, or your profession, while you’d use “estoy” to describe your mood, location, or what you’re doing at the moment.
Do you say “yo soy” or just “soy” in Spanish?
Spanish is a null-subject language, meaning that you can safely ignore specifying the subject in most cases as the conjugation of the verb will make it clear who the subject is. However, you can still say “yo soy” instead of just “soy” if you want to emphasize who is doing the action.
Slow and steady wins the conjugation race
There are thousands and thousands of possible conjugations in Spanish, so don’t try to force yourself to learn too many of them in a short amount of time! While spending some time memorizing the conjugation of important verbs like “to be” is certainly worthwhile, there’s no need to freak out over having to learn countless conjugations all at once.
Our best recommendation is to find an immersive program that will allow you to maximize your exposure to native-language content. And if you’ve got other commitments that prevent you from committing to an immersive experience, then check out our Spanish blog! We publish guides on helpful grammar and vocabulary topics, like the Spanish possessive adjectives and Spanish vowels and diphthongs.