Welcome to the wild and wacky world of nicknames in English! From the catchy and cool to the downright ridiculous, nicknames come in all shapes and sizes.
These pet names come in many forms and are a great way to show affection and closeness with friends and family or just a fun way to refer to your loved one.
Some people are blessed with a nickname that perfectly captures their personality, while others are stuck with a moniker that they'd rather forget. Whether you're a "Peanut," a "Pumpkin," or a "Muffin," one thing is for sure: nicknames are a fun and quirky way to add personality and flair to our lives.
In this article, we’ll share with you a list of English nicknames that you can use for your partner/boyfriend/girlfriend, friends, or family members to show them your love and affection.
So sit back, grab a drink, and get ready to laugh as we explore the strange and humorous world of nicknames whether it’s for your romantic partner, friends, or family members.
Nicknames in English for romantic partners
When it comes to romantic relationships, in particular, using pet names can be considered cheesy. But, a study found that couples who use pet names are actually happier in their relationship.
So, maybe that's your cue to start looking for a cute nickname for your romantic partner! Here are some nicknames you can use to call your girlfriend or boyfriend.
Nicknames for a boyfriend, husband, or cute guy
Saying “I love you” to your partner or someone you like may not always be the right thing to say. So, how do you express affection without saying these three little words? You can use nicknames!
The right nickname for your boyfriend will often depend on his personality and the nature of your relationship. These nicknames are a good start, but don’t limit yourself! Sometimes, the funniest and most affectionate nicknames come from spontaneous, romantic moments you share together.
English |
IPA Spelling |
Pronunciation |
Angel | eɪndʒəl| | ANN-juhl |
Angel Boy | ˈeɪndʒəlˌbɔɪ| | ANN-juhl boy |
Babe | beɪb| | BAYB |
Baby | ˈbeɪbi| | BAY-bee |
Bae | ˈbaɪ| | BAE |
Boo | bu| | BOO |
Boss | bɒs| | BAWS |
Captain | ˈkæptɪn| | KAEP-tin |
Chief | tʃif| | CHEEF |
Cuddlebug | ˈkʌdl̩bʌɡ| | KUHD-uhl-buhg |
Cuddlebunny | ˈkʌdl̩ˈbʌni| | KUHD-uhl-buhn-ee |
Cuddlepie | ˈkʌdl̩paɪ| | KUHD-uhl-pye |
Cutie Pie | cutiepaɪ| | KYOO-tee pye |
Daddy | ˈdædi| | DAD-ee |
Darling | ˈdɑlɪŋ| | DAR-ling |
Darling Boy | ˈdɑlɪŋˌbɔɪ| | DAR-ling boy |
Dumpling | ˈdʌmpl̩ɪŋ| | DUHM-pling |
Honey | ˈhʌni| | HUHN-ee |
Honeydew | ˈhʌnidju| | HUHN-ee-dyoou |
Honeypie | ˈhʌnipaɪ| | HUHN-ee-pye |
Hot Stuff | ˈhɒtstʌf| | hawt stuhf |
Hottie | hottie| | HAWT-ee |
King | kɪŋ| | KING |
Lion | ˈlaɪən| | LYE-uhn |
Love | ˈlʌv| | LUHV |
Love Muffin | ˈlʌvˈmʌfɪn| | LUHV MUHF-in |
Mister | ˈmɪstə| | MIHS-ter |
Papi | papi| | PAH-pee |
Peanut | ˈpinʌt| | PEE-nut |
Prince | prɪns| | PRINS |
Pumpkin | ˈpʌmpkɪn| | PUHM-kin |
Romeo | ˈromiˌəʊ| | ROH-mee-oh |
Snugglebug | ˈsnʌɡl̩bʌɡ| | SNUHG-uhl-buhg |
Snugglebunny | ˈsnʌɡl̩ˈbʌni| | SNUHG-uhl-buhn-ee |
Sugar | ˈʃʊɡə| | SHOO-ger |
Sweet Pea | ˈswitpi| | swēt pē |
Sweetheart | ˈswithɑt| | SWEET-hart |
Sweetie | ˈswiti| | SWEET-ee |
Sweetie Pie | ˈswitipaɪ| | SWEET-ee pye |
Tiger | ˈtaɪɡə| | TYE-gur |
Nicknames for a girlfriend or wife
Do you want to express to your wife or girlfriend how beautiful, sexy, or sweet she is? These pet names are a great way to show affection and appreciation for her whenever you turn to her. We’re sure she’ll love it!
English |
IPA Spelling |
Pronunciation |
Angel | |ˈeɪndʒəl| | ANN-juhl |
Babe | beɪb| | BAYB |
Baby | ˈbeɪbi| | BAY-bee |
Bae | ˈbaɪ| | BAE |
Boo | bu| | BOO |
Bunny | ˈbʌni| | BUHN-ee |
Cupcake | ˈkʌpkeɪk| | KUHP-kayk |
Cutie | cutie| | KYOO-tee |
Cutie Pie | cutiepaɪ| | KYOO-tee-PYE |
Darling | ˈdɑlɪŋ| | DAR-ling |
Dear | dɪə| | DEER |
Dumpling | ˈdʌmpl̩ɪŋ| | DUHM-pling |
Goddess | ˈɡɒdɪs| | GAHD-is |
Honey | ˈhʌni| | HUHN-ee |
Honey Bunny | ˈhʌniˈbʌni| | HUHN-ee-BUHN-ee |
Honeybee | ˈhʌnibi| | HUHN-ee-be |
Hot Stuff | ˈhɒtstʌf| | hawt-stuhf |
Hottie | hottie| | HAWT-ee |
Hun | hʌn| | HUHN |
Kitty | ˈkɪti| | KIHT-ee |
Light of My Life | laɪtəvmaɪlife| | lahyt-uhv-mah-lahyf |
Love | ˈlʌv| | LUHV |
Lovebug | ˈlʌvbʌɡ| | LUHV-buhg |
Monkey | ˈmʌŋki| | MUHNG-kee |
Muffin | ˈmʌfɪn| | MUHF-in |
Pooh Bear | ˈpubeə| | POO-buhr |
Princess | prɪnˈses| | PRIN-sis |
Queen | kwin| | KEEN |
Snowflake | ˈsnəʊfleɪk| | SNOH-flayk |
Sunshine | ˈsʌnʃaɪn| | SUHN-shyne |
Sweet Pie | ˈswitpaɪ| | swēt-pī |
Sweetie | ˈswiti| | SWEET-ee |
Wifey | wifey| | WIF-ee |
Nicknames in English for family members
Cute, loving, and funny nicknames aren’t just for your romantic partner. You can also use them to show love and affection for your family.
Nicknames for your grandma and grandpa
Grandma and grandpa are one of the most important people in everyone’s life. They have been there for you since the day you were born. Apart from our parents, our grandparents are the ones who give us the most genuine love, support and advice.
They are still with us in our hearts and minds even if they aren't around anymore. We never forget them or stop thinking about them. And if they are still with you, show them as much love and affection as possible.
Here are some nicknames for grandma and grandpa:
English |
IPA Spelling |
Pronunciation |
Nana | |ˈnænə| | NAH-nuh |
Papa | pəˈpɑ| | PAH-puh |
Grammy | ˈɡræmi| | GRAM-ee |
Gramps | gramps| | GRAMPS |
Mimi | ˈmimi| | MEE-mee |
Pop Pop | pɒppɒp| | PAHP PAHP |
Nanny | ˈnæni| | NAN-ee |
Pappy | pappy| | PAH-pee |
Meemaw | meemaw| | MEE-maw |
Peepaw | peepaw| | PEE-paw |
Momsie | momsie| | MAHM-see |
Popsie | popsie| | PAHP-see |
Gigi | ˈdʒidʒi| | GEE-jee |
Lolly and Pop | ˈlɒliəndpɒp| | LAH-lee and PAHP |
Momo and Papo | momoəndpæˈpəʊ| | MAH-moh and PAH-poh |
Mawmaw and Pawpaw | mawmawəndˈpɔpɔ| | MAW-maw and PAW-paw |
Meme and Papaw | memeəndˈpɔpɔ| | MEE-mee and PAH-paw |
Gramms and Gramps | ɡræmzəndgramps| | GRAMZ and GRAMPS |
Grammie and Grampie | gramieəndgrampie| | GRAM-ee and GRAM-pee |
Nicknames for moms and dads
Your parents are the ones who are always there to love and care for you. Your mom and dad have a special place in your life and heart - and you have a special place in theirs.
Here are 10+ nicknames for mom and dad, which may help you to express your love for them.
English |
IPA Spelling |
Pronunciation |
Mommy | ˈmɑmi | | MAH-mee |
Daddy | ˈdædi | | DAD-ee |
Mama | məˈmɑ | | MAH-mah |
Papa | pəˈpɑ | | PAH-pah |
Momsie | momsie | | MAHM-see |
Popsie | popsie | | PAHP-see |
Mama Bear | məˈmɑ beə | | MAH-mah BEER |
Papa Bear | pəˈpɑ beə | | PAH-pah BEER |
Momma | ˈmɑmə | | MAHM-mah |
Poppa | ˈpɒpə | | PAHP-pah |
Pop | pɒp | | PAHP |
49 nicknames for sisters and brothers
If you’re lucky enough to be blessed with a sibling that is close to you, then she or he surely has a knack for making the most important moments of your life memorable. And even though you may be fighting a lot, as teenagers or as adults, your brother or sister will always be there for you.
If you want to keep your sibling close and make them feel special, then get them a nickname that is unique and funny. They will surely appreciate it because they know how much you care about them.
Here’s a list of 49 cute and funny nicknames for your brother or sister.
English |
IPA Spelling |
Pronunciation |
Issy | ˈɪsi | | iss-ee |
See see | ˈsi ˈsi | | see see |
Sissy | ˈsɪsi | | siss-ee |
Sista | sista | | siss-tah |
Sistie | sistie | | siss-tee |
Sis | ˌes ˈaɪz | | siss |
Miss sis | mɪs ˌes ˈaɪz | | miss siss |
Missy | ˈmɪsi | | miss-ee |
Missy Sissy | ˈmɪsi ˈsɪsi | | miss-ee siss-ee |
Boo Boo | bubu | | boo boo |
Hermana | ermana | | air-mah-nah |
Hermanita | ermanita | | air-mah-nee-tah |
Little Lady | ˈlɪtl̩ ˈleɪdi | | lit-l lay-dee |
Mini | mini | | min-ee |
Miss mini | mɪs mini | | miss min-ee |
Mini me | mini mi | | min-ee mee |
Ninnie | ninnie | | nin-ee |
Baby | ˈbeɪbi | | bay-bee |
Lil one | ˈlɪl wʌn | | lill wun |
Lil sis | ˈlɪl ˌes ˈaɪz | | lill siss |
She-Devil | ˈʃi ˈdevl̩ | | shee-dev-uhl |
Munchkin | munchkin | | munch-kin |
Short stuff | ʃɔt stʌf | | short stuff |
Wee-one | ˈwi wʌn | | wee wun |
Newbie | newbie | | new-bee |
Eenie meenie | eenie meenie | | een-ee meen-ee |
Princess | prɪnˈses | | prin-sess |
Queenie | ˈkwini | | kwee-nee |
Bro | ˈbrəʊ | | BRO |
Baby Bro | ˌbeɪbi ˈbrəʊ | | BAY-bee BRO |
Baby Face | ˌbeɪbi feɪs | | BAY-bee FAYS |
Bam Bam | ˈbæm ˈbæm | | BAM BAM |
Bambino | bæmˈbinəʊ | | bahm-BEE-noh |
Big Bro | bɪg ˈbrəʊ | | BIG BRO |
Big Dude | bɪg djud | | BIG DYOO-d |
Big Guy | bɪg ɡaɪ | | BIG GUY |
Big Man | bɪg θɜ | | BIG MAN |
Biggie | ˈbɪɡi | | BIHG-ee |
Bobo | ˈbobəʊ | | BOH-boh |
BooBoo | bubu | | BOO BOO |
Little Bro | ˈlɪtl̩ ˈbrəʊ | | LIHT-uhl BRO |
Little Dude | ˈlɪtl̩ djud | | LIHT-uhl DYOO-d |
Little Guy | ˈlɪtl̩ ɡaɪ | | LIHT-uhl GUY |
Little Man | ˈlɪtl̩ θɜ | | LIHT-uhl MAN |
Brominator | ˈbrəʊminator | | BROHM-ih-nayt-er |
Brommando | ˈbrəʊmando | | BROHM-mahn-doh |
Hermano | ermano | | er-MAH-noh |
Hermanito | ermanito | | er-mah-NEE-toh |
Trouble | ˈtrʌbl̩ | | TRUHB-uhl |
Cute nicknames for your best friend
If you want to call your friend a special name that strengthens your bond, you can use a nickname. It shows that you care about them and makes them feel special.
But sometimes, nicknames can make things worse. So you need to be careful when choosing the right nickname to convey the right message and not make things awkward.
Here are some cute, loving and funny nicknames for your best friend.
Cute nicknames for your girl best friend
Your bestie is your ride or die. You tell each other everything and spend your afternoons gossiping over the phone. Here are some cute and loving nicknames you can call her to show her how much you love her.
English |
IPA Spelling |
Pronunciation |
Bestie | bestie | | BEH-stee |
BFF | ˈbi ef ef | | B-F-F |
Chica | chica | | CHEE-kah |
Forever Friend | fəˈrevə ˈfrend | | FOH-ver FREND |
Gal | ɡæl | | GAHL |
Girly | girly | | GEER-lee |
Homegirl | həʊm ɡɜl | | HOHM-gurl |
Missy | ˈmɪsi | | MIHS-ee |
Queen | kwin | | KEEN |
Señorita | señorita | | seh-nyoh-REE-tah |
Sis | ˌes ˈaɪz | | SIS |
Soul Sister | ˈsəʊl ˈsɪstə | | SOH-uhl SIS-ter |
Fun nicknames for your guy best friend
Every girl deserves to have a guy best friend. Someone who can give you advice when you fight with your boyfriend or just need a shoulder to cry on. Someone who can show you a different outlook on life from his male perspective.
Here are some fun and loving nicknames for your guy best friend.
English |
IPA Spelling |
Pronunciation |
Amigo | əˈmiɡəʊ | | ah-MEE-goh |
Bro | ˈbrəʊ | | BRO |
Bubba | ˈbəbə | | BUH-buh |
Buck | bʌk | | BUK |
Bud | bʌd | | BUHD |
Buddy | ˈbʌdi | | BUHD-ee |
Champ | tʃæmp | | CHAEMP |
Chief | tʃif | | CHEEF |
Coach | kəʊtʃ | | KOHCH |
Junior | ˈdʒunɪə | | JOON-yuhr |
King | kɪŋ | | KING |
Pal | pæl | | PAHL |
Punk | pʌŋk | | PUNK |
Senior | ˈsinɪə | | SEE-nyuhr |
Slim | slɪm | | SLIM |
Sport | spɔt | | SPAWRT |
Funny nicknames for everyone
Nicknames are a great way to add some fun into your relationships. They aren’t reserved just for your romantic partner. You can have fun giving nicknames to literally anyone in your life - from your annoying little brother to your orange cat you named Garfield.
However, here’s the thing with nicknames: you have to be careful not to offend the other person. Remember that sometimes there’s a thin line between funny and offensive.
Here are some funny nicknames for anyone in your life. Use them for inspiration to come up with your own.
English |
Relationship |
IPA Spelling |
Pronunciation |
Ace | Brother, friend, pet | eɪs | | AYS |
Bee | Sister, girlfriend, friend | bi | | BEE |
Bond | Brother, friend, pet | bɒnd | | BAWND |
Bonny Lass | Sister, girlfriend, friend | ˈbɒni læs | | BAHN-ee LAHS |
Boo | Boyfriend, girlfriend, friend, pet | bu | | BOO |
Boomer | Dad, grandpa | ˈbumə | | BOO-muhr |
Bug | Brother, friend, pet | bʌɡ | | BUG |
Buttercup | Sister, girlfriend, friend | ˈbʌtəkʌp | | BUHT-er-kuhp |
Chipmunk | Brother, boyfriend, friend | ˈtʃɪpmʌŋk | | CHIHP-muhnk |
Cutie Pie | Sister, girlfriend, friend | cutie paɪ | | KYOO-tee pye |
Dolly | Sister, girlfriend, friend | ˈdɒli | | DAHL-ee |
Dottie | Sister, girlfriend, friend | ˈdɑti | | DAHT-ee |
Giggles | Sister, friend | ˈɡɪɡl̩z | | GIHG-uhlz |
Goon | Brother, friend, pet | ɡun | | GOON |
Gump | Brother, friend, pet | ˈɡəmp | | GUHMP |
Kiddo | Brother | kiddo | | KIHD-oh |
Lovey | Sister, girlfriend, friend | lovey | | LUHV-ee |
Mouse | Sister, girlfriend, friend | maʊs | | MAWSS |
Munchkin | Sister, girlfriend, friend | munchkin | | MUHNCH-kin |
Nugget | Pet, brother | ˈnʌɡɪt | | NUHG-iht |
Oldie | Brother | ˈəʊldi | | OH-lee |
Precious | Sister, girlfriend, friend | ˈpreʃəs | | PREH-shuhs |
Punk | Brother, friend, pet | pʌŋk | | PUNK |
Rambo | Brother, friend, pet | ˈræmbəʊ | | RAM-boh |
Rapunzel | Sister, friend, pet | rəˈpənzəl | | rahp-oon-ZEHL |
Scout | Brother, friend, pet | skaʊt | | SKOWT |
Shortie | Girlfriend | shortie | | SHAWR-tee |
Smarty | Anyone | smarty | | SMAAHRT-ee |
Smiley | Sister, brother, friend, pet | ˈsmaɪli | | SMY-lee |
Speedy | Sister, brother, friend, pet | ˈspidi | | SPEE-dee |
Sweetums | Brother, boyfriend, friend | sweetums | | SWEET-uhmz |
Teacup | Pet, brother | ˈtikʌp | | TEE-kuhp |
Teeny | Sister, brother, friend, pet | ˈtini | | TEE-nee |
Toots | Brother, boyfriend, friend | tuts | | TOHTS |
Nickname generators: Yes, there’s such a thing!
In the English language, there are many cute and funny nicknames you can use for your partner, best friend, or sibling.
But while there’s no shortage of popular and common pet names, you may want to come up with something original. Something that perfectly describes that person. Something unique that only you and them can share.
So, how do you do that? Aside from your creativity and spontaneous situations that may inspire an original nickname, you can get some inspiration from online nickname generators.
Here’s a list of some cool nickname generators you can use:
- Name Generator
- Plarium
- IUG Nickname Generator
- Fantasy Name Generators
- SpinXO
- Find Nicknames
- Best Little Baby
Do YOU have a nickname?
Phew! We’ve covered so many nicknames in this article we’re almost running out of creative ideas. Now, you’re equipped with a list of funny and cute nicknames for anyone: your loving boyfriend or girlfriend, your annoying sibling, or your caring parents.
But what about you? Do you have a nickname? Or maybe you have a few English nicknames? We’re curious to know!
And if you’d like to learn English a bit more, we invite you to browse through our English blog.