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How to wish a happy holidays & Merry Christmas in Spanish

Celebrate the best time of the year with these 43 ways of wishing your loved ones a Merry Christmas in Spanish.

Celebrating Christmas is one of the most popular festivities around the world, but it’s especially important in Latin America. As one of the regions in the world with the highest rates of Christianity, it’s no surprise that many people celebrate this holiday in the Spanish-speaking world. The massive popularity of the holiday also means that many non-Christians have adopted the holiday, becoming a cultural phenomenon that is important to people beyond religious ties.

If you find yourself in a Spanish-speaking country during Christmas, then you’ll definitely want to learn a few ways of wishing someone a Merry Christmas. Even if you don’t partake in the celebrations yourself, you’re bound to be wished a Merry Christmas every now and then, so you’ll want to know how to respond.

In this festive article, we’ll be covering 43 unique ways of wishing someone a Merry Christmas in Spanish, plus several inclusive ways of wishing someone a happy holiday regardless of religion.

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Christmas greetings in Spanish

First things first, let’s talk about how to actually say Merry Christmas in Spanish: ¡ Feliz Navidad! You may have heard this Christmas greeting before, as it’s the most common one, but it’s not the only one. There are many ways of wishing someone a Merry Christmas in Spanish, and you can choose the best one depending on the level of closeness and what your Christmas wishes are. Below, we’ll cover dozens of ways to wish someone a Merry Christmas in Spanish so you can go beyond the simple ¡Feliz Navidad!

There are many ways of wishing someone a Merry Christmas in Spanish.

43 ways to say Merry Christmas in Spanish

So, although “¡Feliz Navidad!” can do the trick in most situations, we don’t want you to simply get by: we want you to thrive. Especially during the holidays! Making a great impression on your loved ones during the holidays is very important, as it’s a time to show your friends and family that you care for them and wish them well. Since New Year’s Day comes so close after Christmas, many Christmas wishes include some Spanish happy New Year’s wishes as well.

Check out the following Spanish Christmas greetings with various levels of cheer and love so you always have the right greeting.

Merry Christmas!¡Feliz Navidad!feh-lees nah-vee-dahdfeˈlið naβiˈðað
Merry Christmas Eve!¡Feliz Nochebuena!feh-lees no-che-boo-eh-nahfeˈlið noʧeˈβwena
I wish you a Merry Christmas!¡Te deseo una feliz Navidad!teh deh-seh-oh oo-nah feh-lees nah-vee-dahdte ðeˈseo ˈuna feˈlið naβiˈðað
My best wishes to you this Christmas!¡Mis mejores deseos para esta Navidad!mees meh-hoh-ress deh-seh-oss pah-rah ess-tah nah-vee-dahdmiz meˈxoɾez ðeˈseos ˈpaɾa ˈesta naβiˈðað
I hope you have a beautiful time this Christmas.Que pases lindo esta Navidad.keh pah-sess leen-doe ess-tah nah-vee-dahdmiz meˈxoɾez ðeˈseos ˈpaɾa ˈesta naβiˈðað
Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year.¡Feliz Navidad y próspero Año Nuevo!feh-lees nah-vee-dahd e pross-peh-roh ah-nyoh noo-eh-vohfeˈlið naβiˈðað i ˈpɾospeɾo ˈaɲo ˈnweβo
I hope you have a merry Christmas.Que pases una feliz Navidad.keh pah-sehs oo-nah feh-lees nah-vee-dahdˈke ˈpases ˈuna feˈlið naβiˈðað
We wish you a Merry Christmas from my family to yours.Te deseamos una feliz Navidad de mi familia a la tuya.teh deh-seh-ah-moss oo-nah feh-lees nah-vee-dahd deh me fah-me-lee-ah ah la too-yahte ðeseˈamos ˈuna feˈlið naβiˈðað ðe mi faˈmilja a la ˈtuʝa
I wish you the best Christmas of them all.Te deseo la mejor Navidad de todas.teh deh-seh-oh la meh-hor nah-vee-dahd deh toh-dasste ðeˈseo la meˈxoɾ naβiˈðað ðe ˈtoðas
I hope you have an extraordinary Christmas.Que tengas una Navidad extraordinaria.keh ten-gass oo-nah nah-vee-dahd ex-trah-or-dee-nah-ree-ahˈke ˈtenɡas ˈuna naβiˈðað ekstɾaoɾðiˈnaɾja
I hope you enjoy your Christmas with your family and loved ones.Que disfrutes de tu Navidad con tu familia y seres queridos.keh dees-froo-tess deh too nah-vee-dahd cohn too fa-me-lee-ah e seh-ress keh-ree-dossˈke ðisˈfɾutez ðe tu naβiˈðað kon tu faˈmilja j ˈseɾes keˈɾiðos
I hope you have an excellent Christmas and have a very nice dinner.Que pases una excelente Navidad y cenes muy rico.keh pah-sess oo-nah ex-eh-lehn-teh e seh-ness mooy ree-cohˈke ˈpases ˈuna ekseˈlente naβiˈðað i ˈθenez muj ˈriko
I hope you have a Christmas filled with love, happiness, and health.Que tengas una Navidad llena de amor, alegría y salud.keh tehn-gass oo-nah nah-vee-dahd yeh-nah deh ah-moor, ah-leh-gree-ah e sah-loodˈke ˈtenɡas ˈuna naβiˈðað ˈʎena ðe aˈmoɾ | aleˈɣɾia j saˈluð
I hope your Christmas is wonderful, white, happy, calm, and healthy.Que tu Navidad sea maravillosa, blanca, alegre, tranquila y saludable.keh too nah-vee-dahd seh-ah mah-rah-vee-yoh-sah, blahn-cah, trahn-key-lah e sah-loo-dah-blehˈke tu naβiˈðað ˈsea maɾaβiˈʎosa | ˈblanka | aˈleɣɾe | tɾanˈkila j saluˈðaβle
I wish you a Merry Christmas and many happy moments in the upcoming year.Feliz Navidad y muchos momentos felices en el año que viene.feh-lees-nah-vee-dahd e moo-choss moh-mehn-toss feh-lee-sehs ehn ell ah-nyoh keh vee-eh-nehfeˈlið naβiˈðað i ˈmuʧoz moˈmentos feˈliθes en el ˈaɲo ˈke ˈβjene
I hope the tenderness and hope of Christmass fills your hearts with love, peace, joy, and happiness.Que la ternura y la esperanza de la Navidad llene vuestros corazones de amor, paz, alegría y felicidad.keh la tehr-noo-rah e la ess-peh-rahn-sah deh la nah-vee-dahd yeh-neh noo-ess-tross coh-rah-zoh-ness deh ah-moor, pas, ah-leh-gree-ah e feh-lee-see-dahdˈke la teɾˈnuɾa j la espeˈɾanθa ðe la naβiˈðað ˈʎene ˈβwestɾos koɾaˈθonez ðe aˈmoɾ | ˈpaθ | aleˈɣɾia j feliθiˈðað
Mery Christmas and prosperous new year! Don’t forget to decorate the Christmas tree!¡Feliz Navidad y próspero año nuevo! ¡No te olvides de decorar el árbol de Navidad!feh-lees nah-vee-dahd e pross-peh-roh ah-nyoh noo-eh-voh! no teh ohl-vee-dess deh deh-coh-rahr elle ar-boll deh nah-vee-dahdfeˈlið naβiˈðað i ˈpɾospeɾo ˈaɲo ˈnweβo ‖ ˈno te olˈβiðez ðe ðekoˈɾaɾ el ˈaɾβol de naβiˈðað
Much love for you and your family this Christmas.Mucho cariño para ti y tu familia esta Navidad.moo-cho cah-ree-nyoh pah-rah tee e too fah-me-lee-ah ess-tah nah-vee-dahdˈmuʧo kaˈɾiɲo ˈpaɾa ˈti i tu faˈmilja ˈesta naβiˈðað
I hope that the best gift you receive this Christmas is to be next to your loved ones sharing peace, hope, and joy.Que en esta Navidad el mejor regalo que recibas sea estar junto a tus seres queridos compartiendo paz, esperanza y alegría.keh ehn ess-tah nah-vee-dahd elle meh-hor reh-gah-loh keh reh-see-bass seh-ah ess-tahr whoon-toe ah toos seh-ress keh-ree-doss com-pare-tee-ehn-doh pas, ess-peh-rahn-sah e ah-leh-gree-ahˈke en ˈesta naβiˈðað el meˈxoɾ reˈɣalo ˈke reˈθiβas ˈsea esˈtaɾ ˈxunto a tus ˈseɾes keˈɾiðos kompaɾˈtjendo ˈpaθ | espeˈɾanθa j aleˈɣɾia
I hope that Bethlehem’s Star shines upon your life this Christmas.Que la estrella de Belén ilumine tu vida esta Navidad.keh la ess-treh-yah deh beh-lehn e-loo-me-neh too vee-dah ess-tah nah-vee-dahdˈke la esˈtɾeʎa ðe βeˈlen iluˈmine tu ˈβiða ˈesta naβiˈðað
This Christmas, I’m toasting to our friendship.En esta Navidad brindo por nuestra amistad.ehn ess-tah nah-vee-dahd breen-doe pore noo-ess-trah ah-mees-tahden ˈesta naβiˈðað ˈβɾindo poɾ ˈnwestɾa amisˈtað
I hope that this Christmas is bright, brings joy and love and ignites a new year full of light and hope for you.Que esta Navidad sea brillante, traiga alegría y amor y encienda un Año Nuevo de luz y esperanza para ti.keh ess-tah nah-vee-dahd seh-ah bree-yahn-teh, trah-e-gah ah-leh-gree-ah e ah-moor e ehn-see-ehn-dah oon ah-nyoh noo-eh-voh deh looz e ess-peh-rahn-sah pah-rah tee.ˈke ˈesta naβiˈðað ˈsea βɾiˈʎante | ˈtɾajɣa aleˈɣɾia j aˈmoɾ j enˈθjenda wn ˈaɲo ˈnweβo ðe ˈluθ j espeˈɾanθa ˈpaɾa ˈti
I wish that your Christmas is bright, brings you joy, love, peace, and harmony.Te deseo que tu Navidad sea luminosa, te traiga alegría, amor, paz y armonía.teh deh-seh-oh keh too nah-ve-dahd seh-ah loo-me-no-sah, teh trah-e-gah ah-leh-gree-ah, ah-moore, paz e are-moh-nee-ahte ðeˈseo ˈke tu naβiˈðað ˈsea lumiˈnosa | te ˈtɾajɣa aleˈɣɾia | aˈmoɾ | ˈpaθ j aɾmoˈnia
I hope you spend a warm Christmas with the company of those you love.Que pases una cálida Navidad en compañía de los que amas.keh pah-sehs oo-nah cah-lee-dah nah-vee-dahd ehn com-pah-nyee-ah deh loss keh ah-massˈke ˈpases ˈuna ˈkaliða naβiˈðað en kompaˈɲia ðe los ˈke ˈamas.
I hope that the peace and harmony celebrated during Christmas are present every day of your new year.Que la paz y la armonía celebrada en Navidad estén presentes todos los días de tu año nuevo.keh la pas e la are-mo-nee-ah seh-leh-brah-dah ehn nah-vee-dahd ess-tehn preh-sehn-tess toh-doss los dee-ass deh too ah-nyoh noo-eh-vohˈke la ˈpaθ i la aɾmoˈnia θeleˈβɾaða en naβiˈðað esˈtem pɾeˈsentes ˈtoðoz loz ˈðiaz ðe tw ˈaɲo ˈnweβo
I wish you the most happiness in a unique and special Christmas.Te deseo la mayor felicidad en una Navidad única y especial.teh deh-seh-oh la mah-yoor feh-lee-see-dahd ehn oo-nah nah-vee-dahd oo-nee-cah e ess-peh-see-allte ðeˈseo la maˈʝoɾ feliθiˈðað en ˈuna naβiˈðað ˈunika j espeˈθja
I wish you immense happiness this Christmas for you and your family.Te deseo una felicidad inmensa en esta Navidad para ti y tu familia.teh deh-seh-oh oo-nah feh-lee-see-dahd een-mehn-sah ess-tah nah-vee-dahd pah-rah tee e too fah-me-lee-ahte ðeˈseo ˈuna feliθiˈðað imˈmensa en ˈesta naβiˈðað ˈpaɾa ˈti i tu faˈmilja
I hope this Christmas is full of happiness for you and your family.Que esta Navidad te llena de felicidad a ti y a toda tu familiakeh ess-tah nah-ve-dahd teh yeh-neh deh feh-lee-see-dahd ah tee e ah toh-dah too fah-mee-lee-ahˈke ˈesta naβiˈðað te ˈʎena ðe feliθiˈðað a ˈti j a ˈtoða tu faˈmilja
I hope that the divine light lights your way during this and all the Christmases that are yet to come.Que la luz divina ilumine tu camino en esta y todas las Navidades que están por venir.keh la looz dee-vee-nah e-loo-me-neh too ca-me-noh ehn ess-tah e to-dass las nah-vee-dah-dess keh ess-tahn pore veh-neerˈke la ˈluð ðiˈβina jluˈmine tu kaˈmino en ˈesta j ˈtoðaz laz naβiˈðaðes ˈke esˈtam poɾ βeˈniɾ
I hope that this Christmas helps you reach all of your heart’s dreams, that it brings you joy for every day of the new year, and that you can share all of this with the special people who are a part of your life.Que la Navidad te ayude a cumplir todos los sueños de tu corazón, que te traiga alegría para cada día del año nuevo y que puedas compartir todo esto con las personas especiales que forman parte de tu vida.keh la nah-vee-dahd teh ah-you-deh ah coom-pleer loss soo-eh-nyoss deh too coh-rah-zohn, keh teh trah-e-gah ah-leh-gree-ah pah-rah cah-dah dee-ah dell ah-nyoh noo-eh-voh e keh poo-eh-dass com-par-teer toh-doh ess-toe cohn las pehr-soh-nass keh fore-mahn par-teh deh soo vee-dahˈke la naβiˈðað te aˈʝuðe a kumˈpliɾ ˈtoðoz los ˈsweɲoz ðe tu koɾaˈθon | ˈke te ˈtɾajɣa aleˈɣɾia ˈpaɾa ˈkaða ˈðia ðel ˈaɲo ˈnweβo j ˈke ˈpweðas kompaɾˈtiɾ ˈtoðo ˈesto kon las peɾˈsonas espeˈθjales ˈke ˈfoɾmam ˈpaɾte ðe su ˈβiða

Christmas greetings for businesses

As Spanish continues to climb the list of the best languages for business , so does the number of people learning Spanish for business. As such, you’ll want to foster a positive relationship with your clients, colleagues, and business partners — and that includes the holiday season. Here are some greetings you can use to wish a Merry Christmas to those you work with!

Spanish greetings you can use to wish a Merry Christmas to those you work with.

We hope that all of your wishes come true this Christmas. We will continue helping you make them come true!Esperamos que todos tus deseos se vuelvan realidad esta Navidad. ¡Nosotros seguiremos ayudándote a cumplirlos!ehs-peh-rah-moss keh toh-doss toos deh-seh-oss seh voo-ehl-vahn reh-ah-lee-dahd. ¡Noh-soh-tross seh-gee-reh-moss ah-you-dahn-doh-teh ah coom-pleer-loss!espeˈɾamos ˈke ˈtoðos tuz ðeˈseos se ˈβwelβan realiˈðað ˈesta naβiˈðað ‖ noˈsotɾos seɣiˈɾemos aʝuˈðandote a kumˈpliɾlos
You’re the reason why we celebrate. We hope you have an excellent Christmas!Eres la razón por la que celebramos. ¡Que pases una excelente Navidad!eh-ress lah rah-zohn pore lah keh seh-leh-brah-moss. ¡Keh pah-sehs oo-nah ex-eh-lehn-teh nah-vee-dahd!ˈeɾez la raˈθom poɾ la ˈke θeleˈβɾamos ‖ ˈke ˈpases ˈuna ekseˈlente naβiˈðað
Merry Christmas! Thank you for everything we’ve shared this year.¡Feliz Navidad! Gracias por todo lo que hemos compartido este año.¡feh-lees nah-vee-dahd! grah-see-ahs pore toe-doh loh keh eh-moss com-par-tee-doh whon-toss ess-teh ah-nyoh.feˈlið naβiˈðað ‖ ˈɡɾaθjas poɾ ˈtoðo lo ˈke ˈemos kompaɾˈtiðo ˈeste ˈaɲo
Happy holidays! We hope that this Christmas, there is nothing more urgent than being with the people who matter to you.¡Felices fiestas! Que en esta Navidad, nada sea más urgente que estar con quienes más te importan.¡feh-lee-sehs-fee-ess-tass! keh ess-tah nah-vee-dahd, nah-dah seh-ah mass oor-hehn-teh keh ess-tar con key-eh-ness mahs teh eem-pore-tahnfeˈliθes ˈfjestas ‖ ˈke en ˈestaz naβiˈðaðes | ˈnaða ˈsea ˈmas uɾˈxente ˈke esˈtaɾ kon ˈkjenez ˈmas te jmˈpoɾtan
Ho, ho, ho! Christmas is coming and we want to let you know how happy we are to have you by our side. We hope you spend a beautiful Christmas!¡Jo, Jo, Jo! Se acerca la época navideña y queremos decirte lo feliz que nos hace tenerte a nuestro lado. ¡Esperamos que pases una hermosa Navidad!¡ho, ho, ho! seh ah-sehr-cah la eh-poh-cah nah-vee-deh-nyah e keh-reh-moss deh-seehr-teh loh feh-lees keh noss ah-seh teh-nehr-teh ah noo-ess-troh la-doh. ¡ess-peh-rah-moss keh pah-sehs oo-nah air-moh-sah nah-vee-dahd!ˈxo | ˈxo | ˈxo ‖ se aˈθeɾka la ˈepoka naβiˈðeɲa j keˈɾemoz ðeˈθiɾte lo feˈliθ ˈke nos ˈaθe teˈneɾte a ˈnwestɾo ˈlaðo ‖ espeˈɾamos ˈke ˈpases ˈuna eɾˈmosa naβiˈðað
You’re the most valuable to us. We hope we can count on you for many more Christmases!Eres lo más valioso para nosotros. ¡Esperamos contar contigo durante muchas Navidades más!eh-ress lo mahs vah-lee-oh-soh pah-rah noh-soh-tross. ¡ess-peh-rah-moss con-tahr con-tee-goh doo-rahn-teh moo-chas nah-vee-dah-dess mas!ˈeɾez lo ˈmaz βaˈljoso ˈpaɾa noˈsotɾos ‖ espeˈɾamos konˈtaɾ konˈtiɣo ðuˈɾante ˈmuʧaz naβiˈðaðez ˈmas
The fact that you’re by our side is one of our greatest satisfactions. We hope you can spend a holiday season filled with joy.Que estén a nuestro lado es una de las mejores satisfacciones. Esperamos que pasen una época llena de alegría.keh ess-tehn ah noo-ess-troh la-doh ess oo-nah deh lass meh-hoh-ress sah-tees-fac-see-oh-ness. Es-peh-rah-moss keh pah-sehn oo-nah eh-poh-cah yeh-nah deh ah-leh-gree-ahˈke esˈten a ˈnwestɾo ˈlaðo ˈes ˈuna ðe laz meˈxoɾes satisfakˈθjones ‖ espeˈɾamos ˈke ˈpasen ˈuna ˈepoka ˈʎena ðe aleˈɣɾia
A new year of collaboration, challenges, successes, and learnings has come to an end. Thank you for making it all possible, and Merry Christmas!Termina un nuevo año de colaboración, desafíos, éxitos y aprendizajes. Gracias por haberlo hecho posible y, ¡feliz Navidad!tehr-me-nah oon noo-eh-voh ah-nyoh deh coh-lah-boh-rah-see-ohn, deh-sah-fee-ohs, ex-e-toss e ah-prehn-dee-sah-hess. grah-see-ass pore ah-behr-lo eh-cho poh-see-bleh e, ¡feh-leez nah-vee-dahd!teɾˈmina wn ˈnweβo ˈaɲo ðe kolaβoɾaˈθjon | desaˈfios | ˈeksitos j apɾendiˈθaxes ‖ ˈɡɾaθjas poɾ aˈβeɾlo ˈeʧo poˈsiβle j | feˈlið naβiˈðað
Our biggest wish is to help you meet your goals for next year and every one thereafter. Merry Christmas!Nuestro mayor deseo es ayudarte a realizar tus metas para el próximo año y los que le siguen. ¡Feliz Navidad!noo-ess-troh mah-yohr deh-seh-oh ess ah-you-dahr-teh ah reh-ah-lee-zahr toos meh-tass pah-rah elle prox-e-moh ah-nyoh e los keh leh see-gehn. ¡feh-leez nah-vee-dahd!ˈnwestɾo maˈʝoɾ ðeˈseo ˈes aʝuˈðaɾte a realiˈθaɾ tuz ˈmetas ˈpaɾa el ˈpɾoksimo ˈaɲo j los ˈke le ˈsiɣen
One of our 12 wishes is that our collaboration remains strong and keeps growing.Uno de nuestros 12 deseos es que nuestra colaboración se mantenga y crezca.oo-noh deh noo-ess-trohs doh-seh deh-seh-oss ehs keh noo-ess-trah coh-lah-boh-rah-see-ohn seh mahn-tehn-gah e crehs-kahˈuno ðe ˈnwestɾoz ˈðoθe ðeˈseos ˈes ˈke ˈnwestɾa kolaβoɾaˈθjon se manˈtenɡa j ˈkɾeθka
Happy holidays! Thank you for trusting us to make your projects come true!¡Felices fiestas! ¡Gracias por confiar en nosotros para hacer realidad tus proyectos!¡feh-lee-sehs fee-ess-tass! grah-see-ass pore con-fee-are ehn nos-oh-tross pah-rah ah-sehr reh-ah-lee-dahd toos pro-yec-tossfeˈliθes ˈfjestas ‖ ˈɡɾaθjas poɾ komˈfjaɾ en noˈsotɾos ˈpaɾa aˈθeɾ realiˈðað tus pɾoˈʝektos
We wish you health, prosperity, and realized dreams. For us, we wish that we can continue accompanying you on your success.A ti te deseamos salud, prosperidad y sueños cumplidos. A nosotros, que sigamos acompañando tu éxito.ah tee teh deh-seh-ah-moss sah-lood, pros-peh-ree-dahd e soo-eh-nyoss coom-plee-doss. Ah noss-oh-tross, keh see-gah-moss ah-com-pah-nyahn-doh too ex-e-toea ˈti te ðeseˈamos saˈluð | pɾospeɾiˈðað i ˈsweɲos kumˈpliðos ‖ a noˈsotɾos | ˈke siˈɣamos akompaˈɲando tw ˈeksito
Enjoy the celebrations, we’ll be waiting for you with open arms. Merry Christmas!Disfruta las fiestas; estaremos esperándote con los brazos abiertos. ¡Feliz Navidad!dees-foo-tah las fee-ess-tass; ess-tah-reh-moss ess-peh-rahn-doe-teh cohn los ah-brah-zos ah-bee-air-toes. ¡feh-leez nah-vee-dahd!disˈfɾuta las ˈfjestas | estaˈɾemos espeˈɾandote kon loz ˈβɾaθos aˈβjeɾtos ‖ feˈlið naβiˈðað

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Download our free Spanish essentials eBook.

Christmas vocabulary in Spanish

Christmas time offers a great opportunity to learn some fun new Spanish vocabulary. From special food, drinks, flowers, and much more, you can take this as an opportunity to supercharge your Spanish knowledge. Plus, knowing these words will help you be even more festive so you can enjoy the holidays to the max. That’s a win-win in my book!

Christmas decorations and other Christmas vocabulary in Spanish.

Christmas DayEl día de Navidaddee-ah deh nah-vee-dahdˈdia ðe naβiˈðað
Christmas EveLa Nochebuenanoh-cheh-boo-eh-nahnoʧeˈβwena
Christmas partyLa fiesta de Navidadfee-ess-tah deh nah-vee-dadˈfjesta ðe naβiˈðað
Midnight massLa misa del gallomee-sah dell gah-yohˈmisa ðel ˈɣaʎo
Christmas lightsLas luces navideñasloo-sehs nah-vee-deh-nyahsˈluθez naβiˈðeɲas
Christmas stockingsLos calcetines navideñoscall-seh-tee-ness nah-vee-deh-nyosskalθeˈtinez naβiˈðeɲos
MistletoeEl muérdagomoo-ehr-dah-gohˈmweɾðaɣo
CandleLa velaveh-lahˈβela
Christmas cardLa carta de Navidadcar-tah deh nah-vee-dahdˈkaɾta ðe naβiˈðað
Christmas carolsLos villancicosvee-yahn-see-cossβiʎanˈθikos
Santa ClausePapá Noelpah-pah noh-ellpaˈpa noˈel
Santa ClauseSanta Claussanta clossˈsanta ˈklaws
Santa ClauseSan Nicolássahn nee-coh-lassˈsan nikoˈlas
SledEl trineotree-neh-ohtɾiˈneo
Sleigh bellsLos cascabelescass-cah-beh-lesskaskaˈβeles
ReindeerLos renosreh-nossˈrenos
SnowmanEl hombre de nieveohm-breh deh lass nee-eh-vessˈombɾe ðe ˈnjeβe
Advent calendarEl calendario de advientocah-lehn-dah-ree-oh deh ad-vee-ehn-tohkalenˈdaɾjo ðe aðˈβjento
The Christmas spiritEl espíritu navideñoess-pee-ree-too nah-vee-deh-nyohesˈpiɾitu naβiˈðeɲo
FireworksLos fuegos artificialesfoo-eh-goss are-tee-fee-see-ah-lessfweˈɣoes aɾtifiˈθjales
Christmas treeEl árbol de Navidadare-boll deh nah-vee-dadˈaɾβol de naβiˈðað
Christmas ornaments (spheres)Las esferasess-feh-rasesˈfeɾas
Christmas ornamentsLos adornosah-dore-nossaˈðoɾnos
AngelEl ángelahn-hellˈanxel
StarLa estrellaehs-treh-yahesˈtɾeʎa
Christmas giftEl regalo de Navidadreh-gah-loh deh nah-vee-dahdreˈɣalo ðe naβiˈðað
Chirstmas cakeEl pastel de Navidadpass-tehl deh nah-vee-dahdpasˈtel de naβiˈðað
CookiesLas galletasgah-yeh-tassɣaˈʎetas
Candy caneEl bastón de caramelobass-tohn deh car-meh-lohβasˈton de kaɾaˈmelo
ChestnutsLas castañascas-tah-nyasskasˈtaɲas
NougatEl turróntoo-rohntuˈron
TurkeyEl pavopah-vohˈpaβo
Hot chocolateEl chocolate calientecho-coh-lah-teh cah-lee-ehn-tehʧokoˈlate kaˈljente
ChampagneLa champañacham-pah-nyahʧamˈpaɲa
Baby JesusEl Niño Diosneeh-nyoh dee-ossˈniɲo ˈðjos
PunchEl ponchepohn-cheˈponʧe
To toastBrindarbreen-dahrbɾinˈdaɾ
To celebrateCelebrarseh-leh-brahrθeleˈβɾaɾ
To decorateDecorardeh-coh-rahsdekoˈɾaɾ
To wishDeseardeh-seh-ahrdeseˈaɾ
To giftRegalarreh-gah-lahrreɣaˈlaɾ
To wrapEnvolverehn-voll-vehrembolˈβeɾ
To open a presentAbrir un regaloah-breer oohn reh-gah-lohaˈβɾiɾ un reˈɣalo
The innsLas posadaspoh-sah-dasspoˈsaðas

10 Popular Christmas songs and Christmas carols in Spanish

The holidays are the time to enjoy blissful moments with friends and family. And what brings more joy than singing along to some festive songs? If you’re looking for your new favorite Merry Christmas song in Spanish, here are ten excellent choices for all kinds of people, from children to teenagers and adults!

  1. Feliz Navidad by José Feliciano
    If you grew up in the United States, then you’ve probably heard this song before. One of the most popular Spanish Christmas songs in the English-speaking world, this is a quintessential song to know if you’re learning Spanish and want to celebrate Christmas.
  2. Santa Claus Llegó a la Ciudad by Luis Miguel
    If you’ve never heard of Luis Miguel — or, Luismi — then you need to buckle up and save some new albums to your Spotify library. One of the most iconic Spanish pop singers of all time, Luis Miguel has made hits for decades, including Christmas songs. This Spanish adaptation of the classic “Santa Claus is Coming to Town” is very popular in Mexico and across Latin America during Christmas time.
  3. El Burrito de Belén
    Also known as “El Burrito Sabanero,” this is a timeless Christmas carol that virtually all Latin Americans know. It narrates the story of making his way to Bethlehem (called Belén in Spanish) along with his donkey.
  4. Los Peces en el Río
    This is another timeless Christmas carol that you’re bound to hear whenever you spend the holidays in a Spanish-speaking country. It tells the story of fish in a river that drank up all the water after Jesus was born.
  5. Campana Sobre Campana
    This is another popular Christmas carol, which, like Jingle Bells, deals with, well, jingle bells. Except that the Spanish carol is much more demure and somber, so don’t try to play this song in the same situations as Jingle Bells!
  6. Los Pastores a Belén
    This is another Spanish Christmas carol that deals with Bethlehem, the famed birthplace of Jesus. This carol narrates how the shepherds reacted upon the birth of Jesus. Hint: they were excited!
  7. Noche de Paz, Noche de Amor
    This is one of the most popular Christmas Eve carols. Originally composed in German, this carol has been translated into Spanish and adopted by Spanish speakers everywhere.
  8. Mamacita, ¿Dónde Está Santa Claus? by Chabelo
    Chabelo is one of the most iconic children’s performers in Mexico and Latin America. His TV show and extensive discography are enjoyed by millions of children all over the world, and this Christmas song
  9. Blanca Navidad by La Oreja de Van Gogh
    If you’re looking for something grown-ups can enjoy in a social setting, then the following three songs are for you. This song is from the popular Spanish band La Oreja de Van Gogh, known for hard-hitting lyrics and excellent vocals.
  10. Dulce Navidad by Morat y Dana Paola
    Morat and Dana Paola are some of the most popular artists among the younger generations of Latin Americans. They perform this fresh adaptation of Feliz Navidad.

How is Christmas celebrated in Spanish-speaking countries?

While Christmas is celebrated in many countries all over the world, there are many differences in how it’s celebrated across cultures. There are many variations among Spanish-speaking countries too, and many regions will have local customs, so not all traditions will be the same everywhere. Here are some of the most common traditions in Spanish-speaking countries:

Piñatas are commonly used in posadas right before Christmas.

Christmas Eve in Spanish-speaking countries

If you’re from the U.S. and celebrate Christmas, then you’re probably used to celebrating it on the 25th of December. However, most Spanish-speaking countries have a big Christmas celebration on Christmas Eve — the 24th of December. Typically, you’ll have a large dinner with your family on the 24th and spend the 25th with your friends and extended family.

Los nascimentos

For about a month before Christmas and a couple of weeks after, you’ll find nativity scenes — known in Spanish as “nascimientos” — everywhere in Spain and Latin America. These are depictions of the day Jesus was born, with figurines of the Virgin Mary, St. Joseph, a donkey, a hay crib, and other characters. You’ll notice that the crib will be left empty until the 25th of December when Baby Jesus is placed on it to signify his birth. You’ll find nascimientos both in public settings and in private homes.

La Misa del Gallo

Traditionally, Catholics will go to mass exactly at midnight on the evening of December 24th. However, more and more people now choose to go to mass during the day on December 25th instead so as to not interrupt the Christmas Eve celebrations.

Las posadas

Finding yourself in a Spanish-speaking country in December can be a really fun time. Starting around the 10th of December, you’ll be invited to plenty of pre-Christmas parties known as “las posadas.” Traditionally, these parties signify the struggles Mary and Joseph faced when they got turned away from inns in Bethlehem before Jesus’s birth. Today, posadas are fun parties meant to be

Las piñatas

Piñatas are world-famous festivities, most often associated with Mexico. However, they were originally introduced to Mexico from Europe, which had been brought over from China. The modern take on piñatas, however, stems from a Maya tradition that involved blindfolding the person hitting the piñata. The Aztecs also used piñatas to commemorate the god Huitzilopochtli, so it’s no surprise why they’re so common in Mexico to this date.

Today, piñatas are commonly used in posadas right before Christmas and for birthday celebrations. They are shaped in the form of a star with seven spikes, each representing one of the seven deadly sins. The piñata is then hit with a stick until it’s broken, which is meant to represent an act of purification so that the participants are better able to receive Jesus on the 25th. Oh, and did I mention that piñatas are usually filled with candy? No wonder everyone loves them!

El Día de los Santos Inocentes

You’re probably familiar with April Fool’s Day, a day for pranksters to pull out their best stunts and nobody can get mad about it (within reason!). The Spanish-speaking world’s equivalent of April Fool’s doesn’t happen in April, and it’s actually tied to the Christmas season. El Día de los Santos Inocentes (The Day of the Holy Innocents) commemorates all the children who were murdered because of Herod I the Great. He ordered that all children under the age of two had to be murdered in order to kill off Jesus, who he presumed was going to attempt to overthrow him.

Today, however, the holiday is taken as a day to pull off pranks on unsuspecting “ inocentes” (gullible people). So, remember to be on the lookout every December 28 and to take everything with a grain of salt!

Día de Reyes Magos

You didn’t think the holiday celebrations would be over just after New Year’s, right? Spanish speakers love to celebrate, which is why the holiday season is extra long. In fact, one of the biggest holidays happens on January 6th, which is the day of the Reyes Magos (the three wise men). It commemorates the arrival of the three wise men, who traveled to Bethlehem to give Jesus three presents: oro (gold), mirra (myrrh) e incienso (incense).

This holiday varies in importance and traditions depending on the country. Here’s what you can expect for Día de Reyes in a few Spanish-speaking countries:


Celebrations in Spain begin the night of September 5th, which commemorates the galloping of the three wise men, Melchior, Caspar and Balthazar, to Bethlehem. This often involves a parade in the streets with different representations of the wise men making their triumphant arrival into town. Before going to bed, children will polish a pair of shoes and leave them out in a place the three wise men can get to, like the window sill, along with a glass of milk and some food like turrones (Spanish nougat).

In turn, the wise men will bring presents to children. That’s right, that means kids in Spain get presents twice: once from Santa and once from the wise men! In fact, most children get better presents from the wise men, with Santa Claus only bringing a small token or candy. That’s why most children in Spain actually prefer celebrating el Día de Reyes over Christmas!

On January 6th, most people will share a Roscón de Reyes (King’s Ring), which is a brioche-style sweet bread with dried and candied fruit. It’s often stuffed with cream and covered in sugar for extra flavor. Yum!


Mexico has different traditions regarding this holiday, with some children receiving some gifts from the wise men and others receiving all of their gifts from Santa Claus. One thing that is universal, though, is the tradition of eating a Rosca de Reyes. It’s very similar to the Roscón de Reyes in Spain, with one twist: there’s a figurine of baby Jesus hidden in the bread.

People will gather around at home, school, or the office and take turns to cut a piece of the rosca . Whoever cuts into baby Jesus will get to keep the figurine, which is often referred to as el monito. The one who finds el monito will earn the privilege of treating everyone to tamales and atole, which is a corn-based warm beverage typically drank during the holidays.


Children in Argentina will leave their shoes by the nascimento the night before January 6th in anticipation of some presents. They will also leave some food and water out for the wise men as and their camels. On January 6th, families will get together for a meal and some Rosca de Reyes.


Unlike other countries, Perú refers tot his holiday as la Bajada de Reyes , which means the descent of the kings. Families tend to get together to enjoy a family meal and then spend time together taking down the Christmas decorations.

Puerto Rico

This holiday is called las Promesas de los Reyes (the kings’ promises) in Puerto Rico. The nigh before, children go out and cut up some grass so they can leave it overnight for the wise men’s camels to eat. In return, the wise men will leave presents for the children.


This holiday has a special meaning in Cuba, where it’s referred to as la Pascua de los Negros y Día de San Baltazar (the Easter of Black people and the Day of Saint Balthazaar). It commemorates the day off slaves used to have back in the colonial era, when many of them went out into the streets to dance and celebrate. This holiday is celebrated in several countries in Latin America, including the Dominican Republic, Paraguay, Chile, Puerto Rico, and Uruguay.

How to say Happy Holidays in Spanish

Although many people consider Christmas to be less of a religious celebration and more of a cultural holiday, its religious elements could understandably make some people uncomfortable. If you wish to send someone your best holiday wishes without bringing in the religious element, here are 11 inclusive ways of wishing someone happy holidays in Spanish:

Happy Holidays in Spanish.

Happy holidays!¡Felices Fiestas!feh-lee-sehs fee-ess-tassfeˈliθes ˈfjestas
Happy holidays to you and your familyFelices fiestas a ti y a tu familia.feh-lee-sehs fee-ess-tass ah tee e ah too fah-me-lee-ahfeˈliθes ˈfjestas a ˈti j a tu faˈmilja
Happy holidays to you and yours.Felices fiestas para ti y los tuyos.feh-lee-sehs fee-ess-tass pah-rah tee e too fa-me-lee-ahfeˈliθes ˈfjestas ˈpaɾa ˈti i los ˈtuʝos
I hope you have fantastic winter vacations.Que tengas unas vacaciones de invierno fantásticaskeh ten-gass oo-nass vah-cah-see-oh-ness deh een-vee-air-noh fahn-tass-tee-cassˈke ˈtenɡas ˈunaz βakaˈθjonez ðe jmˈbjeɾno fanˈtastikas
Happy vacations!¡Felices vacaciones!feh-lee-sehs vah-cah-see-oh-nessfeˈliθez βakaˈθjones
Happy holidays and I hope we find many more celebrations along our way.Felices fiestas y que haya muchas celebraciones más en nuestro caminofeh-lee-sehs fee-ess-tass e keh ah-yah moo-chas seh-leh-brah-see-oh-ness mahs ehn noo-ess-troh cah-me-nohfeˈliθes ˈfjestas i ˈke ˈaʝa ˈmuʧas θeleβɾaˈθjonez ˈmas en ˈnwestɾo kaˈmino
I hope that the joy of the holidays accompanies you each day of next year.Que la alegría de las fiestas te acompañe cada día del próximo año.keh la ah-leh-gree-ah deh lass fee-ess-tas teh ah-com-pah-nyeh cah-dah dee-ah dell prox-e-moh ah-nyohˈke la aleˈɣɾia ðe las ˈfjestas te akomˈpaɲe ˈkaða ˈðia ðel ˈpɾoksimo ˈaɲo
I wish you a lot of joy and happiness these holidays.Te deseo mucha alegría y felicidad estas fiestas.teh deh-seh-oh moo-cha ah-leh-gree-ah e feh-lee-see-dahd ess-tass fee-ess-tasste ðeˈseo ˈmuʧa aleˈɣɾia j feliθiˈðað ˈestas ˈfjestas
I hope you enjoy all of your family traditions.Que disfruten todas sus tradiciones familiares.keh dees-froo-tehn toh-dass soos trah-dee-see-oh-ness fah-me-lee-ah-ressˈke ðisˈfɾuten ˈtoðas sus tɾaðiˈθjones famiˈljaɾes
I wish that you spend this season filled with love and happiness.Te deseo que pases esta temporada lleno de amor y felicidad.teh deh-seh-oh keh pah-sehs ess-tah tehm-poh-rah-dah yeh-noh deh ah-moor e feh-lee-see-dahdte ðeˈseo ˈke ˈpases ˈesta tempoˈɾaða ˈʎeno ðe aˈmoɾ i feliθiˈðað
My best wishes for you and your family on these dates.Mis mejores deseos para ti y tu familia en estas fechas.mees meh-hoh-ress deh-seh-oss pah-rah tee e too fah-me-lee-ah ehn ess-tass feh-chasmiz meˈxoɾez ðeˈseos ˈpaɾa ˈti i tu faˈmilja en ˈestas ˈfeʧas

Happy Holiday quotes in Spanish

Holidays are special all over the world, and some of history’s greatest thinkers have come up with some very insightful quotes about them. Here are some thought-provoking thoughts from writers, politicians, and actors that you can include in your holiday cards this season.

I will honor Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year.Honraré la Navidad en mi corazón y procuraré conservarla durante todo el año.Charles Dickensoh-noh-rah-reh la nah-vee-dahd ehn me coh-rah-zohn e proh-cooh-rah-reh cohn-sehr-vahr-lah doo-rahn-teh toe-doh elle ah-nyohonraˈɾe la naβiˈðað em mi koɾaˈθon i pɾokuɾaˈɾe konseɾˈβaɾla ðuˈɾante ˈtoðo el ˈaɲo
Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love.Bendita sea la fecha que une a todo el mundo en una conspiración de amor.Hamilton Wright Mabibehn-dee-tah seh-ah la feh-cha keh oo-neh ah toe-doe elle moon-doh ehn oo-nah cons-pee-rah-see-ohn deh ah-morebenˈdita ˈsea la ˈfeʧa ˈke ˈune a ˈtoðo el ˈmundo en ˈuna konspiɾaˈθjon de aˈmoɾ
Christmas is the season when people run out of money before they run out of friends.La Navidad es la época del año en que se nos acaba el dinero antes que los amigos.Larry Wildela nah-vee-dahd ess la eh-poh-kah dell ah-nyoh ehn keh seh noss ah-cah-bah elle dee-neh-roh ahn-tess keh loss ah-me-gossla naβiˈðað ˈez la ˈepoka ðel ˈaɲo en ˈke se nos aˈkaβa el diˈneɾo ˈantes ˈke los aˈmiɣos
There is no ideal Christmas; only the one Christmas you decide to make as a reflection of your values, desires, affections, traditions.No existe la Navidad ideal, solo la Navidad que usted decida crear como reflejo de sus valores, deseos, queridos y tradiciones.Bill McKibbennoh ex-ees-teh la nah-vee-dahd e-deh-all, soh-loh la nah-vee-dahd keh oos-tehd deh-see-dah kreh-ahr coh-moh reh-fleh-hoh deh soos vah-loh-ress, deh-seh-oss, keh-ree-doss e trah-dee-see-oh-ness.ˈno ekˈsiste la naβiˈðað iðeˈal | ˈsolo la naβiˈðað ˈke wsˈteð ðeˈθiða kɾeˈaɾ ˈkomo reˈflexo ðe suz βaˈloɾes | deˈseos | keˈɾiðos i tɾaðiˈθjones
Happy, happy Christmas, that can win us back to the delusions of our childhood days, recall to the old man the pleasures of his youth, and transport the traveler back to his own fireside and quiet home!¡Feliz, feliz Navidad, la que hace que nos acordemos de las ilusiones de nuestra infancia, le recuerde al abuelo las alegrías de su juventud, y le transporte al viajero a su chimenea y a su dulce hogar!Charles Dickensfeh-leez, feh-leez nah-vee-dahd, la keh ah-seh keh noss ah-core-deh-moss deh lass e-loo-see-oh-ness deh noo-ess-trah een-fahn-see-ah, leh reh-coo-air-deh all ah-boo-eh-loh lass ah-leh-gre-ahs deh soo who-vehn-toohdfeˈliθ | feˈlið naβiˈðað | la ˈke ˈaθe ˈke nos akoɾˈðemoz ðe las iluˈsjonez ðe ˈnwestɾa jmˈfanθja | le reˈkweɾðe al aˈβwelo las aleˈɣɾiaz ðe su xuβenˈtuð | i le tɾansˈpoɾte al βjaˈxeɾo a su ʧimeˈnea j a su ˈðulθe oˈɣaɾ
Whatever else be lost among the years, let us keep Christmas still a shining thing. Whatever doubts assail us, or what fears, let us hold close one day, remembering its poignant meaning for the hearts of men. Let us get back our childlike faith again.De todo lo que se pueda perder a lo largo de los años, que la Navidad siga siendo algo deslumbrante. Cualquier duda que nos preocupe, o cualquier miedo que podamos tener, debemos tomar fuertemente tan solo un día, recordando su importante significado para los corazones del hombre. Volvamos a nuestra esperanza de la juventud otra vez.Grace Noll Crowelldeh toh-doe loh keh seh poo-eh-dah ah-prehn-dehr ah lo lar-goh deh loss ah-nyoss, keh la nah-vee-dahd see-gah see-ehn-doh all-goh dess-loom-brahn-teh. coo-all-key-air doo-dah keh noss preh-oh-coo-peh, oh coo-all-key-air doo-dah oh me-eh-doe keh poh-dah-moss teh-nehr, deh-beh-moss toe-mahr foo-air-teh-mehn-teh tahn soh-loh oon dee-ah, reh-core-dahn-doh soo eem-pore-tahn-teh seeg-nee-fee-cah-doh pah-rah loss coh-rah-zoh-ness dell ohm-breh. voll-vah-moss ah noo-ess-trah es-peh-rahn-za deh la ˈtoðo lo ˈke se ˈpweða peɾˈðeɾ a lo ˈlaɾɣo ðe los ˈaɲos | ˈke la naβiˈðað ˈsiɣa ˈsjendo ˈalɣo ðezlumˈbɾante ‖ kwalˈkjeɾ ˈðuða ˈke nos pɾeoˈkupe | o kwalˈkjeɾ ˈmjeðo ˈke poˈðamos teˈneɾ | deˈβemos toˈmaɾ fweɾteˈmente ˈtan ˈsolo wn ˈdia | rekoɾˈðando sw impoɾˈtante siɣnifiˈkaðo ˈpaɾa los koɾaˈθonez ðel ˈombɾe ‖ bolˈβamos a ˈnwestɾa espeˈɾanθa ðe la xuβenˈtuð ˈotɾa ˈβeθ
Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful.La Navidad agita una varita mágica sobre el mundo, y por eso, todo es mas suave y mas hermoso.Norman Vincent Pealela nah-vee-dahd ah-he-tah oo-nah vah-ree-tah mah-he-cah soh-breh elle moon-doe, e pore ess-oh, toe-doh ess mahs soo-ah-veh e mahs air-moh-sohla naβiˈðað aˈxita ˈuna βaˈɾita ˈmaxika ˈsoβɾe el ˈmundo | i poɾ ˈeso | ˈtoðo ˈez ˈmas ˈswaβe j ˈmas eɾˈmoso
The only real blind person at Christmas-time is he who has not Christmas in his heart.Las únicas personas realmente ciegas en la época de Navidad son las que no tienen la Navidad en su corazón.Hellen Kellerlass oo-nee-cass pehr-soh-nass reh-all-mehn-teh see-eh-gass ehn lah eh-poh-cah deh nah-vee-dahd sohn lass keh no tee-eh-nehn la nah-vee-dahd ehn soo coh-rah-zohnlas ˈunikas peɾˈsonaz realˈmente ˈθjeɣas en la ˈepoka ðe naβiˈðað ˈson las ˈke ˈno ˈtjenen la naβiˈðað en su koɾaˈθon
I don't think Christmas is necessarily about things. It's about being good to one another.No creo que la Navidad se trate necesariamente de cosas. Se trata de ser buenos unos con otros.Carrie Fishernoh kreh-oh keh la nah-vee-dahd seh trah-teh neh-seh-sah-ree-ah-mehn-teh deh coh-sahs. Seh trah-tah deh sehr boo-eh-noss oo-noss cohn oh-trossˈno ˈkɾeo ˈke la naβiˈðað se ˈtɾate neθesaɾjaˈmente ðe ˈkosas ‖ se ˈtɾata ðe ˈseɾ ˈβwenos ˈunos kon ˈotɾos
At Christmas I no more desire a rose. Than wish a snow in May's new-fangled mirth.No apetezco en Navidad más una rosa, que deseo la nieve en las risueñas y presumidas festividades de mayo.William Shakespearenoh ah-peh-tess-coh ehn nah-vee-dahd mahs oo-nah roh-sah, keh deh-seh-oh la nee-eh-veh ehn lass ree-soo-eh-nyass e preh-soo-mee-dass fess-tee-vee-dah-dess deh mah-yohˈno apeˈteθko en naβiˈðað ˈmas ˈuna ˈrosa | ˈke ðeˈseo la ˈnjeβe en laz riˈsweɲas i pɾesuˈmiðas festiβiˈðaðez ðe ˈmaʝo

Yo recibía los regalos y yo pensaba que no era más que un chico y que no había hecho nada, absolutamente nada para merecerlos. Por supuesto, nunca lo dije: la niñez es tímidaJorge Luis Borgesyoh reh-see-bee-ah loss reh-gah-loss e yoh pehn-sah-bah keh no eh-rah mahs keh oon chee-coh e keh no ah-bee-ah eh-cho nah-dah, ab-soh-loo-tah-mehn-teh nah-dah pah-rah meh-reh-sehr-loss. Pore soo-poo-ess-toe, noon-cah lo dee-heh: la nee-nyess ess tee-mee-dahˈʝo reθiˈβia loz reˈɣalos i ˈʝo penˈsaβa ˈke ˈno ˈeɾa ˈmas ˈke wn ˈʧiko j ˈke ˈno aˈβia ˈeʧo ˈnaða | aβsolutaˈmente ˈnaða ˈpaɾa meɾeˈθeɾlos ‖ poɾ suˈpwesto | ˈnunka lo ˈðixe | la niˈɲeθ ˈes ˈtimiða
There is no ideal Christmas; only the one Christmas you decide to make as a reflection of your values, desires, affections, traditions.No existe la Navidad ideal, solo la Navidad que usted decida crear como reflejo de sus valores, deseos, queridos y tradicionesBill McKibbenno ex-ees-teh la nah-vee-dahd e-deh-all, soh-loh la nah-vee-dahd keh oos-tehd deh-see-dah creh-are coh-moh reh-fleh-hoh deh soos vah-loh-ress, deh-seh-oss, keh-ree-doss e trah-dee-see-oh-nessˈno ekˈsiste la naβiˈðað iðeˈal | ˈsolo la naβiˈðað ˈke wsˈteð ðeˈθiða kɾeˈaɾ ˈkomo reˈflexo ðe suz βaˈloɾes | deˈseos | keˈɾiðos i tɾaðiˈθjones
My idea of Christmas, whether old-fashioned or modern, is very simple: loving others. Come to think of it, why do we have to wait for Christmas to do that?Mi idea de Navidad, tanto pasada de moda como moderna, es muy simple: amar a los demás. Pensémoslo, ¿por que tenemos que esperar a Navidad para hacerlo?Bob Hopeme e-deh-ah deh nah-ve-dahd, tahn-toe pah-sah-dah deh moh-dah coh-moh moh-dehr-nah, ess mooy seem-pleh: ah-mahr ah loss deh-mass. Pehn-seh-moss-loh, pore keh teh-neh-moss keh ess-peh-rahr ah nah-vee-dahd pah-rah ah-sehr-loh?mi iˈðea ðe naβiˈðað | ˈtanto paˈsaða ðe ˈmoða ˈkomo moˈðeɾna | ˈez muj ˈsimple | aˈmaɾ a loz ðeˈmas ‖ penˈsemozlo | poɾ ˈke teˈnemos ˈke espeˈɾaɾ a naβiˈðað ˈpaɾa aˈθeɾlo
Christmas is a season for kindling the fire for hospitality in the hall, the genial flame of charity in the heart.La Navidad es la temporada para encender el fuego de la hospitalidad en el salón, la llama genial de la caridad en el corazónWashington Irvingla nah-vee-dahd ess la tem-poh-rah-dah pah-rah ehn-sehn dehr elle foo-eh-goh deh la oss-pee-tah-lee-dahd ehn elle sah-lohn, la yah-mah heh-nee-all deh la cah-ree-dahd ehn elle coh-rah-sohnla naβiˈðað ˈez la tempoˈɾaða ˈpaɾa enθenˈdeɾ el ˈfweɣo ðe la ospitaliˈðað en el saˈlon | la ˈʎama xeˈnjal de la kaɾiˈðað en el koɾaˈθon
Christmas is a necessity. There has to be at least one day of the year to remind us that we're here for something else besides ourselves.La Navidad es una necesidad. Tiene que haber al menos un día en el año para recordarnos que estamos aquí para algo más que nosotros mismos.Arnold Eric Sevareidla nah-vee-dahd ess oo-nah neh-seh-see-dahd. tee-eh-neh keh ah-behr all-meh-noss oon dee-ah all ah-nyoh pah-rah reh-core-dahr-noss keh ess-tah-moss ah-key pah-rah all-goh mahs grahn-deh eh noh-soh-tross mees-mossla naβiˈðað ˈes ˈuna neθesiˈðað ‖ ˈtjene ˈke aˈβeɾ al ˈmenos un ˈdia en el ˈaɲo ˈpaɾa rekoɾˈðaɾnos ˈke esˈtamos aˈki ˈpaɾa ˈalɣo ˈmas ˈke noˈsotɾoz ˈmizmos

How to write a heartfelt and perfectly worded Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays message in Spanish

Sending a heartfelt Merry Christmas message is one of the best ways to make an excellent impression on your loved ones during the holidays. If you already know how to write a letter in Spanish , then you can employ some of those tactics to write a full letter that encompasses everything you want to share over the holidays.

How to write a Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays message in Spanish.

If you’re still in the beginner Spanish or perhaps early intermediate Spanish levels, then there’s no shame in writing a shorter Christmas message that gets right to the point. The following messages are all brief and festive. Some of them are witty, and some of them are emotional. Feel free to pick the one you like best, put your best penmanship forward, and write it down on a cute Christmas card. Your loved ones are sure to feel the love from you this season!

I hope that this Christmas, your heart lights up when you think of those who are no longer with us. Rest assured that they will forever live within you.Espero que esta Navidad tu corazón se ilumine cuando te acuerdes de los que ya no están aquí. Ten por seguro que ellos siempre vivirán dentro de ti.
The reason Christmas is so magical is because of people like you, who make everything so much more special.La culpa de que la Navidad sea tan sumamente mágica la tienen personas como tú, que haces que todo sea muchísimo más especial.
For Christmas, happiness. For New Year, prosperity. And forever: our friendship!Para Navidad, felicidad. Para Año Nuevo, prosperidad. Y para siempre: ¡nuestra amistad!
I just ran into Christmas and I’ve asked her to pass by your house with a sack full of health and love for this coming year.Me acabo de cruzar con la Navidad y le he pedido que pase por tu casa con un saco lleno de salud y amor para este nuevo año.
Your smile is, without a doubt, the best Christmas decoration.Tu sonrisa es, sin lugar a dudas, el mejor de los adornos navideños.
You know what gift I’ve asked Santa Claus for? To spend another year next to you.¿Sabes qué regalo le he pedido a Papá Noel estas Navidades? Pasar otro año más a tu lado.
I hope that these Christmas days are filled with paper made of happiness and wrapped with a bow of love.Que estas navidades estén envueltas con papel de felicidad y atadas con una cinta de amor.
Place your right hand on your left shoulder and your left hand on your right shoulder. There’s my hug! Enjoy it!Coloca tu mano derecha en tu hombro izquierdo y tu mano izquierda en tu hombro derecho. ¡Ahí tienes mi abrazo! ¡Disfrútalo!
With al my love, I wish that the magic of Christmas shines upon you and helps you achieve all of your dreams.Con todo mi cariño, deseo que la magia de la Navidad te ilumine y te ayude a conseguir todos tus sueños.
This Christmas, you’re my star.Esta Navidad, tú eres mi estrella.
The best things in life are never on their own, and this Christmas I’ve confirmed that… they live with you! Merry Christmas!Las mejores cosas de la vida nunca vienen solas, y en estas Navidades lo confirmé… ¡vienen contigo! ¡Feliz Navidad!
Merry Christmas, and I hope that the joy of the holidays repeats every day of the new year that is to come.Feliz Navidad, y que la alegría de las fiestas se repita todos los días del nuevo año que está por venir.
Sometimes, someone shows up in your life and you know immediately that they were born to be there… that’s why I’m so happy this Christmas.A veces alguien llega a tu vida y sabes de inmediato que nació para estar allí… por eso estoy tan feliz esta Navidad.
I hope that this Christmas turns every with into a flower, every pain into a star, and every tear into a smile.Que esta Navidad convierta cada deseo en flor, cada dolor en estrella, y cada lágrima en sonrisas.
Christmas isn’t necessary to live, but with you its value increases a thousand times…La Navidad no es necesaria para vivir, pero contigo aumenta su valor mil veces…
Christmas is synonymous with magic and hope. These holidays wouldn’t be the same if we didn’t spend them all together.La Navidad es sinónimo de magia y de ilusión. Estas fiestas no serían lo mismo si no las pasáramos todos juntos.
Christmas is the time of ornaments, but there is no better complement than a great smile.La Navidad es la época de los adornos, pero no hay mejor complemento que una gran sonrisa.
I hope that the Christmas ghost of love and peace accompanies you for the rest of the year.Que el espíritu de amor y paz de la Navidad te acompañe durante todo el año.
Even if we lose other things throughout the year, let’s keep Christmas as something bright.Aunque se pierdan otras cosas a lo largo de los años, mantengamos la Navidad como algo brillante.
I will honor Christmas in my heart and will try to keep it through the rest of the year.Honraré la Navidad en mi corazón y procuraré conservarla durante todo el año.
There’s nothing like Christmas to reconnect with loved ones. MY biggest wishes of happiness and union for you.No hay nada como la Navidad para el reencuentro con los seres queridos. Mis mayores deseos de felicidad y unión para ti.
Christmas isn’t a season, it’s a feeling.La Navidad no es una temporada, es un sentimiento.
Merry Christmas, I wish you have the kind that makes us remember the illusions of our childhood, reminds our grandpa of the joys of his childhood and transports the traveler through his chimney back home sweet home.Feliz Navidad, la que hace que nos acordemos de las ilusiones de nuestra infancia, le recuerde al abuelo las alegrías de su juventud y transporte al viajero a su chimenea y a su dulce hogar.
Christmas isn’t an event, but a part of home that one always carries within their heart.La Navidad no es un acontecimiento, sino una parte del hogar que uno lleva siempre en su corazón.
I wish that the spirit of Santa Claus fills your home and life with magic.Te deseo que el espíritu de Papá Noel llene de magia tu hogar y tu vida.
To value peace and generosity and to have mercy is to understand the true meaning of Christmas.Valorar la paz y la generosidad y tener merced es comprender el verdadero significado de Navidad.
Christmas isn’t a date, it’s a state of mind.La Navidad no es una fecha, es un estado en la mente.
Christmas is a season filled with magic of which the best part aren’t the presents, but rather the beautiful moments that we live by the side of our loved ones.La Navidad es una época repleta de magia en la que lo mejor no son los regalos, sino los momentos tan bellos que vivimos al lado de nuestros seres queridos.
I wish we could put the spirit of Christmas in a pint glass and to open a new one each month of the year.Ojalá pudiésemos meter el espíritu de la Navidad en tarros y abrir uno cada mes del año.
Christmas is the best time of the year to remember that the year can be filled with beautiful moments if we don’t lose the Christmas spirit.La Navidad es la mejor época para recordar que el año puede estar lleno de momentos felices si no perdemos el espíritu navideño.
The best wishes and Christmas presents aren’t material, but personal.Los mejores deseos y regalos de la Navidad no son materiales, sino personales.
Your happiness is my biggest wish this Christmas, I wholeheartedly send my promise that all of your wishes will come true this holiday season.Tu felicidad es mi mayor deseo para esta Navidad, te envío de todo corazón la promesa de que tus sueños se harán realidad en estas fechas.
Christmas is the hope of the years yet to come, with all the possible and imaginable achievements.La Navidad es la esperanza de los años por venir, con todos los posibles e imaginarios logros.
Better than all the gifts under the Christmas tree is the presence of a happy family.Mejor que todos los regalos debajo del árbol de Navidad, es la presencia de una familia feliz.
A great Christmas is made with dreams filled with peace and happiness.Una gran Navidad se hace con sueños llenos de paz y felicidad.
The magic of Christmas night is to be able to make our wishes come true.La magia de la noche de Navidad es poder convertir nuestros sueños en realidad.
Being next to you this Christmas transforms cold days into warm days and sadness into joy.Estar a tu lado esta Navidad transforma los días fríos en cálidos y las tristezas en alegrías.
Give yourself a Christmas present: forgive someone who has hurt you. Let your heart go of that weight and allow yourself to smile again.Regálate un regalo para Navidad: perdona a alguien que te ha hecho daño. Libera tu corazón de este peso y déjate sonreír de nuevo.
The magic of Christmas is the magic of people like you who make a year go by in a jiffy.La magia de la Navidad es la magia de las personas como tú, que haces que un año pase volando.
The best Christmas message is the one that comes from the silence of our hearts and warms up with tenderness the hearts of those who accompany us on our journey through life.El mejor mensaje de Navidad es el que sale del silencio de nuestros corazones y calienta con ternura los corazones de los que nos acompañan en nuestro viaje por la vida.
I hope that Christmas gives you back all your illusions from childhood, the pleasures of childhood, and the tranquility of a home. Merry Christmas!Que la Navidad te devuelva las ilusiones de la infancia, los placeres de la juventud y la tranquilidad del hogar. ¡Feliz Navidad!
The best message of Christmas faith and hope is the one of renewing our strength to continue fighting in the new year that is coming up.El mejor mensaje de fe y esperanza de la Navidad, es el de renovar nuestras fuerzas y energías para seguir luchando en el Año Nuevo que se acerca.
Christmas isn’t about opening up presents, it’s about opening up our heart.La Navidad no se trata de abrir regalos, se trata de abrir nuestro corazón.
Christmas is that sweet spot where the memories, hugs, and laughs rule radiantly.La Navidad es ese dulce espacio donde los recuerdos, los abrazos y las risas imperan radiantes.

Enjoy the holiday season with your favorite Spanish speakers

Christmas time is meant to be enjoyed with your loved ones, no matter where you are. If you find yourself in a Spanish-speaking country this Christmas or want to share your love and appreciation with your Spanish-speaking friends, then learning some of these festive ways to say Merry Christmas in Spanish is a great place to start.

For more cultural and grammatical Spanish content, check out our Spanish blog . We regularly publish thematic guides like this one, as well as vocabulary and grammar guides to help you level up your Spanish.

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