Famous women you didn’t know are bilingual
Kyle Carney
Women are capable of some very amazing things and March is a month to celebrate the accomplishments and impact women have in America.
As part of Women’s History Month, we wanted to recognize one of the most significant achievements we can think of (okay, we’re a little biased as a language provider): famous women who are bilingual. It is a skill that can open your world and these women fully embraced the challenge of learning new languages.
But, before we get started, let’s first talk a little about Women’s History Month.
What started as Women’s History Week in 1978 has blossomed into a full month dedicated to celebrating the contributions women have made to the history of the United States. Since 1987, March has been designated as Women’s History Month in the United States, with Mach 8th being set aside as International Women’s Day.
Now that you know a little more about Women’s History Month, let’s dive into some famous women you may not know speak (or spoke) multiple languages.