French is often considered one of the most beautiful languages in the world. And some words and sayings are more striking than others.
Would you like to learn some pretty French words and beautiful French sayings to impress your French teacher, or your French speaking friends?
We have compiled some of the most beautiful French words and meanings, whether you’re already amoureux de la langue française, or not convinced — yet — it’s a lovely language.
Bonne lecture !
Beautiful French vocab
Let’s start with some of the most beloved French words. Don’t they sound pretty? And if you’re looking for powerful, beautiful French words to compliment your francophone love interest, check out this article!
Beautiful French words
Poetic, elegant or plain cute, make sure to add these words to your vocab list!
French | IPA | English |
Flâner | flɑne | Stroll |
Feuilleter | fœjəte | Browse |
Badiner | badine | Play games, joke around |
Éphémère | epemɛɾə | Ephemeral |
Gargantuesque | gaɾgɑ̃tœskə | Gargantuan |
Rocambolesque | ɾɔkɑ̃bɔlɛskə | Rocambolesque |
Épistolaire | epistɔlɛɾə | Epistolary |
Sempiternel | sɑ̃pitɛɾnɛl | Sempiternal |
Onirique | ɔniɾikə | Dreamlike |
Dépaysement | depɛjsəmə | Change of scenery |
Mélancolie | melɑ̃kɔljə | Melancholy |
Exutoire | ɛgzytwaɾə | Outing, escape |
Époustouflant | epustuflɑ̃ | Breathtaking |
Panache | panaʃə | Panache |
Ivresse | ivɾɛsə | Intoxication |
Merveilleux/Merveilleuse | mɛɾvɛj(ø)ks/mɛɾvɛjøzə | Wonderful |
Ange | ɑ̃ʒə | Angel |
Folie | fɔljə | Madness |
Incroyable | ɛ̃kɾwajablə | Incredible |
Effleurer | ɛflœɾe | Skim |
Chuchoter | ʃyʃɔte | Whisper |
Citronnade | sitɾɔnadə | Lemonade |
Douceur | dusœɾ | Sweetness |
Envie | ɑ̃vjə | Envy |
Parapluie | paɾaplɥjə | Umbrella |
Plaisir | pl(e)ziɾ | Pleasure |
Rêve | ɾɛvə | Dream |
Appétissant/Appétissante | apetisɑ̃t/apetisɑ̃tə | Appetizing |
Délicieux/Délicieuse | delisjœks/delisjøzə | Delicious |
Effervescence | ɛfɛɾvɛssɑ̃sə | Effervescence |
Espoir | ɛspwaɾ | Hope |
Utopie | ytɔpjə | Utopia |
Miette | mjɛtə | Crumb |
Exquis/exquise | ɛkskis/ɛkskizə | Exquisite |
Résilience | ɾeziljɑ̃sə | Resilience |
Frimousse | fɾimusə | Little face, cute face |
Chatoyant/Chatoyante | ʃatwajɑ̃t/ʃatwajɑ̃tə | Shimmering |
Étincelle | etɛ̃sɛlə | Sparkle |
Beautiful French phrases, sayings and quotes
Some of these beautiful French quotes might already sound familiar. Keep reading to learn new ones!
And if you love French expressions, check out these funny sayings explained.
French | IPA | Literal meaning | Actual meaning |
Un je-ne-sais-quoi | œ̃ ʒə-nə-se-kwa | A I-don’t-know-what | A je-ne-sais-quoi |
Un air de rien | œ̃n‿ ɛɾ də ɾjɛ̃ | An air of nothing | A detached look |
Qui vivra verra | ki vivɾa vɛra | Who will live to see | Wait and see |
L'habit ne fait pas le moine | labi nə fe pa lə mwanə | Clothes don't make the monk | You can’t judge a book by its cover |
Chacun voit midi à sa porte | ʃakœ̃ vwa midi a sa pɔɾtə | Each one sees noon to his own door | One tends to prioritize one's well-being before considering the others |
Mieux vaut prévenir que guérir | mjø vo pɾevəniɾ kə geɾiɾ | Better to prevent than to cure | An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure |
Petit à petit, l'oiseau fait son nid | pətit‿ a pəti, lwazo fe sõ ni | Little by little, the bird makes its nest | Slowly but surely |
La vie est belle | la vjɛ bɛlə | Life is beautiful | Life is beautiful |
C’est la vie | kɛ la vjə | It is life | C’est la vie |
Fais de beaux rêves | fe də bo ɾɛvə | Have sweet dreams | Sweet dreams |
En faire tout un fromage | ɑ̃ fɛɾə tut‿ œ̃ fɾɔmaʒə | Make a whole cheese of something | Make a big deal of something |
Être né(e) sous une bonne étoile | ɛtɾə ne(ɛ) suz‿ ynə bɔn etwalə | Being born under a good star | Being born under a lucky star |
Vivre d’amour et d’eau fraîche | vivɾə damuɾe do fɾɛʃə | Living on love and fresh water | Live a carefree existence, with no worries or responsibilities |
Other cool French words related to nature
French is a very lyrical language, which is perfect to write poetry — or to describe the amazing nature that surrounds us. Nature lovers will also appreciate our articles on animals in French, birds in French and flowers in French.
French | IPA | English meaning |
Canopée | kanɔpeə | Canopy |
Clapotis | klapɔti | Small splash |
Papillon | papijõ | Butterfly |
Coccinelle | kɔkinɛlə | Ladybug |
Abeille | abɛjə | Bee |
Albatros | albatɾo | Albatross |
Hirondelle | iɾõdɛlə | Swallow |
Myrtille | miɾtijə | Blueberry |
Pluie | plɥjə | Rain |
Étoile | etwalə | Star |
Voie lactée | vwaə lakteə | Milky Way |
Coquillage | kɔkijaʒə | Shell |
Pamplemousse | pɑ̃pləmusə | Grapefruit |
Tournesol | tuɾnəsɔl | Sunflower |
Hippocampe | ipɔkɑ̃pə | Seahorse |
Bernard l'hermite | bɛɾnaɾ lɛɾmitə | Hermit crab |
Brindille | bɾɛ̃dijə | Twig |
Rosée | ɾozeə | Dew |
Pâquerette | pɑkəɾɛtə | Daisy |
Plage | plaʒə | Beach |
Soleil | sɔlɛj | Sun |
Bois | bwɑ | Woods |
Loup | lu | Wolf |
Orignal | ɔɾiɲal | Moose |
Méduse | medyzə | Jellyfish |
Cîme | kimə | Ridge |
Neige | nɛʒə | Snow |
Brume | bɾymə | Mist |
Paysage | pɛjsaʒə | Landscape |
Champêtre | ʃɑ̃pɛtɾə | Country |
Océan | ɔseɑ̃ | Ocean |
Tourterelle | tuɾtəɾɛlə | Turtle Dove |
Banquise | bɑ̃kizə | Sea ice |
Aurore | ɔɾɔɾə | Dawn |
Aurore boréale | ɔɾɔɾə bɔɾealə | Northern lights |
Lagon | lagõ | Lagoon |
Crépuscule | kɾepyskylə | Twilight |
Firmament | fiɾmamə | Firmament |
How to sound cool in French
Cut words in half
The French language is long-winded, and, admittedly, a little pompous at times. So what can you do to sound cool when you speak French? Well, you can start by learning these 275 slang words and phrases.
Then, you can apply the guillotine technique, which became infamous during the Révolution. Just kidding, today, we’re only going to cut… words! Watch this video to find out how you can cut French words in half and sound like a local. Trop cool !
Adopt the “Je m’en fiche” attitude
If you want to sound and look cool in France, adopt a “blasée”, “nonchalante” attitude. In other words, just act like you don’t care.
In fact, French people have dozens of expressions to say they don’t care! You can learn the most common ones in this video.
Je m'en moque / je m'en fous / Je m'en ...
And even more unique French words… related to love
French is the language of love, right? Or at least, one of them. Therefore, we had to include a special section on l’amour ! You might also want to learn these weird and wonderful ways to say I love you in French.
French | IPA | Literal meaning | Actual meaning (if different) |
Amour | amuɾ | Love | |
Chéri | ʃeɾi | Darling | |
Bisou | bizu | Kiss | |
Cœur | kœɾ | Heart | |
Passion | pasjõ | Passion | |
Romantique | ɾɔmɑ̃tikə | Romantic | |
Câlin | kɑlɛ̃ | Cuddle | |
Moitié | mwatje | Half | Other half |
Concubin/Concubine | kõkybin/kõkybinə | Partner | |
Amoureux/amoureuse | amuɾ(ø)ks/amuɾøzə | Lover | |
Épris/Éprise | epɾis/epɾizə | In love | |
Coup de foudre | ku də fudɾə | Lightning strike | Love at first sight |
Amourette | amuɾɛtə | Fling |
French can be weird…
We are aware that some of these unique and cool French words and phrases might be a bit challenging to learn. You might also think they don’t make sense. But don’t worry, you’re not the only one struggling! In this hilarious video, Loïc Suberville explains some of the craziest, weirdest, and maybe most frustrating aspects of French. And since we love weird, here is a list of bizarre French words.
French | IPA | Literal meaning | Actual meaning (if different) |
Caoutchouc | kautʃuk | Rubber | |
Yaourter | jauɾte | Yogurt (verb) | Pretend that you know the lyrics of a song when singing |
Frappadingue | fɾapadɛ̃gə | Nutcase | Completely crazy |
Hurluberlu | yɾlybɛɾly | Oddball | |
Tohu-bohu | toy-boy | Hurly-burly | Hustle and bustle |
Chauve-souris | ʃovə-suɾi | Bold mouse | Bat |
Cerf-volant | sɛɾf-vɔlɑ̃ | Flying deer | Kite |
Saperlipopette | sapɛɾlipɔpɛtə | Damm | |
Fute-fute | fytə-fytə | Smart | |
Raplapla | ɾaplapla | Flat, with no energy | |
Vachement | vaʃəmə | Very |
If you’ve read the entire article, we hope that you’ve enriched your vocab with some unique, weird and beautiful French words. Words are very powerful in any language. If you’re a word lover like us, don’t miss this ode to words — “Les mots”, by the French singer and songwriter Renaud. C’est si beau !
Keep up your beautiful and FREE French language learning journey via our French blog here.