Have you ever been in a situation where you had to tell the time in Spanish? Maybe you had to schedule an airport taxi to come to pick you up, or maybe you met some friends on your trip and wanted to make some plans.
No matter what, telling time in Spanish is an essential skill that will make your conversations much, much easier!
Learning how to tell time in Spanish isnât difficult at all. If youâve mastered how to count in Spanish and know a few question words in Spanish already, then youâll have no problem getting the hang of it.
Whatâs more, telling the time in Spanish doesnât vary that much between countries. The biggest difference youâll find is that some Spanish-speaking countries routinely use military time (24-hour clock) instead of the 12-hour clock.
This is the case in Spain and a few countries in South America, but more on that later! Are you ready to start learning? ÂĄHora de comenzar!
Table of Contents
- Why learn how to tell the time in Spanish?
- Free downloadable time worksheet
- How to tell the time in Spanish
- How to say the time of day in Spanish
- How to tell exact minutes in Spanish
- Other ways to express time in Spanish
- Other time-related phrases in Spanish
- Time in Spanish - FAQs
- Fun games that will help you learn the time in Spanish
- Conclusion
Why learn how to tell the time in Spanish?
Okay, nowadays, itâs very likely that nobody will need to ask you for the time. Gone are the days when people would need to ask strangers on the street for the time (even if Hollywood movies would have us believe otherwise).
However, there are still many good reasons for us to be able to tell the time and ask for a specific time in Spanish. For example:
- You want to invite someone to an event, a date, or a business meeting.
- You want to ask a business for their operating hours.
- You need to make travel arrangements with your Airbnb host.
- You need to call a Spanish restaurant to make dinner reservations.
- Somebody calls you to reschedule and you need to pick a new time.
And the list goes on, and on, and on! There are countless situations in which knowing how to tell the time in Spanish would come in handy and it is also a building block skill that will aid you as you continue to learn, even if you are just starting out learning Spanish for kids. Luckily for you, learning to tell the time is not hard at all, and once youâve read through this guide youâll be able to navigate time-sensitive situations very easily.
What time is it in Spanish?
We've put together a worksheet to help you practice your time telling skills! Once you've completed the worksheet you can then use your mobile phone to scan the QR code for the correct answers. Good luck!
How to tell the time in Spanish
As always, you want to start with the basics and go from there. If you havenât yet, you should first learn Spanish numbers. Once youâve mastered the numbers, you can move on to essential time-related words for Spanish.
How to ask what the time is in Spanish?
The first thing youâll want to learn is hora (pronounced ora â donât forget the h is silent in Spanish!), which translates to âhourâ. When asking what time it is in Spanish, youâll be using hora instead of tiempo (time).
If this sounds confusing, just keep in mind that when you ask for the time, youâre really asking the hour (and minutes!) component of time. Think of it like youâre asking them to check what hour their clock says it is! Note that the minutes part is implicitly included in hora, so no need to ask for the minutes as well. Hereâs how to ask what time it is in Spanish
English | Spanish | Pronunciation |
Time | Tiempo | ËtjÉÌmpo |
What's the time? | ÂżQuĂ© hora es? | Ëke ËoÉŸa ËÉs |
Do you have the time? | ÂżTienes la hora? | ËtjenesÌŹ la ËoÉŸa |
Do you know what time it is? | ÂżSabes quĂ© hora es? | ËsaÎČes Ëke ËoÉŸa ËÉs |
How to tell the time on the hour
As mentioned, asking for the time in Spanish has no mention of minutes, but people are expected to give time in an hour and minutes format. But what if there are no minutes? Hereâs how to say that it is 4 PM sharp.
English | Spanish |
Itâs one oâclock | Es la una en punto |
Itâs two oâclock | Son las dos en punto |
Itâs three oâclock | Son las tres en punto |
Itâs four oâclock | Son las cuatro en punto |
Itâs five oâclock | Son las cinco en punto |
Itâs six oâclock | Son las seis en punto |
Itâs seven oâclock | Son las siete en punto |
Itâs eight oâclock | Son las ocho en punto |
Itâs nine oâclock | Son las nueve en punto |
Itâs ten oâclock | Son las diez en punto |
Itâs eleven oâclock | Son las once en punto |
Itâs twelve oâclock | Son las doce en punto |
How to say half past, quarter past, and quarter to
Now, conversationally, we donât need to get too specific when giving the time. In English, we usually say âitâs a quarter past threeâ instead of saying âitâs three fifteen.â The same is true for Spanish. Letâs get into a few examples.
English | Spanish | Pronunciation | Example Sentence |
It's half past | Y media | i ËmeĂ°ja | Son las tres y media |
Itâs quarter past | Y cuarto | i ËkwaÉŸto | Son las doce y cuarto |
Itâs quarter to | Cuarto para | ËkwaÉŸto ËpaÉŸa | Es cuarto para la una |
How to say the time of day in Spanish
Beyond just giving a specific time, youâll find that many Spanish speakers just go off of general time periods instead. We also tend to be very lax with our meeting times, especially compared to Germans and Americans who tend to be very punctual. You can read more about examples of cultural communication differences in business here.
Iâd like to think itâs due to the Spanish siesta and how rest is built into our daily routines. For whatever reason, youâll find that Spanish speakers tend to refer to meeting times as mere suggestions more so than firm commitments. Thatâs why people tend to make plans around general time periods instead of specific times in order to avoid being late.
Here are a few useful ones.
English | Spanish | Pronunciation | Example Sentence |
Morning | Mañana | maËÉČana | Son las 10 de la mañana |
Afternoon | Tarde | ËtaÉŸĂ°e | Son las 4 de la tarde |
Evening | Tarde | ËtaÉŸĂ°e | Son las 7 de la tarde |
Night | Noche | Ënoʧe | Son las 11 de la noche |
Midday / noon | MediodĂa | meĂ°joËĂ°ia | Nos vemos mañana al mediodĂa |
Midnight | Medianoche | meĂ°jaËnoʧe | Su vuelo aterriza a la medianoche |
Dusk | Anochecer | anoʧeËsÉÉŸ | Llega antes del anochecer |
Dawn | Amanecer | amaneËsÉÉŸ | DespertĂ© antes del amanecer |
Bedtime | Hora de dormir | ËoÉŸa Ă°e Ă°oÉŸËmiÉŸ | Es la hora de dormir |
Lunchtime | Hora de comer | ËoÉŸa Ă°e koËmÉÉŸ | Es la hora de comer |
Dinnertime | Hora de cenar | ËoÉŸa Ă°e seËnaÉŸ | Es la hora de cenar |
Naptime | Hora de la siesta | ËoÉŸa Ă°e la ËsjÉsta | Es la hora de la siesta |
Around X time | Como a las⊠| Ëkomo a las | Nos vemos como a las 8 |
How to tell exact minutes in Spanish
Now, even in Spanish-speaking cultures, there will be times when youâll need to say or ask for the exact time. For example, if you have a flight to catch, a job interview, or a doctorâs appointment. You would never want to be late for any of those, so knowing the exact time is important.
Asking for the exact time is similar to English: all you have to do is throw in the word âexactâ or âexactlyâ when you ask for the time.
Telling the exact minutes is also similar. First, you say the hour like you normally would and then you add the number for the minutes immediately after the number for hours. Just like in English youâd say âitâs two twenty-fiveâ to say itâs 2:25, in Spanish, youâd say âson las dos veinticinco.â
Check out the below examples.
English | Spanish | Pronunciation |
What time is it exactly? | ÂżQuĂ© hora es exactamente? | Ëke ËoÉŸa ËÉs ÉksakÌtaËmÉÌnte |
Do you have the exact time? | ÂżTienes la hora exacta? | ËtjenesÌŹ la ËoÉŸa ÉkËsakÌta |
Itâs 7:08 | Son las siete cero ocho | ËsoÌn las ËsjÉte ËsÉÉŸo Ëoʧo |
Itâs 1:25 | Es la una veinticinco | ËÉsÌŹ la Ëuna ÎČeiÌŻntiËsiÌnko |
Other ways to express time in Spanish
Beyond the simple time constructions mentioned above, there are three general ways for you to say the time in Spanish. In English, you can generally only say âitâs five forty five,â but there are a few slight variations that people may use in Spanish. Check these out:
English | Spanish |
Itâs five forty-five | Son las cinco cuarenta y cinco. |
Son las cinco y cuarenta y cinco. | |
Itâs five forty-five | Son las cinco con cuarenta y cinco. |
Whatâs the difference, you ask? Nothing. They all mean the exact same thing.
It comes down to a matter of preference and regionalisms, but there is no distinct difference between any of them. Youâre free to choose your favorite, but going with the first structure will probably make the most sense as itâs the most similar to English.
Other time-related phrases in Spanish
English | Spanish | Pronunciation | In a Sentence/Example |
Day | DĂa | Ëdia | ÂżQuĂ© dĂa nos vemos? |
Week | Semana | seËmana | La prĂłxima semana. |
Month | Mes | Ëmes | En un mes me voy a MĂ©xico. |
Year | Año | ËaÉČo | En un año cumplo 18. |
Yesterday | Ayer | aËÊÉÉŸ | Ayer me enfermĂ©. |
Today | Hoy | ËoiÌŻ | ÂĄHoy es viernes! |
Tomorrow | Mañana | maËÉČana | Mañana no trabajo. |
Monday | Lunes | Ëlunes | El lunes tengo trabajo. |
Tuesday | Martes | ËmaÉŸtes | El martes es dĂa feriado. |
Wednesday | MiĂ©rcoles | ËmjÉÉŸkoles | El miĂ©rcoles es mi cumpleaños. |
Thursday | Jueves | ËxweÎČes | ÂżQuieres ir a cenar conmigo el jueves? |
Friday | Viernes | ËbjÉÉŸnes | ÂĄYa es viernes! |
Saturday | SĂĄbado | ËsaÎČaĂ°o | El sĂĄbado voy a ir al museo. |
Sunday | Domingo | doËmiÌnÉĄo | El domingo es mi dĂa de descanso. |
Last Year | El año pasado | Él ËaÉČo paËsaĂ°o | El año pasado fui a Argentina. |
This Year | Este año | ËÉste ËaÉČo | Este año quiero ir a Chile. |
Next Year | El prĂłximo año | Él ËpÉŸoksimo ËaÉČo | El prĂłximo año me gradĂșo. |
Next Time | La prĂłxima vez | la ËpÉŸoksima ËÎČes | La prĂłxima vez yo te invito. |
Last Month | El mes pasado | Él Ëmes paËsaĂ°o | El mes pasado me dieron un aumento. |
This Month | Este mes | ËÉste Ëmes | Este mes voy a tener mucho trabajo. |
Next Month | El prĂłximo mes | Él ËpÉŸoksimo Ëmes | El prĂłximo mes me voy a Colombia. |
Take Your Time | Toma tu tiempo | Ëtoma tu ËtjÉÌmpo | Toma tu tiempo para responder. |
Once Upon A Time | Ărase una vez | ËÉÉŸase Ëuna ËÎČes | Ărase una vez, en un reino muy, muy lejano. |
A Long Time | Mucho tiempo | Ëmuʧo ËtjÉÌmpo | Me quedo en Argentina mucho tiempo. |
Sometime | Alguna vez | alËÉŁuna ËÎČes | ÂżAlguna vez has ido a Venezuela? |
Occasionally | Ocasionalmente | okasjonalËmÉÌnte | Ocasionalmente tomo vino tinto. |
Have a great time | PĂĄsalo bien | Ëpasalo ËÎČjÉÌn | ÂĄPĂĄsalo bien en tus vacaciones! |
Until next time! | ÂĄHasta la prĂłxima! | Ëasta la ËpÉŸoksima | Ya me voy. ÂĄHasta la prĂłxima! |
Over Time | A lo largo del tiempo | a lo ËlaÉŸÉŁo Ă°Él ËtjÉÌmpo | Te vas a ir acostumbrando a lo largo del tiempo. |
Time is money | El tiempo es oro | Él ËtjÉÌmpo ËÉs ËoÉŸo | El tiempo es oro, asĂ que ÂĄa trabajar! |
Time's up | ÂĄSe acabĂł el tiempo! | se akaËÎČo Él ËtjÉÌmpo | ÂĄSe acabĂł el tiempo! Ya terminĂł el examen. |
Out of time | Ya no queda tiempo | ÉÊa Ëno ËkeĂ°a ËtjÉÌmpo | Me gustarĂa conocer ese museo, pero ya no nos queda tiempo. |
Time flies | El tiempo vuela | Él ËtjÉÌmpo ËÎČwela | El tiempo vuela cuando te diviertes. |
Time in Spanish - FAQs
How do I say decades in Spanish?
Decades in Spanish are said in plural, exactly how theyâre said in English. For example, the â80s are los ochentas, the â90s are los noventas, and so on. The only difference is that you need to spell out the names of the numbers when writing them.
How do I ask âHow long?â in Spanish
English | Spanish | Pronunciation | In a Sentence/Translation |
How long | ÂżCuĂĄnto tiempo ⊠? | ËkwaÌnto ËtjÉÌmpo | ÂżCuĂĄnto tiempo te quedas? / How long are you staying? |
How long does it last? | ÂżCuĂĄnto dura ⊠? | ËkwaÌnto ËĂ°uÉŸa | ÂżCuĂĄnto dura la temporada de lluvia? / How long is the rainy season? |
How long does it take? | ÂżCuĂĄnto tarda âŠ? | ËkwaÌnto ËtaÉŸĂ°a | ÂżCuĂĄnto tarda el lavado de auto? / How long does the car wash take? |
How long have⊠| ÂżDesde cuĂĄndo ... ? | ËdÉsÌŹĂ°e ËkwaÌndo | ÂżDesde cuĂĄndo vives en Colombia? / How long have you lived in Colombia? |
How long have⊠| ÂżDe cuĂĄndo acĂĄ âŠ? | de ËkwaÌndo aËka | ÂżDe cuĂĄndo acĂĄ eres vegetariano? / How long have you been vegetarian? |
For how long? | ÂżPor cuĂĄnto tiempo âŠ? | poÉŸ ËkwaÌnto ËtjÉÌmpo | ÂżPor cuĂĄnto tiempo te quedas en PerĂș? / For how long are you staying in Peru? |
How do I tell military time in Spanish?
Many Spanish-speaking countries, like Spain and Argentina, prefer to use military time when telling time. This will take some time to get used to if youâre used to the 12-hour clock, but learning how to tell military time in Spanish is just as easy as telling time on the 12-hour clock.
Simply use the corresponding number based on a 24-hour clock instead of using a 12-hour clock. For example, instead of saying âitâs six PM,â you would say âitâs eighteenâ (son las dieciocho). Using the 24-hour clock obviates the need for specifying AM, PM, or what time of day it is.
The best way to get used to this is to practice a lot!
How do I say century in Spanish?
The Spanish word for âcenturyâ is siglo. Beyond that, you donât need to worry about using ordinal numbers when referring to a specific century. Whereas in English you would say âthe twentieth century,â in Spanish you would just say el siglo veinte. Much easier, right?
Keep in mind that centuries are usually written down using Roman numerals instead of spelling them out. So, you would say el siglo veinte but would write el siglo XX.
This might be complicated if you havenât brushed up on your Roman numerals since elementary school. Check out the following table for a refresher.
English | Spoken Spanish | Written Spanish |
16th century | El siglo dieciséis | El siglo XVI |
17th century | El siglo diecisiete | El siglo XVII |
18th century | El siglo dieciocho | El siglo XVIII |
19th century | El siglo diecinueve | El siglo XIX |
20th century | El siglo veinte | El siglo XX |
21st century | El siglo veintiuno | El siglo XXI |
Fun games that will help you learn the time in Spanish
Spanish time clock faces
This game is the easiest for large classes where individualized attention may be complicated. The teacher would need to pass out empty clock face worksheets like this one. Then, the teacher would say a time out loud and ask the students to draw the corresponding clock handles.
This game can be adjusted depending on the studentsâ level and should become increasingly difficult. For example, mix it up with 24-hour time and 12-hour time. Use phrases like y media and cuarto para to increase the difficulty level.
¿A qué hora es?
In this game, the teacher would write down a daily or weekly schedule on the board with a host of activities. Timed activities like desayuno, cena, and siesta would be ideal, but feel free to include other activities that you have recently covered in class. Make sure each activity has a specific time.
Then, you would call out each student and ask them what time youâre supposed to do something. The student will then have to look at the schedule and answer with the appropriate time. If you use a weekly schedule, you can also use this to test your students on the days of the week in Spanish.
You could even do a variation on this game to learn how to say the months in Spanish. Just create a year-long schedule with specific trips and activities happening in each month. If your students are advanced, you could ask them to call out the specific date and time of an activity!
Clock Hot Potato
Telling the time in Spanish games doesnât have to be boring, and this game is the only proof youâll need! To play this game, you will need to make a clock made out of foam. Play some music and have your students pass the clock around while the music is playing. When the music stops, ask whoever is holding the clock to translate a specific time.
Alternatively, you can say a specific time in Spanish and have the student move their hands to reflect the time. This can be great for learning how to tell military time in Spanish! The possibilities are endless, so feel free to get creative with this game.
Download our free worksheet to help you learn how to tell the time in Spanish.
Time's up. ÂĄHasta la vista!
Well, timeâs up for this blog post! We hope you found this to be a useful resource for telling the time in Spanish. As always, remember to complement learning Spanish online with some fun games and a lot of practice!
I canât promise that knowing how to tell the time in Spanish will make Spanish-speakers be more punctual, but itâll certainly help prevent any confusion on your side! Now, go out and make as many appointments as youâd like! ÂĄHasta la prĂłxima!
If you loved this article, explore more of our Spanish vocabulary blog lessons here.