If you’ve ever heard an Australian speak, you may have thought to yourself, “what on Earth are they saying?!” For any non-Australian who hasn’t spent a considerable amount of time surrounded by Australians, understanding Aussie slang can be a challenge.
And for a good reason, because Aussies have a knack for turning everyday words into colorful expressions that can leave uninitiated scratching their heads in confusion.
If that’s you, this guide will help you crack the code to Australian slang so you can communicate like a local. We’ve gathered over 130 Aussie slang terms to get you started.
A complete list of iconic Australian slang terms and phrases
If you’ve ever found yourself casually conversing with an Australian, you may have gotten slightly confused with words like “arvo,” “barbie,” “blue swimmer,” and “a brekkie.”
The good news is, there seems to be a universal rule: when in doubt, shorten it! That’s why instead of “good afternoon,” you’ll hear “arvo, mate,” and instead of “have a good day,” you’ll hear “g’day!”
To help you speak like a local, we’ve compiled a list of the most common terms in Aussie slang with their meaning and an example sentence.
Everyday Australian slang words
If you’re planning a trip to Australia or you’re interacting with Australians on a daily basis, you may find it challenging to understand what they’re saying half of the time.
To help you crack the code and navigate those daily conversations, here’s a list of everyday Australian slang words you may need.
Slang word/phrase | Meaning | Example sentence |
Arvo | Afternoon | I'll see you this arvo. |
Aussie salute | Brushing away flies | He's doing the Aussie salute to keep the flies off. |
Barbie | Barbecue | Let's have a barbie this weekend. |
Bathers | Swimsuit | Don't forget your bathers if we're going to the pool. |
Bikkie | Biscuit | Would you like a bikkie with your tea? |
Bloody oath | Absolutely true | Did you hear about the new job? Bloody oath! |
Bludger | Someone who is lazy | I chucked a sickie because I’m a bludger. |
Bogan | Unsophisticated person | He's a bit of a bogan, but he's alright. |
Bogged | Stuck in mud or sand | The car got bogged in the sand at the beach. |
Bonza | Excellent | That's a bonza idea! |
Bottle-o | Bottle shop (liquor store) | I'll swing by the bottle-o on the way home. |
Brah | Brother/friend/mate | How’s it going, brah? |
Brekkie | Breakfast | I'm hungry. Let's grab some brekkie. |
Brekky run | A trip to get breakfast | I'm going on a brekky run. Do you want anything? |
Bundy | Bundaberg Rum | Let's have some Bundy and coke. |
Bung | Broken or malfunctioning | The computer's bung again. |
Bush | Rural area | They live out in the bush. |
Cark it | To die | My old car finally carked it. |
Chock-a-block | Completely full | The parking lot was chock-a-block with cars. |
Chockers | Full | The cinema was chockers last night. |
Chook | Chicken | Let's roast a chook for dinner. |
Chrissie | Christmas | We're having a big lunch on Chrissie Day. |
Chrissie pressie | Christmas present | Did you get any good Chrissie pressies this year? |
Chuck a sickie | Take a day off pretending to be sick | I don't feel like going to work today. I might chuck a sickie. |
Chuck a U-ey | Make a U-turn | I missed the turn. I'll have to chuck a U-ey. |
Cobber | Mate or friend | He's my old cobber from school. |
Dag | Silly person | He's a bit of a dag, but he's fun. |
Daggy | Unfashionable or eccentric | I know my outfit is a bit daggy, but it's comfortable. |
Daks | Trousers | I need to buy some new daks for work. |
Dead horse | Tomato sauce | Pass the dead horse, please. |
Deadset | Absolutely true | Are you deadset about going to the concert? |
Dero | Short for derelict | I feel a bit dero today because I’m hungover. |
Dunny | Toilet | Where's the dunny in this place? |
Dunny budgie | Blowfly | There's a dunny budgie buzzing around in here. |
Esky | Portable cooler | Grab some drinks from the esky before we go. |
Fair dinkum | Genuine | Are you fair dinkum about moving to the Outback? |
Fairy floss | Cotton candy | Let's get some fairy floss at the fair. |
Feral | Wild or untamed | Those feral kids are always causing trouble. |
Flick | To dismiss or get rid of | I had to flick my old phone, it was broken. |
Footy | Football (Australian Rules) | Are you going to watch the footy this weekend? |
Full as a goog | Having, eaten too much, or very drunk | He was full as a goog after the party. |
G'day | Hello | G'day mate, how's it going? |
Garbo | Garbage collector | The garbo comes every Tuesday to pick up the trash. |
Go walkabout | Wander off, disappear | Have you seen the cat? It's gone walkabout again. |
Good onya | Well done | You finished the project early? Good onya! |
Goon bag | Cheap wine in a bag | We drank a whole goon bag last night. |
Grog | Alcohol | Let's grab some grog for the party. |
Hoon | Reckless driver or troublemaker | Those hoons were speeding down the street. |
Loo | Toilet | I need to use the loo. |
Macca's | McDonald's | Let's grab some Macca's for dinner. |
Maccas run | A trip to McDonald's | Anyone up for a late-night Maccas run? |
Mates rates | Discount for friends | He gave me mates rates on the repair job. |
Middy | A type of beer glass | I'll have a middy of beer, thanks. |
Moolah | Money | That car cost a lot of moolah. |
Paddock | Field or meadow | The cows are out in the paddock. |
Pash | A passionate kiss | They had a pash behind the school. |
Pommy | English person | He's a Pommy, just moved here from England. |
Ratbag | Troublemaker | He's a bit of a ratbag, always causing trouble. |
Reckon | Think or believe | Do you reckon it'll rain tomorrow? |
Ridgy-didge | Genuine/authentic | He's a ridgy-didge Aussie bloke. |
Rip snorter | Excellent | That was a rip snorter of a party! |
Ripper | Excellent | That's a ripper of a catch! |
Robbo | Robert | I'm meeting Robbo for lunch. |
Rock up | Arrive | What time did you rock up to the party? |
Roo | Kangaroo | Watch out for roos on the road at night. |
Roo bar | Bull bar on a vehicle | The kangaroo hit the roo bar and bounced off. |
Roughie | Longshot in betting | I'm putting a bet on the roughie in the next race. |
Sanga | Sandwich | I'll make myself a sanga for lunch. |
Sanger | Sandwich | I'll grab a sanger for lunch. |
Servo | Gas station | I need to fill up at the servo. |
She'll be right | Everything will be okay | I forgot to bring my umbrella, but she'll be right. |
Sheila | Woman | She's a good sheila, always fun to be around. |
Sickie | A day off due to pretended illness | I'm taking a sickie tomorrow to go fishing. |
Smoko | Smoke break | I'll meet you outside for a smoko. |
Snag | Sausage | Throw another snag on the barbie. |
Sook | A person who complains a lot | Stop being such a sook and get on with it. |
Spit the dummy | Have a tantrum | He spat the dummy when he lost the game. |
Spunk | Attractive person | He's a bit of a spunk, isn't he? |
Strewth | Expression of surprise or dismay | Strewth, did you see the size of that spider? |
Stubbie | Short, squat beer bottle | I'll grab a six-pack of stubbies for the party. |
Stubby holder | Insulated holder for a beer can or bottle | Grab a stubby holder to keep your beer cold. |
Swag | Sleeping bag and bedding for camping | We rolled out our swags and slept under the stars. |
Thongs | Flip-flops | I'm wearing my thongs to the beach. |
Tinny | Can of beer / a small boat | Let's crack open a tinny. / Let’s take the tinny out this arvo, it’s a cracker! |
Togs | Swimsuit | Don't forget your togs if we're going to the beach. |
Trackie daks | Tracksuit pants | I'm just going to lounge around in my trackie daks. |
Tradie | Tradesperson | The tradie fixed our plumbing yesterday. |
Ute | Utility vehicle | He's got all his tools in the back of his ute. |
Woop Woop | Remote or faraway place | He lives out in Woop Woop, miles from anywhere. |
Yabber | Talk incessantly | He can yabber on for hours about nothing. |
Yobbo | Uncouth or unruly person | Those yobbos were causing trouble at the pub. |
Funny & quirky Australian slang phrases and insults
Australian English has a lot in common with British English. First of all, the Australian accent can be easily confused for British to the untrained ear. Secondly, some common British slang words and phrases are also present in Australian lingo.
And thirdly - and funnily enough - both Australian and British slang often use somewhat unfiltered phrases to describe people or situations that can often be perceived as vulgar and offensive by non-Australian or non-British speakers.
Here are 40 Australian slang insults, that may simply be just a way of speaking. Be warned, they may make you laugh or feel offended.
Slang word/phrase | Meaning | Example sentence |
All over the shop | Disorganised, chaotic | His presentation was all over the shop, he couldn't focus. |
As useful as an ashtray on a motorbike | Completely useless | That idea is about as useful as an ashtray on a motorbike. |
Bonkers | Going beyond what is normal or conventional, very enthusiastic | After hearing his plan, I thought he was bonkers. |
Brassed off | Fed up, annoyed | I'm brassed off with all this rain ruining my plans. |
Cactus | Broken, not working properly | My old computer is cactus, time for a new one. |
Cheese and kisses | One’s wife or girlfriend, slang for rhyming with “missus” | Is it boy's night only or shall we invite the cheese and kisses? |
Chuck a wobbly | To throw a tantrum | He chucked a wobbly when he lost the game. |
Chunder | To vomit | You look like you’re going to chunder after that rollercoaster ride! |
Cocky as a rooster | Overconfident | He's as cocky as a rooster, thinks he knows everything. |
Couldn't organise a piss-up in a brewery | Very disorganised | He couldn't organise a piss-up in a brewery, even if he tried. |
Dodgy | Suspicious, unreliable | I don't trust that guy, he seems a bit dodgy. |
Dog's breakfast | A mess, chaotic situation | The party was a dog's breakfast, nothing went right. |
Face like a dropped pie | Unhappy or disappointed | He came back from the meeting with a face like a dropped pie. |
Flat out like a lizard drinking | Very busy | I've been flat out like a lizard drinking all day. |
Flat out like a lizard drinking on a rock | Very busy | I've been flat out like a lizard drinking on a rock all day. |
Fruit loop | Eccentric person | He's a bit of a fruit loop, always talking to himself. |
Full as a goog | Very drunk | He was full as a goog after the party. |
Full of beans | Energetic, lively | The kids were full of beans after the party. |
Go spare | Become very angry | If he finds out, he'll go spare. |
Gone troppo | Become angrily irrational | Living in isolation for so long, he's gone troppo. |
Happy as Larry | Extremely happy | He was happy as Larry when he won the lottery. |
Hard yakka | Hard work | It’s hard yakka raising children! |
Hit the frog and toad | To begin a journey on the road | It’s nearly dinnertime. Let’s hit the frog and toad! |
Knackered | Exhausted, very tired | After the long hike, I was absolutely knackered. |
Mad as a cut snake | Extremely angry | He was mad as a cut snake when he found out. |
Not the brightest crayon in the box | Not very smart | Let's face it, he's not the brightest crayon in the box. |
Not the full picnic | Not very intelligent or rational | He's not the full picnic if he thinks that'll work. |
Not the full quid | Not very intelligent or clueless | He's not the full quid if he thinks that'll work. |
Not the sharpest tool in the shed | Not very smart | Let's face it, he's not the sharpest tool in the shed. |
Pull the other one | I don't believe you | "I found a hundred-dollar bill on the ground." "Pull the other one." |
Spit the dummy | Have a tantrum | He spat the dummy when he lost the game. |
Spitting chips | Extremely angry or frustrated | He was spitting chips after losing the game. |
Stickybeak | Nosy person | Stop being such a stickybeak and mind your own business. |
Stink-eye | A disapproving or angry look | She gave him the stink-eye when he arrived late. |
Sucked in | Fooled or tricked | He thought he won, but he was sucked in. |
Tin arse | Someone who is lucky | He's got a tin arse, always winning competitions. |
Two sandwiches short of a picnic | Not very smart | He's two sandwiches short of a picnic if he believes that. |
Up a gumtree | In trouble or difficulty | Since he lost his job, he's been up a gumtree. |
Wombat's picnic | A very unsuccessful event or outing | The camping trip turned into a wombat's picnic. |
Wonky | Unsteady or shaky | The table leg is wonky, it needs fixing. |
Aussie slang for banknotes
The Australians love to create funny slang for everything - from the avocado they eat for breakfast (the avo for brekkie) to the dollar bills. For any non-Australian, creating slang words for banknotes based on their color is something pretty bizarre.
After all, who would think that in Australia, a lobster isn’t only the big red crab you eat in a fancy restaurant but also a $20 note? Here are some common Aussie slang terms for each banknote.
Banknote | Color | Slang |
$5 note | Pink |
$10 note | Blue |
$20 note | Red |
$50 note | Yellow |
$100 note | Green |
Regional variations of Aussie slang
As in any other country, the slang varies from region to region. Although Australia’s regional variations aren’t as pronounced as the regional variants of British slang across the UK, there are still some words and expressions that vary depending on which part of Australia you’re in.
Australia is divided into 7 main regions:
- Western Australia (Perth, Fremantle, Broome)
- Northern Territory (Darwin, Alice Springs)
- South Australia (Adelaide)
- Queensland (Brisbane, Gold Coast)
- New South Wales (Sydney, New Castle, Wollongong)
- Victoria (Melbourne, Geelong)
- Tasmania (Hobart)
In each region, the slang expressions change slightly. Here are some examples:
- A swimsuit is “togs” in Queensland, “cossies” in New South Wales, and “bathers” in Victoria.
- What’s called a “corner shop” in Victoria is called a “deli” in Western Australia and a “milkbar” in Queensland.
- The afternoon in the eastern region (i.e., Victoria, New South Wales, and Queensland) is “arvo,” but in South Australia, it’s “aftie.”
How to speak Australian slang
So, you’re keen to speak like a true Aussie. No worries, brah! First off, Aussie slang can be a bit like learning a new language (even if you’re a native English speaker), but don’t chuck a wobbly if you don’t get it right away.
The fastest way to learn is to listen to how locals use different slang words in conversation and try to suss out the meaning from context. For example, if someone mentions grabbing a “tinny” on a scorching hot day, you’ll know right away they aren’t talking about a can of tune but a cold beer.
Another trick to learning how to speak Aussie slang faster is to pick up on common usage patterns. For instance, Aussies love shortening words whenever they can. Brekkie for breakfast, barbie for barbecue, arvo for afternoon - you get the idea.
The most important thing, however, is to always be culturally sensitive and respectful when using Aussie slang. It’s all good to use it, but remember that some words might have different meanings or connotations in different contexts. So, make sure to ask if you don’t understand something or aren’t sure when to use a particular slang word. Better safe than sorry!
Famous personalities you didn’t know were Australian
You’ve surely heard that unmistakable Australian accent somewhere before. Whether you’re a die-hard fan of Crocodile Dundee, have chuckled along with Kath & Kim, or found yourself tapping your foot to Men at Work’s tunes, Aussie slang has found a way to sneak into your consciousness.
Here are some famous people you may not have known were Australian:
- Hugh Jackman - From Sydney, New South Wales. You may know him as Wolverine in the X-Men.
- Nicole Kidman - Born in Honolulu, Hawaii, but raised in Sydney, Australia. We don’t need to tell you who she is!
- Chris Hemsworth - From Melbourne, Victoria. God bless Australian men!
- Margot Robbie - From Dalby, Queensland. You might have seen her portraying Harley Quinn in the Suicide Squad or Barbie in Barbie.
- Rebel Wilson - From Sydney, New South Wales. You know her from comedies like Pitch Perfect, Isn’t It Romantic, and How to Be Single (great rom-coms!).
These iconic characters and personalities have made Aussie lingo as famous as Vegemite on toast, spreading it across popular films, TV shows, and programs.
Here’s Margot Robbie teaching you some Australian slang words:
Barbie's Margot Robbie Teaches You Australian Slang | Vanity Fair
And here’s Chris Hemsworth talking about using his natural Australian accent in Ghostbusters:
Chris Hemsworth on using his Aussie accent in Ghostbusters
Cheers, mate!
Although this article won’t make you speak like a true Aussie in the matter of however many minutes you spent reading it, it should give you a pretty good idea of Australian lingo and phrases. From arvo and barbie to brekkie and tinny, we’ve covered it all (we tried to)!
But remember, mastering Aussie slang isn’t just about sounding like a local. It’s also about mastering the laid-back, easygoing Aussie spirit. So, go ahead and have fun with it! After all, Aussie slang is full of funny and quirky expressions that are sure to put a smile on your face.
And if you’d like to explore other English slang, check out our article on British slang or the one on the differences between British English and American English