Geographic features, landforms and water bodies might seem a bit technical. But don’t worry, our aim is not to give you a topography lesson!
This article on geography in French will help you in the following situations — this list is non exhaustive:
- When describing your home country or region to your francophone friends
- When getting enthusiastic about a beautiful landscape in a French speaking country, from Mont Saint-Michel to the Laurentides. You can also use these beautiful words in French, with a section dedicated to nature.
- When wanting to show off at a French dinner party (this point is the most important, right?)
So go with the flow and learn to say river in French, ocean in French, volcanoes in French and much more!
How do you say “landforms” and “water bodies” in French
First things first. “Landforms” in French is used in its singular form: “relief”. “Water bodies” can be translated as “étendues d’eau” or “masses d’eau”.
The most common landforms and bodies of water in French
Some of the words and terms below might overlap across categories. And of course, the sky's the limit. We’ve dug deep to select the most commonly used landform terms and bodies of water!
Coastal and oceanic landforms in French
There’s nothing like “l’air marin” to invigorate the spirit and soul. From beach in French to island in French, get ready for a little beach escape! Here is a song to get you into the ambiance…
English | French | IPA |
Archipelago | Archipel | aɾʃipɛl |
Atoll | Atoll | atɔl |
Bay | Baie | bɛə |
Beach | Plage | plaʒə |
Blowhole | Évent | evə |
Estuary | Estuaire | ɛstɥɛɾə |
Channel | Canal | kanal |
Cape | Cap | ka |
Gulf | Golfe | gɔlfə |
Coast | Côte | kotə |
Coral reef | Récif corallien | ɾesif kɔɾaljɛ̃ |
Cove | Anse/crique | ɑ̃sɛ/kɾikə |
Headland | Promontoire | pɾɔmõtwaɾə |
Inlet | Bras de mer | bɾa dəmεɾ |
Lagoon | Lagune | lagnə |
Peninsula | Péninsule | penɛ̃sylə |
Delta | Delta | dɛlta |
Shore | Rivage | ɾivaʒə |
Sound | Bras de mer | bɾa dəmεɾ |
Strait | Détroit | detɾwa |
Tidal pool | Mare résiduelle/flaque de marée | maɾə ɾezidœlɛ/flakə də maɾeə |
Island | Île | ilə |
Erosion landforms in French
Of course, you can describe the Grand Canyon as a big hole. But here is a helpful list in case you want to get more specific!
English | French | IPA |
Canyon | Canyon | kanjõ |
Cave | Grotte | gɾɔtə |
Cliff | Falaise | falɛzə |
Fjord | Fjord | fʒɔɾ |
Cirque | Cirque | siɾkə |
Mesa | Mesa | məsa |
Arch | Arche | aɾʃə |
Ridge | Crête | kɾɛtə |
Valley | Vallée | valeə |
Badlands | Badlands | badlɑ̃ |
Butte | Butte | bytə |
Erg | Erg | ɛɾ |
Etchplain | Plaine de gravure | plɛnə də gɾavyɾə |
Hoodoo | Hoodoo | oɔdoo |
Tepui | Tepuy | təpɥi |
Pediplain | Pédiplaine | pediplɛnə |
Peneplain | Pénéplain | peneplɛ̃ |
Limestone pavement | Plateau calcaire | plato kalkɛɾə |
Fluvial landforms
Last time I was in Louisiana, I had a heated discussion on the difference between a bayou, a swamp and a marsh. You never know when fluvial landforms vocabulary will be helpful!
And if you feel like a fish out of the water in French, it might be time to book a course…
English | French | IPA |
Floodplain | Plaine d'inondation | plɛnə dinõdasjõ |
Arroyo | Arroyo | arwajo |
Bayou | Bayou | bɛju |
Confluence | Confluence | kõflœnsə |
Basin | Bassin | basɛ̃ |
Fluvial island | Îlot fluvial | ilo flyvjal |
Gorge | Gorge | gɔɾʒə |
Delta | Delta | dɛlta |
Waterfall | Chute d'eau/Cascade | ʃytə do/kaskadə |
Natural dam | Barrage naturel | baraʒə natyɾɛl |
Swamp | Marécage | maɾekaʒə |
Marsh | Marais | maɾe |
Wetland | Zone humide | zɔnə ymidə |
Impact landforms in French
Whether they are created by Superman’s Scout ship or just a boring meteorite, learn how to describe impact landforms in French!
English | French | IPA |
Crater | Crater | kɾate |
Crater lake | Lac de cratère | lak də kɾatɛɾə |
Central peak | Pic central | pik sɑ̃tɾal |
Complex crater | Cratère complexe | kɾatɛɾə kõpləgzə |
Ejecta blanket | Manteau de projections | mɑ̃to də pɾɔʒɛktjõ |
Simple crater | Cratère simple | kɾatɛɾə sɛ̃plə |
Mountains and glacial landforms in French
Picture yourself hiking in the French or Swiss Alps. The landscape is so magnificent you are short for words. Well, not anymore with our list!
English | French | IPA |
Crevasse | Crevasse | kɾəvasə |
Glacier | Glacier | glasje |
Hill | Colline | kɔlinə |
Mountain | Montagne | mõtaɲə |
Arrête | Arrête | arɛtə |
Col | Col | kɔl |
Highland | Hautes terres | otə tɛrə |
Hill | Colline | kɔlinə |
Moraine | Moraine | mɔɾɛnə |
Mountain pass | Col de montagne | kɔl də mõtaɲə |
Mountain range | Chaîne de montagnes | ʃɛnə də mõtaɲə |
Plain | Plaine | plɛnə |
Summit | Sommet | sɔme |
Peak | Sommet | sɔme |
Plateau | Plateau | plato |
Escarpment | Escarpement | ɛskaɾpəmə |
Flat | Plaine | plɛnə |
Trim line | Trimline | tɾɛ̃linə |
Volcanic landforms in French
If you think volcanoes in French are not very useful, think again! Several French DOM-TOM — French overseas departments and territories — are volcanic, for example La Réunion, the French Antilles and French Polynesia, just to name a few!
English | French | IPA |
Geyser | Geyser | ʒɛize |
Lava | Lave | lavə |
Volcano | Volcan | vɔlkɑ̃ |
Caldera | Caldera | kaldəɾa |
Lava field | Champ de lave | ʃɑ̃ də lavə |
Lava coulee | Coulée de lave | kuleə də lavə |
Lava tube | Tunnel de lave | tynɛl də lavə |
Pit crater | Cratère de fosse | kɾatɛɾə dəfosə |
Mid-ocean ridge | Crête médio-océanique | kɾɛtə medjo-ɔseanikə |
Stratovolcano | Stratovolcan | stɾatɔvɔlkɑ̃ |
Pyroclastic shield | Bouclier pyroclastique | buklje piɾɔklastikə |
Submarine volcano | Volcan sous-marin | vɔlkɑ̃ su-maɾɛ̃ |
Subglacial volcano | Volcan sous-glaciaire | vɔlkɑ̃ su-glasjɛɾə |
Supervolcano | Supervolcan | sypɛɾvɔlkɑ̃ |
Volcanic cone | Cône volcanique | konə vɔlkanikə |
Volcanic plateau | Plateau volcanique | plato vɔlkanikə |
Fault | Faille | fajə |
Oceanic trench | Fosse océanique | fosə ɔseanikə |
Bodies of water in French
From the dreamy Calanques de Cassis to the mighly Saint-Laurent river, without forgetting the picturesque Lake Geneva, we have you covered wherever you go, even across… the pond!
English | French | IPA |
Ocean | Océan | ɔseɑ̃ |
Sea | Mer | mεɾ |
River | Rivière | ɾivjɛɾə |
Creek | Ruisseau | ɾɥiso |
Pond | Étang | etɑ̃ |
Lake | Lac | lak |
Stream | Torrent | tɔrə |
Sea arm | Bras de mer | bɾa dəmεɾ |
Spring | Source | suɾsə |
Mangrove | Mangrove | mɑ̃gɾɔvə |
Puddle | Flaque d'eau | flakə do |
Oasis | Oasis | oazi |
Phrases or idioms that contain landforms in French
Ce n’est pas la mer à boire
- Literal translation: It’s not the sea to drink
- Meaning: It’s not asking the impossible
Ça coule de source
- Literal translation: It flows from a spring
- Meaning: It’s a no-brainer, it’s obvious
C’est une goutte d’eau dans l’océan
- Literal translation: It’s a drop in the ocean
- Meaning: It’s a small thing
Déplacer des montagnes
- Literal translation: To move mountains
- Meaning: To do impossible things, to go out of one’s way
Il y a anguille sous roche
- Literal translation: There is eel under rock
- Meaning: I smell a rat, something suspicious
La vie n’est pas un long fleuve tranquille
- Literal translation: Life is not a long, quiet river
- Meaning: Life is not easy
If you feel like the King of the Hill after learning all this French vocab, don’t stop there and have a look at these weather words and expressions in French.
And to help you remember these water bodies and landforms in French, listen to this vintage song.